Dancing in a mine field.

Just watching the democrat euphoria is over the elation over Harris is warming my gizzard. A case of self-immolation.

This 'bump' they're getting is tapering off and there is no future bump. Why are they even bothering to have a convention? The unelected presidential candidate has anointed the VP candidate. That being the case then the entire convention is nothing more than a mass gathering of people addicted to auto-eroticism.

The point being that there is going to be NO post convention bump. You democrats have shot your wad, it's down to the issues now and based on the early add buys it's going to be all utero centric. Basically attracting the votes of promiscuous, irresponsible, women and the men that want to fuck them without consequences.

Now, politics is the ultimate blood sport and 4 months is two lifetimes in the sport. And while you, the democrats, are on a high right now, you are dancing in a mine field and I'm enjoying your dance.
They are going to win.

Power of the Press

The MSM, the Democrats and government are dedicated to a California solution for our government where one party rules and the makeover that [President: present with no [IDea] Kamala Harris is going to enjoy as the most transformative, accomplished black woman to ever have been afforded the opportunity to demonstrate greatness. And it will be great.
They are going to win.

Power of the Press

The MSM, the Democrats and government are dedicated to a California solution for our government where one party rules and the makeover that [President: present with no [IDea] Kamala Harris is going to enjoy as the most transformative, accomplished black woman to ever have been afforded the opportunity to demonstrate greatness. And it will be great.

it'll be over when she debates.
No one is showing up at Trump’s rallies. Harris is packing stadiums.

Kamala doesn’t need a “post-convention bump”.

Trump is already cooked like a big roast chicken.
I would enjoy seeing your source of information for I have seen the Trump rallies, including the one where he got shot, and I have yet to see anything other than enthusiastic and overflowing crowds.

And, even after y'all shot him, he's still doing it.
it'll be over when she debates.
I'm not so sure. She'll be in front of not just a coaching squad, but one openly hostile to her opponent leaving her to just sit, smiled look pretty, play the victim and let the moderators go after Trump for her. Then there will be weeks upon weeks of lavish praise and that gets me back to my first comment about the power of the media to influence, corrupt and first at the behest of their money people.
3 weeks, no press conference. Instead it's a "promise" that isn't really a "promise" that she'll have "A press conference" by the end of the month. So ONE presser in 2 months.

And the left bitches about Trump's responses to his numerous press gaggles.

I'm not so sure. She'll be in front of not just a coaching squad, but one openly hostile to her opponent leaving her to just sit, smiled look pretty, play the victim and let the moderators go after Trump for her. Then there will be weeks upon weeks of lavish praise and that gets me back to my first comment about the power of the media to influence, corrupt and first at the behest of their money people.
She'll have a canned response to every question, point and cackle.
Won't make a bit of difference.

Of course it will. It'll help in the casting of the kids who will sit in the audience, after she pays them to be there, and look enthralled by her meaningless gibberish responses.
Of course it will. It'll help in the casting of the kids who will sit in the audience, after she pays them to be there, and look enthralled by her meaningless gibberish responses.
Will there be Happy Meals™?