Group Uggg

Two times of beginning a poem, only to have it erased in fluke accidents from the bracelets I never remove. Both times more than 8 lines presented. I will try this again, my last time doing this. If it happens again, it wasn't meant to be.

No One Even

Silence fills the room, it echoes
I'm left alone with my thoughts
I close my eyes and inhale
Quietness of the room is deafening
Inactivity lingered since Saturday night
No sounds of life to give a boost
No chuckles of laughter from a call
Tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth
Notice never given of a missed visit
Looking on websites to pass time
Cleaning up became very dull so I stopped
I lay in bed very still awaiting change
I'm expected there today, unfortunately
My feelings have numbed away and I wait
Stuck in this spot on the empty bed
Broken promises never acknowledged
I want to cry, yet there are no tears
Mundane, my existence remains
Disrespectful attitudes await me there
Ungrateful responses tears my spirit

Will today be the day I find freedom
Will today be the day I find my wings to fly
Will today be the day I stop accepting less
When will what I receive match what I give
When will I be rescued from this madness
When will the atmosphere be filled with joy

I am desperately waiting in vain for a response
Access to hope has space and distance within it
Tiny speckles of hope remain within my heart
Love residing in my heart is slowly growing cold
I am diminishing and no one even notices
No one even

As I lay me down to sleep
I think of him whom I gave my heart to keep.

Well that's it really. :D Nothing more to say!
What filled my mind

Memories of what used to be fill my mind
Action figures and Barbies, Barbie camper and GI Joe truck, before inflation reduced sizes
Comic books and cartoons, fueling passions for drawing
Dreams of adventures and excursions yet to explore

I have stopped drawing
Interests in imaginations diminished
Possibilities of travel now left behind
The MegaMillion ticket has escaped me again

I never gambled, bought lottery tickets nor scratch offs. Now this is all I think of, winning big

How things change
When did life become so complicated

Time to start living on the present of what could be
Still wondering how this will happen, what am I to learn while here

I am not a winner, again
When will my star shimmer and shine

I'm ready for an escape
An adventure
A sign of life within
Rather small, yet it is there

Bursts of hope from special friends fill my mind

When will I shine so brightly
Filled with hopes and dreams again
That lottery ticket may not be worth holding my breath for.
I sit in my room my computer on
With access to everything known to man
I play a game of scouring a dungeon
My party of four doing everything they can

Next I'm a Merc freeing an opressed land
Fighting the soldiers, destroying their bases
Using their guns, grenades or what's on hand
A grapple and parachute to move around places

Lego is next, I think I'll play the star wars saga
You play through the films everything's made of bricks
You collect characters some easy some harder
All whilst fighting those empire pricks

So my computer can take me to all sorts of places
It's full of knowledge and real useful bits
But most of all these magical parts inside metal cases
Allow me to keep in touch with my friends and lit.
Hiya my friends!:rose:

look at all the activity in here while I was away!

I love that you all keep my thread alive even when I'm awol.

love you all:heart:

It's all good. I've just had a great Easter break, now i'm back at work but having a slow day. where have your travels been taking you? Never seem to be around for long?

It's all good. I've just had a great Easter break, now i'm back at work but having a slow day. where have your travels been taking you? Never seem to be around for long?


Wonderland is a fascinating place. They have manwhores and stalkers and scrubs...oh my! Lol
Wonderland is a fascinating place. They have manwhores and stalkers and scrubs...oh my! Lol

Hmmmn... lets break this down:

Pros- Manwhores

Cons- stalkers and scrubs.

Kay well wonderland is gonna have to come up with at least 1 more pro point or i'm not playin!;)

Hmmmn... let's break this down:

Pros- Manwhores

Cons- stalkers and scrubs.

Kay well wonderland is going to have to come up with at least one more pro point, or I'm not playing!;)

Lol, I have been working and taking some classes. Nothing exciting going on here.
Lol, I have been working and taking some classes. Nothing exciting going on here.

Just make it up then. :D Alien abduction. Political campaign. Tour of duty. Ancient ruins exploration. ;)

My god you're so adventurous!!:eek:

I've been sipping cocktails and laying around absorbing ultraviolet radiation. I tried a
pims cup last week. that was nice:) (theres my adventure for the week- a new cocktail):rolleyes:


I need touch
The feeling that gives goosebumbs when the right spot is manipulated. The teasing that comes when certain areas are tickled. How goosebumps feel as they begin to form as a result of...touch.

I have desires
Thoughts that manifest into dreams. Too powerful to even share. Writing them down would not give them justice. Only rejecting them into mere words. Words that devalue their explosive nature causing only to leave it's magnitude to only be a desire.

There are wants
Wants that has me up at 1 and 2am that has stirred up in me feelings. Cravings unexplored. That something within that makes a woman say mmmmmmmmm. What has captured me the most is the awesomeness of wonder. That sweet and savory taste of....wants.
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I need touch
The feeling that gives goosebumbs when the right spot is manipulated. The teasing that comes when certain areas are tickled. How goosebumps feel as they begin to form as a result of...touch.

I have desires
Thoughts that manifest into dreams. Too powerful to even share. Writing them down would not give them justice. Only rejecting them into mere words. Words that devalue their explosive nature causing only to leave it's magnitude to only be a desire.

There are wants
Wants that has me up at 1 and 2am that has stirred up in me feelings. Cravings unexplored. That something within that makes a woman say mmmmmmmmm. What has captured me the most is the awesomeness of wonder. That sweet and savory taste of....wants.

:heart:Love it!:heart:

I feel like a chat are you online?

Hiya Uggg! What's up coconut?

Have replied to your PM. Lol just for the record, where I live that term is used as a racial slur against Polynesians so it makes me feel kinda weird that you called me that.

I know you didn't mean it that way though because you're lovely.:) Just letting you know. ;)

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Have replied to your PM. Lol just for the record, where I live that term is used as a racial slur against Polynesians so it makes me feel kinda weird that you called me that.

I know you didn't mean it that way though because you're lovely.:) Just letting you know. ;)


Oh no! Never did I mean it in that way. It's a common thing I say. It rhymes with what's up. I will stop saying that immediately. Again, I apologize.

Well, I never would have known until I was informed here. Thank you so very much.
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Oh no! Never did I mean it in that way. It's a common thing I say. It rhymes with what's up. I will stop saying that immediately. Again, I apologize.

No need to apologize BCC, I know you too well to think you are the kind of person to use a term like that in a derogatory way,:) and I doubt there are that many Polynesians living over your side of the USA eh?

I was just letting you know, not telling you off:heart::heart:

No need to apologize BCC, I know you too well to think you are the kind of person to use a term like that in a derogatory way,:) and I doubt there are that many Polynesians living over your side of the USA eh?

I was just letting you know, not telling you off:heart::heart:

Im wondering how many polynesians care? As a man of Polynesian descent I call my boys cocnuts and spear-chukkas regularly....
Im wondering how many polynesians care? As a man of Polynesian descent I call my boys cocnuts and spear-chukkas regularly....

I guess it depends (like many such slurs) on whether or not you have ever had it directed at you with such malicious hostility that you've never forgotten the negative connotation.

I'm sure there are many Polynesian people who wouldn't be offended but there are some that are (some that are my good friends) so why risk hurting them.

BCC is my friend and I know that she would not want to accidentally hurt someones feelings so that's why I told her about the way that term is sometimes used.

Welcome to my thread, by the way, I don't believe we've met.

Do you write poems?

I guess it depends (like many such slurs) on whether or not you have ever had it directed at you with such malicious hostility that you've never forgotten the negative connotation.

I'm sure there are many Polynesian people who wouldn't be offended but there are some that are (some that are my good friends) so why risk hurting them.

BCC is my friend and I know that she would not want to accidentally hurt someones feelings so that's why I told her about the way that term is sometimes used.

Welcome to my thread, by the way, I don't believe we've met.

Do you write poems?


I used to write poems these days I spew horrendous spiels of politicized garbage, its truly sad, I dont really bother trying to sit and write these days its too painful to look at the end result

I think context makes things a lot softer than they would otherwise be without the spittle flecked lip curled derision most things that are attempted to upset people are spat out with.

See her greeting comes across as jovial, friendly and endearing, you've just politicised her greeting to a poi nt where she now has to conciously choke off her thoughts less they offend.

I dont mean to lecture but context makes a massive difference, having to constantly regulate yourself crushes spontenaiety and feom my perspective really breaks down the fundamental structure of joyus commujnication.

Constantly worrying about offending and being offended turns us inward and creates moral panic loops.

Just my 2cents
I used to write poems these days I spew horrendous spiels of politicized garbage, its truly sad, I dont really bother trying to sit and write these days its too painful to look at the end result

I think context makes things a lot softer than they would otherwise be without the spittle flecked lip curled derision most things that are attempted to upset people are spat out with.

See her greeting comes across as jovial, friendly and endearing, you've just politicised her greeting to a poi nt where she now has to conciously choke off her thoughts less they offend.

I dont mean to lecture but context makes a massive difference, having to constantly regulate yourself crushes spontenaiety and feom my perspective really breaks down the fundamental structure of joyus commujnication.

Constantly worrying about offending and being offended turns us inward and creates moral panic loops.

Just my 2cents

Maybe you're right and in truth I did think twice before I posted that message but I think that if I was in BCC's shoes I'd want to know if something I was saying could be taken the wrong way and potentially offend someone.

I agree with you regarding context but I prefer not to be ignorant.;)