As Iveallis's form started to melt into the building, giveing off what appeared to be one final form of attack he cut off his weapon. Quickly he took stock of the situation, all of the humans had been killed by the Shifters and still many more thousands would die form the falling of the building. Now was the time for his sword, the golem's body destroyed it was not energy with an essance. That power needed to be removed, and quickly before the building colapsed. Quickly he drew his sword and jumped to the very spot where he had molded with the stone. He shoved the sword through the rock reaching Iveallis's core being.
"Kid," he yelled with such fury as to not be dissobeyed. "Get everyone that you can out of here and save yourself. I don't know if I can save the building but the energy inside must be channeled into something else. At the least I will buy you time. Go, and thanks for the help earlier!"
Slowly he began the process of drawing the energy up into his blade and that which could not be used would be cast into space to dispearse harmlessly. One soul had to be saved, the soul he had originally come to claim back. Iveallis's essance faught against him still trying to regain his former control. This time however, its hold on the soul's all but destroyed, Drifter--The Sword of Souls would not be denied. As one by one the souls where either released to the heavans or became apart of the sword. He wondered just how much there was and just how much the essance would fight his call. Also, who's was the original soul that created this golem, moreover, who was the power that created it?
"Kid," he yelled with such fury as to not be dissobeyed. "Get everyone that you can out of here and save yourself. I don't know if I can save the building but the energy inside must be channeled into something else. At the least I will buy you time. Go, and thanks for the help earlier!"
Slowly he began the process of drawing the energy up into his blade and that which could not be used would be cast into space to dispearse harmlessly. One soul had to be saved, the soul he had originally come to claim back. Iveallis's essance faught against him still trying to regain his former control. This time however, its hold on the soul's all but destroyed, Drifter--The Sword of Souls would not be denied. As one by one the souls where either released to the heavans or became apart of the sword. He wondered just how much there was and just how much the essance would fight his call. Also, who's was the original soul that created this golem, moreover, who was the power that created it?