Dirty 30 in 30

May I say, Arnold, that your work in here has cheered me greatly on a number of occasions. Your sense of humor is matched only by your poetic skill.

My guess is you're my type. If only you didn't "live" in California....

May I say, Arnold, that your work in here has cheered me greatly on a number of occasions. Your sense of humor is matched only by your poetic skill.

My guess is you're my type. If only you didn't "live" in California....


Darling, I so wanted to make fun of you but was afraid it would be construed as a slam. So instead I will smile and nod my head and think of you in some mode of undress....:kiss:
Darling, I so wanted to make fun of you but was afraid it would be construed as a slam. So instead I will smile and nod my head and think of you in some mode of undress....:kiss:

You may make fun of me any time you like, doll. I'm pretty tough, really.

But if the choice is either that OR thinking of me in some mode of undress, I'll choose the latter.

Where's the rest of YOUR thirty?

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You may make fun of me any time you like, doll. I'm pretty tough, really.

But if the choice is either that OR thinking of me in some mode of undress, I'll choose the later.

Where's the rest of YOUR thirty?


Scattered. I may have to copy some of my stuff over here that is wandering around other threads. Either that or make up something new. Probably both.
I have watched you come up with a perfectly fine piece right off the top of your head and type it in directly. So c'mon, how hard could it be?

loststar has duly followed your instructions, by the way.

no respect. I get no respect around here. [/grumpy]

I have watched you come up with a perfectly fine piece right off the top of your head and type it in directly. So c'mon, how hard could it be?

loststar has duly followed your instructions, by the way.

no respect. I get no respect around here. [/grumpy]


How hard do you want it to be?

She offers mystical,
and I respond
in some tawdry way.
Not from lack of respect,
quite the opposite.
I just enjoy the flash of her eyes,
the rise and fall of breasts,
as she considers
whether to take offense.
I offer apologies,
not so much with words.
She considers whether to accept them,
running her fingers through my hair,
guiding me in pleasing her.

I have a desire to be eloquent
on occasion.
Or perhaps I merely wish
to make my thoughts plain.
I have often wanted to be bi-lingual.
But instead, I simply smile
and look for other ways
to use my lips,
to convey my thoughts,
my feelings.

Triolet for AS

The slender curve of leg you stroke
is not so singular.
Though smooth and pale as silver oak,
the slender curve of leg you stroke
is shorter than the others, broke,
a pinch irregular.
The slender curve of leg you stroke?
It's not so singular.

ps. This is supposed to be a joke about table legs. I don't think it really works though. :/
Eight Lines on Some Metaphor
for PG

But, Arnold is not table, sweet—
Just three legs, after all,
Though one of those seems filled with heat
Quite tropical, a squall.

A table leg's one hunk o'wood,
But multiplied by four?
Dear Dora, even if you could,
I think you'd wind up sore.

Well, I appreciate the joke, anyway. Even if Mr. Table doesn't. ;)

And that's why, in Dodge City, they useta call him Reckless Eyebrows Roy, the Fastest Hands in the West.

She is wary,
giving me that look
that says she knows
I want to touch her.
She tells me there is a time
and place.
I say there is a place
that I desire to touch
all the time.

May I say, Arnold, that your work in here has cheered me greatly on a number of occasions. Your sense of humor is matched only by your poetic skill.

My guess is you're my type. If only you didn't "live" in California....

California Dreamin'
for BJ, with a footnote!

I'd meet you on the Golden Gate
If I could have my wish,
And in the roadway with you mate.
Well, chastely with you kish¹.

For Arnold, Bijou, is quite bi—
Uh, literate, at least.
In sex, he's really very "try,"
Like G. M. Hopkins, priest.

¹ Why, yes, Arnold has been drinking. Why do you ask?
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My own Gerard? Sexually flexible? I'm shocked.

Then again, there's this passage from one of his more obscure works:

For all things tangible through shorts, for the tripod-shaped,
for greedy thyrsi gleaming with their gorgeous thickness
denim-doused branches drawn and beautifully bent,
Oh lord, thank you!
For all things tangible through shorts, for the tripod-shaped,
for greedy thyrsi gleaming with their gorgeous thickness
denim-doused branches drawn and beautifully bent,
Oh lord, thank you!
Get out of here! Fr. Hopkins?

I have to say that I love denim-doused branches drawn and beautifully bent.

I will not comment on their gorgeous thickness, though.
Fifteen (15 (XV))

Limerick, Written in Amphibrachs & Terminal Iambs

Our Lady, who hailed from Kent,
Decided on no sex for Lent.
Her hubby was pissed,
But she had a list—
Her paramours shared his torment.

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I think that Arnold's table's set
and beside it rests a seat
a simple tri-legged stool
sat upon to rest your feet
especially on those shy, erratic days
when left coasters drink
themselves into a haze.
You called Liar doll :eek:
Nuh uh... she called m. foolio doll, doll. :p

Got your note btw, my English rosy friend. Thankyou. I'm thinking of you and yours as your true holiday season gets set to begin. Hugs and patience on their way, in Santy's sleigh.

From another blurt opportunity.

The flavor of her lip gloss
is a vague note in passing.
I soon taste it away
devouring her kisses,
finding them delicious,
tantalizing me to taste more
thank lips.
If a reprieve is offered,
she offers quizzical glance
when I laugh
as she recoats her lips.
It just makes me
want to taste her again.

I think that Arnold's table's set
and beside it rests a seat
a simple tri-legged stool
sat upon to rest your feet
especially on those shy, erratic days
when left coasters drink
themselves into a haze.
Clandestine Letter to a Female Lit Poet
From a Randy Male One, Explaining Things,
Crudely, as Guys Often, Unfortunately, Do

Dear C:

Well, Arnold's table's set. It seats
A number of our Litze's sweet
And lovely ladies. Arnold pours
Large drinks and thinks, in German, Ich

Bin sehr glücklich
to have them here
Assembled, severally, so dear:
A female poet's team—a corps
Of women whose poems I revere.

Arnold does too. He's no one's dope,
Though his hands wander, want to grope
Some poetess. He wants to score.
I wish that none of you give hope

To him. He is disgrace to Man,
Who's more disgraced already than
This gaggle of guy poets—Your
Fond love, who waits on the divan.

Eight Lines on Some Metaphor
for PG

But, Arnold is not table, sweet—
Just three legs, after all,
Though one of those seems filled with heat
Quite tropical, a squall.

A table leg's one hunk o'wood,
But multiplied by four?
Dear Dora, even if you could,
I think you'd wind up sore.

Well, I appreciate the joke, anyway. Even if Mr. Table doesn't. ;)

:eek: :eek: :cool:
Dirty Thirteen

An Attempt to Write a Poem for a Competition on the Theme of "A Gift" (My Apologies in Advance for the Probable Corniness Contained Below)

I wasn't grateful to wake
to the beeps and the vague
licks of ache under my ribcage.

I wasn't grateful for the ice
chips, nor the funny phlebotomist,
who joked he would draw blood
from my tongue if I wasn't good,
nor the television remote/nurse
alert button.

I certainly wasn't grateful
for the dozen doctors daily
pulling down the sheet and up
the gown to peer, wondering
why I was too stubborn to heal.

I should have been grateful
for much more than I was, I realized,
listening to the woman on the other
side of the curtain whose home
was here, hospital. And then

came the carolers with their opened
coats and their sweet a cappellas
swelling down the hall to pause
at my doorway where I could see
their young and old faces, their sincerity

and suddenly I was grateful--for them,
for Christmas, for the chance to wake
again the next day and go home
to the embraces of friends and family,
alleluia still ringing its silver in my ears.
Dirty Fourteen

How thirsty I am to know about the dust
of his boyhood in Tanta, about the slaves
his great-grandfather kept and his wives,
about the rumors of ghosts
in the mansion. Even in his gentle laughter
I hear Egypt, and I know it calls him,
collect to Boston. I wish that I could throw
on its mantle, and become Egypt for him.
Upon my chest would grow the great
gold domes for his worship. My hands
would bloom with October cotton to fall
softly down his back and between
my closed legs the Nile would whisper
beckoning him to come, to bend, to drink.