Drowy (Drobabes) General OOC

What was the name of the sex shop again?

I know it’s not right, but all I can think of is Tenta-Please!

I know I could go back and look, but this is more fun.
@Sean: Never been to kink.com, so I wouldn't know, but maybe so. Have you seen it on that website?

@Nouh: Tenta-please. XD That sounds hilarious, like some kind of Greek version of Cthulu. "Hello there Hera, this is Tentacles. No no, not Cthulu, definitely not." I think the sex shop would be named Cthulewd, sporting the brand item Cthulube.
I have not been to the actual website, but the video seemed an in-house thing.

@Nouh: Just gonna ignore me, huh? I see how it is bro XD

Cthulewd is better, but maybe it can have a vibrator named the TentaPlease?


Sorry, man! I didn’t realize that was a question. I think that’s definitely what I would do, but I’m not it’s in character for Fen. We’ll see, though. I haven’t written my post yet.
>Set your alarm for a little after 6
>Get up fifteen minutes before 8

When you try your best but you don't succeed~
@Noah: YES. I would buy it. XD

@Sean: Oh okay, that makes sense.

@Drobabes: <.< you must have needed le sleeps. Honestly, I don’t make plans for the morning because lord knows I don’t have the willpower to get out bed for anything if I don’t have to.

That's it, I'm changing careers T_T I'ma look for a desk job! D<

I mean, I usually can >_> I really enjoy having a good hour or two before work to just sip coffee and chill, but yea, guess I needed the sleep ;_;

Honestly, desk jobs are nice... Sometimes. :D

<_< if you can do it even occasionally, then you are a stronger person than I. Gah... I don’t want to be awake right now. I wish I was cuddled up in my warm, snuggly blankets! >o<
XD Soft cocks... Well, I wouldn’t mind staying in bed with soft cocks and hot tea. Lol
*Tries to picture it*

Mm, the fantasy world. Well I suppose tomorrow is my last day before I get a weekend...

*sips coffee*
Yeah, my soul is constantly being nibbled on by the adorable little cherub that is “work.”

<_< Drobabes. What are you doin’ with that coffee? Has it seduced you with the velvety embrace of those roasted beans?

Hey! Ho!

Here he goes! He's either a little too high, or a little too low!

Got low selft-esteem and vertigo, but he thinks he's fine and dandy!



shh, poprockz, shh.

I'm...fine and dandy!~
<_< Fine and Dandy. Yeaaah.

I’ve never seen that cartoon but it looks awesome. XD