Dragons of Gralfor OOC

Oh, no no no no no! Don't "hush"! Please, feel free to start a conversation, even if it is just to say hi. There's usually always someone online who's willing to spend some time having a nice conversation, and that person is usually me. ;)

In other words, don't be a stranger. :)
The reason Angelus didn't put up an 'welcome to the thread post' is because he was enjoying a rare day offline with me.

BlueMary - Angelus and I live together. He says welcome and he loves your first post. As we're using the same comp, you'll understand he won't post when I'm on. Sorry about that.

So, reiteration - BlueMary - You're good. :D (and Welcome to the Thread! LOL)

Jedi can be just a tad fast these days, seeing as he's mostly on more than we are.
The reason Angelus didn't put up an 'welcome to the thread post' is because he was enjoying a rare day offline with me.

BlueMary - Angelus and I live together. He says welcome and he loves your first post. As we're using the same comp, you'll understand he won't post when I'm on. Sorry about that.

So, reiteration - BlueMary - You're good. :D (and Welcome to the Thread! LOL)

Jedi can be just a tad fast these days, seeing as he's mostly on more than we are.

Well, Wolfsister's welcome is just as good as Angelus', for the reason that she stated. That settles it, welcome to the thread BlueMary. :)

"Just a tad fast these days"? It's not my fault that I'm eager to see something happen on this forum. Things have slowed way the hell down since some of the other regulars went MIA.
LOL, its alright Jedi, but you're getting a bit of a reputation for scaring the newbies :D

Usually, if someone does something in our (Angelus and I) threads when we didn't okay it - we post something up or take it up privately with the poster. It make take us a few days but unfortunately that's just how it is.

And there are plenty of things going on here on Lit. I'm currently flat out, and I've still got to do stuff or IV.

Jedi - I can't remember your last post in Ain, but if it did not require a 'response' from another writer, I'd like to challenge you to do another post. Something to do with the Mori - or anything else you'd like to do with your character. You see other writers doing background posts and I'd like to see how you do on one of those.

As Cats once said to me, Keep writing. Even if there is no real reason to. Cos its still all good. (not his words :p)
BTW BlueMary, I was wondering just exactly where on the map you are at the moment.
Hm...the last post in Ain...the elf had slide back into a corner and became one with the shadows as soon as the queen walked into the tent. That's where he is at this point. I intend to have him listen for a while, then he's going to pass out in a not so subtle way due to a combination of things including exhaustion, hunger, and that nasty concussion he's got from his forehead forcefully meeting a branch.

So, I'm basically waiting for the war council to progress some before having him pass out.

As for a background post, do you happen to remember my character from Ren's Star Wars thread? I've recommissioned him, putting him in LuckyVic's Star Wars thread. I've even done two background posts for him, so you can have a look there. The elf, however, would be a challenge seeing as how he can't remember his past, and also because I don't have anything definite for his past yet.

And what's this about my reputation for frightening newbies? *raises an eyebrow*
The challenge was for this character, Jedi. Not another one. Either way, if you do or do not create something for the Mori, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, I've got to go for now. See y'all later. BlueMary: Just post in OOC, I'll get it sooner or later.
Yeah, I had a feeling you meant for the elf. Wait, or do you mean for Atherron, seeing as we're chatting in the Gralfor OOC?

Ah what the hell, what will be will be. Oh, and Wolfsister...I'm working on Atherron's post now. I expect to be finished within the hour. Good night.

*looks under the couch*What the hell are you doing under there, Mary?
Certainly not hiding! Nope...but anyways, I was thinking Kordra and the group she was with was a new group of orcs. Raiding party or something of the like, so they would be just coming into Gralfor from wherever it is the orcs come from. I'm hesitant to say I know exactly which direction that's from.
A new group of orcs? We haven't even finished killing the old group yet! WTF?!? :D

As for where the orcs came from, I'm guessing south of the mountains along the southern border of Gralfor, most likely near Kergal, which is already overrun with orcs.
Bah, then I'm just tossing more meat in the grinder! I was thinking it was south. So that works then!

Hers might be a first group to start a new incursion seeing as they're fresh, and it might be a good way to toss Kordra into things. Though I can just wait and see instead of speculating.
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It's all good intentions, really! The orcs just want to liven up the place. It just happens to be a violent livening.
Well, they certainly have made a lot of dull lives suddenly less dull, albeit a little...dead. :cool:
A cool story to tell indeed, as a way to explain why they scream in their sleep. ;)

Well, I hate to say this, but I'm going to disappear for awhile. I'll be back in a few hours to see if anything has changed.
Fantastic, i love the idea of a new party moving through. If Kodagon is going to start his rebellion he's going to need troops and alliances, and he has absolutely no moral delima letting the orcs take the front line. i mean, u wouldn't let a poor old dragon take the fore would u? :p

I'm thinking "diplomatic negotiations" from the wild dragons as Kordra moves through the mountains...
Sorry I have been lax with it but I would like to officially welcome you to the thread BlueMary. I love the idea that you are part of another group who has come from the orc lands; it makes things a little more interesting. I also love the opening post of your character and I cannot wait to see what you do next.

Anonymous. I love your first post. I have a small job for you in the main thread. I'll send you a PM about it.

There is only one other thing I can say everyone. Thank you for the great work you have been putting into this thread.
Pssp, over here angelous. Don't call it work, work is a bad word.

Also I am flattered wolfsister.
I forgot it was a swear word, sorry. Will try not to do it again.

But everyone has been doing such brilliant writing on this thread it makes it fun to be a part of it.