thats mina nooooo{his anger starts to overtake him as his long burried power is released unbelievably it starts to raise his paowerlevel astrnomicaly from 245 to over 3000 and continues to rise after that but slowly then}{i must stay focused he hasnt noticed the power drain on his ship yet almost there}whyd you have to take that now youve gone to far aghhhhhhhh{its starts riseing again rapidly going from 3206 to 5803 and continues to steadily rise}that medalion is the only thing that keeps my sanity from leaving me please give it back i dont want to hurt anyone aghhhhh{good hopefully it will distract him long enough to... yes its finished lets see how he likes this technique}now finally figuareing out it was all a distration he sees soran building a huge electricall energy ball and it grows stronger and stronger by the second absorbing energy from his very ship almost like a spirit bombhe sees it finish with a blinding flash as the bright lite fades he sees soran standing there holding the energy ball in his hands seeing the electricity flowing through the ball around itself he sees sorans hair straight up almost like a super sayajin but not golden just straight up his power leavel now maxing finally out at a decent 6370}now you said you wanted to see what i got why dont you tatse this as he dissapppears and appears right in front of him then throwing the energy ball at zeo htiing him square in the chest as soran is knocked back from the blast}yes i got him