Dragon Wars Ii


Spar looked down at the land, looking for a safe spot to land, away from the orcs. Finnaly, he found a flat patch of land that was the perfect place to land and regroup for the moment. Spar was young, and wasn't exactly used to people on his back.

Spar spreaded out his wings so he could glide the rest of day way, his feet diging up some dirt as he slid to an hault. The young dragon then looked around to see if anybodie saw him.

He had lost Kort, and quite some time ago. the others had flown off, and had tried following through the woods, but his view of the world was vague and old, and in that he had become lost.

taking to the sky once more, he breathed in deep, catching faint trails of that horrible mixture that bad been brewed earlier. taking to the sky he followed after.
Selwen waited for Rheamus to speak first. When he did not, Selwen jumped in. "Canth, the humans are gathering in large numbers and seem bent on coming to atttack the dragons. I was suprised that there were so many humans in one place, the smell was truly appalling. They have quite a few siege engines that I am sure can do some damage to dragonkind. I was in place when one of them was used by men calling themselves Dragonslayers. One dragon was killed and another wounded.

There were refugees from other areas in the city. It seems that Dragons have been seen all over the world killing people. I was able to talk to some fellow elves that revealed to me that other settlements had been attacked. None were devastated as much as mine was, but there have been a number of deaths attributed to the Dragons. Some attacks had Orcs, some did not. Appearences are that Dragons have gone rogue and are killing the lesser races at an astonishing rate. I would not be suprised if soon Dwarves and Elves start to gather and declare war on the Dragons. If you will excuse me, I am starving. I think Rheamus has something to tell you. I will be right back. "

Selwen walked off to get some food, his stomach churning as he thought of the possibility that the whole world could turn against the Dragons. Selwen wondered if Canth would die from shock when Rheamus told him about the Dragonslayers.

:: The funeral for Tultimar had passed and the smiths were busy pounding away at the dragon scale armour that he had ordered made. The humans would soon be ready to goto war. While waiting for the preperations to be completed, He decided to return to the Dragon Council to see what -if anything- Canth was doing.

As a dragon, he moved through the sky high enough to keep from the sight of any foiolish human below, and soonfound himself at the dragon mountains. He landed and was met by a representative of Canth.::

No, donnae bother him with my presence. I will announce myself....

::And having said That, Gloomfaust stalked past the representative and headed towards the council.::
It didn't surprise him that others were preparing for this. The humans were nothing if not predictable. Kort could imagine that before too long, he would have their blood run in the streets.
He called up to one of Canth's assistants, making his first decree as leader.
"Gather as many dragons as we have, call them all back. Each and every one. Negotiation is over, any dragon who has a breath in his body, and willing to fight, should prepare now. We're about to go to war..."
Kort nodded to the other dragon, and a new one coming in. This one looked familiar, although Kort could not quite place it. Maybe he'd seen him on the council before, when they talked of the elven hold that...
Of course.
"North," Kort said to himself, that was the dragon who said the trans were seen North, in the human lands. Kort cursed himself for not listening to the man.
He also cursed Sylvia. Her very mistake in following their trail is what had brought this whole war up to the speed that it was. If they had only listened to this dragon, things would be different, the war might have been avoided.
He made a decision, this dragon would be in his league, an assistant, someone he could trust, and look up to.
"Greetings," Kort said, still looking at Rheamus who had apparent news. One of them would speak soon enough...

The dragon already in the room had plenty to say, and it evoked a few questions, but they would wait. I looked between he and Canth before I began, not seeing but feeling the new dragon enter.
"Canth," I began, but couldn't remember the other dragon's name (in fact, I wasn't quite certain I'd ever met him, though I thought I must have--he looked familiar somehow). To cover my mistake, I turned and saw the newcomer and addressed them both together. "Friends... Selwen and I have come across some disturbing news. It seems these Dragonslayers in question are not humans at all, but dragons masquerading in human form. What their motive is is still unclear, but they are most certainly not dragons we can trust. Perhaps it is wise to be cautious who we trust from here on out." The dragon whose name I'd forgotten (or never knew) didn't seem surprised, so my eyes were fairly well focused on Canth's, though it had occurred to me fairly quickly that his not being surprised might not be a good sign...
Yes, Rheamus, take notes, the voice insisted, who can you trust, if anyone...?
I thought I felt some satisfaction in the words, but ignored them for just then, my focus surprisingly strong given my earlier morning "illness."
"I also had the opportunity to speak with a few of the men who helped with the seige engine construction. They were good men, just worried about their families... I'd guess they're as unknowing about these things are we are, but men are too easily led by thier fears... A war might not be the best answer, though I don't doubt one is coming... Perhaps in might be wise to attempt to contact some of the other races before we outright declare war... "

::He moved into the council chambers and took his place amongst the council listening to what those around him spoke of the impending war. He smiled inwardly as he saw Kort and then overheard that he had been put in command of the dragon army.

Though it did not fit into his original plans it was nice to see that he now may have a chance to work both sides once again. The time to speak with Kort was coming soon, he had a feeling that he would meet with Kort soon.

His attention then turned to the other dragon and the elf that accompanied him. He overheard them speaking of "The DRagonslayers" and how they were really dragons. How would they know about that. I didnae see them in the clearing with Kort that day. I shall have to be more careful in where and to whom I let know my secrets. Gloomfaust was lucky that the only trait he kept between his human and his dragon form was the scar over his eye. Noone had noticed it at that point in time, but he would have to take a few extra measures to keep it hidden.

Thinking about the scar, his eyes looked at Canth. He had been the one to scar Gloomfaust's face like this. It was he who faught against Gloomfaust to gain the position he had with the council. Things were much different then and things were settled in duels not with the democracy that Canth had in place now. Gloomfaust dispised such weakness, but could never manipulate any of the other dragons on the council towards his viewpoints under the watchful eye of Canth. Last time he tried he was disbanded from the council.

Revenge would be sweet.::

Canth was pleasantly suprised that Kort had warmed to the idea of leading the war. He had hoped that the dragon, with his experience, would prove to be a good choice. None of his coucil members had the gumption to do what was right. Canth watched as his aide was sent off on an errand by Kort. Pulling all the dragons back would take a little time, even with the power to fly. Their somewhat solitary nature let some out on the edges of civilization.

His pleasant mood rapidly changed as Gloomfaust entered the room. A belabored sight escaped his lips as his only declared enemy entered the room. Though under the circumstances, all dragons would have to work together. Canth was a big enough dragon to realize that , hopefully Gloomfaust was too. Canth settled down at the front as Rheamus came to speak before the council.

His eyes started to whirl in anger as Rheamus gave up his information. Dragons posing as dragonslayers. Killing their own kind. Only the lesser races were that unintelligent to do such a thing. Surely the dragons, as superior beings, would not stoop so low. Canth called for order as the council dissolved into shouting and petty bickering. His call bellowed over the council, quieting them down.

Canth spoke to Rheamus in a quiet voice. "We have sent representatives to the other races. None have returned. I fear that they have met the same fate as those that went to the humans. If not, there will at least be a few days before all the dragons have gathered. "
Kort didn't do much of anything at all. He would have liked to rip that Rheamus' head off, maybe drink some of the blood here right in the council, show his superiority, but he didn't. He just gave a short cough, knowing that this dragon would be trouble.
An idea occured to him, one that might solve this little tangle.
"What if we sent this one, Rheamus, is it? To locate the dragon scouts of the other parties, and find their fate. Maybe they didn't make it to talk to the other races at all. You can take the elf with you, find out what happened, and possibly tell them of our cause, and our reason for retaliation against the humans."
Retaliation against the humans... a funny way to say war. Kort hadn't given much thought to the other races in particular. The elves themselves, were already a few steps from being erxtinct, and it'd take a little more than dragon's breath to get a dwarf moving off his ass.
This seemed to solve a lot of problems at once though, and it pleased him that he had thought of it.
"In five days time, our numbers will be substantial enough to attack the human settlements. We prepare until then, and then give the humans a war they'd never imagined."

Do not rust this one, Rheamus... the voice warned, and I couldn't ignore the warning this time, not even a little. This dragon, this Kort, gave me reason to suspect as well. I couldn't help but wonder just then if coming back ot the world of dragons was a wise choice afterall. To deal, possibly head on, with a war-mongering dragon such as Kort. It seemed all he wanted was to slaughter the other races. Surely, had the dragons made it to the elven settlements that remained, the elves would have listened. Elsewise, why would Selwen have come here instead of going to them?
"Kort has made what may be a good suggestion, however, I am not the diplomat one would need to be to take this course. I cannot sway these races to help us in such a fight. Truth be told, they might not be much help against the humans and their knowledge of war. But should we reach them, at very least, we may secure peace with them, a guarantee that they will not join the humans against us," I glanced toward Kort as I continued. "That is, if peace is our objective..."

Canth listened carefully to what Kort had to say. "Rheamus, I agree with Kort. Take Selwen with you and check on the lesser races. The other elves are too far away to check in time, but there is a dwarven settlement that you should be able to reach. Be back here in five days when we show the humans how pitiful they really are. "

Canth was not hot blooded normally, that would not be a good trait in a leader of his people. But what the humans had done, killing dragons wantonly was too much of an insult not to answer in kind.

Keeping his wing pumping he flew on that trail, and then suddenly things looked somewhat familliar. this was the palce he had been earlier, where he had sat upon the rock and listened to the dragon voices speak.

a wind was carrying the scent, and Worraps was no longer sure he could follow it accuratly, so he once again settled on a jutting piee of stone right beside the open into the rock face. tuning his ear and trying to block out other sounds. listening once mroe to the dragons.
Kort gave a nod, understanding the fine leadership that was in this council today. After a short burst of argument, he used the opportunity to lean close to Rheamus.
"If peace is your objective," He whispered like cold fire hissing at the world, "Maybe you shouldn't come back after those five days."
And with that, he bowed at the now diplomat to the dragon. His time was done, but Kort had other accomplishments to do before this was over.
"I wish to ask anyone step forward that has intimate knowledge of the humans, or the dragonslayers, their whereabouts, and the northern territories. Our advancement on them should be swift, and just, and as clean as possible. With tactical information, and a few of their surprises uncovered, we could turn this from a war, into a slaughter."
Kort stared over at the old dragon, who had provided the much needed, and ignored advice from earlier.

::He lifted his eyes from some of the council members grouped below, after listening to them bicker about what they as dragons and council members should do. Hearing Kort call for anyone with knowledge he sought, Gloomfaust held back a smile as the possibilities passed through his head, then he cleared his throat.::

I know much of humans and their tendancies...

::He lumbered down from his seat and made himself look as old as he could as she strode forward.::

I have lived amonst them for quite some time and got to see how they work, how they think, and how they rationalize. Truely pathetic beings, instead of learning about things they donnae understand they would rather kill them because they are different. They tend to have mob mentality and practices unless they are lead bu a charismatic leader...I could go on and on, but I am not sure what you wish to know ...commander.

::It almost made him sick to say such words, however Canth relinquished all of the commande of the dragon armies to Kort . It could be Canths downfall if played correctly. Or perhaps...Yes perhaps Kort could be swayed to see that Canth was merely setting him up.::

Canth was suprised that Gloomfaust would offer any assistance. He had always been more interested in amassing power for himself . But maybe the possible extinction of the dragon race had whetted his appetite for a common cause. Canth watched as the two dragons strode away from the others. Canth turned to see if anyone on the council had any questions.