Echoes of Mankind IC

Commander Treloar Noviscum

As soon as Officer Seerzman and Walker entered the flyer and the door sealed shut behind Treloar, the flyer took off, up into the atmosphere bound for the orbiting ship.

He opened his commlink to Terra 1 and said; "Terra 1, we will be back on the ship momentarily, as soon as we are safely onboard, lets set off. Course is unchanged. Flyer out." The Commander shut the commlink and looked at both Kitka and Drel. And his eyes stopped at Drel, who seemed to be in some type of trouble.

"Officer Walker, what is wrong?"

Treloar looked out of the port window and they had cleared the last of the planet's atmosphere and they were close to Terra 1. He looked back at Drel when he heard him murmur to himself as he held his hands over his eyes.

Looking pensively at Kitka he asked; "What happened down there with you two?" He had a inkling of a feeling but wanted to know from either Drel or Kitka.

At that moment the flyer locked on with the docking bay of Terra 1 and inwardly Treloar sighed a sense of relief. We are safe....I think.
Officer Drel Walker (The truth behind why I'm writing him so screwy)

Drel looked over at his Commander, dropping his hands. He sighed, and stood up, saluting his commanding officer. "Sir, I have a confession to make. I am not, and have never been fit for military duty under the Terran Forces Act 1796-04, which clearly states that those people suffering from the mental defect known as 'The Freul Complex,' more commonly referred to 'Multi-Mind Syndrome' are unfit for duty, being known to lose focus under pressure and have unstable and often conflicting emotions and thought processes."

He glanced down, and reached up, scratching the back of his neck. "I'm sorry, sir. I'm prepred to take the penalty for my actions."
Commander Treloar Noviscum

The question was asked as the flyer and Terra 1 completed the docking procedures. The chime sounded and the hatch opened that linked the flyer to Terra 1. It was safe to transfer across. As Commander Treloar stood, Officer Drel Walker stood up and saluted.

At first Treloar was nonplussed. But then Drel spoke and his explaination sent a small chill down his spine.

"Sir, I have a confession to make. I am not, and have never been fit for military duty under the Terran Forces Act 1796-04, which clearly states that those people suffering from the mental defect known as 'The Freul Complex,' more commonly referred to 'Multi-Mind Syndrome' are unfit for duty, being known to lose focus under pressure and have unstable and often conflicting emotions and thought processes. I'm sorry, sir. I'm prepared to take the penalty for my actions."

Treloar was well versed in the Terran Forces Acts and Act 1796-04 was one he was well versed in but never had come across, until now. Proper military procedure would be a Martial Tribunal back on Terra, but that was out of the question. Now Treloar knew under Act 1862-11: Mental Defects Penalties and Procedures, the act have him volition to met out any punishment even death.

In military terms, the 'Freul Complex' was known simply as MMS. On Terra, soldiers would be punished by being placed in a 'Punishment Sphere' until their body gave out.

"At ease, Officer Walker. How did you pass the medical and Psych examinations?" Treloar asked. "Let's get to the Bridge and I will decide there what we shall do."

He looked back at Officer Seerzman who was silent and then headed off the flyer down a corridor to the bridge a short walk away. Opening a link to Terra 1 he said "Terra 1, please check for any new treatments for MMS."

Drel grunted. "I sugget not bothering. You won't find anything. Science has been slowed to a standstill over the subject because of the problem of what it is. I mean, what are you trying to do to cuire it, you're trying to cut down brain activity. It raises a lot of questions, questions which no one knows how to even begin to answer, and that won't let medicine progress without."

He shrugged, and fell in line behind the Commander. He looked around, trying to decide how best to answer. "I just, never told anyone. It's a difficult thing to find in a normal exam, that I have excess brain activity detached from my normal conscious, creating seperate, unconnected trains of thought. We only use such a small portion of our brains, and ever since we can to Terra, there have been signs of activity improving. The only real way to tell whether anyone has it it to see it in action."

He shrugged. "So I lied. As a child, my parents just thought I was stupid. I brought myself around to focus. I found my own ways to deal with the problem, hide it away, as it were. No one really expects anyone to be able to live with it. They expect what they see in the extreme cases. Periods of comatosse behavior as the mind moves away from the outside world, focus divided at what's happening inside, completely forgetting anything exists outside themselves."

He sighed. "So I enlisted, because it was what my parents didn't want. After all, I never expected, well, be shot into space as the world goes to Hell in a handbasket."
"Our" secret?

I've pm'ed guileful before, if you know what I said than you can post a screen shot of guileful's account in a thread in a separate forum. So no one will pick up on it.

What can I possibly say to you, that could convince me you're guileful?

Loril sighed in relief as the flyer landed and the doors opened. She loved being in flight but running for your life in a flyer was not her idea of fun.

She looked up startled at Drel's confession and her heart dropped. Just what they needed, more problems. She shook her head. But what applied to this situation? The home planet was gone...there was no military to speak was just them...could they afford to lose a good officer because of some rules that really didn't apply anymore?

Excusing herself from the other two, she hurried after the Commander, coming up beside him and grasping his arm to stop him.

"Commander," She said in an ernest voice,"Consider this. We are few in numbers. Drel is a good officer. We can't afford to lose good officers. We can't afford to lose a good man."

Her piece said, she nodded and added,"With all due respect, Sir." And headed for the bridge to check on a flight pattern out of there and back on their path again.


To say Kitika was stunned would have been to understate the stituation completely. Standing there, she looked at Drel, trying to think of something...anything to say.

What had passed between them on the planet went beyond the relationship of one officer to another matter what...she wasn't willing to give that up without a fight. His news be damned!

Moving over to him, she put her arms around him and stood there for a moment embracing him.

"We'll get through it, you know," She said to him,"And you don't have to go through it alone."

Stepping back, she looked up at him. "Don't try to tough this one out. The Commander is a fair man. We'll find a way around this!"

Drel smiled, and nodded. He looked after the Commander, and back at her. "The fact that we have to consider is that I've made it all the way here, and lived a completely normal life not only dealing with the fact, but hiding it."

He looked back at her, and sighed. "The fact of the matter is, I've learned how to deal with my problem. But I can't go on hiding it. That was proved today. That,...thing that was used on me, it broke me. I can't let things like that happen when it's important. You need to know I'm not completely trustworthy to deal in such situations."

Kitka considered what Drel said for a moment and then nodded. What he said was logical and it was a good sign that he recognized it himself.

"As long as you know I have your back," She said in all seriousness right before she stood on tiptoe and kissed him full on the lips.

Moving out the doors of the flyer, she walked toward the bridge, pausing only to look back over her shoulder to see if he was coming.