Venturing into Audio Creation


Mar 21, 2014
Today saw the publication of the fourth of my audio stories written by myself and performed by HisBadGirl77. I thought I'd start a thread to let anyone else who is interested in this know my experiences. I'm posting it in the regular AH rather than the Audio Creators Booth because it's more intended for those writers who might have thought about doing audio recordings but, for whatever reason, haven't yet - or else others who have tried and it didn't work out, again for whatever reason.

It started back at the very end of April. A Voice Actor (VA) posted a message asking for scripts. I replied, she sent some links to non-erotic audio recording she'd done so I could hear her voice and I sent her a script. I wasn't particularly comfortable writing actual sex for a woman I'd never met so I came up with a sweet little piece about a Playboy model returning to her hometown and hooking back up with her high school sweetheart (Very J Gields Band type stuff). She said she liked it, didn't see the need for any changes and recorded part of it for feedback.

And then nothing...

After a couple more weeks of radio silence, I sent her a 'Hey how's it going' email and got no reply. I wasn't too surprised, shrugged, and continued on writing text stories. A couple of months later, I started to think about if I could rework the audio script into a proper story. I emailed the VA again saying that I'd still like her to record it, but if not, I was taking it back. I got a terse 'fine' reply. It sat for a while longer. Finally, I decided to post my own request for VAs on the ACB subforum and I quickly got two volunteers - HisBadGirl77 and a male VA.

HBG has a strong Southern American accent that I thought was perfect for the script I already had, so I sent it to her and very quickly she recorded it, doing what I thought was a great job for someone who hadn't posted here before. I'll talk about the art of writing an audio script in a moment (which of course I haven't even started to really learn yet, let alone master...), but the next thing I wrote for her was The Girl on the Side of His Plane. This was a full story that I've had knocking around my head for most of this year - I hadn't gotten round to writing it in prose because, even though I know what happens, the story was to be told from the perspective of a blind and disabled World War 2 veteran and I was very nervous about getting the inner voice right. Switching it just hearing the voice of his guest sidestepped this problem (it was either brilliance or cowardliness). It also helped that again HBG77s voice pretty much perfectly matched the character I already had.

There was however a problem. Unlike my first story, this one would involve sex. I'm pretty used to writing smut but to actually have someone say my filth - well as Harrison Ford is reported to have said to George Lucas - 'You can type this shit, but you can't say it'. In the initial draft I sent HBG77 there was a whole middle section missing where I just wrote 'They have sex'. We then experimented by producing two short audios.

In A Goodbye Blowjob, he is leaving to catch a flight. She really wants to give him a blowjob before he goes. That's the plot.
In A Short Hike, they are hiking in the woods. She really wants to fuck.

Experienced AHers will probably not be surprised that these stories were very well received. I wrote a 'script' for each of them in an afternoon which was only a few hundred words each and my VA performed them rather enthusiastically. With this experience under our belts, I went back and finished off my earlier magnum opus and it was published today.

Regarding the male VA - I sent him a 2k master-slave setup script. He liked it, but as part one didn't have any sex, we agreed for me to write part two as well. He recording a rough draft of about 80% of the script. It had a fair few flubs, but it was a good start and showed a lot of promise.

Then nothing...

Again, he didn't respond to a 'Hey' email and now seems to have deleted his profile of Lit, so I'm assuming that's that.

So two flakes out of three, but another way of looking at it is that I've had 4 scripts out of 6 now produced and had a lot of fun with it. I'm back advertising for more VAs again and no doubt even if I do get a response, odds are it will just result in another flake, but maybe not.

Writing audios is fun. It's a lot more like those 750-word challenges. Every word matters. My first script was 2000k words and 13 minutes long. That words-per-minute ratio drops significantly more if you're doing actual sex sounds and she's stopping to gasp between each exclamation. But it does mean that you can write a very substantial audio in an afternoon.

I've also been writing audios that address the listener directly as 'you' - so far both of my big stories involve a beautiful woman saying very nice things about 'you' and telling 'you' she wants to get it on. There's been a fair few threads about the second-person PoV recently and, while this isn't quite that, it also has a lot of the same features or feeling as 2nd person. It does become a bit artificial of course because she is doing all the talking and running making the relationship happen and only occasionally pausing to allow the listener to presumably reply with answers like 'Intercourse, my, that does indeed sound like a fine idea'.

Anyway that's my story. Tell me yours.
My only experience with it is doing my own audio. I have two stories recorded and four poems.

Just a matter of getting over my own embarrassment to post them, lol. (Though, I would like to get a guy to record a few of the lines because I am not a voice actor and cannot mimic a guy's voice.)

7-8k words translates to about 45-50 minutes of edited audio in my experience. Probably 3-4 hours of speaking, which is hell on the throat for someone who, until this past year, might've said 10 words in a week on average.
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Thanks for sharing.

It's not something I particularly want to do (in a way that's a shame, being married to a drama graduate with 15 years+ experience in radio broadcasting!) but it was really interesting to read about the creative process. Might make for a good essay if you are ever so inclined.
I had a very prominent Lit audio creator approach me about turning my transcript story Finding Scarlett into an audio. I gave her permission to do whatever she needed with it and put it on her for-pay site after a while here on Lit, and she seemed really jazzed about doing it, but I never heard back.
Thanks for sharing.

It's not something I particularly want to do (in a way that's a shame, being married to a drama graduate with 15 years+ experience in radio broadcasting!) but it was really interesting to read about the creative process. Might make for a good essay if you are ever so inclined.
Such potential there! XD Is your spouse by chance also on LitE and maybe interesting in some VA work? Not that I'm currently looking for voice actors but it's a good thing to know.

@Erozetta - Do you have audio editing software that could lower the pitch of your voice to sound like a man for those few lines? Thank you for mentioning getting over embarrasment. Makes me feel better that I had to do the same!


I'm going to stalk this thread to see if other people share their audio work journeys.

I don't have much to share yet. Have only just begun creating audio. I have been listening to many wonderfully talented and delightfully uninhibited audio artists on LitE. Most don't refer to themselves as artists. They say they make smut or porn. Aren't those art forms? I say they are! Those artists inspired me to try my hand at it.

I kept telling myself that art is not a product but a process. Creativity is as much for the artist as for the audience. It is joyful, it is freeing, it is healing. Whatever I make need not win awards nor get a ton of views. All it needs to do is bring me joy and hopefully be enjoyable by at least some who listen to it. In that I have succeeded! I had such fun recording two of poems (one audio).

More audio is in the works! I have another poem ready to record. I'm also in the middle of working on two scripts for a gentle FDom/msub story set in ancient Sumeria at the temple of Inanna. One is for a woman's voice [f4m] and the other, independent of the first, is for a man's voice [m4f]. The female voice script is almost done, just needs some minor edits.

I found a voice actor for the second that takes comissions. Now waiting to get paid because then it will be within my budget. Ideally, I would love to find a male VA I click with (platonically) on LitE that might want to collaborate for free. However, the one I made the arrangement with is a favorite artist of mine so I'm not at all upset to be paying for his time and effort.

I don't have any fancy equipment. My recording gear is my laptop and whatever built in mic it has within. My closet is my recording studio. Marvel at my anechoic shirts on hangers! It works well enough except when someone bangs on the door or my laptop runs out of charge in the middle of recording. Not going to shell out money on fancy equipment like some here do. Those folks are actually making real money doing it (commissions and subscriptions) and release works on a regular schedule. I don't want this to be a job. I'm not a professional VA and I like doing this as a hobby, no pressure.

I do love the warm fuzzy feelings elicited by comments! I do love the creative process! That's going to keep me here at least a bit longer.
Best of luck to you.

Audio production is the one thing I wish I had learned years ago when I had the time. Sound effects, ambience and atmospheres are things I wish I could replicate in the background of recordings.
Such potential there! XD Is your spouse by chance also on LitE and maybe interesting in some VA work? Not that I'm currently looking for voice actors but it's a good thing to know.

@Erozetta - Do you have audio editing software that could lower the pitch of your voice to sound like a man for those few lines? Thank you for mentioning getting over embarrasment. Makes me feel better that I had to do the same!


I'm going to stalk this thread to see if other people share their audio work journeys.

I don't have much to share yet. Have only just begun creating audio. I have been listening to many wonderfully talented and delightfully uninhibited audio artists on LitE. Most don't refer to themselves as artists. They say they make smut or porn. Aren't those art forms? I say they are! Those artists inspired me to try my hand at it.

I kept telling myself that art is not a product but a process. Creativity is as much for the artist as for the audience. It is joyful, it is freeing, it is healing. Whatever I make need not win awards nor get a ton of views. All it needs to do is bring me joy and hopefully be enjoyable by at least some who listen to it. In that I have succeeded! I had such fun recording two of poems (one audio).

More audio is in the works! I have another poem ready to record. I'm also in the middle of working on two scripts for a gentle FDom/msub story set in ancient Sumeria at the temple of Inanna. One is for a woman's voice [f4m] and the other, independent of the first, is for a man's voice [m4f]. The female voice script is almost done, just needs some minor edits.

I found a voice actor for the second that takes comissions. Now waiting to get paid because then it will be within my budget. Ideally, I would love to find a male VA I click with (platonically) on LitE that might want to collaborate for free. However, the one I made the arrangement with is a favorite artist of mine so I'm not at all upset to be paying for his time and effort.

I don't have any fancy equipment. My recording gear is my laptop and whatever built in mic it has within. My closet is my recording studio. Marvel at my anechoic shirts on hangers! It works well enough except when someone bangs on the door or my laptop runs out of charge in the middle of recording. Not going to shell out money on fancy equipment like some here do. Those folks are actually making real money doing it (commissions and subscriptions) and release works on a regular schedule. I don't want this to be a job. I'm not a professional VA and I like doing this as a hobby, no pressure.

I do love the warm fuzzy feelings elicited by comments! I do love the creative process! That's going to keep me here at least a bit longer.
I have the software... Do I know how to use it? Nope, not a clue! But I also forgot I had it until you mentioned it, lol. Might have to play with that now... Thank you!
Would love to try it. AI seem to close in on the voice changer so I can read it myself and sound like a hot chick. Then you have to watch out Lit :D
I saw a thread asking for audio scripts or existing stories and volunteered one of mine. I thought it would be interesting, and particular with a story that's not traditional Lit smut. So I suggested Life and Death of the She-Wolf, about the ghost of a Viking woman looking back on her life and her love. There's a bit of explicit sex, but not much. I like to think it's very evocative, in an understated way.

Anyway, @Loona_Licks has agreed to narrate it. I'm really looking forward to see how it turns out!