For the Babygirls: Please and Thank You, Daddy

Daddy has been sending me the sweetest gifs lately. Huggy, snuggly, hair-stroking, forehead-kissing gifs.

*happy sigh*


I don't have a Daddy anymore, but my Guardian has made sure I have all that I need.

*whispers* he sent me a card and gift for my birthday :rose:

I don't have a Daddy anymore, but my Guardian has made sure I have all that I need.

*whispers* he sent me a card and gift for my birthday :rose:

*whispers back* I saw that. ;) Lucky duck!

It's nice to have friends to fill in when we have vacancies in our lives. :heart:

HaPpY bElAtEd BiRtHdAy BFG!! 🎂🎁👸 <~~ birthday princess
Thank you, Daddy, for taking care of me and for the gift to hold when I need extra hugs. :heart:
I'm feeling playful and *no one* is paying attention to me!

I'm about to fuck shit up!
Thank you, Daddy
For my Saturday afternoon concerts and those amazing songs, you compose for me.
You have no idea how much I love and cherish them, or how much I love and cherish you :heart:
Daddy came to tuck me in last night when he got home, even though it was three in the morning.

It feels good to know that I'm important to him.
My little heart fills and swells, I plucked up the courage and asked Daddy to read to me. I didn't think he would, I feared he would think it was silly. Truth is I love to hear his voice.Especially at bedtime. This weekend he sent me chapter one of the Wind in the Willows. He has to split it in two as the files are too lucky am I

Thank you Daddy :heart::heart::heart:
My little heart fills and swells, I plucked up the courage and asked Daddy to read to me. I didn't think he would, I feared he would think it was silly. Truth is I love to hear his voice.Especially at bedtime. This weekend he sent me chapter one of the Wind in the Willows. He has to split it in two as the files are too lucky am I

Thank you Daddy :heart::heart::heart:

:heart::heart::heart: Bedtime stories.
My little heart fills and swells, I plucked up the courage and asked Daddy to read to me. I didn't think he would, I feared he would think it was silly. Truth is I love to hear his voice.Especially at bedtime. This weekend he sent me chapter one of the Wind in the Willows. He has to split it in two as the files are too lucky am I

Thank you Daddy :heart::heart::heart:

Daddy is under a lot of pressure right now, but still, he manages to do nice things for me like sharing his music (which is awesome by the way). I know how lucky I am each and every day.

Love you Daddy :heart:
I am grateful for so many things I cannot list them
and I should have come and said so here long ago
Thank you, Daddy, for always giving me a place to come to when I need to get things off my chest. You always seem to find just the right words to help me put things in perspective and show me that there are other ways to solve problems.

Thank you for your words that make me laugh and the sound of your own laughter when we talk. Thank you for so many other things that I will share privately.

Most of all, thank you for being my friend, I love talking with you every night.

Love, bfg

P.S. I know I was supposed to go to sleep. But I like you. :kiss:
I cannot wait to show in person my appreciation of you. Of everything, you do for me.
Dearest Daddy, my nerd love

I love to hear your voice every night before I fall asleep. Not that you bore me, because you know that we would talk forever if it wasn't for those clocks! I'm so glad you started hanging out in the PG when you signed up last year and we found each other. :heart: