Dangerous, Hungry, Ancient... (Closed for rubenesque_princess and Uggg)


Literotica Guru
Oct 11, 2017
Dangerous, Hungry and Ancient...
By rubenesque_princess
And Uggg

It was dangerous work dealing with Al’ Tineen but Jawwad ibn Aarif was a merchant in exotic wares and that was dangerous work regardless. Besides, Tananeen were always wealthy and generous in their negotiations as long as you never tried to cross them. Many traders would not take the risk but Jawwad’s family had specialized for generations in dealing with the great beasts of the world. It had made the family wealthy but also killed off a great many of their number over the generations. In this generation Jawwad was now the last remaining brother of nine.

That thought was painful, the family had once been great but in recent years small decline and great misfortune had occurred. The cursed crusades had been the catalyst of the misfortune. That and the Tananeen of course but the family knew and accepted the risks of dealing with the ancient reptiles. This Jihad of Saladin’s though, was a killer on an unprecedented scale.

Five of Jawwad’s eight dead brothers had fallen in holy war after being conscripted by the Ayyubids to serve in Saladin’s meat grinder siege against the Christian Knights holed up in Jerusalem. Two of the others had been eaten by a Slavic Tineen called Drak when they failed to deliver on a contract they’d negotiated with him. It had been through no fault of their own however, as the shipment of oil meant for Drak was commandeered by Templar knights as the convoy traveled north through the Byzantine Empire but Tananeen were uncompromising beasts once a contract was sealed.

The last of his brothers to die had been just 13 years in this world and he’d died just fourteen days ago so the wound was still fresh in Jawwad’s heart. He still hadn’t found the strength to sit down and write the letter of ill tidings to be sent back to his father, Aarif. The convoy had been traveling south down the border with the Sultanate of Rome when a Turk raiding party ambushed them. Jawwad’s family could afford the best mercenary guards from Georgia and so the raid was repelled but not before young Mashhud was struck a glancing blow on the head by a heavy javelin. It didn’t seem a serious wound but it bruised a deep purple and that night when Mashhud lay down to sleep, it was his last such night in this world. In the morning his body was cold.

Jawwad sent half his mercenaries after the fleeing raiders and they were tracked for a day before being run to the ground and killed just before they escaped over the border into the lands of Armenia. The Turks had clearly been raiding for a while and the booty from Jawwad’s retribution was almost too much for his already well stocked convoy but the profit would be no consolation for the loss of yet another family member.

One particular item of loot though, could yet turn out to be a prize of some value. A captive, female and absolutely lovely, who’d somehow found herself captive in the hands of the cruel Turks. What made her potentially valuable was the fact that she was a Latin speaker. It also made it cursed hard to communicate with her though she seemed to be able to follow a bit of Greek. Despite the trouble with communication there was no doubt that if she was from somewhere Latin was spoken then she was educated and that just might make her something ah-Teen would consider treasure. The Tananeen would pay through the nose for treasure.

And so it was after a short stopover in Aleppo to sell off some of the lower value wares that Jawwad found himself once again approaching the palaces of ah-Teen ibn Al’ Taneen of the Tananeen.

It never failed to amaze him as he passed through gentle green landscapes around ah-Teen’s pleasure palace that such beauty could exist unguarded out in the desert and yet truthfully who would be mad enough to even consider raiding one of the mighty Tananeen. It was said that even the great Caliph Saladin himself visited and took a knee when he wished to bring his troops through the lands nearby.

Built around an oasis ah-Teen’s palace was a cool emerald in the hot golden sands. Palms provided shade and fields with cleverly engineered irrigation systems, worked by slaves, provided most of what the human inhabitants of the palace and its surrounding compound might require but Tananeen were never satisfied. It was their one great weakness, they always wanted more.

Jawwad brought with him six slaves to carry samples of the luxury wares he thought ah-Teen might desire, his scribe to note down orders and record contracts and the slave girl. His men kept her bound as she’d not been raised a slave and not been broken to command but she’d long since given up fighting them and Jawwad, never one to be cruel, had ensured she was not abused though there was no telling what might have happened while the vile Turks held her.

His party was brought to a waiting chamber with a window revealing a pleasant courtyard where peacocks strutted about an ornate fountain. It was a wonder in this dry land and was also, of course, a subtle symbol of the power of Al’ Taneen that would no doubt impress the various diplomats and men of import who were brought here to await the beasts pleasure. Jawwad however, had been here many times before as part of his business dealings because ah-Teen’s relationship to his family was much closer than any of the other Tananeen.

While the room was pleasantly appointed Jawwad knew that he would likely be here for hours before his audience so he took his ease in one of the piles of cushions provided for his comfort and let his eyes close as in his head he again relived that awful moment in the chaos of battle when Mashhud was struck down, relaxation would not come easily...

...It seemed like only moments had passed but groggily he realized he must have dozed off as one of his men was shaking his shoulder gently to gain his attention. An usher had arrived to convey him to Al’ Taneen. He knew from long experience not to bring his attendants yet, that would be impolite. An usher would be sent for them when the business talk commenced, so he rose silently and followed the palace servant, a youth maybe fourteen years old with olive skin oiled to shine, shaved head and large expressive brown eyes.

“What is your name boy?”

The usher did not answer but turned his head slightly opening his mouth to reveal that he had no tongue. A mute slave. Such were useful if one had secrets that needed keeping but Jawwad thought the practice cruel.

“I see, forgive my ignorance.”

The usher nodded politely in acknowledgement then stepped aside revealing the door they had reached.

“Thank you.”

Beyond the curtained door was a large room with Persian rugs and silk tapestries from the Far East. Everywhere was white marble, gilt gold and inlayed gems. In the centre of the room ah- Teen lay face down and naked as two slave girls rubbed at the flesh of his back and buttocks with oily hands. Jawwad stepped into the room and went to his knees on the nearest edge of the mat. He pressed his forehead to the floor and waited. Ah- Teen though large could move silently and so it was with some surprise about a minute later that Jawwad realised the creature’s feet were now just in front of him. Then that familiar terrifying smooth voice slid past his ears into his brain.

“Rise Jawwad ibn Aarif, It is with pleasure that I receive you and also sadness on behalf of your family for the loss of young Mashhud before his time.”

That last was a jolt but it didn’t surprise him that the beast had information it shouldn’t have been able to know, not much did surprise him about these creatures.
On his feet he was again awed by the magnificence of this creature in its man form.
Tall, dark skinned and muscled it was perfect. There wasn’t a flaw in it’s features, nor a mark on its skin. From its head long black hair hung straight down the length of its back like a water fall of night, its eyes were so dark brown it was like looking into the earth itself and they were surrounded by long delicate lashes.

It was dangerous though to look into the eyes of the Tananeen. They were mesmeric and could drive men to insanity.

“Lord, it is my honour to again be in your presence, it is my fervent hope that fortune has smiled upon you.”

“I believe that is true little mortal. Come sit with me.”

Ah-Teen was still quite naked and Jawwad found himself a little discomfited, not so much by the display of nudity but by the perfection of it. He felt himself somehow less when in the presence of something so much... more.

They took their ease in a cushion pile and exchanged pleasantries for a while near the large open doors to a garden of exquisite beauty while near naked slaves of a variety of races brought them a light repast of some kind of fruit that Jawwad had never before tasted. It was delightful and ah’ Teen did not miss the Traders surprise.

“Water melon my friend, it is something new a cousin sent me, I have seed and might be prepared to offer an exclusive supply contract for two seasons if the price is right?”

This was not business, just pre amble, the real business would begin soon but this is what past for banter with ah-Teen. The Tananeen were a diverse species and took delight in accumulating wealth in many different ways, for some it was war or theft, for ah- Teen it was trade.

“The fruit is delicious Lord perhaps samples could be provided for me to show my father...”

The beast burst out laughing!

“And no doubt the seeds would all be returned eh Jawwad? Every one of them? No you have the authority to deal in your father’s name sly merchant. You carry the family seal. The offer is on the table if you want it. So tell me what treasures you have brought with you today?”

The Taneen leaned back in his cushions and brought the stem of a long pipe to his lips then breathed a long stream of smoke out his nose... though Jawwad had never seen him pass tapper nor flame over the pipes bowl. Business would be discussed now.

Over the next half hour the two of them passed their time discussing the various samples that Jawwad’s slaves carried in for the creature’s inspection and the higher value items looted from the Turk raiders as well but a tension was building. These were fine items but Jawwad had presented no real treasure, ah-Teens expectations were not being met and the atmosphere felt dangerous.

“Lord I’ve come now to the end of my inventory bar one little thing I have been holding till last... it’s nothing much really simply an extra something we picked up from the Turks.”

Teasing a beast like this was incredibly dangerous and Jawwad had no doubt just put his life in real danger by spiking ah- Teen’s interest in this way when he was already frustrated but years of trading with the great reptiles had honed his instincts.

“Well mortal? Do you mock me? What is this item?”

“No item Lord, but a slave, a captive woman, a Latin speaker.”

The dragon’s eyebrows lowered in disappointment and Jawwad felt genuine fear. Even if the creature didn’t kill him it would look far less favorably upon his family in the future if Jawwad couldn’t provide it at least one new treasure to excite and titillate. He turned then to the nearest slave.

“Bring in the girl...”

Jawwad had a huge smile on his face as he left the lands of the dragon. Yes the creature had been well pleased and Jawwad was returning home generously compensated in gold, silks, slaves and with the seed to this new fruit. But it was remembering the delight in the eyes of Al’ Taneen that brought the smile to his face. To see delight in a dragons eyes was to feel delight to match.

He had been describing the girl to the beast as she was brought in. Speaking not just of her obvious education but of her figure, her grace and her demeanor when suddenly the creature sprang to his feet with a look like a lion about to pounce and Jawwad twisted around to see her standing in the door way her feet wide apart as if braced for a fight and a look of startled fear on her face. He’d been sitting with the great beast so long in negotiation he’d forgotten the creatures state of undress. He burst out laughing again at the memory just as he had then.

Jawwad had known then that all would be well even as ah-Teen spoke those magic words...

“Name your price merchant, I will have this!”

Ah yes Jawwad could certainly relate, she had been quite lovely standing there, her chest heaving in fright but trapped, trapped because her eyes had met ah-Teen's and he desired her.

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