Drowy (Drobabes) General OOC

Fran: *does a dramatic gasp*

Heheh. Hmm...a walk...maybe Fran has some duties and has to take the ladies with him :D

Hmm. I gotta think on this a bit. Cause on the one hand, just taking them on a walk might be dangerous, but on the other, taking them into town might be dangerous as well. Ooh, maybe he could take them to a beginners training course that they use on the young soldiers, to get them some exercise :D That would give Quint a chance to be salty with him too because he's getting left behind :D
Yeah, maybe. But wouldn’t that just raise too many questions? No one knows who Sayori is and it would be weird that there’s no record of her and that no one has seen her. The soldiers would find it odd that the officer is taking these two ladies personally to the training and back. Plus, Sayori’s hand would be fucked up so she couldn’t do the training anyway. :/

Hmm... Maybe Sayori just watches? I don’t know. 🤔
Oh i was thinking he would take them when no one was there.

I am also only thinking with about 25% brain capacity at the moment >.>

perhaps I should let the sweet caress of the couch take me away for an hour or two >_<
Oooooh, okay. That would actually work well because I’m sure there’s a little track there for running laps so Sayori can simply stroll while Cora puts her hatred into the course, blowing off some steam.

Lol perhaps you really should sink into the glorious bosom of the couch’s cushions if you’re tired. :D
Well, the sleeps we're allusive -_-

I'm kind of excited to see Sayori have a little freak out, as messed up as that is XD
<_< Damn... Fuck them sleeps.

Heheh... I guarantee a hefty helping of the sads. :D
>_> Well then it's probably best I get in a good dose of the funnies before we begin again >_>

Postas! :D
You cannot resist the sleeps when they come a-knockin'!

We shall pick up at another time. :D
I tried to sleep. Again. Couldn't sleep. Again.

Now, no one start ripping pieces of gum in here or we may have to call the sexy police.
No one can arrest anyone with the aura of the long long man. It’s just physically impossible. Lol

Look up “Goat Screaming Taylor Swift Trouble” :D
Alright I will XD I think I'll have Quint not get the reference though. I think I'll have him mistake it for a peter pan joke, and say something sweet by accident :D
Aw. :3 I look forward to see what sweetness comes out of that mouth of his.