Domme vs. Dom

Thank you, luv. You seem to be the only person here who understands what I was saying. [groan]

Understanding does not equal caring. A common mistake in many relationships, of course.

Best of luck in your search, madam. I hope you find a perfect, and lexically consistent, partner.
People can continue having this argument over semantics, which they will, of course, as it's been going on forever. I would highly encourage the use of PYL/pyl to circumvent this. Then, when getting to know someone, the folks could specify how they identify. Just my 2 cents.

I Googled those terms, and found only a restaurant in Vichy. The menu looks lovely, but unenlightening. I would be grateful if you would explain the initialisms PYL/pyl to me, when you have a moment. One never stops learning!
I Googled those terms, and found only a restaurant in Vichy. The menu looks lovely, but unenlightening. I would be grateful if you would explain the initialisms PYL/pyl to me, when you have a moment. One never stops learning!

The terms PYL and pyl refer to pick your label and were invented here. The intent is to be inclusive without having to be exhaustive about how we describe folks, so PYL refers to tops/dominants/masters etc. while pyl can be used to refer to the assorted partners of the PYL crowd.
Thanks, MWY! :rose:

I really do think those acronyms are perfect. Kudos to the Litster who came up with them.
The terms PYL and pyl refer to pick your label and were invented here. The intent is to be inclusive without having to be exhaustive about how we describe folks, so PYL refers to tops/dominants/masters etc. while pyl can be used to refer to the assorted partners of the PYL crowd.

Most illuminating, as usual. Thank you, MWY.
I’m a bit old school in this. My understanding is that the proper term for female dominant is Domina. As Domme was made up from those online.
Far as I remember male dominant has been Dom.
I never really thought it was that big a deal except out of respect, addressing people the way they prefer to be addressed, which is up to them.

Dom/Domme always seemed like Host/Hostess or Waiter/Waitress; the word ending being nothing more than a gender specifier.
I am still quite fond of PYL/pyl* - just as we have as a society started recognizing that people have preferred pronouns, the particular way a dominant or submissive wish to be called can be quite varied. There is no 'right' way to do it. The right way is what is right for YOU and the person/people you are in a BDSM relationship with, whether it is a brief encounter or something that lasts years of decades. PYL/pyl allows for conversations here to include anyone who might be reading and they can in their own mind substitute their preferred label.

*capitilized Pick Your Label on the dominant side of the slash, lower case on the submissive side of the slash.