Endless Ends

Today Notes:

-Allergy season sucks
-I think I pinked a deltoid.
-That virus really impacted my lung capacity, thereby my ability to run.

I'll come back and post something happy later. :p
The next full moon will be on Thursday, Oct. 17 at 7:26 a.m. EDT (1126 GMT. The moon will still appear full the night before and after its peak to the casual stargazer. The Hunter's full moon will appear slightly larger than normal and is known as a supermoon.

The hunter moon is positioned as a full moon in Aries, a Fire sign which “will bring momentum, enthusiasm and passion to our lives.” . . . "The warrior spirit of the full Moon in Aries asks us to focus on ourselves and our soul’s purpose. Aries brings us courage and motivation to align with the life your soul wants to live and let go of habits, situations, and relationships that block us. Feel the warrior spirit of Aries and decide what you are willing to fight for in your life. What battles are worth your energy?"
Query: If Tsuchinshan–ATLAS was only discovered in 2023, how do we know it won't be seen from earth for another 80,000 years ??? :unsure: Do we have a documentation from its last visit by the Neanderthals ??? I need to brush up on my astrological knowledge . . . :(
Query: If Tsuchinshan–ATLAS was only discovered in 2023, how do we know it won't be seen from earth for another 80,000 years ??? :unsure: Do we have a documentation from its last visit by the Neanderthals ??? I need to brush up on my astrological knowledge . . . :(
Not a clue. I only became aware of comet on board two days ago. 🤷‍♀️
I rather like the "vampire" fingernails in that first one . . . :eek:
The whole thing! The ornately pressed stemware, the aptly named red wine, the jewelry, the manicure, the rough hewn wood table. Even the fuzzy back ground clutter and pink tinge of the wine glass. 🦇
Genetic flexibility as a term for viruses not killing all the hosts as that would destroy their own viability?

That is a new one . . . .

Perhaps sci-fi/horror movie science should be taken with a grain of salt. :p
I hit a squirrel today. So traumatizing. 😭

Also, I have decided to quite slacking about.

Sentence two has no relation to sentence one. At least, I don't think. 🤔