Drowy (Drobabes) General OOC

If you know anything about the scps, it's in the scp universe.


Alright, I am so sorry Poprockz, I gotta go a little longer without posting. I keep trying to push myself back into the rhythm but I just don't fuckin feel good. Works not helping, but I'm too scared to slack at work with coworkers going out sick or getting fired >_>

I'm probably way overthinking it, but I'm so scared my ass will be on the chopping block if I don't keep up. *sigh*

I'm also feeling super bad about being like "I'll post tomorrow, I promise!", so I'm just gonna...not do that... I know you probably aren't in a hurry, but I'm just like...bummed and annoyed. This is like, the thing I do to have fun after work, and I can't >_<
Drobabes, Drobabes, Drobabes...

When will you learn?




In all seriousness, don't worry about it. :D I really don't need you to force yourself, especially with everything going on right now. You sound like a really important part of your workplace since you've been there for a while and sound like a diligent worker, so I don't think they would let you go simply for not overextending yourself (not trying to invalidate your concern, just wanted to maybe encourage you. :) ) Just post when you feel the wigglies in your fingers and the caffeine in your soul- no promises necessary.

But just so I can do the evil plotting over here, could you tell me what kind of gifts Kuznet would like while he's pretending to be a human being?
Lol, alright alright... I guess half my guilt comes from this rp feeling like our baby XD These beans are precious and must be delicately stirred and attended to~

Hmm. What would Kuznet want?

Well, he's a man of many dealings. Depending on what she's trying to get from him and how much of his own resources (lackys included :D) it might cost him, the price will be steeper or not high. I'm imagining she's already a trusted contact, so he'll be more willing to bargain.

Hmm. Well, things like eggs (to experiment on) could be on the table. Information is always valued as well, especially if there are things that he hasn't been able to learn with his own experimentation. Ooh! She could divulge some info on just how capable they are with their psychic abilities, possibly confirming his own suspicions and landing Quint in the dog house for not being completely truthful with him :devil:

Of course, he'll likely have his own spy's start keeping tabs on her to see how under control she is of herself, and if it differs at all from the other fully turned humans.

He'll also probably just try and dig as far as she'll let him get away with :D but if you're thinking more along the lines of material dealings, drugs are always in demand and make for good bartering chips, no matter where one goes :D

I am curious though, as you said things I would need to know would be "Isabella is an important character to the zombie-chick and Kuznet’s favor involved interfering with her military orders to put her someplace where she couldn’t communicate with the states while still being in a conflict-free zone."

Can you elaborate on that a little, or would that be giving away beans? I just don't want to write something completely wrong from Kuznet's side. Like I don't really get it? Is Isabella in the military? If so, did Kuznet move her as a favor to Angelique?
I mean... the RP is our baby, but sometimes baby needs to take a little nap. :D

I'm thinking initially she'll come with a briefcase full of items, though some are business-related while others are merely gifts to butter him up and basically be polite/show respect for taking some of his time.

Hmm... Alien shit. *scribbles notes*

Heheh... "So Quint... It seems you haven't been entirely honest with me. I thought I told you to pray." Indeed she could, and I bet she'd segue into that conversation voluntarily since she'll be curious about the person she senses. How angry would Kuznet be? :devil: I'm debating on whether she knows Damien's family or not, like whether her parents have had dealings with Margaret and Damien. If I decide to run with that, I may also have her recognize a picture of Damien and have her mock him a bit to Kuznet, giving him a bit more insight about how Margaret used him. I'm a bit on the fence though, not sure about whether that would even be something Kuznet would be interested in.

Hm hm hm... It is giving away some beans, but I'll elaborate. Isabella is the object of Angelique's romantic madness. That being said, she couldn't stop her from going into the military, so Isabella was out of her grasp in a sense (though they were still friends at the time, Isabella not knowing quite how deep the rabbit hole went). She couldn't just have the military discharge her, as that would be highly suspicious, so a conflict-free zone was the next best thing. The reason she wanted her to be out of contact though... She was doing some very bad things in an effort to gain Isabella's affections that would end up absolutely destroying their friendship. Let's just say that there isn't anything Angelique wouldn't do to try to get Isabella's love... Even if it's illegal or immoral.
Ooh~ Kuznet will definitely enjoy some respectful gifts~ :D Heheh, boost his ego like some peasant coming to kneel before their king XD

oh my fucking god, I read 'Alien shit' literally and I don't know why, but my brain was just immediately like, "well he's probably already had some tests run on that, but we probably work it in the-waaait a minute"

> Indeed she could, and I bet she'd segue into that conversation voluntarily since she'll be curious about the person she senses. How angry would Kuznet be?

Honestly, I'm thinking he already suspects it but being a bit of a man who needs some evidence, confirming it will be good. So in a way, he wouldn't -really- be mad, but he'll definitely use it as something to punish Quint with. Possibly that's what starts his little play session later. As far as for her knowing Damien, that's up to you, but I can say that since Damien is on his shit list, he'll take any information he can get so long as the person giving it to him doesn't drone on and on and waste his time. So casually mentioning something would definitely catch his attention, and he might even ask a few questions or try and sweeten the deal for her a bit if she has something particularly useful that he could learn. Like, perhaps about Toby? :devil: Though that's totally up to you.

He's definitely building up to mentally break him as much as he can before he starts physically torturing him though. I was thinking about having him send one more little note, too, before he comes to fuck with Vin and snatch his lovely Cora :D I'm just thinking of what I can write that won't completely give away that he's getting close to coming for her, or if I want to simply let it be, with that "I'm looking forward to meeting you" being enough of a cliffhanger.

Alright, that's enough for me to work with :D I can just keep it vague from Kuznets end, as I imagine that, besides doing his favour, The General wouldn't have a big interest in knowing their personal history, simply what the favour was, and for who it was.

I'ma try to post since it's my day off, but me and the hubby are going to try and escape for a night of camping and get the hell out of dodge for a night. Just a little escape would be so nice, and we're thinking just some nice nature walks would be a safe way to take a little mini vacation.
Heh, yes. :D I’m thinking maybe she’ll give him a bottle of really high-quality booze, some dried fruit with cheese and chocolate, a beautiful knife, and maybe some expensive spices/oils. Maybe that’s too much, I don’t know. Wouldn’t take up much room in a suitcase though. If there’s anything in particular he would like, let me know. :D I may have her also give Francisco some condoms, suggestively, who knows?

Lol Alien Shit. XD I mean... he’s gotta test everything, right?

:devil: Eeeeexcellent. Poor Quint. One thing that he might be interested to know would be that Quint wouldn’t even know she was there if she didn’t make herself known... Meaning he can’t use a half-zombie to reliably track the fully turned zombies. I imagine Quint will have the bajesus scared out of him when he suddenly hears her whisper something into his ear.

Hmm... I’d have to figure out how she knows about Toby, but we’ll see. :D

Well, the last note he sent was pretty fucking ominous, but Kuznet does seem to be one to raise the bar. :D Hmmm... What to say? I’m having a hard time coming up with anything good. If something comes to me, I’ll let you know.

Vague is good. :D The only thing that would pique his interest is the fact that the Isabella’s wife unfortunately passed away in a vehicular accident. Tragic, really.

Okay, no pressure. You go get dat outdoor woodsy smell in your nostrils!
Oh man, now that you mention it, I would love to have a chance to play Francisco 'playing evil' if you will :D Maybe he takes the comdums as flirting and playfully flirts with her until Kuznet brings the conversation around to business :D

>One thing that he might be interested to know would be that Quint wouldn’t even know she was there if she didn’t make herself known... Meaning he can’t use a half-zombie to reliably track the fully turned zombies.

That would be very interesting indeed :devil:. If it wasn't a surprise visit, he might have even hidden Quint away to 'keep him safe', as it were, though Kuznet isn't one to feel -too- threatened, especially if she's already on good terms. He might get a little jelly if she tries any mind 'fuckery' though :D

Quint would totally shit his pants though XD especially if he didn't know if it was a zombie on their side or not, and on that note-Francis might try and keep her interest on them (him) under the guise of not letting her into Quint's head to learn information on what they have been experimenting on, or that he has that healygoup, but especially not to let her delve too deeply and find all those nast little memories :D

That last note was ominous, and I do plan on having him send plenty more once he has Cora, so I might just leave it be. There's really no reason to other than my own entertainment, so.

>Isabella’s wife unfortunately passed away in a vehicular accident. Tragic, really.

>Tragic, really.


Hmm. I'll have to think of something specific that he might like. He's definitely in the business of slavery, so perhaps if she brought any pretty collars/outfits/or torture toys for him to use on his pets, she might just earn herself a genuine little smile and maybe even a light caress along her jawline :devil:

Ah. The trip to the great outdoors...has been postponed.

*clears throat*

So my husband has the thing with pain tolerance, in that, he damn near can't feel pain. He can, but it's like...half capacity, if that, to us normies. So last night he gets a toothache, which escalated to a 10/10 this morning. We go into the dentist, and the dentist almost literally says 'what the fuck?'

Apparently his wisdom tooth-

-shattered and spread across the whole side of his face, leaving bone shards everywhere, including in his nasal cavity
-his gums are rotted
-three of his back teeth have died from infection/damage
-and he has some massive nerve damage

Oh, and since it's in his nasal cavity, he needs some major surgery before the infection poisons his blood and risks giving him a heart attack.

This is only one of many stories where his pain tolerance has quite literally almost killed him simply because it doesn't hurt until it HURTS. So we had a little chat about, if anything, feels off again in the future, we're going into the doctors.

Oh my gosh! That’s [size=+4]terrifying[/size]!
I’m so sorry! I hope everything gets fixed for him!

Edit: Aaahhhhhhh!!!!
He'll be alright once the antibiotics kick in, but yea... >.>

We don't even understand how it got like that in the first place. I didn't know wisdom teeth COULD shatter >_<
Oh my god this nature walk guy is hilarious, I'll have to watch it when I get home XD
I didn’t either, but now I’m a little worried about it!

“You can tell, because of the way that it is!”
Oh, she'll bring the condoms for the express purpose of flirting with Francisco. :D She likes attention, so she would probably dislike how quiet Jonathan and Niles can be, making Francisco her prime choice of flirting. I think she'll be somewhat playful with Kuznet, but not flirty per se- schmoozing, that's the word! Like I think she knows he's dangerous and doesn't want to fuck with the business relationship they have.

Mind fuckery, eh? :D Well, she might have to restrain herself in that case, or get some kind of little warning from big Daddy Kuznet. I'm thinking she might just do something to prove to Kuznet that they're capable of much more than Quint was letting on.

>Quint would totally shit his pants though

Heheheh. XD I'm still playing around with what shenanigans she might try to get up to upon contacting Quint. Like maybe she'll share a lewd memory or something along those lines. Hmm... choices choices. I like that Francisco is going to have to up the charm to get her redirected. Lol

Well, that's true about the notes. Maybe he doesn't send him a written note, but a super ominous item? Like an eyeball or something to signify that he's always watching?

<_< Tragic...

Oooo, if he'll accept sexy shit, then I definitely have some ideas. :devil: Gotta get that gentle caress of approval!



I didn't know wisdom teeth could just fucking shatter either. How the fuck does that even happen? <_<" You'd think you would have to have some kind of high-impact strike to the tooth or something, not that it would just explode or some shit.

Glad he'll be okay, but damn. <_<"

@Nouh: Wow, that sure is neat. Ha.

XD You can tell it's funny because that's what it is.
Hm hm, then I'll probably have Kuznet do something subtle when she mentions being able to sense the other half zombie. Maybe he'll purposefully point out that his pet turned, so she knows who it is and is not someone to be toyed with :D

Ooh, something physical, you say? Damn, if it wouldn't completely break his plan to keep it hidden that he has Sabastian, I would totes send the locket with a bit of purple blood :D Hmm...can't send anything of Cora or Quint's either, otherwise he'll give it away who it is... hm hm...

Oh! I think I know what I'll do :devil:

Gah, all this planning is making me want to start that scene XD

What you think? Since Quint and Sayori are going to be...'playing' for a while? :devil: I can start on a post right now, for Quint. I might have to stop once in a while to help the hubby, but I'm definitely feeling a lot better after having gotten some decent sleep and a break from work, if even temporary.

Yea I don't know what the fuck happened with the tooth. The only thing I can think of, which happened about six months ago, was that he got absolutely snoggered with a buddy and tried to walk home instead of driving, but on the way out, he tripped and fell down a good six feet or more of icy concrete stairs and broke his glasses. Fucker's lucky he didn't break them into his damn face and completely blind himself...anywho. (cursing out of fear, not because I'm truly angry with silly man)

That's like the only thing I can think of that he might have done, except that the side of his face that got all bruised up was on the other side. But like, his pain tolerance is so damn high, he very might well have hit the other side of his face too and just doesn't remember because it didn't hurt as badly as the side that bruised.
That'd work. If she knows that the zombie is his, she wouldn't want to molest him for the fuck of it, especially if Kuznet feels ownership of him.

Hmm... One lewd outfit, collar, and sex toy for Quint, two outfits for Cora and Sayori each, two collars, and... maybe two or three toys on top.

*smells the beans cooking* I look forward to seeing what it is you chose for Kuznet's message... :D

Well, if you're up for doing a post, then who am I to deny you? Thou must let the lewd times roll.


<_< Maybe the impact of the fall jarred his jaw enough for it, even if he didn't hit that side. Or he could just not remember like you said. Still... it just fucking shattered. That dude needs to get checked out whenever any noteworthy injury happens.

kitties! :heart: :cattail:


Outfits you say? :D She may want to be a tad careful though, as Kuznet hasn't told anyone about his newest pet :devil: Although on the other hand, he does have a few, so maybe she just brings some extra sexy gear in preparation? :D
Hmm... Good point. How about, four outfits and collars total (one male, three female), a male sex toy, and three female/unisex toys. Kind of like a: "I assume he has at least two toys, but could very well have four" sort of deal?
That could definitely work :devil: Either way, he'll be very pleased that she went that extra little step to get something personal just for him. It might even give him a warm and fuzzy feeling in his chest :D

Well...IF he could feel anything :devil:
I think the most accurate word for Kuznet would either be "pleased" or "satisfied." She'll be sure to find outfits that are very pleasant to the touch. :D

Hopefully Quint, Cora, and Sayori will be just as pleased with the outfits he picks for each of them. :devil:
Mm, Please and Satisfied are pretty accurate, yes. *nod nods*

Kuznet: "You and the little bird match. Isn't that lovely, Cora?"

Cora: *stares into the abyss*

Oof, I meant to come off as funny with that, but it just hurts :(
>*stares into the abyss*

<_< Poor Cora. She's going to be checked out most of the time he's around, isn't she?

Oooo, I hadn't heard that song before, but it's got such a good atmosphere. It's got... hm. Not creepy, but maybe menacing is the word I'm looking for for the vibe.
Yea, unfortunately :( though I'm imagining Kuznet will notice that 'something has changed'. She'll be very obedient of course, but they'll just be...a certain strength there that he doesn't like :devil:

Ooh~ Menacing~ yes

*rubs hands together*

The weekend was too short, but I feel my energy being renewed~
Derp by me

Here’s what I was trying WAY TOO HARD to post here:


Really just any gif for energy being renewed or anything like that. Oh well, I guess 47th time’s the charm!
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