"Doctor Who: Powers of Ten" (OOC)

I haven't actually gotten to this issue yet, but I saw it online and...


I don't... *think* that's new?

In "New Avengers" she went Binary whenever she got supercharged, that's just how her powers work now. I think?
The article implied that it was new, though I do remember her doing that a couple of times years ago.
I was really just so happy that she finally took up the mantel and title of Captain Marvel at last...I hope they don't change that.

I would be very surprised if Marvel doesn't realize the great pro-feminist thing they've got going with Carol. I would be absolutely fucking flabbergasted if they derailed it.

Must just be a little flux for plot purposes. Must be.
The ability of the comic book industry to not care about women characters or readers is not to be under-estimated. However, Marvel has been pushing Danvers for years now, so...

It is my humble opinion that Marvel currently treats its female characters far better than does DC.
I would counter the no twiggy Hollywood superbrat with no over developed manlychick either. Diana has always been a balance between Strong independent woman and a woman of peace and gentility.

Some would have said Lucy Lawless once upon a time. Strength comes from more than muscle. Strength comes from within. For me Morena Baccarin would make a marvelous Diana. Strength of will and character with the physical strength and toughness CGI'd in just like any good choice for Kara would have to be....
Although more of a television actress. Bridget Reagan should she could do the physical stuff and she seemed to have Diana's soul down as well.
I'm so fucking sick of DC's editorial staff. They aren't allowing Batwoman to get married.
And while it isn't a case of anti-gay-marriage (they are currently in a anti-all-marriage phase), it does show a real lack of understanding.

you kinda saw that coming when they undid the Clark and Lois marriage
THey didn't specifically undo it, did they? It just got undone as part of 'The New 52' rollback

i guess it's how you look at it. Since for nearly half of my life they were married and now in the current reality they aren't.
Quesada can draw like nobody's business and I loved "Mask in The Iron Man."

...but that's all the positive I can muster on him. Nevertheless, Marvel's doing more things right these days than DC is, IMHO.

Denying Batwoman a marriage when Northstar got one is sheer idiocy on the part of DC Editorial.

The post-Flashpoint un-happening of Clark and Lois' romance is basically "One More Day" Redux in my opinion, eliminating happy endgame couples for the sake of cheaper relationships.

In fact, "Flashpoint" hinges on the retroactive fridging of Nora Allen. They took one of the only superheroes with happily married, still-living biological parents, Barry Allen, and suddenly decided his mom was murdered as a kid so he'd have something to "fix" and thereby derail history. It sickens me.