Getting to know you....

Cibo said:

Jeeze, did you go to bed at all Trippy? :p

And I like the AV. :)

I had a nap yesterday and couldn't sleep. I just woke up at 9:45 pst. That's usually more sleep than I get ;)

Thank you :D
Hehe, Went to bed at almost 3 and woke up at almost 12. Gosh I love sleep. :)
maxwillfly said:
You're most welcome... and it's me that should be thanking you!!

Can I ask who the lucky person was that took the picture?

And (being a bit cheeky here) do you still have the full size picture for us all to see???

Go it... it'll be my Saturday morning treat!!

That was over a year ago and I was still living at home. I think was either a friend (female) or my boyfriend. I forget.

Of course I do, I just resized it :)

Here you go.
No laughing at the white legs it was winter!
Trippy, I'm dyn' to know..

Did you end up waking up your boyfriend last night. If you did, then how did you do it?
Cibo said:
Hehe, Went to bed at almost 3 and woke up at almost 12. Gosh I love sleep. :)

I can't sleep that much anymore. If I do I consider it wasted time :(
Maybe I'm just weird :cool:
Well, recovering from my hangover I've been her in Lit rather longer than I should have been today, but it was all worth it to see your last pic - definitely a treat!! Thank you...
Trippychik said:

I can't sleep that much anymore. If I do I consider it wasted time :(
Maybe I'm just weird :cool:

Nah you're not weird...I know other people that are like that. Maybe I'm weird for loving sleep that much?? :confused:
Re: Trippy, I'm dyn' to know..

LovetoGiveRoses said:
Did you end up waking up your boyfriend last night. If you did, then how did you do it?

No I let him sleep. BUT I did wake him up this morning with a few kisses in the right places ;)
Actually I wokeup at 9 but we didn't get out of bed til 10:30, then he made me breakfast. A veggie omelet, fresh orange juice and bagel :)
Off to the park

Beautiful day!

We're off to the park to do some blading maybe lunch outside.
Be back this evening.
Have a nice day everyone!
Re: Off to the park

Trippychik said:
Beautiful day!

We're off to the park to do some blading maybe lunch outside.
Be back this evening.
Have a nice day everyone!

Have fun Trippy! I'll talk to you late tonite because I gotta work tonite. :(
Gotta love the mediteranean climate in California. I miss it. Been back east in the cold for 4 or 5 years now. I wish I could go roller blading now. Have a good day.
1. are you in favor death penalty? yes

2. Do you exercise? What kind? yes, run....

3. What is one life lesson your father taught you? Your mother?
Kinda grew up alone.......

4. Brady bunch or Patridge family? Partridge Family

5. at the beginning of a relationship do you trust your partner or do you withold trust until it is earned? Withhold

6. if your lover had a private journal would you read it without permission? No

7. Do you have a crush on anyone from lit? Will you tell them? If not why?No crushes, Don't get attached

8. When did you find out what pleases you most sexually and what was it you learned?
from self exploring, lol........
9. What city were you born in? Danbury

10. What do you remember about your first day of school?
Kindergarten?Beiing shy,
maxwillfly said:
Yummy! I thought you weren't going to be online until Monday!
lol.. im not here its a figure of ur imagination.. only here 4 few,
cool idea!

1) what kind of car do you own/drive

2) how many DVD's do you have

3) any pornos?

4) do U watch porn with your lover

5) where did you go on your last vacation

6) how many different cities/towns have U lived in

Re: cool idea!

1) what kind of car do you own/drive
Pontiac Grand Prix
2) how many DVD's do you have
3) any pornos?
4) do U watch porn with your lover
not yet...
5) where did you go on your last vacation
6) how many different cities/towns have U lived in

1) what kind of car do you own/drive ? M Roadster
2) how many DVD's do you have ?? 30

3) any pornos? no

4) do U watch porn with your lover ?? No make r own

5) where did you go on your last vacation ?? Bahamas, on a cruise..."Travel often" not vacations

6) how many different cities/towns have U lived in??? 4
1. are you in favor death penalty? yes

2. Do you exercise? What kind? yes, aerobics, weights

4. Brady bunch or Patridge family? Brady

5. at the beginning of a relationship do you trust your partner or do you withold trust until it is earned? I tend to be very trusting from the start
6. if your lover had a private journal would you read it without permission? No

8. When did you find out what pleases you most sexually and what was it you learned? about 4 yrs ago, oral sex (giving and receiving)

10. What do you remember about your first day of school?
Kindergarten? Nap time.... LoL

1) what kind of car do you own/drive

1966 Dodge Dart

2) how many DVD's do you have


3) any pornos?


4) do U watch porn with your lover

If I had a lover, I might

5) where did you go on your last vacation


6) how many different cities/towns have U lived in

Too may to count
1) what kind of car do you own/drive 1998 Ford Civic

2) how many DVD's do you have? 0

3) any pornos? Nope

4) do U watch porn with your lover? Nope

5) where did you go on your last vacation? Springfield IL

6) how many different cities/towns have U lived in? 0

Heh ya I have a boring travel life. :(
Re: more

1. are you in favor death penalty?

2. Do you exercise? What kind?
Mostly running for aerobic, the occasional round of kickboxing, tai chi or yoga. Free and machine weights. More fun exercies include biking, hiking and other outdoor things!

3. What is one life lesson your father taught you?
Well, it wasn't taught in the best way...You should never leave anyone wondering whether you care about them or not.

Your mother?
Eat a live toad first thing every morning, and nothing worse can happen to you that day! LOL...

4. Brady bunch or Patridge family?
Ummm....ew. Brady Bunch vs Partridge Family in a deathmatch perhaps?! Now that I would probably watch :)

5. at the beginning of a relationship do you trust your partner or do you withold trust until it is earned?

6. if your lover had a private journal would you read it without permission?
No. Unless I thought they might be thinking about hurting themselves or someone else, then I might.

7. Do you have a crush on anyone from lit? Will you tell them? If not why?
Lol, I haven't heard the word crush used so much until I came to Lit :) If I thought it wouldn't make things freaky (i.e. either they reciprocate the interest or I know they wouldn't wig out about it) then yes.

8. When did you find out what pleases you most sexually and what was it you learned?
What pleases me most? I have to have a favorite?! Lol... I know someone with somewhat submissive proclivities shouldn't pick this...but I think it's the pleasure of knowing the absolute power of wielding good oral sex :) When did I learn that? college, heh. Came to the full-blown realization of that my Frosh year.

9. What city were you born in?
Luke AFB, right outside of Tempe, AZ.

10. What do you remember about your first day of school?
First day ever? I don't remember anything. First day in general? Usually a mix of excitement and terror. Excitement about starting a new year, learning new things...but the terror of starting a new school (especially after we'd moved AGAIN), having to go through the painful shyness all over again, trying to make friends, fit in, etc.

1) what kind of car do you own/drive
2001 Jeep Cherokee Sport

2) how many DVD's do you have
Umm...none! Haven't gone past the world of VHS yet in my house :)

3) any pornos?
Well, no since I have no DVD's. But, I have no porno VHS either.

4) do U watch porn with your lover
If I had one? Yes I would! OK, that's it! I need to find a lover so I can answer all these silly thread questions better! LOL

5) where did you go on your last vacation
Well, it was in conjunction with travelling for a conference, but it was DC/Virginia. Best damn vacation I've had...probably almost ever.

6) how many different cities/towns have you lived in
Hooooboy...13? I think.
1) what kind of car do you own/drive? New Sable.

2) how many DVD's do you have? 10-12

3) any pornos? No

4) do U watch porn with your lover? Not applicable

5) where did you go on your last vacation?

Paris, going to Rome next month. Veni, Vidi, Vici.

6) how many different cities/towns have U lived in?

NYC-Upper West Side, Rochester, Nashville, LA-Orange County, Philadelphia, Paris, Montgomery, WestportCT, Boston, WashDC (now). Next? Who knows?
1) What is the most Treasured gift a love one has given you?!

2) Who on the Lit boards have made the biggest impression on you?!

3) If you could click your shoes/heels and be anywheres at this very moment where would it be?!

4) Married?! Children?!

5) Would you ever lie to someone/partner just to keep them in your life?!

6) Are you bored of your sex life?! If so why?!

7) What is your best feature?! and why?!

8) Who is the one person in the World who can make you feel like noother?! Good & Bad?!

9) If you could be a animal Wich one would it be and why?!

10) If you could describe your Life in one word what would that Be?!
boy am i late here...................

) What is the most Treasured gift a love one has given you?! old black and white pics of me very young that my mom recently gave to me for safekeeping.

2) Who on the Lit boards have made the biggest impression on you?! havnt really been here long.....had fun with angelofsex few nights ago though!

3) If you could click your shoes/heels and be anywheres at this very moment where would it be?! back in my senior year of highschool.

4) Married?! Children?! yes/yes

5) Would you ever lie to someone/partner just to keep them in your life?! probably not, this situation never occured

6) Are you bored of your sex life?! If so why?! incredibly so. wife seemed to lose all interest in sex almost as soon as i moved in with her even a year before we were married.

7) What is your best feature?! and why?! determination. when I'm determined to get a job done, it gets done

8) Who is the one person in the World who can make you feel like noother?! Good & Bad?!

9) If you could be a animal Wich one would it be and why?! dolphin/ love water and intelligent

10) If you could describe your Life in one word what would that Be?! unfulfilledmissedopportunitys