Dragon Ball NW

{slowily begining to drift off to sleep again he doesnt want to sleep cause thatts when the nightmares begn}{because of haveing the curse of bardock in him he sees little bits and pieces of the future a future destyowed by evil but where is zeon he sees later zeon being beaten down before him and all hope depends on him and its becase of him that the earth dies }{in his nightmare he screams setting off the alarm to zeon warning of his status }{zeon runs into the room to see sorans power increaseing again but a faint yellow aura surrounds soran as some how the hidden power that lay deep withing him fights to come out it is this power that soran fears and fights to keep contained in him}
^He's becomeing a super saiyan but he needs more time in that chamber^ Zeon thought he rushed over to the computer console and pushed a few buttons he was draining the energy right from the container "Sorn calm down your power is well to high" Zeon shouted the computer was trying to take the power away again but it couldn't do it with all the energy he was gieving out ^Shit the container is going to blow again^ Zeon thought "Computer discontinue regenative system" Zeon commanded "Draining Healing fluid" the computer replied.

The computer released Soran from the chamber "Are you ok" Zeon asked
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{still beleiving his in his hellish nightmare he sees the enemy infront of him laughing at him mistakeing zeo for his enemy he screams an launches an all out attack on his enemy giveing what he has trying to give everything }noo you wont kill my friend you wont destroy the earth i wont let you }{he punches zeo very hard knocking him across the room into the wall then zeo starts to feel it as soran starts absorbing an intence amount of energy as soran prepares for his ultimae move }{the computer reporst that the ships energy is being drain severly and that the ship is only on life support }i mustt killll you you killed my friend zeo you murderor now you must dieeeeeeeee}{zeo senses he has only bare minuets left till sorans technique is completed }
"Shit thats some energy" Zeon said as jumped out the way "Soran snap out of it, it's me Zeon" Zeon shouted as he powered to Super Saiyan 3 Zeon cupped his hand's "Karmahama" Zeon started to say "Look if you need energy then your going to need some to calm you down, computer transport us to training room and activate promgram moutians" Zeon shouted "Transporting" The computer replied soon Soran and Zeon were in the traing room "Haaaaaa" Zeon shouted as he let rip the energy blast hitting Soran right in the chest, Zeon rushed towards Soran hitting him right in the stomach and then knocking him dowards towards his knee then booting him into the next lot of moutians

"Calm down i aint your enimey" Zeon shouted as he charged right at Soran again
Not exactly the Love Boat

I head throughout the stars heading towards the energy signature that I had locked onto. I knew it was Dixie and I had to make sure to get to her as soon as I could get. I couldn't tell about the passage of time, but I knew that time was of the essence. Once I started feeling her energy on my own, I could also feel the signatures of Zeo and one other that I had not known of before.

My ship docked with the other vessel and I was brought out of my deep sleep. When the door opened, I felt the flux of energy as I opened my eyes and got to see My Love.

"Dixie...is that really you?"

D: 'You bet your ass. Why in the hell did you scare me like that?'

"I didn't mean to. But it does feel good to see you. I'll make damn sure that I don't leave you ever again."

'You do that. Now let's check on my brother and introduce you to a new member of the group.'

OOC: Note, Zeo you can control Michio for this part in the ship ok? My ability to get into this forum seems most tenouous so I'll leave him in your hands what with Dixie and all. Take care and I'll do my damndest to get on more regularly.
{stil in a nightmare state}noooo you liar your not zeon you killed him you murderor you even stole his techniqueee{getting back up he flies at the now ssj3 zeo once again launching an assault on him }{the computer starts to alert zeon}warning power being drained }{zeo looks up and sees while soran is fighting he is still building energy for his technique}you like useing my own friends move against me try this {slowly putting his hands back zeo is amazed as he hears the famous words of old}kammmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhaaaaaaaaaaameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee{he sees that soran is actually mimicking his own technique}haaaaaa{fires the blast at zeo
as the balst comes towards Zeon he powers up and kocks it aside ^If he keeps draining the power from the ship then were going to be dead in the water "Computer drain all power from this room and this deck and make sure that Soran doesnt use anymore power from the ship, if you detect him useing it transfer power from him" Zeon commanded "Yes Zeon" The computer replied "Soran calm down it is me Zeon" Zeon shouted to him "I'm fighting you to calm you down" He continued Zeon charged at him and grabbed his head and started to pucnh him over and over again in the stomach then he let rip a feace kick "Tornado kick" Zeon shouted as he kicked Soran though the moutains again when he went though the moutians some of the senacry disapeared as the power was being draining from the room by the computer
{hows he makeing the mountains disaapear}{still in his nightmare dream state}no whatever powers your useing it wont work {zeo sences as soran starts draining his own life force to power up his technique}ill die takeing you with me murderor of billions}zeo sences as the ball is completed now}now you will surely die {zeo realizes that soran has tricked him in the fight}i know im not as strong as you but since you were concentarteing on fighting me and killing me murderor you never senced me make the technique stronger then before it even is stronger then your own power level murderor{zeo relises it is true as he watches as soran prepares to throw the energy shot he sees his only shot {looking at sorans neck he notices something is missing from around his neck}
^Dam the necklace i for got i had it^ Zeon thought he looked down at his neck and picked it up ^This is why he can't regenartae properly^ Zeon thought he was going to let soran think he had won, the energy ball hit Zeon "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh" Zeon cried out as some of his colthes shreaded as Zeon disapeared "Finally killed him, now Zeon he can rest in peace" Soran said panting "Think again" Zeon said as he grabbed Soran from behind he replaced the necklace back on and threw him to the ground "Now you should be back to normal" Zeon said Soran hit the ground hard makeing a dent in the ship's matrix's system
{wakeing up}what where am i {looking up}zeo whats going on why am i here last time i knew i was in one of those tubes then i dont remember what happened after that oh no it happened again didnt it i was wearing the neckless it for some reason keeps my sanity i dont know why but it does }my god what have i done to you zeo im sorry
Zeon fell from the air and hit the ground hard, he was extremly drained "I'm gald your back to normal, maybe we can train again with out that necklace again, it was a lot of fun in away....."Zeon said as he passed out
thx zeo{falling to the ground hurt and then falling asleep}{it has been three months now since that incident and zeo has trained soran very well except that he cant seem to get soran to accend to a super sayajin no matter how hard soran tries he cant seem to assend}one day while zeo is training soran they get a feeling that something bad has happened and its comeing from earth}zeo did you feel that too it felt like a bunch of people screaming in pain then nothing zeo please i fear the worst can we please go to earth i fear something is going horribly wrong
"Are you sure that something is wrong on Earth?" Zeon asked he looked at Soran's face and he knew something was wrong "Ok lets head back there" Zeon said as he made the corrections the ship changed corse and headed back to earth
{i dont know why he doesnt feel what i feel maybe its because hes not from earth maybe thats why }zeo i do have a feeling that something evil is gonna happen i just got a feeling
the ship entered Earth's atomosphire after remodeling the ship it could go faster then anything and it arrived "Do you still sence the threat soran" Zeon asked
Zeon turned round "Really my own energy how do you mean can you be more perceific" Zeon asked as he was looking at Soran
All Zeon heaird was Silence "Oh well looks like were find out how much of a threat this person his" Zeon said as the ship landed the doors opened and Zeon steped out onto the planet takeing in a breath he looked around seeing if anything would make as a great base. Zeon looked around and charged up an energy ball, he threw it at a near by mountian makeing it crumble, well his power hadn't demeaned since traveling "Are you comeing Soran?" Zeon asked
Basicly I said this. If you can get enough of the orginal writers back I'll join in. But I really have no desire to put forth the effort again. I felt ratehr burned after my last attempt.
Ah right, i don't know about DW i havn't heard from him i pmed him but no repy yet. I don't know about badman i havn't spoken to him for a awhile on yahoo or anything like that. How come you felt burned after your last post? At least we could finish could tie it up the ending that is?
DW is a lsot cause. If you recall I tried to get a bunch of the originals back some time ago. Kelson stoped in, Bandman, and Pheonix. DW didn't just stop writeing in this thread, he stoped writeing on Lit. He also has it set up where you can not email him, I believe I did the same and I'm not the only one. So there is sadly no way to reach him I know of.

I felt burned in fates end, every one started fighting with each other and I felled to stop it, and in all honesty I decided then that so many people were gone, and so little is being done, why butcher a great story. It wasn't worth trying to go on any more. It simply wasn't worth enough to me any more.

Fates end confused me, i prefered DBNW and i wanted to finish it DBNW. May i finish it all off with all the characters. I think i can make the end of DBNW a good one.
Okay I'm switching to PMs. Also I didn't quite get that. So if you'd reply Pm now on. Honestly I don't mean to polute this trhead with a large OOC portion.