Drowy (Drobabes) General OOC

Yea, that's true >_> I guess I just do it so much that it literally feels like a curse sometimes >_>

Working on a post by the way. I'm not going to jinx it, but I'm hoping to get back in the swing of things before work >_<
Yeah, I could see where you’re coming from. Never got so much sleep that it felt like it was controlling my life, but I can imagine that it sucks the biggest of balls. Shit in excess is just shit.

<_< Hmmm... well, I’ll keep an eye peeled then.
There we go, finally got it.

*rubs face in hands*

Yea it's just...eck. I don't know. This doctors appointment cannot come soon enough.

Although, I did get some good news finally. We got a doctor much closer that can do the testing, now, so I won't have to make an appointment months in advance. And the doctor wants to send me to a thyroid specialist if this test turns out to be negative, and I don't have Lupus. Either way, I'll finally (hopefully) being figuring it out and finally be able to manage it better.
Oh, that is good news! I'm crossing my fingers that it's a thyroid thing, because I think that's more treatable, right?

Mmm... The good postas and musics.
It would be, yea, but I don't want to get my hopes up. I mean, at this point, I just want some kind of diagnoses XD I don't care what it is, I just want to know lol
True true. The docs need to address it doesn't keep smacking your ass like a douche.

Heh, Quint is adorable. XD
If it was at least a sexy douche, I might enjoy it.

Quint has to keep the princess safe! D<
Lupis La-sexy? <_< Or Thirsty Thyroid hunk?

Lol Safe from the burnt coffee. He is a gud Jedi!

Fair warning, my post may be a bit long... <_<" Totally didn't write out her shower scene previously. Ahem. Also, is Kuznet down in the kitchen?
Thas fine :D Both the short and the long posts are sexy in this world :devil:

Mm, no I don't believe he is :D I believe he had some military duties to attend to.


Shit, wait, I forgot he's the doctor. That's gonna be a big derp from me. (my head is still hella fuzzy, sorry lol)

Yes, yes, he's still there. We'll have him patch her hand up before he heads out. I probably won't be able to finish my post till after work though.
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Mmm. Long long pooooo-oooost!

Oh okay, then the Fran will have to play doctor then. Hope he’s got the eyes for the real little pieces of glass. :D

EDIT: oh okay, gotcha. Lol no problem. I figured maybe you had something else planned. Also, I’ll be happy if you get a post in later, but it’s no biggie.
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He's going to have a mild heart attack when she opens that door and he smells the blood :<
Oh man, you know I didn't even think of that. D: His head is gonna be on a swivel.

Question out of curiosity: did Quint really love Sarah romantically? I know that's an eye-roll worthy question, but hear me out. Sarah was the one person that refused to back down, pulling both Quint and Cora from a life they had been trapped into. She got along well with both of them and had a great sense of humor. However, I wonder if maybe Quint idolized her in a way, feeling so strongly for her in that way that it seemed like romantic love.
Hmm. You know that's a good question and good perspective on it. I think the answer would be that he did love her, but maybe not in the same way that he will come to love Sayori. I also have a bit of perspective change from Cora's view point, about how Sarah reacted to the scars on his legs. Quint's not quite right on that one, but I think once Cora let's him know what was really up, it might be one of the things that finally pushes him to tell Sayori that he loves her :D
Oh? Did Sarah confide in Cora regarding the scars on his thighs? <.< I also find it amazing that Cora remembers any of the images from Quint and Sayori's video, seeing as she was being traumatized by it and trying to block it out, though I suppose that that particular gesture of Sayori's might have stood out to her a bit.

That's got me super curious. If I "remember" right (checks past post), Quint had thought that Sarah basically didn't judge him for them and still loved him and wanted to be intimate regardless, but that she had a difficult time really accepting them. Are you basically saying that she actually felt the same as Sayori, but Quint wasn't in a place to be able to accept it at the time?
Oh? Did Sarah confide in Cora regarding the scars on his thighs? <.< I also find it amazing that Cora remembers any of the images from Quint and Sayori's video, seeing as she was being traumatized by it and trying to block it out, though I suppose that that particular gesture of Sayori's might have stood out to her a bit.

Oh well she probably doesn't remember, I think she actually was trying to look away or space out. No, I was thinking more along of once they are all rescued and have some time to actually talk about things and mourn properly. I was thinking of a way for Quint to bring that up in some kind of conversation, so that Cora can look at him and tell him what was actually going through Sarah's head, cause yes, she did confide in Cora.

Are you basically saying that she actually felt the same as Sayori, but Quint wasn't in a place to be able to accept it at the time?

Ah, well, no, not exactly >.>

Hmm. Do you want the beans spilled? Or do you want them saved for the plot posts? :D
Hmm. This time I want some spillage. I need some beans to lift my weary weary heart. T_T I have to get up early tomorrow and I need something to think about while I try to talk myself out of booking a midnight flight to somewhere obscure, living the rest of my life as a goat herder.
I would not blame you one bit if you hopped on a plane to become the most famous goat keeper :D

Ok so basically, Sarah always got a bit of a sad or bothered look on her face whenever (well maybe not whenever, but often enough), when she saw the scars, and Quint, being a self conscious boi, never tried to have a real talk with her about it and just came to his own conclusions.

HOWEVER, during one lovely drunken midnight booze club talk, Sarah actually told Cora that she was scared that she would never be able to connect with Quint in that way. While she knew (from a somewhat young age actually) just who Kuznet really was and just what they were going through, Sarah herself had never gone through anything so disgusting or vile. Of course she didn't want that, but at the same time, she was scared that she would never truly be able to empathize with him.

You see, Sarah wanted to be Quint's partner because she truly loved him. She wanted to be his everything, everything that she possibly could be for him, but she was scared that that was one thing that might eventually drive them apart, even if she fought it. Even if she tried her best to never let it drive a wedge between them, Sarah was scared that there would always be some things that she just...couldn't help him with. Things that she could never be for him, no matter how much she loved him.

And of course, Cora being a good girl, put a stop to that silly line of thought. Buuut, you know, Sarah was a smart cookie. Those worries may not have been unfounded-had she not passed away, of course.

I think eventually, that type of trauma would have just been too much for her to handle. Eventually she would have felt like there were certain parts of him that he would just never be willing to share with her, and that might have driven her away.

Edit: Sorry if I wrote that a bit too late and you already went to bed >.>
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Nah, I would fade into the mist, a mysterious goat herder of legend who is known but never seen...

Aw... :/ That’s a sad thought. It almost sounds like Sarah was a bit of a perfectionist and that it bothered her that she wasn’t perfect for him in every way. If she had listened to Cora (and lived) maybe she would eventually learn that it was enough to simply love him and be there for him. T_T
Hmm. Perhaps she was. Or perhaps she really was just scared of losing him one day :( The world may never know.

One things for sure, I think despite Quint being a very tuff boi, I think he's actually more fragile than Cora in some ways :( I think maybe, without either of them meaning to, Quint came to rely a little too much on Sarah and Cora to pick him up, even though it would appear the opposite on the surface. I think he's a little like Vin in that, he can't stand being alone, and being alone is one of those things that would kind of break him in the end.
Hmm. :( The scars were just a physical representation of the wall that might one day come between them.

Yeah, even tuff bois need the luvs. You know, maybe that inability to be alone is part of what fuels him to continue to reach out to people, like Sayori when she first arrived and now that they know that most everyone she knows is gone.

I also think Quint will begrudgingly identify with Damien’s isolation at least.

And with that, I (try to) sleep. Goodnight! :D
>I also think Quint will begrudgingly identify with Damien’s isolation at least.

Indeed, I think he will :D

Goodnight! Dream of good, solid, sleeps and delicious beans of all variety! :D
Heheh... Damien is going to be really surprised if/when anyone admits that they’re friends with him. He’s in the “only Cora will accept me” camp right now.

I had... creepy dreams that I only vaguely remember. <_< I’m fine with not remembering.