The Girl Across the Street (desperado1080/Becaa57)

"We could have, but I don't like that option"

"I can drive, being as your paying for the rooms"

"Totally agree. That girl from school was on the pill too and I swear to God, when she took the condom out of my hand and tossed it aside and told me she was on the pill I saw stars. As for your question, let's pack something decent for dinner, towel, toiletries, whatever else we need and get going ASAP. Sound good?"
"Totally agree. That girl from school was on the pill too and I swear to God, when she took the condom out of my hand and tossed it aside and told me she was on the pill I saw stars. As for your question, let's pack something decent for dinner, towel, toiletries, whatever else we need and get going ASAP. Sound good?"

"A smart girl!!!"

"Yes sounds good, give me about 20 minutes. Then meet me at the car"
"I'll be done in ten," I say excitedly, almost forgetting to put my clothes back on before I race out of the house and get to packing. I just grab a pair of khakis, a nice blue dress shirt, and a black necktie in case you think it's necessary, and smart black loafers. Other than that, the only clothes I'm bringing with me are the loose-fitting gym shorts, grey sleeveless shirt and flip-flops I'm currently wearing. I pack one pair each of underwear and socks for the dining room.

In a small drawstring bag I pack sunscreen, toiletries and towel, and as promised I have put in my secret code to your front door and am waiting in your living room within ten minutes.
I hear you come in as I'm packing for the weekend. Had a hard time deciding on the dinner dress, finally pick one.
Putting everything into a soft bag I walk out and you're in the living room,
looking very much like a little boy who's going somewhere he has wanted in a long time

thinking, maybe not far off

"Couldn't find the car???"

Handing you the keys and my bag.

"I'll be out in a minute just have to lock up"

Leaving the house I go to the car.

"You driving or me?"
"Course I knew where the car was, but I just wanted to be there when you came down." When you come to the car I hand you the keys. "It's your car, but if you get tired I can take over," I say and set my things in the back seat and settle into the passenger seat myself.
I get in the car, start it but before I drive away.
I turn to you and pull you to me for a kiss. A nice deep one.

"I just want to thank you again for being there for me. You were my rock thrue a very hard time in my life."
"I want you to know I really appreciated your kindness and concern"

Then back out of the driveway. Your GPS or Mine???
I kiss you back when you pull me in, and when we separate I keep my hand on yours. "It was my pleasure, April. If you'll have me, I will always be your rock." When you ask me about whose GPS we are using, I just pull out my phone and mount it to your dashboard, the GPS already started.
When you ask me about whose GPS we are using, I just pull out my phone and mount it to your dashboard, the GPS already started.

"Always thinking this rock of mine"

We drive off, I see it's going to take a couple hours to get there.

"So, want to talk or just listen to music? have to warn you, I think I've spent the last month wearing out your eardrums, so you turn to tell the story of your life, including the girl who threw away your condom"
"Okay, so you remember the girl whose panties I rescued from the locker room, where her jerk boyfriend left them? The misunderstanding, the ass-kicking, then when she realized he was the bad guy all along and I was doing the right thing? Same girl who tossed the condom away the first time we had sex. And yes, she took my virginity and dated me for the rest of college, we really had a lot in common but it started out as a way to rub her ex's face in how he fucked up. And she admitted to me that I made her cum more times in one month than her ex ever had in the five years they were dating. She loved how I was attentive, kind, caring, and gave as much as I took in bed. Only reason we aren't still together is because our lives went in different directions. We still chat regularly, sometimes in a naughty sort of way, although I can stop doing that part of it if you want me to." I take a drink of water and wait for you to respond.
"I remember that story, another girl who benefitted from your kind heart"

"No!!!! Of course don't stop! She is your friend, keep your friends"

"I think a person who wants whomever he/she is dating to stop talking to friends is one to stay away from"

"So, you were a good lover for her? I bet because you pay attention to her"
"Well, I was asking if we should stop sexting, video chatting, and so on," I say for the sake of clarification. "And yeah, I paid lots of attention to her, both in and out of the bedroom, as I mentioned already."
"Well, I was asking if we should stop sexting, video chatting, and so on," I say for the sake of clarification. "And yeah, I paid lots of attention to her, both in and out of the bedroom, as I mentioned already."

"That much??? Is she not in a relationship?"

"I totally believe you would pay attention. Sounds like in a way she was the one for you, have you ever thought of moving to be closer"

"Being as we're not living together what you do is your business"
"She isn't, and she's probably hoping I will do just that. But I no longer want her." I reach over and take your hand. "I want to see if we can work as a couple, a real couple. That's why we're doing this, right?"
"I want to see if we can work as a couple, a real couple. That's why we're doing this, right?"

"Squeezing your hand back as you hold mine and confess that"

"That is sweet, and yes we are going on this trip to take our relationship to the next level"

"But I'm not looking for a new serious one. I like you, we get along. I'm not in love with you"

"Ok? If you're wanting more, I can turn around and we can remain friends"
I squeeze your hand reassuringly. "That won't be necessary, April. I'm totally okay with taking our time with this." I smile and lean over to kiss your cheek as we stop for some traffic. "Whatever happens, happens. For now I'm just happy to be here, with you."
Lifting your hand to my lips as the light changes. Kissing it

"Thank you. At this point I'm not sure what our future holds, keeping an open mind on it"
"I like that you're keeping an open mind. But you should keep talking to your friend"
"Perhaps you might want to see some of the things she sends me? If she's okay with it, of course." I of course loved it when you kissed my hand and I lower it happily, letting our clasped hands rest on the console between us.
"If you want to share and she is totally ok with it, yes"

"Have you shared any of mine with her?"
"Not yet, mostly because you haven't sent me anything. Have you?" I turn my head to look at you curiously, a slight smile across my face. "Perhaps you're more excited about this trip than you let on, and it's shaking up your beautiful mind a little?"
"Not yet, mostly because you haven't sent me anything. Have you?"

"No, I haven't but I know you could have captured some. I would have been shocked honestly"
"Would you want me to?? I bit of a surprise at work????"

"Perhaps you're more excited about this trip than you let on, and it's shaking up your beautiful mind a little?"

"I'm very excited about this trip. I haven't been on one in ages, and I do think I'm ready to take us to the next level"
"I am too. Honestly, I kinda wanna pull over at a rest stop and just hop in the back seat, but that would be a terrible first time for us. As for your other question, I absolutely would want you to." I let go of your hand and slide my hand up your thigh a bit before backing off. "You didn't seem like you were thrilled about how I was using my webcam even though I wasn't recording anything, so I stopped setting it up. So I couldn't have captured anything, even if I wanted to."
"I am too. Honestly, I kinda wanna pull over at a rest stop and just hop in the back seat, but that would be a terrible first time for us. As for your other question, I absolutely would want you to."

"That's not happening!!!!! Put it out of your mind"

"You didn't seem like you were thrilled about how I was using my webcam even though I wasn't recording anything, so I stopped setting it up. So I couldn't have captured anything, even if I wanted to."

"Thank you for that. If pictures are kept it will be with my full knowledge and consent"
"I know you're smart enough to get as many as you want, but if yo want me even as a friend you won't"
"It is out of my mind, don't worry. It never really was in my mind except to say that. And I'd never take or keep pictures of you without your knowledge. The idea that anyone would do so pisses me off." I sit back and just enjoy the ride, occasionally looking at you and smiling.
I smile
"Ok honey, I did trust you, just testing"

"Are you getting hungry for lunch? I packed us some and I see a park up here a bit?"