Dark Isle 2


I nodded, and smiled. 'hello Jade. Javen has told me some about you.'

Smileing, I looked at her and looked to Javen for some help.

I listened as Phobe introduced herself, then glanced to me, as if needing guidance.
"Welcome, child," Jade said. "I can sense kindness in you, just as in my son. But something else lies behind those eyes..."
SIlence for a few seconds, as though she were tempting Phobe to speak.
"You've been gone for longer than usual, Javen." Jade noted.
"Yes," I replied. "I was out too late, and had to stay in the caves in midforest for the day. I met her just after waking."
Jade nodded.
"There is something you are keeping secret as well," she mentioned.
"Another time," I replied, smiling. "I will tell you another time."
"I will tell you another time," Celeste mimicked. She stood aside with a child-like pouting expression on her face. She looked down at her feet, arms crossing her chest, angry about something.
"Is somethign wrong, Celeste?" I asked.
"Whose she? WHere did you find her? Did you dig her out of the cemetery? Looks liek she's been buried for some time now..."
A soft growl behind her caught her attention, and she spun around with an answering snarl, fangs bared.

A large beast stood some distance behind her, partially obscured by the trees: a wolf man, she seemed to recall being told of such things once, but the memory seemed very distant now. She licked the still fresh blood from her lips as she appraised him: he was clearly far too powerful to be prey, and the lust for death within her sensibly bowed to reason in this matter and remained still.

"You follow me werebeast. Why?" she said softly, walking up to him and letting her gaze trail over him. His powerful limbs ending in long sharp claws, a mouthful of large teeth glinting in the moonlight: he was the embodiment of her new-found hunger, and she found herself fighting the temptation to attack him just so she could experience the thrill of feeling those powerful limbs rending her flesh from her bones... She cut off that train of thought with an annoyed shake of her head - there were far better ways to indulge her desires than getting torn limb from limb.

I awoke in the middle of a dense jungle, nude and with blood all over my hands. What the hell have I been doing? If I have been transforming out of countol, I should probably keep my distance away from the church, even though I am concerned about how Teril might react to my absence. I should probably hide in this forest until I can get some sort of clothing.

Buried deep in the cool earth, she finds herself awakening. Slowly she feels sensations returning to her limbs. Her mind ticking over as she contemplates her immediate situation. She smells the clean damp smell of the earth which has engulfed her body for centuries. She wiggles to see if she can move. The earth has packed itself around her well. Effectively encasing her in a prison of dirt.

Her mind flickers and she pushes out her sensory ability to seek out something. A familiar mind. The one who will help her wreak havoc and take control once more. It is weak... but it is there. She grabs onto that mind with relish. Enjoying the flinch of pain from him as she does so.

'Come to me my sweet... it is time for me to rise again... come... come...' The sound of her voice will not be refused or disobeyed. He comes. He must travel far, and help dig her up from her premature grave. His body changes to that of a wolf. Fully grown, bounding across the land that separates him from his mistress. Soon to be together once more...
The wolf-man made no reply to her queries; his impenetrable yellow eyes continuing to study her with infuriating calm. Only a few moments passed before Teril turned away him with a hiss of annoyance, and started on her way again. Let him follow her if it must, so long as he didn't get in her way! Not that she had no idea where she was headed: the dark force that now drove her had no interest in 'goals', 'purposes' or any other such pedantic human concerns.

SHe was leaving before I addressed her, eyeing her until then with suspicion. Could she be debating an attack. The air about her told me that she knew of my kind, at least in some way, but she showed no fear, nor any hatred.
No, she wasn't of Volmorth's kind at all.
"Wait," I said, half-growling the words. "I wish to speak with you. What are you? Of what tribe do you come?"

The faint smell of death caught my attention. I followed it to a thicket that surrounded a placid lake. Heading through the brush, minding the thorn bushes, I discovered the carcass of a young woman, torn to shreds by some beast. Looking at my stained hands I couldn't help to question myself, had I killed this woman? Had I ripped her apart so viciously?
She turned to face the beast again, somewhat irritated with his strange questions: "Tribe? What are you talking about?"

Why was this were beast asking questions at all, he was not the one she knew - she frowned then, memories of Theo surfacing: these were not her memories... were they? She shook her head, pushing the confusion away. She hunted, that was enough to know.

SHe seemed to have no idea what I was asking her.
"Tribe...are you of Volmorth's tribe? Of Javen's tribe? Are you of the tribe of the East?"
I was beginning to wonder where this girl had come from.

A wizened old human male sat deep inside his cavernous dwelling surrounded by old scripts, parchment and even books.

In the old days before the chaos, as he liked to call it, even before he could imagine. There was a time when humans didn't fear those that stalked them now.

He could barely read now, his eyes drained of their power from the many years of solitude and even more years deep inside this cave with only the steady blue/green glow of the strange rocks that existed here to read by.

Perhaps it was these that enabled him to live as long as he had.

Finally he seemed to have pieced together the mysterious prophecy that was written even before understandable script. The pictographs were curious and yet held a deeper meaning than even he had originally thought.

He scratched at the parchment where he made his painstaking translation with his own blood as ink. He had long ago run out of the ink he had brought with him.

His chest squeezed tight as he read the prophecy in it's entirety as he now was able.

"... and She that was all powerful in her evil, will rise again. Centuries past a wedded match make with the present. Royal bondage of blood tainted. And human destiny will be doomed to that of livestock forever more. All history erased, all greatness forgotten by the evil that will embrace it in..."

He put his pen down. Watched the words before him. Senseless yet boding no good.

He picked up a separate paper where he was calculating the time of the parchment's writing along with another frayed piece that referred to an approximate timing of the prophecy.

He sucked in his breath sharply.

How long had he been here? He eased his tired body up and on legs bowed with age he made his way slowly slowly to the cave entrance. He must know when he was... and he must warn his fellow man...
She still had no idea what the creature was on about, but the name 'Javen' gave her pause - there was something familiar about it, but why? She shook her head, she did not need more annoying questions bothering her. "I am of, and by, myself wolfman. I have no interest in tribes." She snapped.

I eyed her suspiciously, wondering if I should continue my interrogation. She seemed genuine, but is wasn't natural fora night creature to be alone in the world, not this world.
"It is not wise for you to wander the woods at night. Not all of the creatures here are like us. Especially near the south woods. Might I suggest you accept my counsel on your way. I will accompany you to your destination, if you will concede. All I ask is that you speak to me more of your ways here on Dark Isle."

A brief quarrel with Celeste left her stalking from the rom, looking for Volmorth no doubt, to tell him of our new acquisition. I'd turned her too young, and her maturity was showing through. Good intentions were something discovered at a later age, I realized, and she was still in search of them. In Volmorth's prescence, it would take her that much longer to realize the best path, if ever she did.
Jade watched patiently until the girl left, slamming the door behind her, causing a loud echo through the halls beyond the door.
"SHe is a child, Javen. She only craves your attention," my 'mother' warned.
"I realize, Jade," I replied. "But my patience grows thin with her and her jealousies."
Jade smiled. "Give her time, especially now, for another issue is at hand. Volmorth has not been seen ofr days, and the time of the Red Moon grows near."
"The Red Moon..." I muttered.
Once superstition, the Red Mon was something we all knew far too well now. Volmorth had fed from his own kind, and had fed of the wolves, and God, if there was one, only knew what other Dark Species he'd drank the blood of. During the span of the red moon, his powers grew great, and his intentions dim.
A dangerous creature, Volmorth was, but there was more to this story. I could see that in Jade's eyes.
"What else mother?"
"The time has come, it seems, for her to arise. Volmorth has smelled her spirit waking for weeks. He was told his subjects, and once too often, mentioned this infront of Rethman. Noble he is, and brave in his way, but he knows it is you and your folk who must stop him."
"Her?" I asked.
Shiva. I'd heard the name, but her story was still a mystery.
"SOmething else is on your mind," she said.
"Yes," I replied. "Another time. What should I do?"
"Find him, and see where she is. I'm not sure what must be done, but time cannot be wasted."
"I will go immediately. Perhaps Phobe will accompany me..."

I had slept next to the grave I dug for the woman last night. I had never met her before yesterday but I may be responsible for her death. I've never had problems controlling my were self until I came to this blasted island. Intent on finding answers I made my way out of the forest, wearing some clothing I had taken off of someone's laundry line.

I walked around the side of the village opposite from the church. Had to avoid Teril, how was I to explain my disappearance to her? Sitting underneath a tree, I looked out to the landcape before me, eyeing the castle in the distance. Perhaps my answers lay there.
She didn't like standing still like this, it made her uncomfortable. And why should she fear to wander the woods at night? It was the forest's dark embrace that had finally made her feel alive again - finally freed her from that suffocating half-life she had been living for so many weeks. However, she was impatient to be moving again, so rather than argue she acquiesced to his request.

"Very well." Even once she was moving again, something pricked insistently at the back of her mind, refusing to leave her in peace. "Who is this Javen you speak of?"

"We will talk much," I said, looking at the sky. Morning was nearing, and the girl had to take cover before the sun took the sky. "FOr now, we must find a place to hide until nightfall. COme, I know a safe place..."

Strengthening by the day and becoming increasingly impatient, her mind stretches further as she waits in her dank earthy tomb.

She seeks minds she recognizes but finds none. Even that wolf she found was not the true mind of the one she sought. Maybe a descendant? How long had she lain here?

She finds a few more solitary were-wolves and commands them. They seem confused by her orders but she inflicts pain now... her mind strengthening with use. They come. Fleet of foot to dig her free.

Slowly she lets herself explore. Mentally at least.

Something... something... familiar... vaguely... human? She concentrates and gets a flicker of fear. Human fear before it is blocked from her. What is it?


The old man struggles onward, hoping the small group of humans he knew are still safe in the secret place where he last left them.

As he walks he feels a prickle run down his spine. He shivers, but before he can ignore it, he feels that mind. Latching onto his. His heart squeezes with fear.


NO! He panics before he finally remembers what he has learnt. He falls to his knees as he fights to close his mind to her. Clutching his chest he breathes heavily as finally he manages to protect himself.

The pain is slow to reside. Finally he looks down at his hands. Old and wrinkled and clutching the parchment with the translated text. Remembering his mission he stands up slowly and makes his pain-staking way onwards.
Looking at the sky, she felt deep unease at the idea of the coming dawn. Her instincts told her the werebeast was right, she must find a safe place to hide from the cruel light of day. She followed his lead.

Father Johnathan:
Waking up shortly before dawn, as was his want, the old priest said his morning prayers before heading to the kitchen for some tea. Most were still in bed - there was little point being up, unless you were on guard, until it was light.