Designed for Pleasure (Closed for teazme)


Dec 2, 2008
It was five years since Frank Cavanaugh had left the city, had left his job on the Street. It was his gift to himself for his fortieth birthday. A gift that came ten years earlier than he had expected. Twenty-five million dollars. That was his gift. He had been a trader and was good at it. Very good. He had his first million at twenty-seven, and after that the money flowed in. Speculation and investment fueled his retirement. He had enough now to retire as he wished, living the life of the -relatively - independently wealthy, though he still did some trading on his own.

A house in Tuxedo was one of his dreams, and now he had one. Twelve rooms and eight acres, and an indoor/outdoor swimming pool. The rooms? All spacious - a kitchen centered on an antique oak table, a fitness room beside the pool, a fully equipped entertainment room, a living room and a dining room, an office, and a one-and-a-half-story study on the first floor. Upstairs, an enormous master bedroom and four guest rooms, all with private baths, more than ample to host party guests as well as a single visitor.

It was close enough to the City to visit, far enough away to live with no strings attached. And visit he did, two or three times a month for his favorite pleasures. Ballet was at the top of his lest, followed closely by concerts. Art exhibitions were a draw for him as well, and the occasional opera struck his fancy. Seasons tickets to the Met and to the NYC Ballet, and their galas too. His companions? Dates, occasionally, but mostly escorts. Special escorts who’d satisfy his desires after the show. Ropes, whips, cuffs, crops, and such were part of his weekend packing. There were also longer trips, mostly for the same show and post-show entertainment in the States and in Europe.

He’d been living this life in this house for nearly two years without making any changes to it. The first floor, in particular, was perfect as it was, he felt, but the upstairs bedrooms were, while well-appointed, a bit uninteresting. He had bought new furniture for the rooms, including an imposing four-poster for the master bedroom, but all the rooms lacked character. A specific character, in fact. He decided he’d like the rooms to reflect his sexual predilections, but in a way that women would find appealing. Women who found his desires matched his, of course. So he advertised for a female interior designer, hoping to find one who would accept the challenge of his commission.

"Female Designer Wanted to Add Character to Bedrooms in Suburban Mansion" read the add in Architectural Review. He waited hopefully for a good response.
Ava DeMille was perusing the magazines in the coffee shop. She was newly graduated from Design School and was excited to start building her design business. She had done a few commission while still in school so she had a small but well done portfolio to show potential clients. She knew she would be able to get her business going, she just needed to start advertising and building her portfolio and getting referrals to other potential clients. Ava paused as she saw the ad in Architectural Review. She didn't see much detail in the advertisement, but that made her more intrigued. She reached out and submitted her portfolio and introduction letter and crossed her fingers to wait for a response.

After she finished her coffee Ava headed to walk the town square. She had lived in Tuxedo all her life, except for design school. She lost her parents young due to a car accident and she missed them. She had lived with her grandparents until she was down with school and they told her about the nest egg her parents had left her. Ava used it to pay for school and still had some left over which she was using to start her business. Ava smiled softly as she reminisced, she loved her grandparents, but living with them lead to a very sheltered life until college. She finally got her first boyfriend in college and lost her virginity, although he broke up with her right after they slept together so maybe her grandparents had a point. Ava shrugged her shoulders and kept walking.

She stopped in front of the bakery in town before she went up the office above it. She still got excited every time she walked to her office and today was no different. She waved to the baker who was swamped with customers early in the morning before she headed up. Once in her office Ava started reviewing emails and responding to requests for meetings. She was excited to see she had two new requests from the city, she knew she would do well with those. Ava sent response emails to the two requests, asking for a few more details so she could get some ideas going before she met with them.

Ava leaned back in her chair, excited about the potential of the day as she heard a ding from her computer. She looked down and saw it was from the email she sent earlier in response to the ad. She clicked and smiled, the person wanted to meet today. Ava nodded absolutely and asked when and where would be a good time.
Frank was pleased to have a reply to his ad. And from a young woman just starting out. She’d have fresh ideas, and, since she was young, she probably was familiar with the BDSM lifestyle. He immediately replied that he’d like to meet today, if it were convenient.

She accepted the offer to meet, and he mailed back that lunch would be perfect, and perhaps best at his house. She’d have to come anyway to get a look at what she might be working with, and also enough information to decide if she’d want to try for the commission. Still, he should give her the option of meeting publicly first, and so he replied:

Miss DeMille: Lunch today would be perfect. I’d be pleased to meet you at my house around one p.m. We could talk while we eat, and then you could have a tour of my place. We could discuss some general considerations as we toured. My address is #1 Cedar Lodge Drive. It’s a private road about a mile and a half off Long Meadow Road. You can find it on GPS or I can give you directions. If you’d prefer we can meet for lunch at a restaurant in town, and then come to tour my place if you’re still interested.

He did hope she’d come for lunch, so he started giving some thought as to what he’d serve. And he’d need a bit of time to make sure his place was neat for her visit. He poured himself a coffee as he waited for her reply.
Ava saw the email about lunch at 1 p.m. and got excited today was going to be a banner day for her. Possibly three new projects in one day. She emailed back and said, "I will meet you at your house. I would love to get a feel for the rooms you want completed and any other pertinent information. If you can give me a color scheme I can start working on some basic ideas to have ready for our lunch meeting." Ava then looked up the address and saw it was about a 30 minute drive from her office. She planned the worked the rest of the morning and around noon she started to get ready to leave.

Before she left Ava made she sure looked presentable. She freshened up her makeup and brushed her hair and teeth. Ava looked over the outfit she had chosen today and decided her black skirt and a hot pink blazer and matching heels looked stylish and fun, but also professional. Ava didn't want someone to think she couldn't handle the job because of her age. Ava headed to her car and started the drive.

As Ava approached the house she looked out her window and gasped, the house was gorgeous. She could only imagine the inside of the house. She was so excited to dive head first into this project without even knowing any specifics. She parked her car in the driveway and started up the steps, her heels clicking on the pavement. She took a deep breath and rang the doorbell, nerves getting to her for the first time. She waited until the door opened and smiled, "Hi, I am Ava it is so nice to meet you. Your home is lovely."
Frank was pleasantly surprised when he opened the door and found a very attractive young woman standing there.

“Pleased to meet you, Ava,” he said with a smile. “I’m Frank. Please come in.”

“I thought we’d have lunch and chat a bit first, and then tour the rooms,” he said as he led her to the kitchen. “It’s a hot day, so I made a cold lunch. I hope you like it.”

While they started with a Hungarian sour cherry soup, Frank gave her a brief background of himself and the house.

“You’re from Tuxedo,” he said. “This was quite the spot for wealthy New Yorkers at the turn of last century. And it’s name will be around forever in the new men’s evening wear that was designed here. At any rate, I’ve always wanted to live here, and when I retired, this place was for sale. And at a good price. I couldn’t turn it down.”

He served the main course, a lobster ceviche, and poured them each a glass of chilled Sauvignon Blanc. He introduced his aim for the bedrooms as they ate.

“I’ll be up front about everything, Ava. I want the bedrooms designed for pleasure. Sexual pleasure of a particular kind. I find my pleasure in BDSM, though I’m not fully sadistic. I only find pleasure in the heavy stuff if my partner desires it. Many of my guests are of that persuasion, and so I want all the rooms to serve those ends. I do have some people over who aren’t into that lifestyle, and so I need it not to be obvious in the guest rooms. But above all, I want the rooms to be pleasurable to women, to have an ambience that would enhance their pleasure. That’s why I specifically advertised for a woman designer. I felt only a woman could accomplish that. Now, if you’re still interested, I’ll show you the rooms and discuss some of my specific ideas after we finish eating.”
Ava smiled wide as Frank showed her the kitchen, "this kitchen is gorgeous. I would spend a lot of time in here if this was my kitchen. I love to bake." Ava started on her lunch and looked at Frank in surprise, "this is very good. Do you enjoy cooking often?" Ava liked to get to know her clients on a personal level. She genuinely cared about her clients, but it was also a way that they remembered her and maybe recommended her in the future. Ava smiled as he told her about buying the house, "yes I have always lived here. My parents died young and my grandparents adopted me so I could stay in the area."

As the lunch continued Ava listened to Frank. She held back her surprise when Frank told her he wanted bedrooms designed for BDSM pleasure. Her only experience with BDSM was watching 50 Shades of Grey, so she was going to need to do some research. Ava nodded as she listened and hoped Frank wouldn't be disappointed. She smiled at Frank, "I am still interested, but I do have to be honest. I don't know much about BDSM, only what 50 Shades of Grey showed." Ava looked at Frank as she continued, "I will have to do some research like any project, but I hope that doesn't deter you from picking me to design the rooms. I do have some ideas of what women like so we can start there and personalize it with some BDSM themes."

Ava stood up as they finished lunch, "I would love to see the rooms you want designed if you still want me to design them." Ava followed Frank, up the stairs and was excited when she saw the four guest bedrooms and a master suite. She looked at Frank, "are you wanting to do all four guestrooms? How about the bathroom ensuites? Shall I also work on your Master suite as well or is that one already set to your liking?" Ava walked to the first room, it was a simple, basic white paint with a bed and two nightstands.

Ava thought quickly on her feet, she didn't want her lack of knowledge of BDSM to lead to her not getting this job. She looked around, "well for starters I would change the paint to something more sensual, maybe add a few classy pieces of art like a nude of a woman." Ava took notes as they walked around, "do you want each room to have a specific theme or do you want them all to match? Do you want one or two rooms that are more blatant BDSM themed rooms and two that are more hidden desire type?" Ava was getting excited, "I have some research to do, but I have a few ideas bubbling in my head. As Ava looked in the bathrooms and murmured to herself, "rain head steam showers, plush luxurious towels." Ava kept scribbling to herself and then looked at Frank, "I have some ideas. I do need to know a budget and timeline we want to work with and then I will get to work, if you still want me to design. I can start working on ideas and send you very basic concepts for each room in about a week if that works?"
Frank was pleased that Ava was interested in the commission. Her credentials were good, her enthusiasm appealing, and her looks very attractive. But maybe she was getting a bit ahead of herself.

“I’m happy you’re thinking about it right away, but, as you suggested, I would like to discuss a few things before you start making too many plans. Here, come into the master bedroom with me.”

He led her into the master, the largest of the bedrooms, measuring thirty feet by thirty. A California King four-poster was centered against the far wall. A large window was in the walls at either side and there was a skylight over the middle of the room.

“I’ve made this room serviceable,” he explained as he pointed out some features. “The bedposts have iron rings at the tops, mattress level, and bottom, and you can see the rings around the walls. The armoire in the corner holds whips and ropes and such.”

He opened the doors to show her the whips, acnes, crops, and more hanging from racks inside the armoire.

“So, the room works, but it - and the other rooms - lack character. And that’s why I’m looking for a designer. Someone who’ll give them character that enhances the sex for women as well as men.”

He closed the armoire as he spoke.

“You say you’re familiar with Fifty Shades, and that’s okay for some of the content. But I’m not into corporate style BDSM. Not techno either - no plumbing or steel contraptions. The Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries interest me, sort of a classical life style. I’d like the master to have a Victorian Neo-Gothic vibe, maybe even a bit towards late Gothic itself. Tapestries on the walls, perhaps, but not a medieval dungeon look. The other rooms - I’d lean towards four different styles, though they’re fairly close. One definitely Art Nouveau and one Art Deco. For the other two, Edwardian and Oriental. I am open to other suggestions, though.”

“The rooms must all have TVs, but hidden, and the baths should be in comparable styles, but with modern capabilities,” he added as they headed back downstairs.

He led her to the library next.

“I’ve already had this room done - it’s my own design. The BDSM stuff is all hidden or disguised. I’ll need that for at least one of the guest rooms. I occasionally do have guests who aren’t in the life style, and I need a room they can be comfortable in.”

He offered Ava a seat at a large oak table in front of a stone fireplace. A single dressed tree trunk, supported by two similar posts, spanned the middle of the room. Long, heavy drapes hung down the posts. The walls were lined with filled bookshelves and art the one-and-a half stories high. Other than the table and chairs there was an antique wooden desk with chair and two-drawer filing cabinet, an antique armoire, a small bar, and a coffee table with two armchairs and a sofa, all leather.

“Take a look around,” he said as he offered her a drink. “Tell me where you think the sex toys are hidden, and then we’ll discuss time and budget.”
Ava nodded as Frank told her his desires for the themes for the rooms. She would be able to make those work. She took notes on his requirements and was already starting a basic idea in her head. She followed up through the house toward the library. She made notes about the other rooms in the house, so she could picture how the rooms would flow with the house. Ava nodded, "hidden or disguised is not a problem. I have a few furniture designer contacts who I think would be a good fit."

Ava took the seat Frank offered and looked around the room. She would never guess there were BDSM implements, but that was the point. Ava was a little nervous, hoping her lack of experience within the BDSM world didn't hinder her ability to get this commission. She looked at Frank, "besides the trite statement of anything can be used as long as you are creative enough, how many different places am I looking?"

Ava began to look around, she found iron rings similar to the ones on the bed in the master suite attached to the wall behind the drapes. She looked behind some of the art, and noticed there was nothing, "that is a missed opportunity to put cutout shelving behind the art." She continued around the room and looked over the cabinet. She found the opening and opened it to reveal the hidden toys. Ava continued and looked over the coffee table, kneeling on the floor, which tightened her skirt, finding similar iron rings attached and folded under the table. Ava crawled over to the arm chairs and crawled around looking at the legs, "I see some attachment points on the legs as well."

Ava stood and walked over to the sofa. She didn't see anything there, but something on the bookshelf caught her eye. At the bottom of the bookshelf were doors, she opened the doors and was able to reveal a hidden iron cage. Ava gasped, "um I uh I...." She got a little nervous at finding that, "do you use that very often?"
Frank kept his eye on her as she surveyed the room. She certainly was an attractive young woman, and he couldn’t help imagine her naked and tied or chained here in the library. And very attractive as she knelt down to inspect the coffee table - her skirt tightened over her firm backside, tempting for a spanking or more. Tempting as it was, though, he refrained, not wanting to frighten away a potentially good designer.

As Ava uncovered the iron cage and asked if he used it often, Frank laughed. “No, I prefer a more comfortable place to sit.”

“No, really, Ava, I’ve barely used it, and only for someone who wanted it. I had it installed for a couple who visit sometimes. They couldn’t manage it at home with their kids around. It rolls out, and they’ve used it to put on some interesting shows for our parties. They did one where he was a lion tamer and she was in the cage naked and made-up like a tigress. He let her out of the cage and cracked his whip to make her do tricks. Suddenly she turned on him, jumping up and knocking him down. She tore his pants off with her teeth and then had her way with him. It was a good bit of fun.”

He pulled the cage from its nook and opened the door.

“If you’d like to get in, feel free to try any time.”

He paused a moment and then led her back to the table.

“You did pretty well, Ava,” he said as they returned to their seats, “but you did miss something.”

He took a length of rope from his pocket. He had picked it up from one of the hidden storage places.

“You missed the decorative knobs around this table. They can be used for tying someone to the table.”

He belayed the rope around one of the wooden knobs to show her how it worked.

“Now, before we get to the technical details,” he began, “I meant what I said about the cage. And it goes for any of the toys around here. It’s important to me that the design is pleasing to women, so if it helps you to try anything out, to see how it feels to help inspire you, feel free. You don’t have to go all the way with any of it, but if you haven’t been tied up, I’ll do it for you, with your clothes on and with no sex, however you wish. Think about it.”

He left her for a moment to fix drinks for them and then returned to the table.

“Cost?” he said. “I’m not worried about that. I can go pretty high if it buys what I’m looking for. Do you planning with an unlimited budget and we’ll work from there.”

“Time?” he continued. “I’d like it instantly, but I know things take time, and that the time they take depends on the job being done. So I would like the time estimate as well as the cost estimate to be broken down for each part of the design. To the best of your ability, of course; I don’t expect exact figures.”

He raised his glass and offered his hopes that this would be the start of an excellent relationship.

“And do you have any questions? I’d also like to hear your thoughts so far on my project.”
Ava gulped as Frank said she could try the cage. A part of her had always been curious about BDSM, but never had the chance to explore more in depth. It was something she would keep in mind as she worked on this commission. She watched how sure of himself Frank was as he tied the tope around the wooden knobs. She looked at him, "I will keep that in mind Frank. It is something I have been curious about, but never thought I would get a chance to explore it."

When he comes back with a drink Ava drinks it down in one gulp, she is very nervous. Partly because she wants this job and partly because she is very aroused. She listens to his request about cost and timeline, "I would like to start with your bedroom as that is the room you spend the most time. I would then do two guests rooms and baths at a time so the other two could be used as needed." Ava looks at Frank, "how about I send you my concept drawings by the end of next week. I can have the timeline and cost estimates at the same time." Ava stood and moved to shake Frank's hand, "If you have any more thoughts or ideas you wish to incorporate, please let me know."

Ava walked to her car on unsteady legs, she couldn't believe how aroused she was. Just thinking about spending more time with Frank and having him help her explore her sexual desires made her quite moist. She decided to drive home and do a little research before she started her designs. Ava stopped at a red light and decided to email Frank, "If I wanted to do more research about BDSM, do you have a website you would recommend?"

Ava made it to her apartment and grabbed her laptop and started to search. She ended up on a website with stories about BDSM. The more she read the wetter she got. Finally she found the audio category and try as she might, she couldn't help but listen to one. However, it wasn't the author's voice she heard she was hearing Frank's voice telling her to pinch and pull her nipples. Ava didn't notice her phone had accidentally dialed Frank's number. All she could focus on was the audio calling her a good girl and to pinch her nipples harder. Ava, with her eyes closed nodded, "yes Frank I am pinching my nipples for you Sir."
Frank squeezed Ava’s hand as they shook goodbye.

“I’d rather you bring them to me, That way you can talk to me about them when I forst see them. I won’t be able to develop any preconceptions.”

He watched her drive away, thinking about how attractive she was, and how susceptible as well. It was clear to him that there was a sub lying under the surface in this woman. He could sense her arousal at the thought even of what little she knew about BDSM. Still, he was a bit surprised when she called back before she even reached home. He recommended a few sites and sent links to her phone. Into the study, then, for a drink and some reflection on his interior designer.

He was just about to get up from his armchair when his phone rang. It was her number calling, and he answered it. Before he could say hello, however, he heard the sounds of a BDSM film in the background. He paused, and when Ava didn’t say anything, he realized it was an accidental call. He listened for a while and then decided to help the girl along.

“That’s a good girl, Ava,” he said in a low, compelling voice. “I’m pleased to see you’re doing your research. And it’s best to learn from experience.”

He paused and then told her to pinch her nipples through her blouse.

“Harder, now, girl,” he encouraged her. “Yank them. Pull them and stretch them out.”

He listened for a few minutes, getting aroused himself from the sound of Ava’s arousal.

“Now twist them. Twist them as far as you can, and then twist them some more.”

He waited, listening again, until Ava was breathing heavily.

“Now be a good girl and slip your left hnd under your skirt. Now slip your fingers under your panties. Wriggle them between your pussy lips. It’s nicely wet and hot there, I’m sure. Bring your wet fingers to your lips. Smell them and taste them. That’s the fragrance flavor of your own desire.”

He paused a moment to listen to her breath. Hot and heavy.

“Back to your pussy, now, girl. Finger your hole and your clit. Keep pinching and pulling your right nipple while you finger yourself until you cum.”

He waited silently, enjoying the music of Ava’s masturbation. He didn’t speak again until after her orgasm had subsided.

“You are a very good girl, Ava,” he praised her. “We’ll continue your experiential research when I see you next.”

He asked for, and was told, her dress and shoe sizes before he hung up.

He expected she’d be ready with some ideas soon; she want to come back for more. It was time to plan what to buy for her to wear for their next meeting.
Ava listened to Frank's instructions, she had no idea how her phone had called him, but she was glad it had. She whimpered as she pulled and twisted her nipples. She never knew pain could feel so good. Ava blushed as she tasted herself and softly murmured to Frank, "I taste good." She slid her fingers back into her pussy and rubbed her clit, her hips trying to meet her fingers as she felt her orgasm getting closer to washing over her. As she came Ava screamed out Frank's name. She blushed as she told her dress and shoe sizes, intrigued by why he would need those, and hung up.

Ava couldn't believe what had just happened. It had been an accident calling Frank, but she couldn't deny it felt amazing listening to him tell her how to touch herself and make herself cum. She laid on the bed and caught her breath, she smiled again as she thought about Frank calling her a good girl. She decided to start working on the designs for master bedroom suite. She found a delightful canopied California king bed in a deep black and decided to go with deep burgundy bedding. She thinks a fireplace might be a good addition to the Master bedroom and finds an intricate mantel to add. She finds some more furniture to add as well as set of chairs in a plush burgundy. She also adds some nightstands to the design. She then reaches out to her furniture design friend and asks if he could add some iron rings on the bedposts and maybe add a toy drawer underneath for some larger implements. She also asks about having a pillory like set up added to the footboard of the bed, but making it able to be hidden. Her friend grins, "I love the ideas and will get working on them today. I'll try to have some designs to you this evening."

Ava continues on into the master bedroom closet. She reworks the layout a little bit, maximizing the room for clothing and opening up some space for him to add additional storage space for a BDSM spanking bench. Ava decides to work on the bathroom. She adds two rain shower heads and a double vanity, she blushes as she thinks about how she would like to spend some time in this room once it is completed. Ava smiles as she looks over the design and moves onto the next room. She can't believe how fast the ideas are flowing for this design.

She starts on the guest bedrooms and finds beds she likes for each design theme. She then follows up with her design contact and asks about customizing the beds, and and chairs she finds for the rooms. He tells her, "of course give me a couple days to go over the items you found and see if your ideas can be done." Ava smiles, she can't believe it, she hadn't planned on working this fast, but the ideas just flowed. She closes her computer for the night and sends a text to Frank, "I am excited to tell you I have so many ideas and plans are actually almost done. How about we set up another meeting for later this week?"
Frank listened as Ava brought herself to climax just as he had instructed her. He pictured her in his mind, her blouse twisted and stretched around her erect nipple, her clit taut and glistening like a pearl, her pussy dripping juices, and her sheath spasming as she came. Yes, this promises to be the start of a beautiful relationship.

Her dress and shoe sizes. Yes, what he’d have her wear to their next meeting. He was already planning the encounter. She had a very pretty face, for sure, and her clothes hinted at a fantastic body beneath, He looked forward to seeing -and feeling - those breasts as well as the rest of her to seeing her enjoying his ministrations.

As he searched online for the dress she’d wear, a text came in. It was Ava, ready for a meeting to show her ideas. Yes, later this week. She’d show him her plans and he’d show her his pleasures.

Thursday would be good. A light lunch again, if you’d like, he texted. And I’d be honored if you’d be my guest on Saturday for a little dinner party I’ve planned.

It was settled, then and he selected a dress for her. He ordered it, along with a pair of maryjanes and a pair of black thigh-highs with a seam up the back, to be delivered to her office the next day. Another text then:

A package of clothing will be arriving at your office tomorrow. You’ll wear them, and nothing else, when you come on Thursday.


Thursday! Just two days until he’ll see her. Really see her. He smiled to himself as he began to plan for her visit.

Thursday morning, at last. Frank prepared the master bedroom. He moved the dressing bench from the foot to the side of the bed and drew the blinds closed. Four lengths of braided brushed cotton cord, a black silk scarf, and a five-foot single-tail snake on the bench. Time now to get lunch ready and await his designer.
Ava nod and actually felt her pussy clench at the idea of seeing Frank so soon. She was excited to show her ideas, but also nervous about what he might want to show her. She quickly texted back, "I will leave Thursday afternoon clear so we have plenty of time to review the designs. What type of party is it on Saturday?" She read the text about a clothing delivery and was a little surprised, but didn't say anything.

The next day she received the clothing delivery and looked over the items, she noticed there were no bra or panties. She blushed and decided to text Frank, "I know your text said to wear the clothing and nothing else, but I seem to be missing undergarments. I assume you wish me to wear some from my own clothing?" Ava couldn't believe she was actually asking this question. She put the item aside and put the finishing touches on the designs for Frank.

Thursday morning Ava couldn't get the butterflies out of her stomach. She was so excited and nervous. She had put on the outfit as instructed before she drove over to Frank's house. She carried her portfolio holding the designs and her laptop to make notes of any changes Frank wished to make. As she drove she couldn't help but feel her pussy getting moister and moister the closer she got to Frank's house. Once there she gathered her things and walked up to the door.

She knocked softly and waited, she was so nervous she couldn't help but shake just a little bit. She finally saw Frank approach the door and she smiled. Somehow he seemed totally in control and that seemed to help lessen Ava's nerves. She followed him into the dining room for lunch, "shall we look over the designs over lunch or later?"
Frank had responded to her question, indicating he meant for her to wear only what he had sent, but she was free to do as she wished. He was a bit disappointed, but still had hopes for continuing her research. He had considered a knife for helping her out of her underclothes if necessary, but decided against it. His hands would be enough this time.

A greeting at the door, into the dining room, and, again, a light lunch.

“After we eat,” he proposed. “We can clear the table and work here.”

They spent over an hour reviewing her ideas.

“You’ve thought things out very well, Ava,” he declared. “I’d like to engage you for the job. I think fifty thousand may be good, if you’ll include the sub-contracting and management of the project. Give it some thought, and let me know if it isn’t enough.”

He rose from the table and took Ava’s hand.

“Now, though,” he said as he looked into her eyes, “your designs are well thought out, but, as I said at the beginning, I want the design to be felt as well as thought. You did a bit of that feeling in your car the other day; now I need you to do more research into the feelings of it. Come with me for some more research.”

He led her by the hand up to the master bedroom. As they entered, he released her hand and clasped his fingers around the nape of her neck, firmly guiding her to the foot of the bed. The drapes were drawn and the lights were dim, but the whip, ropes, and scarf were clearly visible on the dressing bench.

“This is why I sent these clothes for you to wear.”

He turned her to face him and he started unbuttoning her dress from the collar down. He stopped at two buttons below her waist and then pushed the open top over her shoulders and down her arms to fall off her hands. As the dress fell hanging on her hips he looked at the white cotton bra he had uncovered. His displeasure was apparent in his eyes as he slipped the bra straps over her shoulders,

“This won’t do, girl,” he said firmly, and he caught the edge of each cup at the side of her breast and drew the bra down, holding it tight against her chest as it dragged across her breasts until they burst free.

He looked at her bare breasts for a moment and took hold of her wrists drawing her hand to her back.

“Take it off,” he ordered as he released his grip.

She had dressed in it in spite of his wishes; now it was for her to undo it.
Ava was glad when Frank told her he liked her designs. She nodded, "I will look at the figures and give you exact amount and timeline by the end of the week." Ava started to breathe a little faster when Frank stood and said it was time for her to do more research. She was nervous but stood and followed as Frank took her hand and led her to the master bedroom.

Ava stood before Frank, a little nervous as he started to unbutton her dress. She was worried he would fire her for wearing a bra and panties, but she was never one to go without basic underwear. She felt him slide her bra down, releasing her average C cup breasts. She hung her head a little bit as she felt her breasts shake just a little at being release from the bra.

Ava nodded gently as she reached behind herself and undid her bra. She felt it fall to the floor and she fought the urge to cover herself. She stood with her head bowed, her breasts firm and perky, just enough sway in them to let Frank know they are real. She can feel how cold it is in the room as her nipples pucker under Frank's heated gaze.

Ava stands at the foot of the bed, she had seen the toys he was going to use on her when she walked in, she was nervous and started to put the dress back on as Frank didn't say anything, he just stood there and watched her body. She got the top back on and started to rebutton the dress before she heard Frank say "STOP"
Frank ogled Ava’s breasts as she slipped off her bra. They swayed teasingly, and it was obvious they were all flesh and blood. As her nipples tautened in the cool air of the room he imagined her back in her car, playing with them at his command.

And then . . . Ava slipped her arms back into the shirtwaist dress and started buttoning it up.

“Stop!” snapped Frank as he took firm hold of her wrists.

He stared intently into her eyes for a moment and then released his grip when he felt she wouldn’t continue.

“I told you your designs were well-thought out. You did a fine job, well above what I might have expected with the usual BDSM decor, but as I told you, I wanted more than thought; I wanted feeling. I wanted what a woman tied to the bedpost would find pleasure in seeing - what colors, what textures, shapes, objects, images, lighting - whatever. Scent and hearing as well. It is a sensory experience. That’s what it’s all about, and I want a designer who understands that. I don’t see how you can do it without experiencing at least a bit of it. That’s what I wanted from you now. That’s why I sent you the clothes to wear and how to wear them.”

He paused a moment.

“Now,” he said seriously, “you decide what you want. Either finish dressing and drop the project or drop the dress top and stand between the posts facing the bed.”

He turned his back to leave her to her decision.
Ava looked into Frank's eyes, she was so nervous she wasn't sure what she was doing. She listened to him telling her he wanted what a woman felt in the room as well. She understood in order to do this project correctly she needed to know how being tied felt, how being spanked felt. Ava hung a head in embarrassment, "I am sorry Frank."

Ava watched as Frank turned his back to her. She took a deep breath, she wanted to explore and learn more about BDSM and the different aspects to it and Frank seemed like the perfect man to learn with. Ava nodded her head and removed the dress top as requested. She felt shy that her breasts swayed as she turned her back to Frank and faced the bed. She was so unsure about what to do and she was never unsure.

She waited for Frank, unsure if she was going to be punished, unsure if he was angry with her. She felt the chill in the room and started to rub her hands up and down her arms. But strangely enough she couldn't help but think maybe in her designs there were a few changes she would make, dimmable lighting to help set the mood depending on the scene and maybe some diffusers to help put scents into the air depending on the users of the rooms desires.

Slowly Ava was coming to understand what Frank wanted her to learn and she was excited to learn more.
Frank gave her fifteen minutes to decide, and he smiled when the time was up and she hadn’t left his bedroom. He opened the door slowly and entered silently, walking softly to the foot of the bed.

“That’s a good girl,” he said affectionately as he stroked her hair and passed her tresses over her shoulder. “And now, not a word.”

He stepped to the side of the bed, to the dressing bench, and picked up two lengths of braided cord. Back to Ava, then, and he ran his right hand slowly down from her shoulder to her wrist. He looped a length of cord around her wrist and lifted her arm towards the top of the bed post. There he drew the free ends of the cord through an iron ring and pulled them tight, fastening them with a slippery half-hitch. He turned to her left arm, then and fastened it similarly, drawing it as tight as possible to stretch her arms taut.

Down to her legs next, wrapping his fingers around her ankle and sliding them up over her stocking and bare thigh until he reached her white cotton bikini panty. He took hold of the waistband and slowly drew the garment down, over her legs and off her feet to toss it aside. He looped a cord around her ankle and drew her foot towards the base of the bedpost, where he tied it to an iron ring. The left leg, then, and, as with her wrist, he pulled it as far as it would go, stretching her legs far apart and leaving her spread-eagle between the bed posts, her dress top fallen down on her hips and her back bare and unprotected.

To the dressing bench again, and he took the whip in his hand. A moment to gaze on her vulnerable flesh and he stepped up close behind her. He let the whip fall softly over her shoulder to drape across her breast and then looped it around her neck, leaving the handle end to lay on her back.

He nuzzled her neck, kissing and gently biting, as his hands roamed hungrily over her naked torso. Around to the front, as well, massaging and kneading her breasts and twisting her nipples. Then to the bench again, and the black silk scarf. He tied it around her head, tightly covering her eyes. He held her with his right arm around her and his hand cupping her left breast.

“I want you to see the room in your mind,” he whispered fervently. “What colors do you see? What shapes? What textures? What objects? What images? A picture? A mirror? And not just see. I want you to hear, feel, smell, and taste as well.”

He slowly, very slowly, drew the whip around her neck until it left her breast and fell down her back. A light kiss on the neck and he stepped away from the bed.

I’ll be back in about half an hour.” he announced, and then delivered three lashes across her back. A light one on the small of her back and an equally gentle one over her waist. The third - across her shoulder blades - was sharper, leaving a faint welt rising as he walked out the door.
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Ava was nervous when Frank came back into the room and her breathing quickened when she heard his footsteps. Ava felt Frank stroke her body from shoulder to arm and shuddered a little bit. She felt the cord around her wrist and her arm being lifted. She turned her head to watch as her arm was tied to the top of the bedpost. She felt her other arm being tied the same and watched in fascination as she was bound to the bed.

Ava couldn't hide the brief shudder that ran through her body as Frank slid her panties off her body. She couldn't believe how aroused her body felt and Frank had barely touched her. She gasped as her leg was tied to the bedpost and tried to wiggle when her arms and legs were tied. She was truly open to his mercy. Ava felt the chill in the room and her nipples pucker. Ava watched Frank walk to the bench as best she could, when she saw him pick up the whip. She whimpered as he draped the whip around her neck.

Ava gasped as she was surprised to feel Frank's hands start to roam over her body. Ava arched her back to press her breasts more into his hands as he pinched her nipples, she had always loved having her nipples played with. Ava was startled with the blindfold, but tried to take a deep breath and trust Frank. She took a few calming breaths and listened as Frank told her to see the room in her mind. Ava listened and softly murmured, "yes a mirror, maybe the wall or ceiling so both parties can enjoy and see everything. A painting on the wall, a sensual charcoal drawing of a woman's silhouette. Ava is getting lost in her imagination of the room as she heard Frank say he would be back.

She jumped as she felt the lashes across her back and heard him leave the room. Ava stood there for a brief minute and let herself feel the lashes he left on her body. As she stood there the brief pain left her body and it allowed her to focus on the sounds she heard, Ava decided a sound machine was needed, if there was a sound machine she wouldn't be able to hear Frank's footsteps when he came back, allowing the Dominant more of a surprise factor. Ava also wiggled her toes, a plusher carpet came across her mind, something you sink into as you walk

Ava stood there, her arms getting a little tired but the anticipation of what else Frank was going to do to her made her nipples stay hard and her pussy wet. She tried to think about what else she was feeling and what could enhance her time here. She thought maybe some gentle fabrics on the bed, silk sheets, soft throw blankets for warmth. Ava was lost in her mind of what she was seeing in her mind the 30 minutes passed quickly.
Frank returned, entering the room as quietly as he could. A few soft steps, and he was right behind Ava.

“Hush, girl,” he whispered as he clasped his right hand over her mouth. “You’ve done well, and I expect you’ve had some interesting thoughts”

As he spoke, his left hand spread over her bare abdomen, his palm and fingers pressed firmly into her flesh. Silence, then, as that hand began exploring her body, massaging, pressing, kneading wherever it roamed. Up to her tits, to tease those sensitive nipples of hers. A squeeze, Hard, A pinch of a nipple. A nipple twisted and pulled. He could feel the quivering of her lips as his fingers had their way with her helpless body.

Down, now, over her belly to find her vee through the light cotton fabric of the dress that hung on her hips. His middle finger found her slit, pressing the cloth between her labia to play with her clit. His right hand slipped from her mouth and took hold of the length of her hair draped over her shoulder. A quick tug, and her head was pulled back to the side, exposing the left side of her neck. His mouth darted to the vulnerable flesh, and he kissed it hard. Hard enough to feel her trembling pulse.

As he drew her flesh between his teeth, sucking hard to break the myriad capillaries beneath the skin, to mark her with his love bite, he slid his left hand up her side, up her arm, up to the rope that held her wrist to the bed post. A yank on the free ends, and the slip knot came undone. He held her arm by the wrist and guided it down to her hip while he released his grip on her hair and slid his right hand up her arm to undo the other knot.

A brief glance at his mark, and then he tied her arms behind her, wrists to opposite elbows. A push forward, and she bent at the waist, her head, shoulders, and breasts coming to rest on the bed as he held her by the hips. Still silent, he lifted her dress and tossed it over her back, exposing her naked bottom.
Ava jumped a little as she felt Frank cover her mouth. She quivered a little as she felt his hand start to explore her body. When he touched her sensitive nipples Ava couldn't help but gasp and arch her back pushing her tits into his hands. She had always loved having her tits played with but any previous lovers played with them for the briefest of moments before fucking her. She softly murmured, "more" as she felt him squeeze and pinch her nipple.

Ava was getting lost in the multiple sensations Frank was giving her body. Her hips kept moving to meeting his fingers on her clit, but then she felt the sucking on her neck and her mind went to the sensation there. Ava mumbled, "so many." Her words barely coherent from all the feelings Frank was giving her.

She was shocked at how gentle his fingers felt as he slid his arm up to undo the knots holding her arms up. She shook her arm a little bit as he undid the other arm and she shook that one as well. She assumed he was going to untie her legs next but then Ava felt her arms being tied behind her and she gasped a little bit. She assumed, quite wrongly it seemed, that he was done with her.

She fell to the bed and blushed as she turned her head and imagined what she might look like, bent over with her arms tied behind her back. She blushed a deeper red as she felt Frank flip her skirt up, exposing her bare butt to his view. She was always very insecure about her butt, while she worked out and kept in shape, she always seemed to have a natural bubble butt. She tried her best to see Frank to see if he thought her butt was ugly but she couldn't see him no matter which way she turned.

Ava laid on the bed and decided to focus on the feelings she was getting from the bed. She decided the beds needed lusher comforters than what she had planned on, especially if someone was going to be playing on them like this for a long time. Ava started to get lost again in the design elements of the room as she was bent over the bed.
Frank took a moment to savor Ava’s ass, with its full round cheeks. He pictured it spanked and reddened. Paddled as well. And perfect for crop or whip. But that would have to wait, wait until she gave herself to him. For now . . .

He placed a hand, fingers spread wide, on each cheek, squeezing and kneading for his pleasure and, hopefully, for hers at his touch. A few minutes there, and his right hand continued the play on both cheeks while his left slid lightly down her crack and over her pussy. His middle finger probed between her labia as its neighbors splayed her slit and kept it open for his explorations.

Up and down that valley, from her pearl of pleasure beneath the Mount of Venus down to the vestibule of her vagina. His finger played up and down, probing her tunnel and massaging her nub, finding the places and touches that elicited pleasure from her. A few more minutes of such play, and he extended his middle finger up to her clit as he slipped his thumb inside her cunt. More play for her pleasure as thumb and finger worked inside and outside her hole to press clit and sweet spot towards each other, rubbing and massaging as they pressed.

Time now for more serious play. Frank unzipped and took out his ample organ, already half-erect, and guided it to Ava’s womanhood. A quick thrust and his cock head burst into her. From there a slow, insistent drive downward, deep into her sheath as he grasped her hips to hold her in place. In and then back, in and then back, again and again driving his cock into her, varying speed and angle as he pumped. Again and again, over and over, until her body quivered, then tautened, then spasmed in orgasmic climax.

He held her for a few minutes as her body gradually relaxed and then withdrew, slipping his stiff organ back into his pants. No orgasm for him. Not yet, at least.

He untied her ankles and lifted her torso to a standing position. He ran his hands up her front, from belly to tits, squeezing her breasts firmly and tugging on her nipples. Back down her sides, then, forcing the dress over her hips to fall to the floor. He lifted her by the waist and tossed her face down onto the bed. Frank followed her there, untying her arms and laying down, still fully dressed, beside her. He waited silently a few moments to give her time to recover and to think.

“I’m sure you’ve had some thoughts about the design,” he said. “I don’t want you to forget them. Go downstairs now and write them in your notebook. Then come back to my bed.”
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Ava couldn't believe how talented Frank's fingers were. Most guys she knew just expected her to be good to go after she gave them a blowjob, but he was taking his time with her and it was driving her desires even higher. She felt her entire body quiver as his fingers played and glided through her wetness. She whimpered as her pussy got more and more sensitive from his playing.

Ava jumped a little bit as she felt the tip of Frank's cock. She felt his first thrust and gasped at the size of him and he wasn't even completely inside her yet. She felt his strong hands holding her in place and moaned as he continued to fuck her. She felt her orgasm building and it felt so good she started to pant, "oh yes oh yes oh yes." She finally felt herself being pushed over the edge and her orgasm rolled through her entire body starting with her toes. She was a little surprised when she felt his hard cock slip out of her, "you didn't cum Frank?"

She felt him untie her legs and lift her up. She twisted a little bit to stretch but then Frank started playing with her body again and she moaned, "you big hands feel so good." She blushed as she felt the dress slip down her body, she wasn't sure why she was still embarrassed but she was. She laid on the bed and stretched her arms and moved them a little bit to get them loosened up from being tied. She thought back over the session and was surprised at the various details she found she needed to modify in her design.

Ava nodded her head at Frank's instruction. She turned a little pink when she walked out of the bedroom completely naked but she quickly went downstairs and wrote down her ideas, plusher carpet, softer fabrics for the comforters, sound machines, and other ideas. She took a deep breath a put her notebook back in her purse before she walked back up the stairs. Ava paused just outside the door, to put herself back in the mind frame of being with Frank. She wanted to give herself over to all the new thinks he could teach her and she was excited for the experience.

Once she was ready Ava walked proudly naked back into the room and laid on the bed. She looked at Frank, "I am ready to learn whatever you wish to show me."
Frank was pleased wit Ava’s response. It was clear she wasn’t used to parading around naked, but there she was, a bit hesitant, but out the door and to do her work - his bidding - in the nude. When she returned, with a look of pride on her lovely face, Frank smiled and stretched his arm across the bed, inviting her to lie cuddled beside him.

“Not to show you,” he said as he cradled her against his side, “but to help you discover things that are within you.”

He gave her a squeeze and a kiss on the forehead.

“You’ve done well, Ava,” he continued; “you’ve seen pleasures in yourself that you’ve never thought of, pleasures a good girl like you could have in this place with a man like me. And the next discovery is also within you.”

He turned on his side so he could look straight into her eyes.

“You are a capable and independent woman, Ava,” he said, “but you also crave to be loved and cared for. You want as well to love the one who cares for you, the man who gives you respite from making decisions, relief from being responsible for yourself. You want to give yourself to him for his pleasure.”

He brushed her hair back from her face and cradled her cheek in his palm.

“Now it’s time to use your body fully to please all my senses. Any and everything that might arouse a man. The sight of a lovely face and body, posed or walking; swaying, or dancing. The sound of her voice, speaking and singing, sighing in pleasure or crying in pain the sound of her movements as flesh or clothes brush together. The aroma of her perfumes, the scent of arousal, of anticipation or of fear in her sweat. The touch of her flesh, of her hands and fingers, of her breasts in his hands, of her hair drifting across his body, of her cunt, warm and wet around his cock. The taste of her lips and tongue, of her nipples, of her neck, of the dew between her thighs.”

He slipped his arm from beneath her and sat up.

“Now it’s time for you to arouse me, to give yourself to me for my pleasure, and for the climax of that pleasure. Now, girl,” he commanded, “show me how you’d give yourself to the man who’d love and care for you.”