Dirty 30 in 30


Bones as a metaphor

The first full skeleton I saw out there
was in the second year, and what drew my eye
were the small blue butterflies
fluttering around the spine. Some raccoon
overtaken during winter, now bleached
but still ragged enough
for the small eaters to find scraps.
I hadn't seen these butterflies much
they seem to come out only for corpses,
becoming small blossoms, beating blue hearts
on the white vine.

we cannot feel our own bones.
as essential as they are, they remain
invisible, tangible only when broken
like the heart, like the mind.

The earth has bones
and flesh. Here we know a sandstone spine
rippling with lime, sheathed with clay flesh
and threaded with locust roots.
In Las Vegas, the bones
are hard under the valley
and they ripple, when the new suburbs
are blasted, shaking miles away,
a whipcrack that collapses walls
at a distance. I set the tuning fork
against your shoulder
and you hear the tone. Bones travel,
they conduct, send messages

Teeth, fingernails, the bones
outside the skin, these are the trunks
of trees, calcified, thrust above ground
thrust out, evidence of the seeds
of time passing. We are dust
gathered up, into which god breathes,
his mouth against ours. God fills,
and Time steps up to empty
inhaling against our lips.

I am instructed to imagine
the way all bones become dust.
My own hand, my teeth without a mouth
the layers washing away
melting, assisted by blue butterflies.

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animals in fire

An owl with a moving mouth
whiskered, with coals in his eyes
saying Moon. Winter the moon, winter moon.

A lion, chin dripping with fire
slit eyes of a cat half watching
It may burn slowly open, or the Woman
may arrive to open it, diving toward
the roar and lick of those bright tongues.

Sharp insect with angular legs
inscribed in the amber of the live coal
raises its Kabuki face, turning slowly
to declaim, as one string is plucked
a cicada song, the wide buzz
of a Noh play, one round
and wide-eyed mask, the bright
tri-tone of a hero song. Still
as a branch, hung with these bright
cherry blossoms
a sharp tone, a single string.
Amaterasu emerges from her cave
and dances on the edge
to that wide buzzing, theatrical
and solar.

A scarab clings to a square sun
like a totem face, immobile:
this will not roll, with its black edges.
Then wings stretch and shell
along the surface, and here is a bee
invading the juicy flower
and falling away, heavy with bright fire.


Come down to the river my darling
and dance to Methuda's lament,
while the tears of Lotamuna
fill the rivers of discontent.
We'll hold fast to tradition
when the moon rises in the north
and keep our steps so perfect
on this earth's naked floor.
The needs of the southern harvest
will answer to natures call,
come sing the song of freedom
come follow the midnight dance
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The Song of Wondering Aengus
Here is no thing about a trout,
For that is Yeats, beyond all doubt.

O, where is Bijou, maiden fair?
(Well, perhaps not so maiden, she.)
She seems quite gone, without a care—
Her thirtiness mired in ennui.

Perhaps pursuing flirty arts
Appropriate to Kansas grrls?
Her patriotic flag unfurls
Some Great Planes and enough heart-

Land to even cheer Republicans
(Who live in Kansas, don't you know,
Where Plainer winds are wont to blow
Things other than their minds). I can

Hope, and hope prodigiously
(Much more prodigiouser than you)
Somewhere she's thinking of my flue,
And smoke, and my long chim·i·ney.

Ennui indeed. But productive ennui. And just about the time I start considering losing my temper, something nice happens.

So there ya go.

and here, then. Yes. Thanks for noticing.

I have been writing about Drinkers of Wine lately.


How like wine
from full grapes warm as skin,
pressed under your hands and round
as a cup, and her voice of smoke
and cherry, the way she shifts
on your tongue, how she breathes
and deepens, how inhaling
intoxicates you and drinking her
sends you into dreams, shapes the tongue
around new lyrics.

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Kumari tantra

The alternative is blood, but if you would prefer
you can find it through me. I'm accustomed to being beheaded
and considered limb by limb, and it's enough. Remember
that I mean nothing. The leg you draw around your waist
that love of which you are as sure as this slick flesh,
simply travel in it like a boat, knowing that it has always been here
that it was never here, not in the flesh, but in boundless ocean.

Forget. Call me every possible name when you come.
Don't know me; make me the lowest and highest,
just a woman, standing across the room, waiting, naked.
Ignore everything but that. Sever my head, my limbs,
see nothing but the single red center. Look at it forever
if you like. Rose. It's alright. Take it.


Lakshmincara's song

Be brave, the beggar shouts
and grins like skulls from the red flower
of the alley fire. Know who you are and how it all
could crumble, yet again in this quick cycle
of eternal gears. Look: Black Plague and Borgias
for a hundred years, the Aquitaine in hands
either harsh or kind, or Persia overrun, or Babylon,
the brick torn down along the Saraswati long before
the river dried.

Listen: you are there. Perhaps you are with me.
It does not matter. Think of bodies met in lush escape
now dust, as ours, despite this thickened blood,
this rising spine of cock and flower, will be one day.

We make our way through mud again
at countless gates and into countless houses
and all of history is in a flower
in the navel of a dreaming god
who wakes and blinks a thousand thousand years.

Ennui indeed. But productive ennui. And just about the time I start considering losing my temper, something nice happens.

So there ya go.

and here, then. Yes. Thanks for noticing.


How like wine
from full grapes warm as skin,
pressed under your hands and round
as a cup, and her voice of smoke
and cherry, the way she shifts
on your tongue, how she breathes
and deepens, how inhaling
intoxicates you and drinking her
sends you into dreams, shapes the tongue
around new lyrics.


Especially like that one ..... are you up early or late?
Quite entirely late.

Good to see you, dolly. Hope you're keeping the faith.

What's this about a collar? ahem.
:cool: <------- look. A smiley thing.


eta: and thank you.

OMG a smiley .... faints ... thud

Ermmmmm collar moi? ummm err wellllll it's like this you see ummmm errrrrr it's under consideration :D I didn't think anyone had noticed to tell you the truth
Dirty 30 in 30
Or "dhirty in thirdy".

Just write.
A time ago I somehow decided to start my 30 in 30. After 3-4 poems I got in shape and writing was flowing naturally. Then a rather intelligent participant had to treat me to underhanded compliments. The worst part of it was that he did it in good faith. How stupid!!! Well, at least I've written 8 poems on that occasion, one per day, which was nice. Afterward I've written one more in English, a few in Polish, and that was it. I had enough. You guys are not the only ones obnoxious in the small world of the poetry writing population. Such behavior unfortunately is the norm also in other places devoted to poetry. Don't feel too bad. Have fun. (By small world I mean, of course, the world of small people).
Hey BJ are you feeling obnoxious? yeah me too ...do you I feel bad about it? Hell no at least we aren't boring old farts
Remember there's a massive language barrier. Massive. Insurmountable.

I'm focusing on this line:

Don't feel too bad. Have fun.

.. and going off to write some more. And have fun.

And besides. I AM obnoxious. Ask ANYBODY. Take a survey, even.

love and peace, peace peace,



i read everything. I notice everything.
Who rattled your cage all of a sudden? Do you go away and regroup yourself so you can come out of moth balls every so often and stir the shit? Well your type of bullying doesn't cut any ice with me for all you think yourself so wonderful ......... rethink it buddy .... guess what? you're not
Oooooooooh honey you did that for me! You know I love you to bits don't you? Sod you made me cry when 'he' couldn't. Rest easy like a good girl now there are always those that when the world is a quiet place have to take it upon themselves to create havoc just for the hell of it ...... there's a name for men that attack women ... let me think oh yes I've got it now COWARDS
<snip> I love you all and I’ll be back... </snip>
I know you do and I know you will. Give your girls a good morning hug for me and stay tuned for Annie's collared up poem. (I won't make her collar green, though... ;) sounds wrong for an English rose.)
But you are (I don't mean bj, who is neither "an old fart" nor "obnoxious").
YOU are Crazy, Senna!!!!

UYSpell is neither of those things. IF you want someone to bully, then pick on me, but I bite back. I guess that is too much for you.

Where did the Jawa part of your name come from? They are scavengers who disrupt the peaceful existence of the people who live there. Maybe the name fits.
UYSpell, he is just trying to get under your skin and stir shit around. Let me know if he does it again.

Damn, I did not copy that WONDERFUL reply by SafeBet attacking Senna. That was inspiring and moving. I hope she (or someone else) copied it.