Decadents & Dropouts OOC

Now for the report.

1. Gryph and Phyliss have found a horse. They notice a fire nearby, and hurry up to reach the city.
2.The fire is by Trunfor, a new character who is on the run as well. He notices that there are two nonhumans nearby, but is afraid to get close.
3. Mad Dog and Blades approach Trunfor, who feels intimtaded by them, but manages to leave in peace and goes to the city, too. He assumes rightly, that the two other nonhumans were stalked by Mad Dog and Blades.
4. Gryph and Phyliss find a tavern and rent a room for the night.
5. Tronfur finds the tavern as well, but he is suspicious to Gryph and Phyliss, as he sneaks around them without getting close.
6. Tronfur leaves for his room, some moments later Graph and Phyliss enter their room on the same floor.
Going a bit slow at the moment. Ill be away for probably the next two week, so we could use this week so long.
Now for the report:

1. Trunfor, Phyliss and Gryph meet at last in the night. First they are all suspicious, but Trunfor promises to protect Phyliss in a cermonial oath.
2. Next morning, they decide to go into the city to find out more about their missing friends.
3. Blade and Mad Dog track down Trunfor and find the tavern.
4. Haerdon is also heading to the city, but hasn't reached it yet, and has no idea where Phyliss is hiding.
5. Phyliss persuades Gryph to buy himself some armor. They find a matching set at last.
6. Meanwhile Trunfor walks the city alone, but finds no information. He comes back to the tavern earlier, and sees Mad Dog and Blades entering the building.
7. Phyliss and Gryph return. Tronfur informs them about what he has seen.
8. They decide to team up and meet the two assassins, for what they take them.

And now we are in a little fix. We would need Dormant Evil to take the place ouf our two stalkers. Suggestions?

I think that to take care of the two stalkers for Dominate evil, we make it where the two stalkers are somehow disabled for a while (Badly injuring them if a battle takes place, Convincing them to leave us alone until they decide to track us again, Their arrested by the city guards and put in jail for a time.)
I have some good news, Nidhog volunteered to take over the part of Mad Dog and Blades. So we might assume that they hide somewhere, and then we will see what will vome out of it. Maybe they have just went out again unnoticed to strike later. (A mighty sorcerer and a luxus assassin should manage to do that.) By the way, I am quite sure that they don't want to kill Phyliss and their friends, but have some other (sinister?) plans.

Suggestions: After not finding the two strangers, the trio decides to leave. So Nidhogg, Dormant Evil or anybody else who will like to take the part of Mad Dog and/or Blades can join in any time. People who like a steady character instead, just think of something how to get into the story, and we will find a way.
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I'll help out with Mad Dog and Blades until I see a good opening for a more steady character. I'll start in on the sinister stuff later this evening. I need to get caught up on the recent events in the RP (the summaries help a lot but I like a good read) and then I'll get things posted. For now, as Belinda35 suggested, just assume they are off plotting somewhere.

As for a steady character, I have an idea that popped in to my head. Still rough, but I like it. What I have in my head is a half-elf who was raised and trained to be a monster hunter by a religious sect. Having been given a great education, access to countless techniques and exotic equipment all designed to kill beasts small and great, he was on his way to becoming a highly skilled monster slayer. There was a small issue with this, though. He was not only terrible at fighting, he was a total coward.

Needs some more fleshing out, but I like the concept. Feedback is always appreciated.

So look for updates on Mad Dog and Blades later tonight.
The next two weeks I will have to be a bit rare. Sunday i am gone, I will try to be there during the week. If I stay to long (longer then three days) you might just kidnap Phyliss to keep the plot going. She can run away later, when I am back.
Thanks for taking over as Mad Dog and Blades. I got caught away with work again.

I might take over Relic and Alex again.

Any chance for a simple situation report? Are you near the forges yet?
So, my last post for today; i might be a bit rare next week and gone for the week after that.

There are short reports above, we are looking for a new tavern in the "City of Forges".
Perfect opening for Relic and Alex then.

I'll get a post up today. Even if it means RPing is a little slow for a couple of weeks. I suspect we won't do anything dramatically damaging to the characters.

1. Trunfor, Gryph and Phyliss search the tavern, but do not find their stalkers. They decide to leave.
2. They find a nice tavern, and renember that they have forgotten about the horse.
3. Gryphs walks back to see if the horse is still there, while Trunfor and Phyliss rent a room.
Well sorry I didn't get anything up last night, but will it be safe to assume that I won't have to do anything with Mad Dog and Blades? I'd really rather work in a regular character.

On that note, any suggestions about an opening to introduce him? I mean he could just be in the tavern when you find him, but if anyone has input on the matter I'd like to hear it.
Nope, you should be free to ignore their existence for a while.

Bring on your normal character.

Introduction wise? I say go with what you feel comfortable with...huge fight scene that spills over to our table, simple enter and say hi...totally up to you.
You should add something that makes him an outcast although by looks. The characters don't have to be typical monsters, but they should all belong to the group of unfortunate creatures that are slain at sight just for collecting xp in usual d & d-sessions.
The characters don't have to be typical monsters, but they should all belong to the group of unfortunate creatures that are slain at sight just for collecting xp in usual d & d-sessions.

He's actually not a half-elf. That is just an easy way for him to get around in the world. He is a full blooded doppelganger. I'll toss up his real profile shortly, when that little secret gets out.

Just to clarify, he is a regular doppelganger, not one that can also assume memories and such. His transformations are technically natural not magical, so he doesn't give off an massive aura (although I suppose being a magical creature to begin with he'd always have a small one). Info on the limits of his shape-changing abilities will come up in game, probably at the worst (or funniest) possible time for him to mention that he can't turn in to that. It is unlikely he will go au naturel anytime soon, but here's a link to what he looks like in his natural state. -Link-
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Don't worry. Phyliss dealed with shapeshifters before. And welcome back Canut.
Alright, I'll toss up the doppelganger's bio.

- Z -
Age: 68 (Not that old for his particular type of doppelganger)
Race: Doppelganger
*Statistics for natural form*
Height: 5'9
Weight: 115lbs
Eyes: Purple
Skin: Gray
History: You really expect a doppelganger to talk honestly about his past?
Nidhogg, please don't freak out. If your doppelganger smells human just tell me here and I'll edit my post.

Also if I walk off I'm pissed at certain characters and will return when I'm calmer and feeling ready to RP again.

Nidhogg, please don't freak out. If your doppelganger smells human just tell me here and I'll edit my post.

I'm glad you asked about that. He actually does smell human. He will smell like whatever creature he is morphed in to at the time. He doesn't use an illusion to hide what he is, he physically changes himself in to what he wants to be.

Just let me know if you need any other clarifications on him.
For the moment, I will wait for a moment to give Dormant Evil, Niddhogg and swords&sandals time to answer, although Phyliss is curious, but will wit for the news of the stranger at their table.
From today on, I will be gone for the whole week. Probably I will post again next monday. If you like to go on without me: Phyliss will take Zaehls offer to pay for a boat, but after this talk she will need a little rest to cure her hangover, but will be able to instruct her friends what to get (food, drink, a saddle for the horse, if they are able to keep it after all, at least one crossbow with several bolts, explaination will follow, blankets, etc.)
Gryph would probably wake up fully on Phyliss' return and then get to buy a few things needed for the boat
I can't promise I'll be around for probably two weeks. Moving some stuff, and won't have access to a computer. Sorry.