Credit Where Credit's Due (Closed)

That was a trick question. I wanted to be coy and say, 'I hope not!' That would make me sound like a dick. I was. That wasn't the point. Couldn't downplay my sexual prowess after our first encounter. Sleeping around with many women around the galaxy, half the time not using protection. It was uncertain if I did have children. That was the thought I kept telling myself to keep it at peace.

"No. I don't," picking at the noodles with a three-prong fork and pulling it out of the soup. The stuff was scalding hot. Steam billowed up to my face that I had to blow on it softly to cool off. Taking a bite it burned hotter than the cheap whiskey that preceded it.

"Ack!" wiping my lips with a napkin. "What about yourself? Are there little Mandalorians for you?"
Somehow she doubted his claims, but she wasn't going to say so. It wasn't her business whether he fathered children or not. Besides, if he didn't want them then they were probably better off without his presence.

She shook her head, "no, I haven't taken on any foundling apprentices yet, though I have been keeping an eye out for one. If I found one, I'm not sure if I'm suited to take them at this point though, what with the trips I've been tasked to run at the moment." It was a pity. It would have been nice to have someone to train and strengthen, to build them into a warrior that could defend themselves and their home.
Foundlings? Finding them? What kind of....stop. Stop. Don't delve any deeper. Don't peek into the container. That will open up something worse. Just nod your head and continue eating. That made me wonder, if Mandalorians do procreate, and this wearing of armor, would have have to have sex wearing their armor? I thought wearing a condom was hard enough.

The band ended their latest song. Some of the audience clapped. One threw some credits at them. Not into a bucket but at them. Kinda tradition, I guess. Another threw a bottle that went wide and smashed against a back wall. Ducking out of the way a band member scooped up and pocketed the credits. Sitting down with his mates they prepared for another song.

Bad time for a lot of memories to come flooding back. The redhead at the last place. A Twi'lek on Tattoonie. Another redhead. A blonde. After awhile they kinda blurred together. Names faded, locations, and dates disappeared. Strange I could remember their hair color over everything else. Wonder why that was.

Between bites I was pondering on a sick joke made me chuckle. It came out of nowhere. Wasn't meant to react to her speaking of a foundling apprentice yet. "So," coughing hard to clear my lungs, "Does that mean that you're a foundling apprenctice, or was at some point?"
Why was he chuckling? Did he think she was unfit to have an apprentice or did he merely think that their practices were silly? Either way, she felt a bit put-off by his attitude.

When she replied, her voice was a bit dry. "Yes. I was an orphan who was found and adopted to be a foundling apprentice. Once I was old enough to speak the creed, I received my helmet and took my vows. I don't remember my birth parents." She shifted in her seat and suddenly added, "and I would make an excellent mentor, I'll have you know."
"Okay," I said picking up on her tone. That was the boundary. Nodding to her and eating my food I asked, between bites, "Do you have a plan for the next leg of the jump, or do you want me to pick the place. I figure a couple jumps, lay low, and then make our run to our destination," refusing to speak the name on the off chance someone was looking our way, and could read lips.

This section of the Galaxy I knew well from the many jobs that I had to. Plenty of isolated places to hide in. Places, not with people. Staying with people, friends, shows you that there's no real loyalty. Friends will turn you in if they find out there's a bounty on your head. That got me to thinking about that Imperial attack. Those guys nearly had us.

Looking down at my soup, it suddenly lost its appeal. This gnawing at my stomach caused by the worry, the doubt, from the start of this job was catching up to me. I gently pushed the bowl away towards the center of the table then propped up my arms onto the surface and fold them.
“I don’t have a preference- we hired you because you think and act like a smuggler, a top-notch one, I might add. I think and act like a Mandalorian which is likely what they’ll be expecting.” She paused, waving the server over and asking for a to-go bowl and utensils. When the server left, the woman looked back at him.

“That being said, it would be nice if we could stop at Sindiium. I have a contact there who recently contacted me for help. We go back, so I would like to help them if possible.” There was a pause, “I realize it could be a trap, which is why I would expect you to get the shipment to where it needs to go if something happens to me.”
"Sindiium, huh? Interesting," scratching my chin. "I suppose it's worth a shot. "Who is this contact, if you don't mind me asking?" Carefully leaning back in my seat and grabbing the glass of whiskey. I pull it to my lips and take a sip. Burns. It burns!

Sindiium, I don't think I have ever been to that place before. Sounds familiar. Maybe I went past it at some point. It got me wondering who this contact was. If Gra'tia was expecting trouble, then I should be prepared. On board the Outlander I had a bunch of goodies hidden away that might be useful.

The server came back with a to-go box and a wrap of cheap utensils and a wide smile on her lips. "Will there be anything else?" she asked leaning into say as the band started up another number.
“No thank you,” she replied loudly to the server.

To her companion she answered with a wistful tone. “Her name is Sigren Katan, and she’s also Mandalorian. We were trained at the same time, so we often sparred. She’s brave, honorable, and the most charming person you’ll ever meet.”
"Is that right? Well, sounds like I must meet this woman," chuckling to myself and downing the rest of the whiskey. Teeth clenched in a hiss. Oooh that really burns. "I don't know about you, but I think we should get out of here, and head up to our rooms, if you don't mind. I don't like the company we have here," glancing over at the cold facing that stared as up above their glasses of cheap booze. To pay for the meals I leave some credit chips on the table.

Later this day I planned on going back to the Outlander to check up on the repair progress. Given we had not been here long, going back now would be pointless. The alarm for the security system had not gone off. No one had tried to board.
“I could do with a rest,” she sighed and nodded. Truly, she did plan on taking a nap or something, but her stomach was also aching with hunger and she wanted to eat in the privacy of her own room.

With that she got up, and found the server, the blonde saying something and pointing upward. Presumably she was telling her what her room number would be. Gra’tia disappeared up the stairs with her food. The server came up to him and said, “you’ll be down the hall upstairs in room 10. Your bodyguard will be in room 8. We weren’t able to find two rooms that were next to each other, my apologies.”
I acted a little bit disappointed. "Ah, well...thanks anyway," nodding to her and walking that way. Didn't look back. Hopefully that convinced the server of the importance. If I had just blown off this little inconvenience, the server would be convinced that Gra'tia's importance isn't as great as it appeared. If I felt disappointed, or even alarmed, then that should tell the server, and anyone else eavesdropping in, of Gra'tia's importance.

This being separated did alarm me somewhat. Getting to my room and stepping in, yep, just as spartan as the last place. What did you expect for a hole-in-the-wall diner on some backwater world? Still I needed to rack out. Sat on the edge of the bed and kicked off my boots and took off my belt but kept my blaster pistol right beside me and always looking at the the door.
Nothing much happened for a while, Gra’tia having taken her helmet off in order to eat her soup. It was good soup, she had to admit. However, once she had eaten her fill, she took off most of her armor so she could relax. She got into bed and felt… the urge. She had resisted the night previous, but she couldn’t get those sounds out of her head. What had it been like to be that woman? The bed had thumped against the wall, and the woman had made so many lustful sounds. Those sounds replayed in her mind as she lay there, and she found that perhaps today she would indulge herself.

A soft sigh escaped her lips as her hand slipped into her black leggings, intent on heading straight for her pussy. Her other hand went to her chest where she wished her breasts were unbound so she could play with them. It would be too much trouble to do so though, so she let them be.

Her fingers started to rub her sensitive clit, and a moan came forth. It would be fine… he wasn’t in the next room. He would never know.
Laying in on the bed, staring up at the ceiling, thoughts going everywhich way. Where are we going? What's along the way? I was thinking beyond what just happened. Pounding that redhead brought a smile to my face. Then the Empire being after us. On us that quickly, someone tipped them off. If they had been just one minute faster they could have bagged all of us.

This Gra'tia chick was something. Doesn't mind watching my plow that girl. Can hold her own in a fight. Was willing to serve as my bodyguard. Not as strict and demanding as I first thought. There have been many clients who are so strict in how they wanted things handled that they threatened to not pay me. Usually them looking down the barrel of a blaster did the trick.

Then there was this contact Gra'tia hyped up. What could it be? The longer I thought about it the more I was convinced that I had not been to this planet she spoke of. Great. Going into the unknown with an unknown to meet an unknown.
“Ah… yes… I like it…” she moaned sweetly, feeling her pussy becoming rather slick. Gra’tia imagined Redar taking her armor off piece by piece, whispering dirty promises in her ear all the while. She imagined him running his hands over her skin, letting himself explore her body without restriction.

Who knew what he had in his pants but based on the other woman’s wails, he knew how to use it. “I want it…” the woman whimpered in a needy tone.
Wait. What the...what was that? Why is there a woman's voice in my.....ooooooh. The earpiece! I still had it in my, well, ear. Completely forgot about it. Evidentally so did Gra'tia. Through two walls the signal was still crisp. She was moaning? What for? The shower can't be that great.

It was her words. Soft moans. She wants it? Dank Ferrick. Did she find herself a man this quickly? No...It was her. Just her. Oh, this is just fantastic! Now it was dinner and a show. Something to fill in my time by myself. This earpiece had a mic and I didn't know if mine was still on or how to turn it off.

Lips curled inwards and bit down softly to avoid giving myself away, I laid back and relaxed, waiting to see how far this was going to go. If it went the right direction, maybe I would 'join in.'
She gasped as her fingers slid back to her her entrance and one slipped into her cunt. It felt good, and she realized that she hadn’t touched herself for quite a while. The imaginary Redan in her mind’s eye bent her over the checkered table in his ship, his cock rubbing against her folds before plunging into her wet warmth.

The woman licked her lips and closed her eyes before murmuring, “don’t stop… don’t stop fucking me…”

Another enraptured moan came forth and she slipped another finger inside. “I’m so wet…”
Oooh, fucking? She's being fucked? Wait. She's wet? Mandalorians DO get horny! Behind that rough exterior, behind that stoic body, she's a hungry woman on the inside. What I wouldn't give to see what she's doing right now. What was she thinking? I know when I rub out one on my own, I'm dreaming of a smoking hot woman helping me out. Was Gra'tia doing the same thing?

Hearing her moan and gasp was getting me excited as well. I could feel it sliding down the left inner thigh under my pants. Silently encouraging Gra'tia to keep going, and to not let it be brief. Keep talking! Eyes flaring up and hand reaching down.
She panted as her fingers worked their way in and out of her snatch, the base of her hand palm rubbing against her clit as she did so. “Oh yes…”

Her fantasy continued, though it changed so that he had her on her back, plowing her between her splayed legs. He would look at her with those dark blue eyes and give her a smirk. “You’re so sexy… ah! Give it to me harder… make me yours…”
This is rich! Yeah! Keep going, Gra'tia! Whoever it is that's banging her, keep going. Maybe 'he' had a big cock. Wait. What if she took off her armor. Would that show if she had big breasts? 'Give it to her harder!;

Be a shame if all of this fun was to go to waste. If she's going to share with me her deepest desires, albeit unbeknowst to her, then why not partake in some of it myself? I think I've recovered enough that I could go for a little bit. Reaching down with both hands and undoing the fly and parting the flaps I reached in and pulled out that firming member.

Couldn't spit to lube it up, or else I give myself away. Not to worry. The tip was leaking a good amount of precum that it did the work for me.
“Get on the bed… let me ride you…” Gra’tia’s tone became a bit more sultry, and she bit her lip and smiled, imagining pushing him back onto the bed and crawling on top of him so she could impale herself on his cock. Would he be shocked? Would he instead groan with need? Maybe he would grip her ass tightly as she rolled her hips like the whore probably did from the brothel.

Her fingers were brought under her helmet and she sucked them clean, a long moan following afterwards. “How does that Mandalorian pussy taste, hm? I’m not stopping until you make me cum…” She couldn't neglect Her pussy any longer though, so her hand returned to its place, pumping within her pants.
Damn! This woman was freaky! Here I thought I was the stud. This fantasy had her going, and I was wishing to take part. Doing my part for the dream was slowly working the shaft by gentle up and down motions. Getting the skin slick. Eyes closed. Other hand across the chest casually resting.

Bet that Mandalorian pussy tastes great. A wicked smile on my lips thinking about how it would actually look and taste like, from the sounds she was giving out, she was not only hungry, she was starving! I wanted to make her cum myself. Bang that ass. Make the bed shake. Keep going, Gra'tia!
“Cum inside me! I want- ah! I want all of it!” Gra’tia panted and moaned, her body writhing slightly on her bed as she neared an orgasm. When she reached that high, she cried out a blissful noise, her body arching on the bed before the climax passed.

However, she was still left wanting more, so she moaned softly and kept going in the hopes that she could chase the high again. “You’re not done yet, are you? I’m going to -mmmm… I’m going to milk you until there’s nothing left…” her hand was rubbing her clit sensually now, not wanting to overstimulate herself after having orgasmed just moments before.
That shriek she gave startled that I jolted up. Thinking she was being attacked, and that I would have to run in and save her. Save my body guard with a blaster pistol in one hand and a firm cock in the other. What a sight! She wanted more? Good. I was'nt done yet, either was I.

Slowly drawing in a deep breath and letting it out. Wiggled the toes so the blood reaches them. Don't want to lose feeling in them right now. Stroked a little faster. Biting the lower lip. Still concious that I can't shout or give myself away. Tempting as it was to egg her on. My voice in her ear telling her to take it. Milk that stud dry, whoever that is! If it were me, I'd keep going until either pass out, or i'm shooting air, whichever came first.
In her mind’s eye she could see herself on knees with her wrists bound behind her, forcing her chest to rest on the bed as her ass stuck up for him. He would rub his slick head against her asshole, and then he would slowly plunge deeply into her tight ring.

“No… that’s my ass…I can’t…” Oh, but it was such a delicious fantasy, the man ignoring her protest and continuing to fuck her plump rear. Gra’tia moaned in a way that the thought of it actually turned her on immensely.

“God, it’s so deep… you’re stirring me up!” Her breathless words were accompanied by a whine of desire.

“We have to stop… we’ll be - ah! We’ll be reaching the next port any minute!” Maybe the comms button would beep, requesting that he identify himself and he would push it to answer, but make her answer it as he continued thrusting against her.
Taking it anally? That's my kind of woman! Whoever this man was that she was dreaming about must be a stud. This fantasy keeps getting better and better. It's not even my fantasy! Thank who ever came up with this ear piece. I owe that person a lot of credits. Gra'tia was leading the way. Going off her squeals and begging,taking it up the ass. Only one good way to do that position for me, and that's doggystyle. That way I can command her entire body. Rather navigate around her body. Seeing that cock plunging into her hole. Probably tight down there. Coming out with the walls wrapped tightly. She's gotten rid of most of her armor. Except her helmet and her skin tight under suit that conformed to her frame.

I'd slap her ass several times to see if it jiggles. Reaching the next port? Rather unusual thing to say. It's her fantasy. I was stroking myself and going along. I wasn't stopping, even though she was asking for it. If we reach the next port, so be it. Don't stop until it's done!