Galactic Colonization

I look at Cahir hard, studing the man...... I look towards my brothers and they nod their agreement. I am having a strong feeling about this man and I have always trusted my instincts. I have made all the evaluations and I knew that in a face to face meeting and we could agree, that I would go with this man.

"Cahir, I think that we will be able to come to a very good arrangement for you and for me." For the first time this evening I was able to relax and I gave Cahir a genuine smile. Some of the stress seemed to bleed of and I slightly relaxed.

"Let me start with saying that we would like to be an independent state with self rule, swearing fidelity to you." I paused to let that sit a moment and then proceeded. Exploration and discovery we due in partnership. You get the lands and we get to recover it's wealth for us all. We can help you with supplies and equipment from our stores or what we can fabricate on the planet. Agriculture and food stuffs will not be a problem as long as the planet will cooperate with our efforts. We will also help with technolegy and comminications.

Having laid all this out on the table, it was now up to Cahir. I sat back and took a long drink of stout. Cahir and I looked at each other. Studing the other and I still was seeing the man I would like to be alligned with.
Erin Nova

Cahir looked at Andrew Grant "My thought is this, I ask that you swear fealty to me, you and your brothers. In return for your fealty, I shall induct you as the first members of my Knights of St. Patrick, your fief shall be governed entirely by yourselves, independent of erin nova in all matters of government, we shall train your security forces, free of any charge to you, your people will have total access to all free land in Erin Nova for your mining and science, your soldiers will fight under my banner but you will have access to any resources necessary to defend your land, and I will defend it as if it were my own. Do we have an accord?"
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The three brothers stand together, side by side, and face Cahir and I, Andrew Grant respond. "YES SIR! We do have an accord."

"Now, how do we make this accord?", I asked, extending my hand towards our new Leige Lord.
Erin Nova

Cahir accepted handshakes from each of the brothers "Simple, tomorrow evening, You will report to our assembly room, we will send you green robes and an honour guard to escort you. You will arrive, in your green robes, you will kneel, each of you will put your hands between mine in turn. You will swear your fealty before God and the people. Then I will read you your Knightly oaths, you will agree, I will place my sword on each of your shoulders, and dub you Knights of St. Patrick. Then your wives will buckle swords on your hips, which i will provide. Then they will fasten medals of St. Patrick around your neck, which i will also provide. Any other logistic details will be dealt with on planet, when we see what it has to offer." Cahir said "Any questions?"
David West walked away from the assemble hall with Stargazer. The representatives from GEM were still inside, which was somewhat troubling. From the outset, when he looked at Cahir, he saw a man who ruled by military might, and held fast to old ways. He had a feeling that it wouldn't be long until he made a grab for power.

"Mr Stargazer. I have to admit to being a bit worried about the preceedings in that hall. Erin Nova struck me as a military type. Perhaps we should discuss proper procedure for, how should I put this... staying out of his grasp? I don't know about you, but my backers wouldn't be too pleased about my sighing over to another control"
William nodded as he and Lazlo, along with everyone that wasn't swilling that black horsepiss brew, was rather abruptly and uncerimoniously pushed outside.

"Hrumph!" Lazlo snorted. "At least they could have waited until the party was over before conspiring to slaughter everyone."

William shrugged. "Didn't you find in interesting, that Mr. Grant so pleasantly asked for everyone's input, then promptly ignored everything that differed from his own limited ideology.... but in any case Mr. West, I'd be happy to discuss business with you. I hoped to speak with all the groups actually, but I suspect I wouldn't be welcomed by a couple of them.. Oh well, their loss."

"So...Mr. West, you never did mention if you play pool or not."
David chuckled. "I'm sure we can come to an agreement as to what trade goods we could exchange. I'll have my people send you a list of what we've got to trade. Of course, on planet we may have more resources. I believe one of my team earmarked a particular location that promises to have a high crystal yield."

He sent Abigail and the two guards away. "And I've played a game or two..."
"Nonsence!" William called after Abagail and the guards with a smile. " Let them come down and play too! No sense in just letting the 'boys' yammer and drink. God only knows what we'd look like once we finally did stagger back to our quarters."

"Well, it just so happens that I saw a table or two down in one of the lounges on Deck 8. We can see if the're suitable for conducting business over at say, 10 credits a ball and 100 on the game?"

William suggested, smiling. "Oh yes, Mr. West, I'd like you to meet Mr. Lazlo Norton, my advisor for legal and diplomatic affairs."

Lazlo nodded in greeting as he followed behind. "A pleasure, sir."


About a hour later, William calmly chalked his cue while he waited for West to make his shot.
"You know, money, credit money is going to be rather limited...almost useless once we get down to our new homes. Aside from the occasional traveler or wandering merchant, barter or trade will be the only thing worth a damn...unless we can restructure the currency situation."
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"Yes Sir. I have a question and a request." I said directly to Cahir. Our request is to bring the rest of our families with us, because they are directly affected by this. I would like to also bring the rest of my basic party.

"My question is are we going to use the old custom of when two families make an accoed or alliance that they switch a family member." A gesture that each has faith in each other. A marriage is out right now because my daughter is to young and her mother would not allow a marriage of state this soon. Sir, I think I know that you are aware of such things, for women are women when it comes to family.

You are right, the rest can wait until we get to the surface and find out what the planet has to offer.
Erin Nova

"of course you may, the more the merrier. Afterwards there will be a feast for memebers of the court and their families, which you will then be a part of." Cahir said. "Now as for marriages of state, my youngest son, Eamon, is 16 years old, a fine lad, on track to become a greater warrior then I. How old is your daughter if I may ask?" Cahir said "Here is what we can do, we'll have them meet each other, and if they do well, we'll betroth them, and when shes older they can marry, unless of course shes far younger then Eamon."
David lined up a shot and let the cue ball fly. It struck the main cluster of balls, sending them scattering in all directions, but not one went down. "Bah!" He screwed up his nose. "Never managed to get one down on the break.." He stood back and let William line. "ou're right about credits. What we've got doesn't really carry proper market value. I'm sure we could run with like for like exchanges as a basic. Y'know, goods for goods, skills for skills, that kinda stuff"

Abigail leaned against the wall, watching the game. "You know, as our sites are some distance apart, we could divert some resources to the construction of a neutral way-station between our two sites. Could be useful"
My daughter Anne is fifteen years old, very strong willed like her father and just as stubron. She has her mothers looks and the Grant Brains. My daughter fills the the quote, " beauty as well as brains ! ".

I will discuss this with my wife and tomorrow we will introduce them and see where the path leads from there. I will not mention it to my daughter for fear of her rejecting it outright. They should meet first and then let it proceed on it's own from there. With shall we say little pushes from us, the parents.

I hope this meets with your approval.

Now, for tomorrow, I have done a quick calculation and I have come up with about 35/40 will be attending. I shall forward to you the names of those attending. I am planning on bringing an honor guard with us. They will not be armed and they will know that they are there for ceremonial purposes only. Remember most of my party will have to become accustomed to the
differences in our societies.

For now I suggest we adjourn until tomorrow night. We both will have a lot to do and preperations to look to. So until tomorrow night.

We stand and I bid you good night and again hold out my hand.........
Erin Nova

"Nay lads, come to my arms!" Cahir said putting his huge arms around the brothers. "Hahaha, until the morrow lads!" he said turning around with his cape waving. "We will send you your robes and cloaks in the morning. Until then lads!" he said walking out.
Cahir returned to his office, and started making preparations. he sent the quartermaster an order for three swords, and the clothier orders for green robes, cloaks, and medals of st. patrick. He also sent off a message to the cooks to prepare for a feast for about 125, and finally a message to all his subjects (with an aside about the feast for courtiers) about the ceremony.
then he went to sleep.
"True, a road'd be useful to be sure," Will said, circling the table. "We might even consider extending a road to the others eventually, assuming the fools weren't going to bomb it or something. They're more dangerous things out there than the Irish. Nine in the corner pocket."

With a crack and a thunk, the nine ball fell into it's predesignated pocket. "Barter is the easy part, but if we are going to function beyond servitude and tit-for-tat, then we need a form of currency. I mean, think about it..." Again Will stalked the table, looking for his shot. "Twelve in the corner. So whose going to work in your factories, mines and smelters and are they just doing so out of the goodness of their hearts or are you going to trade food and medicine for work? What if they cannot work? How do we bring people to want our stuff over their stuff?"

"No sir, capitolism, marketing, commerse and supply and demand still exist, no matter where we might be. It's just a matter of knowing what people want and what'd they do to get it."

Again, the clack but this time, the twelve glanced off the one and bounced off the rail.
My brothers and I returned to to the rooms we were using for our offices. I opened the small fride and handed each a cold bottle of water. I held mine a moment and quiped this may be the last of clean cold water. We all smilled and took seats around the table that was serving as a desk.

Amada Perez knocked on the open door and entered. Shorty and WrencH are on their way and the Bishop will be here as soon as he can. I handed her a bottle of water and Amanda took a seat.

Let us work on the list for tomorrow night while we are waiting for the others to arrive.


Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Grant, Sons Andrew Jr. and James, Daughter Anne.
Mr. Robert Grant and Sons Robert Jr. and Kyle.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grant and Sons John and Joseph.
Miss Agusta Perez and Brothers Ernesto and Juan.
Mr. WrencH
Mr. Dennis Black
Bishop Martin
The Honor Guard;
Captain Hill, commanding, with Lt.'s Green and Campbell, Sgt"s Mason, Cast, Williams, Dunn, Lane, Martinez, Ralston, and Taft.

I think that about does it, unless any of you have any further suggestions. We will give this list to the Messenger from Erin Nova in the morning. We will assemble here to wait for our escort.

Both WrencH and Shorty had arrived and took seats and listened to what was being said. Bishop Martin came in and took a seat.

Andrew: Let me bring you all up to date on what has transpired this night and so I related the proceeding at the banquet and our choice of landing site # 1 B. Tomorrow we will go over our landing proceedure and what we expect to find. I then informed the group of the accord that we made with Cahir and Erin Nova. There were some bewildered looks and others smiled. The deed was just about done.

Edward: I will put together a bulliten together and have it ready for first thing tomorrow morning so our group will be informed byus and not by ship board gossp. I set up a full meeting in the stadium for you Andrew to address all the colonists together and at one time. Mid afternoon should give you enough time to prepare you message and a good time for your last pep talk before we land.

Robert: The Honor Guard will be assembled and given their instructions and as you have stated, they will be unarmed. The men we have chosen are loyal to us all and are very good and well trained in unarmed combat. All were good men. As we discussed, that if they are asked to join the feast they may, but they must maintain at least two sgt's and one officer on duty all the time. To be available when needed.

Agusta: Thank you for using members of my group in the Honor Guard and including me in your list of dignitaries. I was security at the banquet and I had an early heads up on what was happening. I watched as William Starbuck and Mr. West left and the two were talking a bit loud and they were not happy that Erin Nova was remaining. I had a pair of our security force follow them. They have not returned or reported back yet.

WrencH: The same as Agusta, thank you for including me in your extended family. As big and clumsy as I am, you know that I will always be with you. count me in.

Shorty: Like wise for me too. I am with you.

Bishop Martin: Thank you too. I will serve and when you helped me when I needed it, so I will be there when you need me.

Robert: For the ceremony, I do not have a wife to confere the medal! Is there someone you can suggest?

Andrew: I suggest my daughter, Anne. It would be a way to project her into the arena without overly intimidating her. Remember Cahir is looking for a marriage of state and has recommended his son Eamon and Anne. We aggreed to let them meet and see what happens. I have not yet told my wife, so hold this among ourselves for now. I want Anne to meet Eamon on neutral grounds.

If that is all, I say that we close for the night and get an early start in the morning. Tomorrow is going to be long and busy. Good night Agusta and gentleman
Erin Nova

Cahir awoke early the next morning. He did his exercises, took a shower, then checked his messages. The cooks had recieved his orders and had sent a menu for approval. "Beer, whiskey, roasted pork, bangers, mash, colcannon, soda bread, and shepherds pie." Cahir found himself feeling very hungry. He sent his approval, read the responses to his orders, the swords were sharpened and ready, the robes and medals prepared. he instructed that the swords be sent along with the robes and medals, with a message saying that the women should hold the medals and swords, until such time of the ceremony that they be put on the men. With that taken care of, Cahir donned a green robe and cape, fixed his hair, put his crown on, and his sword around his waist. He slipped out, not informing his guards. He decided to head to he pub, for a full irish breakfast and a nice pot of tea. It was good to be alone sometimes.
Mantra said:
"True, a road'd be useful to be sure," Will said, circling the table. "We might even consider extending a road to the others eventually, assuming the fools weren't going to bomb it or something. They're more dangerous things out there than the Irish. Nine in the corner pocket."

With a crack and a thunk, the nine ball fell into it's predesignated pocket. "Barter is the easy part, but if we are going to function beyond servitude and tit-for-tat, then we need a form of currency. I mean, think about it..." Again Will stalked the table, looking for his shot. "Twelve in the corner. So whose going to work in your factories, mines and smelters and are they just doing so out of the goodness of their hearts or are you going to trade food and medicine for work? What if they cannot work? How do we bring people to want our stuff over their stuff?"

"No sir, capitolism, marketing, commerse and supply and demand still exist, no matter where we might be. It's just a matter of knowing what people want and what'd they do to get it."

Again, the clack but this time, the twelve glanced off the one and bounced off the rail.

David nodded. "Money talks, and when it does, people listen. It's a constant truth" He moved around, looking for a good shot to take. He found one, lined up, and struck the cue ball. It hit one of the others, bit it didn't go in. "Rats! Looks like i'm having an off-game today"

He stood back, and tel William line up a shot. "If there's anything that we've got that you need, goods or services, just ask. I'm sure we can work out a good trade. After all, it doesn't suit anyone's best interests to be trapped on a fronteer world with nothing but angry faces everywhere you look"
"Agreed." William said, pausing to call his shot. A clack and another striped ball vanished into a pocket. "My colony would most likely require metal ore first and foremost. Crystals would come later. We can trade food, water and probably small arms weapons and ammo for this as soon as we land...or even sooner assuming we could be guaranteed a good price and a quick delivery."

Once more came the circling of the table and the call. Bending down, William made another shot, bouncing his target off the far rail and into a pocket.

"We should also recognize a standardized currancy between out two colonies to better improve and encourage ecconomic development. As I mentioned earlier, credits will not hold the same value as before. My folks have taken the initiative to bring aboard some new 'credits' as they were, cigarettes and liquor. Both have a 'luxury appeal' that will be sorely lacking in the months to come, and may very well be highly sought after. I was thinking something like, 'one credit equals three cigarettes equals one dram', or something to that effect."

He took another shot, but the ball went wide of it's pocket.
corrected area.....cut and pasted

Galactic Colonization


Andrew awoke early and prepared for the comming day. My morning exercise completed, a shave and shower followed. I dressed and went to the small breakfast bar located near by. Two strong cups of coffee and my favorite cinamon bun loaded with rasins and now I could face the day.

I returned to my apartment and woke the rest of the family and told them to be in the dinning room in fifteen minutes for a must be there family meeting. I gave my wife a kiss and a large hug. We made the accord with Cahir and Erin Nova for us to be an independent state with fidelity to Erin Nova and the King Cahir O'Dochartaigh. Let's go down to the family meeting.

My two sons were already at the table, waiting for us to join them. Mon and Dad entered carring a tray of drinks, juice, coffee, tea and hot cocoa. Tonight, Your Father, Uncle Robert and Uncle Edward will pledge our fidelity to King Cahir O'Dochartaigh and Erin Nova and we will be invested in the Order of Saint Patrick. During the ceremony, your mother will put on my sword and place the Order of Saint Patrick medals around my neck. Aunt Lena will Do the same for Andrew. Robert, being without a lady, and Your mother and I are asking you to do the honors.

Anne: Father, you know that I would do anything for Uncle Bob. It would be an honor to do that. Can I tell Uncle Bob, please, I want to tell him.

Addrew: O K ! A O K ! You can tell your uncle after we are done. You Andrew Jr. and James will be your sisters escort. Andrew you are the oldest and I expect you to care for your brother and sister. Andrew, you will prepare youself with James and I want you Andrew to wear your uniform tonight. James a sash showing who is is and James no trouble tonight with your cousins John and Joseph. On you best behavior.

Gail: Before any of you dress for tonight, I will inspect all manner of dress and approve, not allow or replace, Come Anne, we have a dress to finish you and one to change for me. Sorry Darling. Meeting over, things to do! Gail takes her daughters hand and leaves the room. The boys stand to follow when andrew stops them.

Andrew: You fine young gentlemen of the Grant family will make your farther proud tonight. Do what is asked of you and do what you know to be right. Do not do anything that is improper. If you do not know about something, ask first before proceeding. This same message is being given to your cousins Andrew, James, John & Joseph,the twins and Robert Jr. and Allen. Andrew Jr., Robert Jr. and Allen will wear their uniforms, and the rest of you suits with a colored tartan to show where you belong.

Robert: Talks to his two sons and explains what is happening and what took place over the past twelve hours. Gem has Aligned with Erin Nova and have reached an accord. Tonight that will take place as we, Me your father and you Uncles Andrew and Edwaed pledge fidelity to Cahir and we are installed in the Order of Saint Patrick . You will both wear your uniforms and will be presented with me. By My side. Remember to act as gentleman and to do what is right and correct. If there is sothing you are not sure of or do not knoe, seek out another Grant or an officer of the Honor Guard. They will help. My son's you many not understand all this, but in time you will see that this was in the best interests of our family and GEM and the colony.

Edward: Met with his wife Lena and explained ecerything to her. She was amazed and yet excited about this new part of the adventure. The boys are to be in suits and wear our tarten to show where they belong. The children will all be together and he three oldest, Andre Jr, Robert Jr. and Allen and will be in uniform and we do have an honor guard too. Now see to you chours and make ready. I will let you Know when we must be ready to meet in the council hall.

Agusta Perez: She sat around the table as she filled them in and told them that they were going tonight too. They were to wear their Flight Uniforms with all trim and braid. I am going to wear a gown that will set these guys on their collective ear. She smiled and said as she left, let's get crackin boys we have a lot to do today.

WrencH and Shorty got out there best uniforms and had them cleaned and pressed. This was going to be the snappiest group at the party. We were going into another camp and we were invited. Great fun....

Bishop Martin; He did two things, first an invocation at the meeting of the colonists and then an appropriate prayer at tonight's ceremony.

So the day had started and already the news of the alliance had made it through the ship via the ships gossip system. Not all the facts were correct of complete. It would another eight hours until after the GEM meeting that most of the data will become available, less some data. Andrew, Robert and Edward made sure not all got out except what we wanted. Thi was going to be another GOOD DAY................................

The last days before the landing are busy ones.... with settlers and crew alike keeping busy. The calaculations are perfect and you are all above the continent whre the landing sites are located. Once the jump ship is in place the drop ships are check inside and out once more before the landing. All pasangers and cargo are put aboard. Final orders are given to the crew and the those designated to pilot the drop ships among your people. All your sponsors from Earth send you messages wishing you well and all say they will be arriving in about three months time with additional supplies. The mysterious Freetrader also promises a visit soon but as ususal he/she doesn't say when they will arrive with their supplies for sale or trade.

Despite being a regular procedure there is still danger when one lands on a foreign planet. So with the ships ready and prayers and rituals performed you detach from the mother ship your home for the past 30 days and rocket off to what is to be your new home. Your ships feel the pressure of the atmosphere as you pierce it and head toward the surface of the planet. From the coldness and starlit outerspace you soon see sky and clouds in your monitors then the first site of the main continet live and coming at you at amazing speed.

The Drop Ships land with a thudd in your respective landing sites. Though the dropships slow as they approach the ground it still is a hard landing and everying one feels the jolt onboard. There is also damage done to the dropships themselves. Unlike other types these are meant for a safe trip one way. Cargo compartments and more importantly passanger areas are secure and intact.

You have you just have to pop the main hatch and take a look around. (you will get to describe what you see long as it is in keeping with previous descriptions of what you wanted.) You're here and there is no turning back....
First Down!

The dropship landed with a booming thud and more disturbingly, a bit of a 'crunch'. As soon as they had settled, the atmospheric conditions had been tested, as per instruction, before anything else happened. As was expected, the air was free from polution and hazzards, and the readings indicated a somewhat cool and overcast day, but nothing to be concerned about.

Everything started moving at once as people started moving to their predesignated areas to begin work details. Foremen and organizers began issuing equipment and stating their first objectives to be completed, according to Jake's plan.
William mounted his hoverbike, the lead of fourty similar bikes, with the remaining fourteen still being tinkered with and were currently out of service. The large, upper hangar doors slowly parted as the loading ramp lowered, touching down. There was a green light and the forty bikes filled the hangar with a roar as they all started up. Will stowed his gear and set his recorder. Finally, he slapped a magazine into his M-16 and slung it as well before moving out. Behind him, the others followed suit and they all charged down the ramp. They did not stay together however, William took nine others and began a sweep of their territory, but others had different jobs, two sets of ten were sent to explore and collect samples of everything from plants to bugs to critters for analysis and the final ten were begining and would continue a circular security perimiter around the landing site.

The land itself was nice. His primary concern was the lake, a large body of water less than a mile away and shaped roughly like an 'E'. One river flowed out from the lower bank and wound downward, probably to one of the other sites eventually and from there to those nasty marshes Grant had mentioned. Mountains were in the distance, which was probably where the Irish had gone. Williams land seemed divided into two parts, low rolling hills with rocky bluffs, dominated the upper half of the lake lands and slid neatly into green, hills of grass which continued down along the river. Trees and brush were thick between the rocky hills and made a carpet of green, streching off, away from the lake and into the horizon.


Already people and material were begining to flow out of the massive, egg shaped dropship like ants coming out of a hive mound. Already William saw the crawler moving slowly out from a lower bay which held the Maxi-5000 generator. It was one of the primary assets along with the food replicators and water purifyers. By days end, there should be light, heat, food and water if little else. Tents would also be constructed for the crews to rest and relax although homes were low priority for now as, although uncomfortable, the dropship had all the nessessities for living in and could for weeks. In the meantime, the main camps, simply named Landing and Homestead for now, were being surveyed for both temporary and longer termed structures.

The begining.....and hopefully, they were off to a good one.

Andrew Grant talked to Agusta Perez and made sure her pilots were all ready to fly the drop ship. The navigators and stratagists had planed our route. We were to land on raised plain close to our northern boarder The plain was straight and level and fairly smooth, but we still hit quite hard and bounced once before skidding to a stop. The Plain was long, four or five miles and about three wide.

We waited for the scientists to give the all clear so we could start to unload the ship. Everyone knew the job and position and now we had them move to their areas and to start processing equipment off board.

Robert; off loaded his security force with their tracked vechiles and small atv's. They secured the entire plain and did a though search of the area.

Andrew; I stood with Edward and surveyed the entire panarama before us. Except for the plain on the which we sat, the land below us were green with grasses and trees and shrubs. There was lakes and streams crisscrosing our site with a large river heading towards the lake, It ran down out of the mountains to our west and cut across the middle of our site and onto Erin Nova's site and I would figure then into the lake. More Equipment rolled out of the Pod and lined up and set aside for use when needed.

Edward; Here comes my lab and generators. It was positioned next to the pod and lights were set up around the area. We had decided to stay with the pod and to do most of our work from here before we started to build perminent buildings..We need to get the Farms set and started. I hope this cool weather was the start of spring and not winter. We would have to watch and wait.

Robert; Andrew, Edward, WE turned around and walked over to where Robert stood with several of his men. Well this plateau is secured. We only found four places that are accesable. We found no sign of aliens or local inhabitents. Plenty of animal signs, saw some, but most stayed hidden. I had security positions set up around the pod and will keep a 24/7 watch until we know how things stand. The majority of our military equipment was already on the ground and being set up. A radio net was also in the process of being operational.

Tomorrow our scientists would go out and start there work of identifying and catologing everything. Grass, Trees, all things organic. Soil and rocks. The soil looked good, but we needed to make sure. A complete survey team was set for tomorrow too.

The Site layed up close to the mountains, but that was a vast distance off and the foot hills came first. They looked covered with all types and kinds of trees. Most of the site to the east, south and west was gently rolling grasslands or prairie, stands of woods, crisscrissed by streams and ponds, with a large river running through the center, almost cutting the site in half. there was high bluffs along the river in places and at other areas of gently rolling slopes down to the rivers edge. We could do alot of farming and the raising of livestock down on the large plain. To the north was another large plain of grasslands before reaching the foot hills. Not as much water but looked just as good. Our survey and scentists would determine that.

The three brothers, Andrew, Robert and Edward stood there and look at the area around them and each smiled and clapped each other on the back. Today was the start, a good start. We had a long way ro go...........
Erin Nova

The dropships landed without incident. Cahir had his men scour the area for threats and found none. Cahir saw a large clear area "We will build our Dun there." he said, "Get Men to start laying out survey areas there. I want to start building the Great Hall and the walls today. Get me a report of the area, and then send a copy to GEM as our allies should know about our land." Cahir said, "Get all building materials unloaded asap, so we can start building." "yes my lord" said Fionn, his aide, as he ran off. Cahir removed his armor and heavy clothes, wearing only an undershirt and his camoflauge work pants and his sword. He put on a headband that signified his position and he left his torc on. Then started unloading.
Landing zone / Site 1 B

Andrew; We have been on the surface for 12 hours and it is not just starting to get dark. All our people have been pulled back within our parimiter and we have secured for the night. It has been a long day for most. Starting tomorrow we will start working in 8 hour shifts until all necessary equipment and supplies have been off loaded and secured.

Robert: The night patrols and security have been set up and all positions checked. All outside lighting is shut off before total darkness and we settle in for our first night on the new planet.

Bishop Martin; We have been very fortunate that we only have some minor injuries on landing and during the first days activities. The small mobil hospital unit will be set up first thing in the morning. He suggests an entire colony meeting to pray for the success of our mission, before we start to break up into smaller units.

Agusta Perez: The communication net is all set and ready to go and she will have a unit ready to send over to Erin Nova so we will be able to communicate more easily. Our helicopters will be out and in operation in 24 hours.

Tomorrow things would be a lot easier. Today between the excitement and the landing it had been hard to keep everybodys mind completely on their jobs. So it had been a slow day and by tomorrow the first day jitters would be gone and full attention could be given to the tasks at hand. All and all, it had be a good one died. It was going to be a long haul and I hope we could remain this lucky.

I made an announcement over the intercom to our colonists and told them that they were all doing a good job. Remember saftey first and we all can have another good day. Have a good evening and see you all in the morning.
(Sorry guys in the future you will each over your own post...for now though on split one. I am back and fixed the internet so it isn't cutting out every minute. More will come tomorrow but this will be enough to start you off. PS doing some work from home so I will be around more.)

Mantra's boys....

As your people begin the first few peaceful days after landing on the planet's surface it is a mixture of exploration and ground breaking. People are all ready requesting permission to build especially on the lake. The lake is teaming with life and already a few have tried their hand a fishing with impressive results. Two species are prominent among the fish caught. One is a crab like creature which has huge claws and over all is the size of a dog. The other is a fish which looks like a large mouth bass found on earth but averages 20lbs. Most are impressed and some are already talking about building fishing boats. The one sad note is a sheep dog brought by a family was killed by one of these large crabs when it went to the edge of the water to get a drink. The dog did manage to injury the crab though and it was quickly found and killed with a harpoon.

In other colony news you have seen a number of shooting stars on the edge of your territory not near any of the other colonies (western frontier I believe). While they are very beautiful and many look forward to the show your told exactly 16 fly by ever night for three nights. Otherwise most of your colonist unloading and organizing all the equipment and supplies. You may begin your projects when ready.

macmillian's crew....

Once all project have begun it does not take long for Bishop Martin to call a group prayer for all your people so that you may thank god for this wonderful new land. Soon though some have a few doubts about that assessment. Though your security and military people report not real problems they report siting large creatures that are like pterodactyl. One bold colonist even takes on down with a one of his large hunting rifles and scope. The creature has an impressive wing span.

The other discovery comes from your scientists. While logging plant life which for the most part goes on uneventfully a scientist is attacked and nearly eaten by a large vined plant. It seems to be a huge carnivous plant that seems to like eat the local wild life. The scientist is badly hurt but his companions were able to rescue him by hitting the plant with machetes and assault rifle fire. They have already noted the plant's location else where in the surrounding area and have be gone posting signs.


Your arrival and ceremony go well with all the colonists feeling good about new beings or the potential for the new colony. All few you united and even the
Expendables and settlers are feeling part of your group. Some warriors have already begun to hunt and explore the area. A boar like creature proves great risk and challange for your warriors but soon many are cooking on spits at your fires. There are also some type of mountain goat in the hills and many have observed them banging heads. They run when humans come near but still take a defensive stance. You also see herds of horse size grass eating lizards.

While doing surveys your builders find something interesting. Seems like a building made from local stone. As the day goes on they dig out even more of what possible could be a a temple. Many are curious about this building, but soon your receiving reports from all over of people finding ancient ruins of a lost civilization all over your area. The most educated among your people seem to think this is just the beginning of the find.

Just a start boys more to come...but feel free to post and ask questions. I am back.