Credit Where Credit's Due (Closed)

Listening to her speak, then feeling her warm hand on my thigh, my eyes flowed from her hand up the arm and back to her face. She was nervous. This must be new to her. It was for me. "That may have been my mindset when we started out, but that's not what it is now," harking back to the Twi'lek fucking. At that moment, I thought this was going to be just another run. Now it's completely different and I like it this way now. Now I felt purpose knowing there was someone else with me.

Slowly my hand moved down the thigh, touched, and rolled over and cupped the top of her hand. Then I gave her a firm, reassuring squeeze. I kinda wanted to kiss her. Then I remembered her helmet wasn't coming off, no matter how hard I begged. Then I remembered, my one wish. No. Don't do that. That would be a serious breach in confidence and a dangerous violation of her religion.

My lips pursed, not knowing what to do. "I do feel the same way, Gra'tia. The question I have for you is, what do you want to do now, between us right now, I mean?" as she must have a voice in all this.
"I want to kiss you," she said quietly. "Will you humor me and close your eyes?"

Though she was indeed incredibly nervous, at least she knew what she desired in that moment. If he closed his eyes, she intended to turn off the lights and see what it was like to kiss him sober.
Close my eyes? "Sure," Sounds reasonable enough. Sort of cute as well. Another look at her helmet. Her body language was telling me a lot and her hand felt different now, the touching was arousing. Not sure if she intended it to be that way.

Taking another breath and letting it out, I looked away and straight forward. Straightening my back and rolling backwards the shoulders to relax. Down came the eyelids. There was the slight glow of the roomlight filtering through the skin. That would go away in a moment.

The fingers extended and held onto both knees lightly. Fear and anxiety bled away. This is what she wanted. This is what we both wanted. A simple kiss. From there, we will see what happens.

Another question flashed, was she a good kisser? Would it just be a peck or a long one? Either way, this was her show at the moment. Whatever happens, let her take the reins.
She rose from the bed and removed her helmet, trusting him not to look. With that, she walked to the light switch and turned it off. They were now in darkness, but she was able to find her way back to where he sat on the bed.

Her hands reached out in the darkness and found his face, holding him gently and turning him toward her slightly. "You can open your eyes if you want now that there's nothing to see," she whispered, only an inch away from his face. With that, she leaned forward and pressed her lips against his. At first she was getting a feel for him, but soon she pulled back slightly before pressing against him with more vigor this time. The wet smack of their lips could be heard as she continued to make out with him without deepening the kiss yet.
Opening my eyes at her command, total blackness. It felt as though I was back on Outlander when the power failed one time. That was total darkness. Before came the touch of her gloved fingertips. A rolling sensation went down my spine. Oh, this is it. My questions are about to be answered!

It started off with one kiss and then another and then another. Mmmm. She had a sweet scent to her. Perhaps contained by that helmet. Here I thought it was going to be a sweaty smell. When she kissed I could also feel the tip of her nose when she pressed into me.

"Oh my...mmmmm" a slightly gasped rolled out of my lips, before our lips came together. She wasn't driving it in, like stabbing the inside of my mouth with the tip of her tongue. I liked that. She was taking her time and savoring the flavor. Kinda like when we tried the chocolates, letting it slowly melt in the mouth to get a taste for everything.

For the moment my hands rested on my thighs. I wasn't going to rip off her clothes to find what she had hidden under there. A minute or so into the makeout, slowly I lifted them and reached, groping in the dark until finding her thighs. Tracing up her body with the tips of the fingers, around her belt and up her armored chest. That's when my hands lightly cupped her shoulders, slowly pulling her towards me by the torso. I was going to let her run the show, for right now.
He felt so warm, an undercurrent of excitement running through her under her affection. When his hands lighted on her thighs, she thought he was going to feel her up, but instead his touch was simply gentle and enticing. It made her body feel hot and she started to wonder if she wanted to take things further today. She allowed him to pull her closer and it was then that she pulled slightly away from his lips and whispered, "is this okay? I'm not particularly experienced at kissing..."
A coy chuckle left me. "I'm not stopping you, am I?" whispering back. Eyes wide open and still unable to even see an outline of her head. Blasted. "Keep going. Do what you feel you want to do," encouraging her to explore her feelings. This was more for her than for me. She had yet to experience such things. To let her try and taste and feel, she could gain that self confidence in her abilities that she felt is lacking.

"You're good at kissing. Don't be afraid to go further," I said before pursing my lips and wiping their surface quickly with the tip of my tongue.
She was glad they were sitting in the darkness, as she could feel her cheeks reddening from the words coming from those soft, addictive lips of his. He thought she was good at kissing? That reassurance made her very pleased, encouraged even.

Gra'tia leaned forward and kissed him once more, though this time she deepened the kiss a little bit. She slipped her tongue between his lips and cautiously flicked it against his. He tasted very vaguely of the chocolate he had consumed earlier, and she couldn't help but rub her tongue against his with desire. To her surprise, she felt compelled to let out a quiet moan as they continued their embrace. The next thing he would feel would be Gra'tia's ungloved hands rubbing his chest sensually.
For a beginner, she was performing well in kissing. Mmmm. Certainly sweet to the touch, for feel but also flavor. Wonder if she ever practiced on something or someone. Her lips were soft. Each time she exhaled I could feel the bursts of hot air against my cheeks, that were also warm to the touch.

"Mmmmm, ooooh" purring lowly. For this I kept my eyes open. Even though cast into the abyss, with no real hope of ever catching just a glimpse of Gra'tia. Keeping them closed was pretty much pointless. Besides, I felt my hand coordination was better with my eyes open, even though it was pure blackness. "Deeper....."

Now she was rubbing my chest. She could have it. If she wanted to get at the skin, though, she would have to take my blouse, and I wasn't going to do that for her. Hehe. No. No. She would have to do that, because I wanted her to work for it. Hehehe.

Letting her explore my body, I felt compelled to at least get a feel for her. Taste her lips and her tongue. That slippery eel of a tongue. Her fingers touching me. Now I wanted to touch her beyond her shoulders. Trouble was, she was still in her armor and under suit.
It was unfortunate that even though his hand had graced her body, she had barely felt it when he moved his hands up her body. She wanted to feel him more, be more connected to him... She broke their kiss again and stood up from the bed. A few heavy thunks could be heard as one by one, each piece of her armor was taken off and tossed to the floor. Her disrobing was done quickly and efficiently, though for now she left on her bodysuit. Underneath, her breasts were still bound, but she didn't have time at the moment to unbind them; after all, she wanted to get back to him as though he was a fire on a cold winter night.

Gra'tia sat back down and felt for his shoulders, finding them and kissing his neck affectionately before kissing up his jaw and finally to his mouth. Once again, her nimble tongue slipped into his mouth and swirled around his own, her hands starting to unbutton his shirt. There was a pause at the third button before she took a break from his mouth to ask, "would you feel uncomfortable if I took off your shirt?"
*Thunk Thunk Thunk*

Hearing that noise my ears perked. Then she was at me again. Reaching out and touching her, all I could feel was that tight suit underneath, and I became excited. My hands were about to wander and trace her entire outline. Giving me some information on what her body looked liked. Should I start by going downwards, feeling her thighs and ass, or start from the top, feeling her hair and face before going down?

Her kisses scrambled my thoughts.

Pop Pop

Built up heat inside my shirt was suddenly unleashed. Faintly I felt the heat wave roll up my chest and chin before disipating overhead. That was nice. A cooling breeze came down before Gra'tia imposed her question.

Answering it with a, "Mmmm. Yes..." gasping as her lips worked her way up me. She was a pretty good kisser, knowing where to touch and at the right pressure. She must have practiced at some point. Whatever she wanted to do, I would do it for her. I just couldn't take myself to stop kissing long enough to tell her that.
Wait, ‘yes?’ Did that mean he really would be uncomfortable if she took his shirt off? The tone of his voice and his words were conflicting, so she decided to put taking his shirt off on pause. She was hesitant to ignore his words and risk making a misstep in all this.

Instead, she left his shirt alone and kissed his clavicle. "I will respect your wishes," she replied gently.
Perhaps it was the feelings overtaking my senses. Blinking several times, did I miss something. Going back a couple of seconds, it was her question. OH! Drat! She asked if I was UNcomfortable. Couldn't help but chuckle. Her touches are clouding my brain that I cannot think straight.

Pulling back my hands and following her arms, I find her hands and gently cup them to gain her attention. A chuckle, "I do apologize. What I thought you asked if I was comfortable with my shirt off, and I am. Feel free to take," nodding, though she wouldn't be able to see it.

That was my fault.
"Oh," she blushed in the darkness, finding herself more than a bit pleased that he was fine with proceeding. "Let me know if you ever want me to stop then." With that, she squeezed his hands gently before letting go and returning her fingers to his buttons. Each button was undone with grace, the woman not rushing the process. One by one, his shirt became more and more open until she had the last button undone. She pushed it off his shoulders and pulled it down his arms before tossing it to the side.

His chest was now bare for her to explore. And she did. Her hands slid up and down his chest, feeling his warm skin and chest hair. "You have a very handsome chest," she murmured, leaning forward and kissing his right peck a couple inches above his nipple. She kissed back up to his neck and added, "though I suppose that can be said of all of you as well."
'Let me know if you ever want me to stop then' she said to me, and I thought That's not going to happen any time soon! A wicked smile on my lips as she exposed me. At first the touch of her fingertips was kind of ticklish that I shifted a little left to right, curled my lips inwards and bit down lightly to prevent a giggle. Normally I wasn't ticklish. Guess Gra'tia fingertips can work magic.

When her lips touched my flesh, a hot sensation went through my body. As if I was stabbed, but not in a bad way. The sensation gradually bled through the rest of the body. "Oh!" a stifled gasped went into the darkness. Followed a low purr, "Ooooh" sighing in relief. "Oooh. Wow...."

Slowly my muscles relaxed after that jolt.

Her head was down there. There was nothing for my lips to latch onto at the moment. My hands stroked her shoulders and then down her back as far as I could reach and then up and touching her hair, to finally feel what sort of hair she had.

Having nothing to kiss at the moment, I didn't mind. I get to relax and savior as Gra'tia explored me. When she was satisfied, it would be my role to return the favor.
His shirt was off and she was in he body suit now. Should she take things further? Would she seem too desperate if she tried to sleep with him that night? This was the first time that the two of them, sober, were touching and kissing consensually. She figured that at the very least some touching wasn't amiss...

"Just a moment..." she whispered.

He would feel her pull away from him before the sound of fabric sliding could be heard. The top half of her body suit had been peeled off and was now hanging down at her waist. Her bindings were still in place, so she unfastened the end and started to unwrap her chest. It took a minute, but she soon breathed a sigh of relief once her breasts were free. She didn't mind having to bind them, but it was so much more comfortable when they weren't compressed.

Now that her chest was as exposed as his, she returned to him and kissed him sweetly on the mouth. She couldn't help but deepen the kiss again, having become almost addicted to the way his tongue felt against her own. At the same time, she pressed herself against him, her large orbs smooshing against his chest.
That flesh on flesh contact. Couldn't help but my heart started to race. I've seen and held and fucked a lot of breasts in my time. Fake and real. Small and large. Human and more human. Now that her chest was open, I just had to feel them. Don't know the reason why, cupping these breasts was a mission. Perhaps to satisfy my lingering curiosity. Hiding herself behind her suit and armor concealed her true body.

Her sweet kisses to my lips and flesh kept my heart going at a clip. The more she did this the more I wanted her. Not to thunder fuck like a dockside whore. To take her, lay her out beside me, strip ourselves down to nothing, and spent hours just exploring one another under the sheets.

Knowing this wouldn't be possible, at any moment I expected another Mandalorian to come knocking on the door and being a filthy cockblocker, I knew not to go to the level of sticking my cock in her.

When she pressed herself into me, gently did I press back, wiping the tip of my tongue over her lips. Then I pulled back a little to give a narrow gap between us, so that when she leaned in once more, my left hand rose and cupped her breast.
"Mmm..." she moaned softly at the feeling of his palm against her soft melon. Gra'tia hadn't known that it would feel this good to have him focusing his attentions on her and only her. It felt nice when she was with Sigrun, but in the back of her mind she had been worried that he truly cared more for her friend than herself. There was no doubt now though that he wanted her, wanted to explore her body.

"Redar..." the woman uttered his name almost reverently when she got the chance for a breath of air. Her body felt so hot, and she felt that she might lose track of time and spend days with her lips and tongue getting acquainted. Time didn't seem to exist, and she let go of her typical wariness to simply let herself be absorbed in the moment.
Her words lingered in the air. I felt lost. Until her heavy breathing brought me back. This wasn't a fantasy. Well, it was a fantasy. Except it was a real one! Hearing my name mad me think she wanted to say something else, but nothing came except more kisses and moans.

Getting a feel for her large and heavy all the powers in the Galaxy, this was exciting and it made me hard. Perhaps the hardest I have ever been. This woman was the full package and she wants me. This is where my cock and my brain fought it out.

Take her and fuck her into the next week! Slam your cock into her and make her your bitch!
That's what my cock was telling me.

No. Take your time. Savor every second. Let her control the flow. She may not want to go that far right now. Remember, there are others in waiting that can step in and catch you both.

Back and forth the two went. Something had to be said. When she pulled back once more, my mouth slowly opened, and rolled, "Gra'tia...." Something else was suppose to come out with that. Before I could finish she was locking lips with me again. What else was to be said I forgot, as I held her hot body tightly to me.
One of her hands ended up on his inner thigh, and she began to rub him enticingly. She couldn't deny to herself that she desired him inside her. Based on the bulge in his pants, it seemed as though she wasn't the only one who shared that sentiment. Still... if she mounted him, there was a possibility that someone would come knocking, or that her presence would be required elsewhere without notice. As much as it pained her, she might have to wait until they were on their way in the Outlander before they could fully enjoy one-another's bodies.

"Mm..." she pulled back from his lips and sighed in a satisfied way, "I wish we could truly let ourselves go, but I fear that we may have to keep things fairly tame today. That being said... Do you want me to take care of you?" Her hand slid up his thigh and gently cupped the bulge in his pants, fondling him softly.
Hated to agree. Nervously my eyes flicked in the direction the door was. Anothe sharp breath left me as her fingers cupped down below. All this working up, the kissing and teasing and such made me hard, and I didn't want it to end without someone getting a good ending.

That was one of those Man Rules that float about the Galaxy and are dubiously enforced. "If a man gets a hard on, you cannot do anything to him until he finishes." That was a silly law as I've known more Cockblockers that wilfully get in the way of the fun.

Leaning a little closer, just a little so I don't accidently head-butt her in the dark. "Yes," wetting my lips. Not knowing what she meant, this was her show, and I was curious to see how far she was willing to go.
"Okay," she said with a smile.

The woman slid off the bed and knelt in front of him, using her hands on his knees to part his legs wide. He would feel her hands next on his zipper, undoing his pants and freeing the hardened monster that strained against its prison. The other night she had tasted his cum, but it had been diluted from the taste of Sigrun's own pussy. Now she had the opportunity to try to please him and get a sense for what he really tasted like.

In the dark, something wet and warm made contact with the head of his cock. Gra'tia licked it curiously, trying to get a feel for it. The tip of her tongue explored the veins along his length, as well as the crease between his head and shaft. By the feel of it, there was also what felt like a little slit on the very tip of his rod.

"Does this feel good at all? I've never done this before, so I'm afraid I'm not sure what will please you," she admitted. Gra'tia knew she wasn't as good at this as a lot of women he'd been with, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to strive to do it as best she could.
Oooh, she was going for what I think she's going for? Pursing the lips once again, wiping their perimeter with the tip of the tongue. Another shiver rolled up my spine as Gra'tia's body went and assumed the position. For the moment the tips of the fingers lightly touched her shoulders.

With bated breath I waited, feeling Gra'tia's fingers as they went to work in the darkness. She found my member and slowly felt it along with her tongue. A sharp sensation stabbed me in the chest. Oh! Yes! She was good. Easing into it and not immediately deepthroating the entire length. A lot have done that prior to showoff their skills.

Wetting my lips before speaking, a long sigh, "Mmmm. Yes. That feels...wonderful" with a soft tone and just above a whisper. Briefly I felt her chest pressing against my inner thighs.

Such a good girl.

When she was ready, I was prepared to hold her head and press her face into my crotch. When she was ready.

"Keep going, Gra'tia....please."
Her cheeks flushed in the darkness as he asked her to continue. It was quite gratifying to know that her actions had him feeling very good, even if she was inexperienced. Gra'tia wanted to be the woman who could coax him into profound pleasure, who could make him groan and shiver at her touch.

She licked him with more enthusiasm now, running the flat of her tongue up and down while cradling him in her hands. She used her palms to slide her saliva over his skin to get him nice and slick. Gra'tia found the experience to be erotic, though she didn't quite know why. Perhaps it was because it was his cock that she was pleasuring. She couldn't help but moan as she took him into her mouth, her tongue polishing his head. At the same time, she started rhythmically stroking him with both hands.

Her pussy was so wet, yet she resisted the urge to touch herself. That could come later. For now, she wanted to give him her full attention and show him that she was a worthy life-partner.
Yes. Yes. YES! Oooh, that's when my head rolled back. Hanging over my shoulders and looking up at the black ceiling. Jack slack. Lungs pushing out with light pants of breath. Heart throbbing and climbing into my throat. A sick smirk soon crawled across my face.

Lightly both of my hands held onto her shoulders until she took me in. Urrrp, both lips pressed tightly together, styming a strangled moan from leaving. A shudder hit my body. I didn't climax. It was a strange reaction to her mouth. The sensation of her wet, hot muscles against my flesh was one of those jarring feelings that was completely alien to me.

Moments later another one hit me. This time my left leg twitching unvoluntarily. What was happening? Didn't matter now. I didn't want Gra'tia to stop. Her tongue was just as talented as her fingers. All I wanted was more. "Yes...." whispering. "That's it. Mmmmm"

Slowly lifting my fingers I touched the back of her head and lightly combed through her hair between my fingers.