Decadents & Dropouts OOC

I think they size is no problem, the story works as well.

For the estate where the rest of the group (except relic) are dwelling at the moment is protected by a large, rectangular wall. There is only one gate to it on the north side. It is closed and only opened by the guards. there is a longer path leading from the gate to the road outside.
The east and westside of the estate are covered with trees and bushes; Koetia was hiding there.
To the south is a large cliff that overhangs the wall by at least 30 feet. Haerdon was crazy enough to climb down there, and he survived, but he went outside over the wall.
It is early in the morning. Canut is still inthe guard house, I presume, while Verialyn and Phyliss are busy with the servants.
Maybe I can just add that they arrive at the gate early in the morning and when confronted by the guards Gryph just states that he was led there by Koetia?
Yes it is allright that way. Sureley this situation will get really interesting when swordandsandals will return.
Sword seems to pass through once a week, picking up what her got behind on and then go on his way again. I think the interrogation part I'll leave up to him or you two ladies as you seem quite...capable to handle that situations. I was inclined to join this when I read what the thread is about, but your posts really captured my interest.

Just to make sure, the plan is still to find a place of your own and to call home?
Yes, this is still in Phyliss mind, even if she is quite dissattracted in between. But I will see to get you into the story even if swordandsandle is absent. So don't give up yet, things will move. Maybe I will invent a new NSC to ease your joining.

(Swordsansandles, where are you now? Koetia has found a new friend after all and needs you.)
No offense but having read all that transpire with Phyllis and Valeria was it? Makes me hope that somewhere along the line Gryph also gets a chance as to join in the..."fun" LOL the character completely in your hands of course (if anybody wants to try and tame the dragon hybrid LOL)

I'll just keep my IC for now to Gryph and the role he will play in the group if they accept him
I have a rough idea.

Canut is leaving the guard house.
Koetia senses her master, tries to get inside.
The guards get nervous.
Canut finds that Koetia is outside and wants to get in, and the guards want to keep her out. Big fuzz.
Koetia runs away into the wilderness. Canut runs behind her. Eventually he will catch her and comes back later, joining the group again.
The gryph gets caught up in the mess at the gate.
The Guards ponder if they should spike the gryph with their crossbows to be sure or try to capture him for slavery.
The girls get aware somehow and interact, because the gryph is a fellow monster and a "good guy" in their opinion.
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No offense but having read all that transpire with Phyllis and Valeria was it? Makes me hope that somewhere along the line Gryph also gets a chance as to join in the..."fun" LOL the character completely in your hands of course (if anybody wants to try and tame the dragon hybrid LOL)
First, welcome to the group, I should read the OOC thread more often.

The cute vampire's name is Verialyn (I think I posted it somewhere in the thread :) ), and no, we will keep all the fun stuff to ourselves of course. :D
First, welcome to the group, I should read the OOC thread more often.

The cute vampire's name is Verialyn (I think I posted it somewhere in the thread :) ), and no, we will keep all the fun stuff to ourselves of course. :D

Sigh. What a pity. Would have loved to see how one of you handle the hybrid. Oh well life is like that I guess
I have a rough idea.

Canut is leaving the guard house.
Koetia senses her master, tries to get inside.
The guards get nervous.
Canut finds that Koetia is outside and wants to get in, and the guards want to keep her out. Big fuzz.
Koetia runs away into the wilderness. Canut runs behind her. Eventually he will catch her and comes back later, joining the group again.

Hope you can work a RP around that one

The gryph gets caught up in the mess at the gate.
The Guards ponder if they should spike the gryph with their crossbows to be sure or try to capture him for slavery.

That part would create quite a scuffle and I would love to do that part

The girls get aware somehow and interact, because the gryph is a fellow monster and a "good guy" in their opinion.

This would probably be a joint venture I guess?
Just a warning: I will be away over the weekend, so most likely only very few posts from me on Saturday or Sunday. Either you slow down a bit, or you do this episode without me. :)
Don't worry, I won't be able to post Sunday and also I'll miss out half a day tomorrow, so I'm just catching up now before I work on my novel during the weekend :)
OK I'm going to hush now so that the two ladies can have their pleasure, it's very rude to get interrupted when having a bit of fun, if you want me to post something specific just let me know OOC Ok?
I will be away a few days from tomorrow, so just keep on going without me. We have to see how Gryph deals with Famentides.
Marcus Famentides is the owner of the estate and the girls host. He is now confronted with Gryph, fearing that his place might be obliterated (and he with it).
Never mind that, maybe Cherubian can take over Marcus while I'm away?

So far for verybody, what has happened meanwhile?

1. Verialynn gets messy with the servant. The other servant manages to seduce Phyliss in her own room after all.
2. Newcomer Gryph stumbles upon Koetia in the forests. he takes her to the gate of Famentides estate. The guards wont let them in.
3. Canut is going to be taken to Famentides. Koetia senses him near and tries to get in.
4. The guards push Koetia off. There is enough fuzz to get Canut aware. Nobody knows what really happens, but the gate blows, Koetia runs off, Canut is behind her and Gryph stays at the gate.
5. The guards are not sure if to take Gryph as prisoner or shoot him down. Gryph gets mad and hit by crossbow bolts, but keeps unharmed.
6. Gryph makes quite some noise and some havoc. The girls are not to long disturbed by that, but Marcus gets out to see what is going on.