exosuit wars

Well giving up on Gurps Mecha for now.

My battle suite will be jump capable, heavier armor, laser rifle, grenaid Luncher on shoulder, and some sort of blade weapon.

Thats the basics. Character will depend on the other characters.
Name: Thomas White
Nationality: Australian
Height: 6’
Wight: 180
Eyes: green
Hair: black
F 18 fighter
Grand Pre
Rank: A

Concentration(accuracy): 14
Perception(sight, hearing): 7
Reaction time(speed): 9
Tactics(weakness): 7
Recovery(repair): 11
Total: 50

Speed: 15
Fire power: 8
Armor: 8
Agility(dodge): 9
Travel: 10
Air: none
Land: yes 7
Water: limited 3
Total: 50

Ranks: S-A-B-C
yeah 50 anyway you want to spend them need othe people to design there suit
Name: Alex Hypomnia
Nationality: unknown
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 215
Eyes: blue
Hair: black

Concentration (accuracy): 14
Perception (sight, hearing): 7
Reaction time (speed): 10
Tactics (weakness): 8
Recovery (repair): 9
Total: 50
Speed: 12
Fire power: 8
Armor: 9
Agility (dodge): 9
Travel: 12
Air: none
Land: yes 7
Water: yes 5
Total: 50
Sorry I am starting a new job in a couple of days, so I am going to drop this thread.
I think I am going to let this one slide by too.

Not enough background information and details for me to really get into it.