Getting to know you....

What time of day describes you best? Noon (I love a good nooner.)
Do you believe in an afterlife? Yes
Did you ever go to college after high school? Yes
When you are feeling lonely what do you do? I curl up into a little ball
What is your dream house? A beach house, preferably on a nude beach
If you could have one wish, and it can't be for money of long life, and the wish could only be for you and not loved ones, what would it be? To have more real friends
What was your favorite toy as a child? Slinky
Who is your favorite cartoon character? Dizzy Devil
If you were stranded on a desert island with one of the cast of Gilligan's Island, who would it be? Mary Ann
Describe the position you sleep in. Ususally on my side, hugging a pillow, with my top leg stretched out and hanging off of the bed
What color describes you best? Pink
What mood were you in today when you woke up? I was just kinda....Blah.
Fuck or make love? Fuck
Do you believe in a higher being? Yes
Do you believe you can ever fall in love with more than one person? I think so, but I'll be lucky if I can get the one under my belt
Intercourse or Foreplay? First the latter, then the former
Screamer, moaner, dirty talker, growler, grunter, or heavy breather during sex? screamer, moaner, dirty talker, heavy breather...purrer
Biting? Yes!
What you say when you cum most often. (phrase if need be) Oh, fuck, YESSS!!!
Your horny spot that few know about to be kissed? (not mouth of the obvious) My tummy, especially just below my belly-button
What is your middle name? Amber
What is your childhood nickname? Pickles ('cause I kept suckin' on 'em)
What is the one thing you like about yourself? My love of fun
What is one thing you don't? My lack of drive to try to achieve something in the distant future
What do you think about dolphins? I haven't, really.
OK Sorry im still skipping around had to jump in sumwheres...
1. Favorite Cereal? Fruity Pebbles

2. What do you eat on your toast? Butter

3. What are you wearing right now? Thong,& Tank

4. Do you think it is possible to fall in love with someone over the net? Yes," With there words"

5. Would you rather have more brains, beauty or money. Knowing that you would have to sacrifice 50% from one of the others in trade. Which would you trade.... Would want Brains.... ......

6. What different things did you want to be when you grew up? Model, Teacher, Ect ect....

7. Would your parents say you were a good or bad kid growing up? Bad kid

8. What is the difference between lust and love? Love is when you really Feel you cant do without that person.. Everything Revolves around that person... Lust.. Is more Sexual....

9. What is one thing that you have learned from someone at Lit? That theres alot of Pervs here..lmao
10. Describe your "crush" using the letters "B, C, D" (one word per) Describe yourself using the same letters

Beautiful, Creative, Dependant

Bitch,?! lol... Creative, Desireable

1. What was the first kind of car you owned? 88 Camero..

2. Own or rent home? Own

3. If you were seperated from your object of desire/lover for a long period of time, what would be the first thing you did when you saw them? talk then get busy on what you have been missing....

4. Are you happy with your current employment? Yes very

5. What music do you like to listen to while:
A. Making love- Love songs any.....B. Fucking- Rap, R&B
Wow...there are a lot of questions. *L* I'll be back later with more answers. I'll give someone else a chance to get onto page 16. *W*
I'm back with more answers....

Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all? My sis, probably
Snow White or Sleeping Beauty? Snow White (you've gotta love any woman who lives with seven men)
Describe your mouth using the letters S, T, A (one word per) seductive, tasty, alluring
What languages do you speak? Just engligh
What one part of you physically would you change? Uhmm...I'd make my eyes bigger, so I could give puppydog looks better.
What is the one thing in this world that you would change? I'd change the entire world's economic structure
What is one thing you wish for a friend? That he'd get laid more often
What is your favorite sexual position? Doggie style, or me on top
What is your most romantic night? Candlelight dinner, wine in front of the fireplace, lots of snugglin' and caressing
In your personal life, what do you wish you had more of? Love from my parents
Do you have any pets? One cat. What are their names? Fluffers
What snack do you eat most when online? Apple slices
Describe your pussy using the letters S, R, D (one word per) smooth, radiant, desiring
How are you dressed now? pink panties, matching bra, unbuttoned white shirt
How many hours of sleep do you like to have a night? 5-8
Favorite flavor of pez? Cherry
Paper or plastic? Plastic
What is your personal record/high water mark for number of orgasms in a day (24 hour period of time for you nit-picky folks)? 28
What is your favorite geographical area? Rural Minnesota Why? I love to see the leaves change color there
It the world were to come to a screeching halt tommorrow, is there any one person you would want to spend your last night on earth with? No
1.What year did you get your computer?

2. Did you have internet right away?

3. Where was the first place you visited?

4. How long did it take you to go to a porn site?

5. Have you ever paid for one?

6. Where is the most romantic place you have or would like to make love?

7. Does life ever get you to the point of wanting run away and hide?

8. If so where would your place be that you would run to?

9. Where is your lover at this moment?

10. How old were you when you got your lisense?
Weeeeee....more questions!

1.What year did you get your computer? 1987

2. Did you have internet right away? God no.

3. Where was the first place you visited? Bulletin board that a friend ran.

4. How long did it take you to go to a porn site? Years...about 11.

5. Have you ever paid for one? Nope

6. Where is the most romantic place you have or would like to make love? the water...the currents pushing ad tugging at two boddies entertwined.

7. Does life ever get you to the point of wanting run away and hide? No..I don't hide. I fight back.

8. If so where would your place be that you would run to? Bottom of a bottle...or the mountains.

9. Where is your lover at this moment? In hell if I'm lucky...or attached to my for-arm.

10. How old were you when you got your lisense? 17
1.What year did you get your computer? due to an unfortunate incident with soda spilling on the laptop just got another one original one about 6 years ago

2. Did you have internet right away? yes

3. Where was the first place you visited?

4. How long did it take you to go to a porn site? hmm i really down remember

5. Have you ever paid for one? no

6. Where is the most romantic place you have or would like to make love? too many to name...anywhere can be romantic with the right person

7. Does life ever get you to the point of wanting run away and hide? yes

8. If so where would your place be that you would run to? deep in the mountains

9. Where is your lover at this moment? in my drawer out of batteries

10. How old were you when you got your lisense? 16
YAY! More questions, I love this thread!! :)

1.What year did you get your computer? was a Commodore comp :) I'd say...86? Or are we talking this computer I'm on right now? I built this machine at the very end of December '01.

2. Did you have internet right away?
Nooo....but I remember when we got our first audio coupler and some ragingly fast 900 baud modem or something! LOL!

3. Where was the first place you visited?
Gawd, would have been some old BBS or MUD

4. How long did it take you to go to a porn site?
Well, actually I never went to a porn site...until a few years ago probably!

5. Have you ever paid for one?
Hell no! And....if you don't want to...and you like the more 'hardcore' types... Enjoy!! That's my public service announcement for the day for you porn freaks :D

6. Where is the most romantic place you have or would like to make love?
Have:Outdoors on various camping trips. Making love outdoors is so amazing...
Would like to: The beach. Somehow I have never done that, not sure how I haven't though!

7. Does life ever get you to the point of wanting run away and hide?
So often it's not even funny

8. If so where would your place be that you would run to?
Again, the beach. She is a great comfort to me. They actual feeling of oppresion I get from being in the exact center of the continent, the farthest spot possible from both is a terrible thing. :(

9. Where is your lover at this moment?
No lover. Moot point *sigh*

10. How old were you when you got your lisense?
14 :) Yeah, second to last state to change the age, wooo! And never had an accident in which I was at fault, nyah! :D

Re: Wohoo!

Savant73 said:
Yaaay Mae! Another Commodore victim!!! LOL..

Yeah baby! And then...we UPGRADED to a Commodore 128! Wow, that was such a roaring machine! LOL!
Woohoo...when I upped ot the 128 got me a pair of them new fangled 1571 drives to replace my old 1541.

Oh man..I think my geek is showing again.


*hey Savant, your geek is showing again*!

hehehe.... :) Now, I'll patiently wait for all the pseudo-dirty talk of 5-inch floppies and such! No old comp conversation is complete without it!!
1.What year did you get your computer? 1995

2. Did you have internet right away? Yup

3. Where was the first place you visited? Cant remember...

4. How long did it take you to go to a porn site? Not long - days! I had a friend who came over all the time as soon as i hooked up - and its all he wanted to do! No problem with that!

5. Have you ever paid for one? Yes - Reclouds, and there good too!

6. Where is the most romantic place you have or would like to make love? Have to agree with Mae - the beach is pretty dam good - when you've got a good blanket to keep the sand out of all those "spots"!

7. Does life ever get you to the point of wanting run away and hide? only very rarely...

8. If so where would your place be that you would run to? exotica (local strip club - that'll cheer me up - naked women. How can you possibly be sad when you've got that in front of you?)

9. Where is your lover at this moment? probably in bed - asleep!

10. How old were you when you got your lisense? 17. In Oz - the age limit to get it is 17 - i booked it the day i turned 17 and got it straight away... - needed my ticket to freedom! (my wheels)
1) What year did you get your first computer:96
2)Did you have the internet right away:yep
3) Where was the first place you visited: (my obsession)
4)How long did it take you to go to a porn site: probably 15 minutes :D
5)Hav you ever paid for one: no
6)Where is the most romantic place you have or want to make love: The deep woods with the canopy of leaves spread over us
7)Does life ever get you to the point of wanting to run away & hide: ocasionally
8)If so where would you run to: the woods again.
9)Where is your lover at the moment: sleeping
10)How old were you when you got your liscence: 17
1.What year did you get your computer? 96

2. Did you have internet right away? No

3. Where was the first place you visited? Can't remember

4. How long did it take you to go to a porn site? A few Days

5. Have you ever paid for one? Yes

6. Where is the most romantic place you have or would like to make love?
In the Bahamas,
7. Does life ever get you to the point of wanting run away and hide? Yes ,

8. If so where would your place be that you would run to? Doesnt Matter as long as im alone..

9. Where is your lover at this moment? Wich one? lol... She is in her bed...

10. How old were you when you got your lisense?16
1.What year did you get your computer? 95

2. Did you have internet right away? No

3. Where was the first place you visited? I can't remember what happened last i won't remember this :)

4. How long did it take you to go to a porn site? Maybe about 4 years.

5. Have you ever paid for one? No

6. Where is the most romantic place you have or would like to make love? On the beach with warm weather and no one around at twilight.

7. Does life ever get you to the point of wanting run away and hide? Yup

8. If so where would your place be that you would run to? I have no idea...

9. Where is your lover at this moment? No one

10. How old were you when you got your lisense? 18
1.What year did you get your computer? 98

2. Did you have internet right away? yes

3. Where was the first place you visited? Yahoo/chat

4. How long did it take you to go to a porn site? Right away

5. Have you ever paid for one? no

6. Where is the most romantic place you have or would like to make love? Anywhere as long as she is besides me

7. Does life ever get you to the point of wanting run away and hide? More often then it should

8. If so where would your place be that you would run to? A place that is quiet and I can be left to my thoughts and dreams

9. Where is your lover at this moment? Korea

10. How old were you when you got your lisense?26
1.What year did you get your computer? First one-1992,This one-2001

2. Did you have internet right away? yes

3. Where was the first place you visited? Don't remember.

4. How long did it take you to go to a porn site? Probably not long.

5. Have you ever paid for one? Nope

6. Where is the most romantic place you have or would like to make love? I'd like to try one of those Carribean bungalows on the beach with that big window opened and the ocean breeze coming in. You know, the one with the bed draped in that see through material. You get the picture!

7. Does life ever get you to the point of wanting run away and hide? Nah, Life is good. Better than being dead!

8. If so where would your place be that you would run to? If it got that bad, probably some cabin in the woods.

9. Where is your lover at this moment? A few hours north of me.

10. How old were you when you got your lisense?16