Galactic Colonization

Donnchadh took the offered hand and bowed slightly. "Good day to you Lord Grant, I will definitely see you at your knighting." "Pork and beer for the marchwarden and his men." Cahir said "Very gracious your highness." Donnchadh said, "Nonsense, you men work hard." Donnchadh and his men bowed. "So how is settlement going?" Cahir asked, being presented with a tankard of stout and his pipe, already lit.
Andrew Grant;

"We are progressing and when I left, everything seemed to be under contol", I replied to Cahir's question. I went on to inform him of what we were doing. We were going to use the Plateau as our main base of operations for now. If we should find something more suitable, we would consider it. We are also building an aerodrome on the plateau. From the plateau we have an excellent view of the southern plain from Erin Nova and Last Chance in the east and feu in the west. The plateau is a wounderful defensive position, and we have developed a formidable defense.

There is a large cavern in the plateau and we are in the process of making it a manufacturing, storage and repaire center. There is enough room to house and protect our entire company. We have a shaft that goes from the plateau top down into the cavern. We are now working on a good road to the top and doors and defenses for the carern's entrance.

"How are you fairing?", I asaked," I saw a lot of work on going in your town and you are showing a lot progress"

While we stood there alone, I leaned in closer and asked for a private meeting as soon as we could. Very importanrt. "your stout is excellent as ever, Sire", Raising my tankard to my host. "Excellent, Very good."
"of course" Cahir said, in response to Andrews request for a private meeting. "Immediately, Fionn you have the throne room. Andrew will you follow me please?"
rengadeirishman said:
"of course" Cahir said, in response to Andrews request for a private meeting. "Immediately, Fionn you have the throne room. Andrew will you follow me please?"

With that being said, I followed Cahir from the throne room. I was glad that he had accepted a private meeting and so quickly. There were many things to discuss and many of them were going to have an impact on us all.

"I am really glad to see you and to find you well" I said to Cahir as I followed him.
"I am glad to be found well." Cahir said with a chuckle as he showed Andrew into his office. Cahir took a seat and relit his pipe and took a bottle of stout from a cooler next to his desk. "So what can I do for you my friend?" he asked
rengadeirishman said:
"I am glad to be found well." Cahir said with a chuckle as he showed Andrew into his office. Cahir took a seat and relit his pipe and took a bottle of stout from a cooler next to his desk. "So what can I do for you my friend?" he asked

Andrew Grant; "There is much to talk about", I responded, "May I request that you send for my Captain Hill so he may bring my security case here."

I started to give Cahir a brief overlook of what we had done at GEM, on and around the plateau. I also gave him my views on the two most puzzeling items found to date. The flying creature and the flesh eating plants. I asked if his company had run into anything that did not seem to belong or that might threaten the coloniaztion of this planet.

I told him of the communication equipment that I brought with me and the men I was leaving to train and help in it's installation. I also informed him about the three communication satellites that were in orbit and we were now receiving data from them as well. Mapping data, weather and other details. All of this was in the security case in greater detail. Along with pictures and discs of what we found so far.

The most important thing other than the mystries of the planet and how they would affect us, was the arrival of the second ship and more colonists. That would bring us to the question of sites Numbered 1C and 2B. Were we going to try and take and hold either of these territtories or where we just going to move north into the foot hills and the mountains beyound. We were already exploring the plain and woods north of the plateau up to the start of the foot hills. That was approximately forty-five miles north of the plateau and increasing our total area to almost double the original 1B site.

I stopped and asked, "Sir, May I have another stout?"
"By all means lad." Cahir said handing him a bottle "And call your captain in. we actually have reports to give you as well." Cahir pushed a button to call for the reports
"Thank you, Cahir," As I Stood to take my bottle of stout. "There is one more item and I feel that it is a matter that is personal to us."

I took a drink of the stout and sat back and looked at my host. I began again, "I think that we should have the Knights of St. Patricks Ceremony and soon."

My reasons for this is that our people have been working hard and they need a break. The ceremony would be the reason and it would further bring the two groups together. Eamon, your son, and Anne my daughter will have the chance to meet. I thought I saw a twinkle in your eye when I mentioned the two children.

I know it would be difficult to get my entire group here, but a representation would be ok and we can braodcast it back to the plateau for the others. We could spen a few days here and then return to work. The other suggestion was for you to send a group over to learn some of our ways and to inspect and critic our defenses.

"So, My good friend," I said with a very large smile, "What do you think?"
"Excellent idea lad. Do you think you could be prepared by next week?" Cahir asked. "Feel free to use that basket sword of yours for the ceremony as well, a man should use a weapon he feels a bond with."
rengadeirishman said:
"Excellent idea lad. Do you think you could be prepared by next week?" Cahir asked. "Feel free to use that basket sword of yours for the ceremony as well, a man should use a weapon he feels a bond with."

I think We could manage to be ready in a week. We shall bring a hundred of our people, a mixed group, miners, farmers, ect. This way the word will spread quicker through my colony of what they see here and I hope how they were received and treated.

Thank you for the offer to use my own sword, even after you sent over a very wounderful piece of steel. It is a beautiful sword, and if I may ask, my eldest son has always wanted a sword and maybe after the ceremony you could present it to him. Andrw Jr. is a Lt. in our defense force. I am sure you would like him too.
"A boys first sword should be given him by his father Andrew" Cahir said, "You may present him with his sword at the ceremony however. Does he know how to use one?"
OOC I don't recall saying yes to you being in yet....I try to be fair to everyone including you.
William was laying down on the grass, staring up into the evening sky. His hoverbike was settled not a few feet away with it's comlink open and giving out some vintage rock and roll music.

Things were going well for now. The necessities, food, water and power, had all been established and other prioroties were being met. Some were still living on the dropship, but currently, the dropship was acting like a giant motel which at least offered basic needs for quality of life. They'd make do until both Landing and Homestead were fully operational. Only then would he allow the colonists to break off to do their own thing.

There was a rumble as a vehicle approached. One of the urban trucks rolled up, stopping a few feet away and allowing Teeves to get out. The scientist settled onto the grass next to William, watching up. Austin had always liked Astrology in his younger years, but that wasn't what he was doing now.

"Got all the vital components from the dropship earmarked Will. he said. "Do you really think you can salvage enough to cobble a shuttlecraft together with?"

William shrugged. "Don't see why not. I am a starship designer, remember? Dropship's big enough and none of the critical components were crippled. Engines might need some cobbling together, but that's no big deal. Not trying to build a battleship or anything."

Teeves 'Hmm'ed' in agreement before continuing. "Got the tape you wanted, analyzed it already."

William did not get up. "Sixteen ships in low orbit?"

"Yup. So what do you think?"

"I think we're either being watched or we have company on the horizon." He sat up. "Send a transmission to the F.E.U. guys and let them know about the shooting stars. Maybe they have some additional information."

"What about the other groups?"

Will sat in thought for long moments. "*sigh* They're a bunch of jackasses, but they're still human jackasses. I'll see what I can do."
rengadeirishman said:
"A boys first sword should be given him by his father Andrew" Cahir said, "You may present him with his sword at the ceremony however. Does he know how to use one?"

"Thank you, Sir.", I answered, "I indeed would like to present him with his first sword. If you will stand with my brothers and I when we present it to him, it would honor us all.

"Yes he does, my Lord," He has had a sword in his hand it seems foever. His uncle, Robert is a fair hand with the blade, much better than me. I can hold my own, but my attack is pretty weak. Capt. Hill is also an excelent swordsman and all of us have practicing.

When shall we do it? at the end of the ceremony or at the feast afterwards.
I think that you would be a better judge of the timing.
"The feast i should think." Cahir said. "I will call for a silence, where we will have a toast and have you present your lad with his sword. I trust you all have tartan?" Cahir asked. "If you do I would like everyone who has it to wear it, for we will be wearing ours."

After a safe but delayed landing you begin work on your new home....Soon people are unloading gear and supplies and any heavy machinery begins work on the selected ground. These first few days go surprisingly well. Your farming community starts to lay out markers for farms while scientists take soil samples for testing. They will find the best spaces for the best crops. Most of your science people look at things like a big camp out while the farmers celebrate the idea of having so much land to chose from to make new farms. The livestock seems to take to the new land as well. Most farmers keep the animals on the feed they brought with them but some allow grazing. The animals that do eat seem healthy and your veterinarians keep careful track of their health. All seems going well until your building project goes into full speed....

Once you begin digging down below the grown you begin to find builings. Actual full size buildings that were not detected by any of your equipment. The soil samples are examined in this area and they seem to have a higher alien alloy content then any other area in your territory. The bad news is though this area is relatively small it covers a large part of the area around the drop ship landing site. The good news is the alloy can be processed and made into metal like the type you use in your body armor. In fact it is one of the highest grades you have seen though it is in a limited amount. The first important discoveries include a temple and a small arena with with an armor filled with exotic looking alien melee weapons. Nothing seems to add up though your scientists keep saying in meetings. A small city completely intact but devoid of life? Why is the city now covered with soil that doesn't fit the region. This all needs to be explored more and your city planning needs to be rethought.

If this new massive excavation wasn't enough to deal with further unrestricted exploration causes its own problems. The Southern swamps bring their own set of trouble. The good news is that your men begin catching giant crabs which are size of small dogs and aren't afriad to fight with each other and those who would try and catch them for food. Your people used to hunting and fishing take up the challange and then hall the food to your colony site in ATVs. As fishing become part of the routine though something darker comes out of the water. A humanoid creature comes from the dark swampy water. It stands upright and has arms and legs, but has webbed hands and feet. The creature swims very fast and is very strong. One party of four hunters are attacked and all but one are killed. The lone survivor Jeremiah Smith a knife maker and farmer recounts the battle with the creature which took several shotgun blasts before it went down. He was not sure bullets did it though, because he did take off its head with a hatchet. He does reports this story and shows the location, but within days of his arrival back he takes almost all of his personal gear with him and soon you hear from other wonderers he is off killing the creatures around the swamp. Dan Yoshie a graduate student and suzi resturant owner also encounters one of the creatures and is able to kill it with a harpoon and brings back a body. Tad Wilson a cowboy and farmer says he has hearded a group of plant eating reptile creatures and has said he is working on domesticating the beasts which he says are friendly.

OOC....hope this gives you something to do...sorry for the delays Screech.
GEM Colony

Macmillian....while diplomatic efforts go well with one of the first alliances among the new colonists there are other difficulties and issues that need to be dealt with as you strive to build a new home for yourselves.

Your plan for excavation of the cave complex and for building in an airstrip begin with little trouble. The caves look like a good place to keep people and as lights are setup and the caverns mapped you begin to find strange things. Workers uncover a set of doors with strange markings. Troops and scanning equipment are brought into the cavern and soon it is determined to cut into the door which was welded and mechanism damaged. An old army buddy "Tracer" Robinson once a military police antiterrorist team leader is first through the door in body armor and gas mask. He and others find another massive cavern but with an important differance. There are catwalks, walk ways, and stairs out of metal mounted to the wall. In groups of five are large cylinders that are roughly 10' tall with what looks to be a door way for each. They secure the area and contact the area before doing anything else. Your given all the data even pictures and a cylinder count. Five per group with one hundred groups per level with five levels. On the opposite site is a mirror image of the same. The area has lights running but at a low power level and there is a lot of dust and wear on the structure though it is still intact. This is a huge discovery.

Aside from the impressive discovery the airstrip goes on with your troops and hunters dealing with the flying pterodactyl. After dozens are shot down my weapons fire they get the idea to avoid the area where the work is being done. Near the completion of the landing field you do receive a long distance message from a Free Trader promising to land on the planet soon.... he asks if you are interest in any special items and gives you a special coded channel to reach him with requests and questions.

A bit of perplexing news also comes to you through your medical staff. One of the woman minors that was recruited from one of the Lunar work sites reports being pregnant. This would normally be happy news but she is completely shocked considering who she shared he bed with on the transport. She slept with an expendable who was supposed to be sterile. Fortunately a one nights pleasure grew to be love and the couple are happy. She will take some time off from mining and makes carpets as side business. The exendable who is #103 but she calls Sean is overjoyed and only works harder. The idea of expendables who are all male and are supposed to be unable to have children is a major change.

Each group that makes up your colony deals with things differently as they come. Your military types just take orders and deal with each situation and are always concern with security. The business types are alittle nervous about the current situation. They would rather have the colony up and running having a good food suppy, (besides Star Burger) powergrid, and confortable lodging. The settlers just see this to be a great opportunity to do whatever they want on a new world. Many have looked to living on the great plains as they now call it and even propose a nomad life.

Needless to say there is plenty to do though you receive another message from Stat Burger with a promise of a ship's arrival and martial support along with other sponors.
Erin Nova

Your people try to make the best of the situation as go about the work of building a new colony...a home for your people for a long time to come. You people almost always clad in come kind of camoflague army clothing as they work and go about their business of making a life. At the end of the work week there is the sound of mugs clinking, smells of food cooking, and traditional Irish music. The Expendable (realised I hadn't determined this earlier are all female) even take to your culture well and are enjoying traditional folk dancing. The Settlers do not have the same bond that all your people share, but get along well enough. They tend to camp out seperate from your people but do socialize and you have heard dozens of different plans from them for to do next. A popular theme among Settlers and your Irish clansmen is to have a series of self sustaining farms. Several families make up one clan farm complex and each be assigned Settlers and Expendables. How this will workout remains to be seen and it has only been propsed their leader has the final say.

The Boar creatures now named Nova Boars still holds much interest for hunters which are in almost every family. These creatures seem to adapt quickly to the new hunters and seem to be breeding even faster...Also it should be noted that they are not frightened by dogs and will challenge them if they venture near. Two dogs have been killed on the edge of the colonie's living area already. Another creature you all have come in contact with is very odd indeed. Peter O'Grady a former factory work, and bomb maker comes in contact with an eighteen inch tall lizard creature which hunts in packs. One creature wonders by Peter's camp and though it tries to scare him with a roar he only laughs and shares his freshly butchered meat with the creature. Soon it becomes very friendly and soon Peter shares this news with others. It is not long after that there are a dozen or so "little raptor pets" running around camp. Some even keep them on leashes. This very surprising development.

Wreckage of an alien transport is found in a field not noted on any of the chart given to you by Colony Inc. It is believed to have crashed months ago and the smaller ship attached to it is gone leading you to believe at least some of the crew escaped. Once inside you throughly search the ship from top to bottom. Several corpes that are closer to skeletons lay in a few spots in the ship near the engineering section. Seems they were hit and near the rear of the ship and exploding on of the generator units dooming the ship. The bridge area is intact though and on the third level of the ship and on second and most of the first the cargo is left in good condition. Much of the cargo is Alien survival rations that can be eaten by humans and is nutritious but most who fought in the Moon and Mars campaigns say they make MREs seem like fine eating. The remained of the cargon includes medic packs. These packs are small considering they are meant for "Greys" but can be adapted for human use. Once the back is of you can take out a small scanning device and find out injuries then with a bond attached by wires and can begin healing of the injuried person. The wreck raises many questions though even if the booty is good.

While your looking at more reports of the lost city near your colony base you get a message from the FreeTrader who says he will arrive soon and reminds you that you have one million in credit with him and your reputation is known by him through earth contacts. He promises you a choice of some of the best military hardware as well as other items and can also take trades. He gives you a special coded signal to each him and will contact you again when he is closer.
rengadeirishman said:
"The feast i should think." Cahir said. "I will call for a silence, where we will have a toast and have you present your lad with his sword. I trust you all have tartan?" Cahir asked. "If you do I would like everyone who has it to wear it, for we will be wearing ours."

"Sir, The Grants will wear our family Tartan." I respond, "The men....(pause).... Kilts, Tartan And Tam, the ladies traditional Clan dress and their Tartan as well." I hope this will meet with your approval.

You are correct, presenting the sword at the feast could only add to the festivities.

"Now that Reports are all here" I continue, "let us get the business out of the way. We can then think about them, seek council if needed and return tomorrow to make any further decisions." To much to soon makes for bad decisions.

"My first report." ...............................................
Cahir listened to Grants report, and thought about what was said. "By the by lad, when do you want to have your men here for my men to train?"
rengadeirishman said:
Cahir listened to Grants report, and thought about what was said. "By the by lad, when do you want to have your men here for my men to train?"

Next week, I think, right after the ceremony and feast, I will leave a number of our guests here to be trained. We can settle on the number now if you like. I thought that fifty would be good to start, twenty five from the security force and twenty five from among the other settlers.

Andrew Grant; "Have you made a decision on which way you want to expand?" I asked. "so that we may make our exploration and mapping to a more concise area. The way to best use our resorces."

I councel on going north from both our original sites. More Room for starters and less conflict with the others and those that will be coming. Also our preliminary test show that the best mineral deposits and other raw materials lies north.
"50 is a good number, and I concur with your suggestion that we expand north into the mountains. Minerals and such will be very important for growing our economy." Cahir said "I like your ideas lad, I have no doubt that we can make everything run well."
Thank you! I am pleased that we have been able to work together and that we will continue to do so. Electronics are up and running and communications have been established and electronic surveillance is also working. We have intercepted messages between FEU and Last Chance, but they are in code and we have not tried to decifer them yet.

With your approval, we shall try and open clear message to both the other groups and set up a meeting. We should make contact because we are all still not positioned to make a go of this alone yet. There are still a lot of unanswered questions on the planet and we still have to be carefull.
"A fine idea lad, tell them that the meeting will be over a couple days and they will be accorded the finest hospitality we have to offer. it will begin and end with a feast, and let the other groups know that we will brew pilsners and lagers and make whiskey for them because they dont like our stout." Cahir said laughing