Diablo 2(for the uninitiated, there will be, once again, guidelines)

Alic looked up at the large creature that had knocked him to the ground and tried to get to his feet. As he did the creature slammed its fist into the side of his head, knocking him back down to the ground. Alic looked over to where Darksbane lay and tried to reach out for it but as he did the creature slammed its foot down onto his arm, causing Alic to scream out in pain.
Siren heard Alic's scream and looked to the direction it came from. Seeing the danger Alic was in Siren hurried over to him. "Hey you, you ugly ogre, over here!" she yelled to the creature crouching over Alic. The creature turned to her growling, shifting on her feet Siren stared the creature directly in the eye holding it's gaze. While it was distracted she kicked Darksbane towards Alic. The creature charged her then but Siren was quick on her feet and managed to dodge to the side in time. Growling the creature attacked again fighting as best she could Siren knew this would not be easy.
As soon as Alic felt the hilt of Darksbane his hand went around it and as he got to his feet picked it up off the floor. As soon as he stood the blade of the sword began to glow in a deep blue and Alic walked towards the creature that had knocked him down to the ground. He then saw that Siren was in trouble and was about to be hit by this creature but before it could touch her he jumped and tackled her, knocking her to the ground. Alic looked down at Siren but before he could say anything he heard a noise which caused him to look up. The creature looked down at him with a hideous grin but before it could slam its fist down Alic brought up Darksbane and sliced through its right arm, the hand falling to the ground.
Siren let out a soft cry as Alic tackled her, it took her a moment to realize how close the creature had come to hurting her. She was about to thank him when the creature went to hit Alic but Alic sliced him with his sword. Taking a deep breath Siren climbed to her feet and approached the Creature her sword ready. WHile the creature seem preoccupied with Alic, Siren snuck around to the back of him and ran her sword clean through his black heart.
Morgoth thought he heard something, and stood stock still. "Oh, damn!" he shouted, ducking. A ball of acid flew overhead. "Lava Maws! They're back!" he shouted to the others, before dodging another shot, and hacking one of the beasts down.
Alic looked at Siren with a smile but before he could say anything to her he heard Morgoth's warning shout and turned to see the creatures that had just appeared. He began to run towards the creatures but as he did he noticed that it was getting ready for something. Suddenly a ball of lava flew from it and just as he thought that it was going to hit him someone slammed into his side, knocking him to the ground.
Siren returned Alic's smile when she heard Morgoth's warning as well. Spinning around to face the approaching creatures she once more got into a battle stance her sword swinging as she chopped down creature after creature.
Alic got to his feet and looked at the creatures with a look that was like the look of death. He brought Darksbane up and cut into one of the creatures which screamed out in pure agony as the enchanted blade passed through it. Alic turned to the rest of the creatures and saw that they were about to launch an attack but just as they did he brought up his shield and hoped that it would be enough.
"Duck, Alic! It's damn lava!" shouted Morgoth. He concentrated powerful toxins from the air into him, and bent himself in half, green particles drawing into his body. He had long studied this spell. Then, a huge nova of the deadliest poisons shot out from him, passing by his friends harmlessly, and attacking his enemies' viciously. He was left exausted, though, and dropped one knee to the ground in pain.
Siren noticed Morgoths vulnerable state and hurried over to him to help. Fighting off creature after creature until he was able to recover from his use of power. "you ok?" she asked him not once losing sight on the enemy.
Alic gave a look of anger at Morgoth before he raised his shield and closed his eyes. Suddenly his shield began to glow with a pure white light and he looked the Lava Maws that were still alive with a look that meant he was going to send them back to their master. He ran straight at them with a shout and before they knew what was happening brought his sword down and began cutting at them, causing confusion amongst them. He then saw Siren with Morgoth and shouted out, "Get him the hell out of here now!"

One of the Lava Maws hit him in the side with its fist which caused him to take a step back. He looked at the creature before he brought his sword up and cut down, through the creatures arm. The creature screamed out in pain and as it did two others took its place to face Alic. He turned to them but as he did he shouted out, "Siren, get Morgoth the hell out of here and I do mean now!"
double argh!!!!

[Edited by Angelius on 05-24-2001 at 10:29 PM]
Thorr Thorrsson

Finally awakening from his drunken slumber in a nearby cave, Thorr hears the battle. Charging forth, wild-eyed, he spots the menacing Lava Maws and wades into them, driving them back from Morgoth's prone form, supporting Alic from the right. "Ho! Why no one miss Thorr? Send message or something!"
OOC: Uh, Angelius, Lava Maws are dogs that can spit lava or acid.

IC: Morgoth stood up, shaking somewhat, but gained his balance. He attacked with a Great Sword, discarding his poleaxe for a moment.
OOC: Hey.... I haven't played Diablo or Diablo 2 in a while- how am I expected to remember everything?

IC: The Lava Maws advanced on Alic who looked at them with disgust written clearly on his face. One of the creatures jumped at him, its mouth open ready to bite him but at the last moment Alic stepped to one side and cut to the other with Darksbane, the creature falling to the ground with its head in two pieces on the ground.
Siren watched as Morgoth stood up "are you ok?" she repeated making sure he didn't need any help.
Alic moved towards the Lava Maws, Darksbane ready to cut through them but it was then that he felt the overwhelming evil presence behind him and turned to see a dark knight standing there, it's sword at the ready. Alic turned to the dark knight and brought Darksbane to the ready while advancing towards the knight. The knight then raised its free hand and Alic felt the dark magic at work then looked around to see the shield around the two of them, cutting off everyone.

The dark knight looked at Alic who advanced on it and with a voice that seemed to come from the grave said, "So, I am finally going to get a match with a paladin that is worthy of killing- Samuel Tenthal wasn't even worth the effort."
Alic's eyes flew open at the mention of his younger brother's name and he ran at the dark knight with a shout.
"I'm fine", said Morgoth quickly. Then he noticed the Dark Knight, who brought with him an army of Blood and Steel Lords(Knights from the original Diablo) Morgoth leaped at them, taking them aback.
OOC: I agree this is boring .. where is everyone?

IC:Siren noticed the knights at about the same time as Morgoth taking a deep breath she once again headed into the battle.
Morgoth hacked a knight in half, watching in approval as it turned into a small twister of fire and steel before falling to the ground. The others suddenly charged him, pushing him back against a wall. He acted like a caged animal. He threw himself forward, steel flashing as it bit into their thick armor.
OOC: I am trying my hardest here.... but with people disappearing from this thread in great numbers what more can I do?

IC: Alic rushed towards the dark knight with a shout and cut forward with Darksbane. At a speed Alic thought was impossible the dark knight moved and blocked the blow with its own black sword. Alic began a series of moves to try and get through the dark knight's defences then but every move he tried failed and he was losing strength with every blow. The dark knight moved forward and said, "You are losing you strength paladin, now it is time for me to end this game."

With that the dark knight moved and stabbed forward with its sword, slamming straight into Alic's shoulder. Alic screamed out in pain as the blade of the dark knight slid the sword slowly into his shoulder until the point began to show out the back. There was then a sudden tearing sound as the sword ripped out of his shoulder, causing Alic to drop Darksbane. The dark knight moved closer and said, "Utterly pitiful, I expected more from you."
Thorr Thorrson

OOC: I'm still around, just having trouble getting into the whole hack & slash thing. The continual battle just isn't all that interesting to me. :(

Thorr, having been merrily chopping various beasts to ribbons, heard Alic's scream of agony, and spun around in time to see Darksbane fall to the ground. Screaming a barbarian battle-cry, Thorr charged the dark knight, running full-tilt into the evil warrior and knocking him back from Alic. "Hokay, you got more! Alic said Thorr must be nicer, so tell Thorr your name, and Thorr carve it on nice stone for your grave." Giantcleaver sang as sliced through the air, sending gory drops of ichor all around as it battered against the knight's suddenly defensive posture.
Siren struggled as a dozen knights battered her at once.. They had somehow managed to surround her and there was no place to escape. She whirled around trying to defend herself but knew that if she didn't get out of this she wouldn't survive.
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