Credit Where Credit's Due (Closed)

Taking a breath and slowly letting it out, "I wish that as well," whispering with a hint of sadness. There are just some things that are not meant to be. Not now at least. Maybe somehwere down the line. That would have to come later. Moving my arm to reach under and over, curling to hold her against me, feeling every time she inhaled for her chest to press into me.

Mmmm. Already cast in darkness, my eyes slowly closed. Trying to picture what it would be like to have her in the light. Bet she was as hot as she felt. Maybe with bright blue eyes, hypnotic in a way. Certainly had the lips. A shiver rolled through my entire body. Slowly that stamina was coming back. Heart rate calming. The feeling in my fingertips and toes was coming back as well.
"It is rather unfair that I'm the only one who gets to look into your eyes... Though I'm not sure if you would prefer mine. They are a bit abnormal." Her Head rested on his chest near his collarbone. She could hear his heartbeat slowing, winding down from the excitement of pleasing one another.
"Unfortunately the Galaxy is not fair" speaking in a whisper. It came from personal experience. A man and a woman can dream. Besides, this was a dream coming true right now, and we are going to enjoy it. We didn't need to keep fucking to feel the warmth of each other. This was as close to perfect as I wanted.

A thought came to mind, what did she mean by abnormal? Was one bigger than the other? Did she have three eyes. Part of me was saying not to ask. The other half now needed to know. Pursing my lips and wetting them with a flick of the tongue. Looking down at what I felt was the top of her head, "Why do you say that, Gra'tia?"
He wasn't wrong- the Galaxy was full of injustices. One could only try to change what was in their power to do so. She had the power to take off her helmet for him, but that would mean abandoning everything and everyone she knew for him. One could bathe in the sacred waters if one's helmet was removed in battle, for medical attention, by accident or trickery, but to willfully remove one's helmet for the express purpose of showing someone else your true face was unforgivable.

There was a bit of a hesitant silence before she said, "I lack pigment in one of my eyes, so it's red. The other is blue. It looks a bit odd, but it doesn't affect my sight." She admitted.
Interesting. A red eye? I've seen a lot of creatures with red eyes. Never a human. Was it a birth defect? Wanted to ask. That wouldn't be right. Probably too personal. Kinda of cool to think about it. As hard of a person she is, a hard fighter, seeing the red in her eyes would be something that can shake an enemy to their core, if getting that close. Mandalorians love to fight hand-to-hand.

"I wish I could see..." stopping myself from speaking the rest. No. That would feel like guilt tripping. That is not right. Her ways prohibit it. Best to just respect it. "What else can you describe to me, about the rest of your body?"
“Well, I am allowed to show you my body, if not my face, so you’ll be acquainted with the sight of that very soon,” she said, amusement clear in her voice, “I can describe my face to you though. I have a deep blue eye and a red eye with a pinkish hue. I have a small, thin nose and my lips are dainty and pink. My skin is pale, and my hair is white. All of my hair is white, even my eyelashes.”
Slowly my head turned to her. White hair and eyelashes? In all my travels I have never seen someone with all white hair. A lot of dye jobs in those casino and pleasure planets. Old women thinking that they can fool people into thinking they're all natural with that cheap crap. All white all over? How was that possible? Don't think about it. I'm not in genetics or in a position to mock her.

Short white hair. One deep blue and one red eye. Thin nose and dainty, pink lips. Pale skin. White hair. Hard body. Huge chest and backside. Killer thighs. Again my cheeks burned a little. Those intrusive thoughts returned. Picturing what she would look like without the helmet and armor. A hot naked body curled up in my arms.

There was nothing interesting about my body, I thought.
He was completely silent, and she started to worry. "Are you... dissatisfied with my appearance?" she asked. It was odd; she wasn't sure why it was important to her that he find the idea of her face attractive when he wasn't going to be looking at it. In truth, she felt a bit silly for feeling that way.
"Huh? Oh! Sorry, I was just thinking of you," just now realizing that I was silent the entire time. For I thought I had been talking. That was just the voice in my head. Now my cheeks were red from embarassment. It was the truth, just trying to imagine. "No. No. Not at all, Gra'tia," in a soft tone, looking at where I thought her face was. "I was just trying to picture what you describe to me. I've never seen someone with all white hair before."

Saying it was 'interesting' would feel kinda insulting to her, I thought. Intriguing? Hmm. Sexy? "I would love to see it some day."
It seemed that both of their cheeks were secretly blazing in the darkness, as his comment made the warrior's cheeks flush. So he liked the idea of white hair? That made her feel better, and she smiled to herself in a pleased manner before addressing him.

"Perhaps I'll grow my hair long so that it comes out from under my helmet and you can see it with your own eyes. I'll also consider trying to draw my face, but my artistic skills are rather... limited at the moment. In the meantime, I suppose you will simply have to be handsome enough for both of us, but somehow I think you'll manage." Her hand came up and she gently stroked his face.
Handsome, me? She really was the full package. Feeling her hand against my face, my smile was painted across my face. Her finers graced me for a time. The tingling sensation each stroke sent through my body made me feel warm and fuzzy all over.

"If that's what you wish for, Gra'tia. I would like that. That will come later, though. For now, until we have to, let's just keep doing what we are doing right now, and enjoy the moment," before leaning in and kissing her forehead. That took some effort to find it. First attempt my lips found her hairline. Next one got her forehead. Gave her a firm kiss and leaned back, curling my arm to keep her frame firmly pressed against me.
Her eyes closed as his lips found her forehead, and her body fully relaxed. She was so relaxed in fact, that she started to become drowsy. "Redar..." she murmured. "I should probably get up and go back to my room..." There was a dissatisfied huff. "But I don't want to."
I didn't want her to leave either. The darkness. Her warmth. Her chest against me. At that moment everything felt perfect for me. For since I could remember, now, after everything, I truly felt happy. Not content. Content came after completing a mission. Getting paid and getting laid. That was just to satisfy myself until the next mission.

"Then don't leave," whispering softly before giving another kiss to her forehead. "No one said you had to leave right now."
"But I probably should..." her voice was more soft and drowsy, and soon she was breathing evenly, having fallen asleep in his arms. It felt safe there, wrapped up by his warmth and the steady rhythm of his own breath. It had been a very long time since she had felt truly safe; the idea of falling asleep naked in someone's arms, completely defenseless would have shocked her just a few months ago.
At any moment someone could walk in and catch us. Let it happen, I thought. We are happy. Let us enjoy this moment a little while longer. Such an event may never happen to us again. She was asleep and I was happy. How I loved to cuddle. Those dockside whores of before didn't get cuddles. This was probably the first time I truly cuddled. No more pillow talk. Just the two of us.

For awhile I held onto her, lightly kissed her forehead again. Then once more I missed and touched her hair. Now knowing it to be white that smile remained on my lips. Slowly the picture of her was coming together.
She dozed off for a while longer before she woke up, unaware of how much time had passed. Gra’tia wondered if he was asleep, and debated on whether she should wake him up. She decided it would be kinder not to, but she probably ought to put her helmet back on.

The woman started to slowly and gently move herself from his arms, intent on getting up from the bed and at least putting on her helmet, if not the rest of her armor.
At some point I fell asleep. With the darkness it was impossible to tell. For all I knew I was sleeping with my eyes open. It made no difference. It was peaceful. No worries. All over my body was numb. Maybe it was the heat given over by Gra'tia. Or something that happened when we climaxed together.

It came in flashes. Glimpses of her face. Each flash it changed. First it was slicked back white hair and different colored eyes and pink lips. Each flash something would change. The hair would be long and then short, just above the ear. Then it would be nearly bald. Her lips turned from to pouty to pink and then black. One eye would be red and the other blue. Then they would switch with the red one eventually becoming pink.

It was a dream, wasn't it? Felt like one. Tried to move about my arms. Nothing happened. How I wanted to reach out and grab her, pull her in, so she would never leave me.
As she was disentangling herself from him, she assumed that he was indeed still asleep, as he did not stir nor say anything to her. Her leg moved slightly and she felt herself bump lightly into something further below. Was that… his dick? So it was true what they said about men being hard when they wake up. She would make a mental note of that for later.
In dreams, you think you have control. In truth you don't. Even my own mind had no control. The channels kept changing. Each one showed a different version of Gra'tia. Short hair, long hair, fairly young, middle aged. Taunt pale skin. Taunt golden skin.

The face and head kept changing. Everything else was fairly consistent. Busty with a fat ass. Sometimes wrapped tightly in her Mandalorian armor from head to toe. Shirking the heavy Beskar away to that tight cat suit underneath. Then nothing at all.

It was exciting. Made my mouth water. Each time the image changed I would reach out for it. Only for the image to change once more as soon as I was close enough, as if my brain was teasing me. 'This is what you want? Come get it! Oop! We changed it. Too bad!'
She was finally able to extricate herself. Gra’tia got off the bed and felt around for her helmet, eventually finding it and put it on. They were still in the dark so she could take it off if she wanted, but she wanted to make sure her honor wasn’t compromised if the lights came on. Once that was done, she sat on the bed and wondered what he might be dreaming of.
At some point I was able to finally put my hands on Gra'tia. In a flash she was gone. That's when I think my eyes opened. Hard to tell because I am still in total darkness. This time the feeling in both arms was felt. Drawing them up, accidentally slapping myself in the face because I couldn't gauge their distance, the pain of the hit and feeling in the hands told me something wasn't right.

Rolling slightly to the left, there was a cavity. Something was missing. "Am I awake...?" in a groggy manner. "Gra'tia, are you here?" slowly sitting up and running a hand over my hair.
“I’m here,” she smiled, reaching out and laying an affectionate hand on his thigh. “And yes, you’re awake.”
The delicate touch from her sent a jolt of energy through my entire body. Now I was excited for some reason. "What-what's going on? Is everything okay?" taking both hands and rubbing my eyes with both palms. Wanting to say, 'What happened?'
“Everything is fine. The two of us slept for a while. I woke up and put my helmet back on just in case…” There was the sound of rustling before he would find her hot breath in his face. “But a helmet can be easily removed or put back on as long as it remains nearby.” She leaned forward and kissed him, pressing her lips gently against him.
Hearing her voice was soothing. It put me at ease. Then came the hot breath and her wet lips against mine. Mmmm. A sweet flavor they were. Holding that for a moment then leaning back, slowly taking in a breath. "We fell asleep? Huh. Didn't notice," straightening out my back.

Getting the feeling back in my body. The tips of the fingers and toes no longer tingling. Then I felt my erection. It was no mistake as to what happened, what led to this moment, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.