Dragonball N

"I think that Kami is the only one that really knows how the deadzone was created, or accessed for that matter." said Goku. "many years ago, he merged with piccolo to become one person again. Piccolo of today probably has Kami's memories, but he's still back on earth."

they all looked down in thought. time passed.

"if only we had the dragonballs" lesan said to herself.

"What did you say?" asked goku, looking up.

"I said that if only we had the dragonballs, we could wish access to the deadzone" she replied.

"Or, we can go further, for perminant banishment in the other world!" goku said. He was forming an idea by the second.

"What do you have in mind?" Lateral asked.

"You see kids, there are at least 3 sets of dragonballs in the universe. On earth, in space..."

"And on Namek. I remember now. The story went that the Namekian dragon could grant 3 wishes at a time!" said Lesankia.

"Oh boy could it" said Goku. "Let's just hope that the guardian of the nameks is still alive."

OOC: Sorry was on vacation just got home now tho

IC: Lord followed Veryicon who followed Fuana off the ship and Fuana led them to a village of her people

"Well, we'd better hope we get there before they do. I mean, won't they just wish to stay in here? In effect, that would null the dead zone and dragonball ideas. Unless you can void a proir wish by using a wish, which would mean two wishes to banish one person."

He looked at the other two. "Or, I could just be babbling. Anyway, how much longer?"

hrmmm yeah i had to go cuz i couldnt get on as i had cable problems and i was on vacation it is quite scary how this thread died so...........

New Character (Hurushentai)

Hurushentai has arrived.
Name: Hurushentai
Age: 23
Height: 6'3
Race: Product of Shen Lon and unknown earth woman.
Special Features: Eyes turn blood red when angered.
Special Attack: Dragon Rage Attack, Summon Dragon, Summon Green Dragon, Summon Red Dragon, Summon Black Dragon, Dragon Vortex, Dragon Death
Attack Description: Hurushentai's eyes turns blood red, summons up his energy into a massive energy beam. Half way between him and his opponent, the beam takes on the form of a dragon's head and hit the opponent with a variety of amounts of force depending on the color or stregnth of attack.
Power Level: 400,000; 450,000 when severely angered
Personal Statement: "I wish to learn from the best, so I may become the best."
Background Info: At dawn, on a very cold morning in December; the eternal dragon Shen lon is summoned.
There is a moment of silence until the dragon's voice pierces the air.
"You have summoned me, and so you may have one wish to be granted."
A trembling woman steps forth and says "I wish to have a son; not that of a normal son, but one who, when his power is unlocked, will be the most powerful man in the universe."
With the very last word of the woman spoken, the dragon replies, "Your wish will be granted." The dragon's eyes begin to glow a bright red.
Then a giant seed flies out of his mouth and explodes into a million peices which surrounded the woman. The many peices begin to spin around her, faster and even faster still. With a scream the woman vanishes. There, in her place, is a newborn child.
Just then, the mighty dragon dissapears and the dragonballs disperse. The baby begins to cry and is heard by a nearby married couple who had come to see what all the stranges noises and commotion was about. The two passerbyers take the child in and raise him as there own.
The boy grows into a strong, healthy young man a takes up martial arts achieving the highest degree black belt and sets off to learn more from experience.
OOC: Who in the world would post a month after a thread dies?

::knocks on the coffin::

See? No ones here anymore! They stopped caring!


You guys might have forgotten me. If you have, I don't blame you. I sort of dropped out in the DBZ thread and then, well, I just stopped coming on here. Finally got back on here today, thinking, "Gee, I wonder if that DBZ thread is still going."
I come to this thread... I read the first cupla posts and get hooked, and decide I'll see if I can join in again. I read through 3 pages, waste about an hour of my time coz of these stupid loading times on this slow arse computer...

To find out it's dead.


Enough of my ranting.
If anyone's interested in getting this back alive, or starting yet another Dragonball thread, gimme a yell.