Female SportsBra Pics?

Mrs. Temp

Mrs. Temp you look so yummy! After a good long run you may need to shower. Can I assist you in washing your back and hair? ;)
Re: Sports bra??

tempinsanity said:
Not big breast but they are in a sports bra!

Temp...........they look PERFECT to me!! NICE!!! *Panting in lust*

Re: More pics.....

tempinsanity said:

Sorry for the lack of a bra?????

Doesn't look to me like you have a THING to be sorry for, except none of us guys are there to enjoy those HOT nips and that ADORABLE bod of yours!!! WOOO HOOOOO!!!

Can I worship the ground you run on???

Can imagine the FUN after a nice long run!!


Can you wash...

Heck yea i am up for a good washing! ;) All this attention is making me blush...... oh well I can get over that. Now who wanted to wash and who wanted to join in with a little exercise of our own????

MMMM what we could do??!!!

Mrs Temp :p
Re: Can you wash...

tempinsanity said:
Heck yea i am up for a good washing! ;) All this attention is making me blush...... oh well I can get over that. Now who wanted to wash and who wanted to join in with a little exercise of our own????

MMMM what we could do??!!!

Mrs Temp :p

Can I exercise my tongue by giving your body a good thorough washing with it??? *S*

Enquireing minds want to know!!

Mrs. Temp

Mrs. Temp how about we "exercise" in a hot tub!! We are multi-tasking people ... we can do two things at once! ;) :p ;) :p
Ms Temp!

I would love to have a work out with you. I would work my tongue all over that beautiful body of yours. Being a professional trumpet player, I believe that I have the dexterity to assist in making you feel like you have never felt before!

Cheesy lifeguard line of the day:

"Those pics have me thinking I would love to demonstrate my breastroke for you ladies."

Just remember up and down, in and out.......;)
MMMMM ofers!!!!

well I do love hot tub and multi-tasking is a hobby of mine. We could more than 2 things at once couldn't we?????;)

xcite_uu oh my a trupmet player...I had a trombone player once but I bet you'd be much much better!

Now stiphy you hit a nerve.....I need a lifegaurd for the session in the hot tub with gbd....... I am sure I might need rescuing from our passion pool!!!!!!

Mrs temp is very excited now!!!!
I have no more!!!

I don't have any more sports bra pics....maybe I can take more later.........

;) Mrs temp
Re: More pics.....

If god wanted you in a sports bra you would have been born in one :) :). LOVE those nipples, wish I could nibble Ms. Temp
Re: Sports bra??

tempinsanity said:
Not big breast but they are in a sports bra!

They may not be big but they are mighty fine! You are a pretty lady! :D
Dear Mrs. Temp...

I would be more then happy to slip off my speedos and assist you in each and every way physically possible. I am only here to ensure your complete satisfaction.....let me know what I can do to keep those great pics cumming!
Mrs. Temp

Mrs. Temp if you went under in our passion pool there are 2 events that might be taking place.

1-) You have gone under intentionally, and I will be damned if I pull you up


2-) You have gone under unintentionally, and then I will pull you up and give you mouth to mouth and revive you.

Either way sounds like a win win. :p :p

Yes i am sure that i would be going down intentionally.....mmm but the idea of mouth to mouth is pleasing too.

And stiphy yes if gbd is being generous I love for you to help too.

So how 'bout it do you wanna share?

Just dying to take new pics.....but I have no camera man :(

Mrs temp

love that pic you posted.

ohhhh how I love cum on my tits. Wish that were me!

Mrs Temp;)
Re: xcite_u

tempinsanity said:
love that pic you posted.

ohhhh how I love cum on my tits. Wish that were me!

Mrs Temp;)

I know I'd love to see some cum on your tits too Mrs. temp!! <weg> Might you have some pics of that? Maybe create some pics of that? Mmmmm...

#1 Fan,

Camera Man

I have a camera...I would be HAPPY to take pictures for you.


MMMMMM I can see if I can get that request filled for you soon.

A camera and you live in California could i get any luckier???

Mrs Temp;)
Mrs. Temp

Sure I'll share Mrs. Temp. I have a funny feeling that you could handle 2 easily anyway! ;)
WOOOoo Mrs. Temp. I can't wait to see those pics... thank you thank you thank you! :)

I wish I lived in Cali now... unfortunately, I live about as far away as you can... well besides Maine maybe.. LOL.

But I'd probably cum in my pants if I were your photographer LOL.... how embarrassin that would be...

Clean up on aisle 4...

hehehe... yes a clean up would be very welcomed... and I'm positive that would get me back "up" for taking more pictures <grin>
