Echoes of Mankind: OOC Cast Call Info Thread

Yes, t'was very nice. Verilly.

Best Ship's AI post I've yet seen.
...Oh, wait,...

Still good though.
Yes, the aggressors, ex-ter-min-ate them! Let none stand in the way of dalek supre-...

Ooops, wrong thread.
Sorry, kind of switched over to Dalek mode today. Ha-ha.....Dr. Who.
BlueEyedLady said:
I like Dr Who!

Biggest fan of Doctor Who (Master) and Stargate


Now back to this thread.

Great going so far and be ready for a nother twist shortly

Question on the attack...are we assuming that Kitka's parent's and brother are responsible for this? Playing on the whole anti-space thing?
BlueEyedLady said:
Question on the attack...are we assuming that Kitka's parent's and brother are responsible for this? Playing on the whole anti-space thing?

Yes, I will leave the working out of this twist to you and as commander I will follow your actions. But now that the ship was attacked unsuccessfully this speeds up the expediency of the mission.
hums and goes over weapons logs,counting all the delicious new weapons i get to play wiht mwahahahahha.


thank you,i do my best*bows to the praise*
Alien Characters Call - Open

This is an open cast call for the following positions;

3 Alien roles: See this thread for the information. The alien roles will kick in later in the thread

Human Earthling Characters: 3-4 Roles that will come into the thread later on.

Please post here for any further infomation or queries.
PV, just read your last post.

Drell is the weapon's specialist, Kitka the science specialist. And she is not on the bridge. She left to go to bed about four posts ago which is why I haven't posted a reaction to any of the posts between you and DT.

Just a fyi. *smiles*
Ty and sorry BEL,

My fault and I will rectify the situation by editing.

By the way, if you wish you can call me Petar
Fixed the mistake in my last post.

I must have been really been tired when I did that post.

Forgive me folks

Plot-Line Question

Hi guys,

Im open to ideas, of how to play out this
'anamoly' on the strange planet's surface.

A idea in my head is that its a cloaked deserted city thats self sentient and houses a telepathic weaponry for self protection...

Any others or if GM or BEL want to steer this plotline situation of their own design im sure my character and DT can follow along

And DT has his own ideas for Terra 1 that will prove interesting.



PS. Ty for waiting and im glad to be back.
Thankyou DT and BEL,

I just needed to clear my mindset before I returned to posting. Ty for the welcome back and shucks, I missed you all as well.

:) :rose:

(In an announcer's voice)

And the journey of Terra 1 continues back toward the homeworld.....join these 4 explorers and a sentient computer on this galactic journey of danger, drama and delectible delights!


Just playing with a few words I picked up.


Welcome back BEL and I miss you....i mean we all miss you, you Delectible Delight, you.


::Walks off to do a post, whistling innocently::

Hope what I posted was okay. I was trying to explain why the guys were affected and the girls weren't.

If you dont like, let me know and I will change.
Umm, what's happening to Drel at the moment isn't brought about by outside forces.

Let's just say he has a little 'problem' focusing.

I might go into detail later. Kind of letting it develop at the moment.