Group Uggg

I'm not feeling particularly poetic right now, but they say a picture is worth a thousand words.

I heard (from someone... :eek: ) that Uggg's cat is a real dom...

Uggg and his dom cat. :cattail:



Lol! Thank you Adrina! I love it, My Cat Loves it too. Only now he demands that I also pay him tribute in art!! :eek: Food and snuggles are no longer enough!


Lol! Thank you Adrina! I love it, My Cat Loves it too. Only now he demands that I also pay him tribute in art!! :eek: Food and snuggles are no longer enough!



You're very welcome. :heart:

He's got his very own purrrrfect artistic representation. If he wants more, I recommend distraction with treats. :D
The song plays in the background as the sun shines on your face.
Your at peace as we drive down the road.
Your work hardened hand tapping on my window ceil to the beat.
I smile to myself as we share this momment in time knowing it is a memory I will hold dear no matter what time may bring.
Calm, clarity, joy, peace and just a little magic on the wind.
The song plays in the background as the sun shines on your face.
Your at peace as we drive down the road.
Your work hardened hand tapping on my window ceil to the beat.
I smile to myself as we share this momment in time knowing it is a memory I will hold dear no matter what time may bring.
Calm, clarity, joy, peace and just a little magic on the wind.

Hiya Misshotndeep,

Welcome and thank you for your words,

Did you change your mind about the raisins?

*offers raisins*

P.S. Your avatar might need some help? *looks around for some aloevera* ;)

No thank you again to the rasisens and I just rememered a happy moment in time. Thought I would share. And yes I know I suck at wrtting too. :eek:
No thank you again to the rasisens and I just rememered a happy moment in time. Thought I would share. And yes I know I suck at wrtting too. :eek:

Hey! No self criticism, only I'm allowed to do that in this thread:cool:. (I get extra powers becuase its got my name in ithe heading. They include: self criticism, self saucing and infinite raisin generation.)

Your words were nice and the moment sounds wonderful. I can picture it easily, I guess if you can convey a strong image complete with feelings in so few words you write well.

Anyways, you've put your mark on my page now, that makes you officially one of my friends. Yay!:D

I'll see ya around. You know where to find me.


No thread I made for poetry would be complete without a few words from the most inspiring poet ever.

He's long dead but I owe him a debt. Among many many wonderful words he said these in the 'Rime of the ancient mariner'( In my opinion the greatest poem ever written):

“The many men, so beautiful!
And they all dead did lie:
And a thousand thousand slimy things
Lived on; and so did I.”

“Her lips were red, her looks were free,
Her locks were yellow as gold:
Her skin was white as leprosy,
The Nightmare Life-in-Death was she,
Who thicks man's blood with cold.”

"He prayeth well, who loveth well
Both man and bird and beast.

He prayeth best, who loveth best
All things both great and small;
For the dear God who loveth us,
He made and loveth all.”

So if anyone asks who my favorite poet is tell them Samuel Taylor Coleridge. He wins hands down.


The Rime of the Ancient Mariner was included in the collection titled Lyrical Ballads published by Coleridge and William Wordsworth in 1798. Coleridge borrows the form of this poem from old, popular English ballads. Most stanzas have four-lines, called a "quatrain," and a rhyme scheme that goes ABCB, so the second and fourth lines of each stanza rhyme. Of course, not all of the stanzas have exactly four lines: Coleridge isn't willing to sacrifice meaning for form! I know poets on here who are like that!
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner was included in the collection titled Lyrical Ballads published by Coleridge and William Wordsworth in 1798. Coleridge borrows the form of this poem from old, popular English ballads. Most stanzas have four-lines, called a "quatrain," and a rhyme scheme that goes ABCB, so the second and fourth lines of each stanza rhyme. Of course, not all of the stanzas have exactly four lines: Coleridge isn't willing to sacrifice meaning for form! I know poets on here who are like that!

Yep, what Annie said! Coz I'm smart too! ;)

Lol, I'm not educated well enough to know stuff like that but I just know his words give me shivers:

...The white foam flew, the furrow followed free,

We were the first that ever burst into that silent sea...


I had a perfect poem
But time got in the way
When I hit enter to send
There was nothing there to say

Next time I will
either copy and paste
to save my self
some wasted haste..
I had a perfect poem
But time got in the way
When I hit enter to send
There was nothing there to say

Next time I will
either copy and paste
to save my self
some wasted haste..


You are really good at this, I'm not just blowing smoke up your... Ahem!

You should enter Annie's monthly challenge thingy!


You are really good at this, I'm not just blowing smoke up your... Ahem!

You should enter Annie's monthly challenge thingy!


Blowing smoke up my what? lol Thank you for the compliment! You're super for setting this thread up....I'm no poet, just like to write and I LOVE expression...
There is a ninety's alt rock band called the Butthole Surfers who had an album called Electriclarryland and on that album there was a song called pepper.

Here is the verse i like most:

"I don't mind the sun sometimes, the images it shows
I can taste you on my lips and smell you in my clothes
Cinnamon and sugary and softly spoken lies
You never know just how you look through other people's eyes"

I love the correlation between lyrics and poetry. So many wonderful musicians were also wonderful poets.

I love the correlation between lyrics and poetry. So many wonderful musicians were also wonderful poets.


I couldn’t agree more. Here’s “Mermaid Smiled”, by Andy Partridge of the band XTC:

From pools of xylophone clear
From caves of memory
I saw the children at heart
That we once used to be
Borne on foaming seahorse herd

Compose with trumpeting shell
From lines across their hands
A song as new as new moon
As old as all the sands
Shrank to stagnant from Atlantic wild
Lost that child 'til mermaid

Summoned by drum rolling surf
As laughing fish compel
The young boy woken in me
By clanging diving bell
Breakers pillow fight the shore

She wriggles free in the tide
I'm locked in adult land
Back in the mirror she slides
Waving with comb in hand
I was lucky to remain beguiled
Grown to child since mermaid

I love “Breakers pillow fight the shore”. Perfect!
Hey! No self criticism, only I'm allowed to do that in this thread:cool:. (I get extra powers becuase its got my name in ithe heading. They include: self criticism, self saucing and infinite raisin generation.)

Your words were nice and the moment sounds wonderful. I can picture it easily, I guess if you can convey a strong image complete with feelings in so few words you write well.

Anyways, you've put your mark on my page now, that makes you officially one of my friends. Yay!:D

I'll see ya around. You know where to find me.



I have not posted on here as a writer before. So many "professionals". Thank you for the kind words. Glad someone else can carry that memory besides me.
Heres one I posted on BDSM haiku page (Don't you just love lit, where else could you find a BDSM haiku page?).

I'd forgotten about it but I just revisited the page and saw it again. Still cracks me up so I'll post it again here;

Haiku limited
By the ball gag in my mouth
I'll speak with my eyes;)


Heres one I posted on BDSM haiku page (Don't you just love lit, where else could you find a BDSM haiku page?).

I'd forgotten about it but I just revisited the page and saw it again. Still cracks me up so I'll post it again here;

Haiku limited
By the ball gag in my mouth
I'll speak with my eyes;)



Very nice!
I have not posted on here as a writer before. So many "professionals". Thank you for the kind words. Glad someone else can carry that memory besides me.

Lol none of us old timers are 'professionals! I for one am crap at Haiku and Sonnets :)
Lol none of us old timers are 'professionals! I for one am crap at Haiku and Sonnets :)

Well Annie,

whether you're a professional or not your poems are impressive and the quantity and high ratings(so many fives:eek:) is very impressive.

I love "Being owned by a cat." Adrina and I were discussing just that ourselves yesterday. Did you see her picture?

Well Annie,

whether you're a professional or not your poems are impressive and the quantity and high ratings(so many fives:eek:) is very impressive.

I love "Being owned by a cat." Adrina and I were discussing just that ourselves yesterday. Did you see her picture?


Ohh! and "Riding the tiger" too!

':rose:to lie broken and satiated at his feet! :heart:' (I want to get bitten by the tiger too!)

:eek: I'm blushing;)

For my Husband

For over a year, we didn't love
We fought, disagreed and cried.
But then through all the despair
I learned there's something I haven't tried.

I learned to let go and really see
all he does and loves me so
From that moment on, our love has grown
We communicate and continue to grow.

For over a year now, things are better
I learned how to change, and really be me.
My husband and I are in love again
I'm in love with life and can finally be carefree.
Well Annie,

whether you're a professional or not your poems are impressive and the quantity and high ratings(so many fives:eek:) is very impressive.

I love "Being owned by a cat." Adrina and I were discussing just that ourselves yesterday. Did you see her picture?


Ohh! and "Riding the tiger" too!

':rose:to lie broken and satiated at his feet! :heart:' (I want to get bitten by the tiger too!)

:eek: I'm blushing;)


Thank you :) When I first came here I knew nothing about poetry (and I'm still learning) I thought all poetry rhymed and that was it. But I learned there are many forms and that poetry doesn't even have to rhyme. Actually I got told to knuckle down and stop rhyming everything! I went off in a hissy fit but I did come back thank goodness and learned from such people as Angeline, champagne, Guilty Pleasure and Tzara to name but a few and many more that are no longer with us, but their presence remains if you look through the old threads.
I hope you stay around (and your friends too) and are willing come out of your comfort zone and learn, there is so much more to be gained and enjoyed rather than just writing Ballads and rhyming everything.
I've done quite a few Teach Ins and they are to be found on This thread
Have fun wandering all the threads, that's where you'll find the great poets :rose:
Thank you :) When I first came here I knew nothing about poetry (and I'm still learning) I thought all poetry rhymed and that was it. But I learned there are many forms and that poetry doesn't even have to rhyme. Actually I got told to knuckle down and stop rhyming everything! I went off in a hissy fit but I did come back thank goodness and learned from such people as Angeline, champagne, Guilty Pleasure and Tzara to name but a few and many more that are no longer with us, but their presence remains if you look through the old threads.
I hope you stay around (and your friends too) and are willing come out of your comfort zone and learn, there is so much more to be gained and enjoyed rather than just writing Ballads and rhyming everything.
I've done quite a few Teach Ins and they are to be found on This thread
Have fun wandering all the threads, that's where you'll find the great poets :rose:

Oh, personal development, growth as an artist, creative expression? Sounds like work;) lol. Me- I'm just up for some fun. Maybe I'm staying in my comfort zone but that's ok I'm comfortable with that :D.

Not all of my poems rhyme ('Summer tree' didn't.) but there is something I like about rhyming words- all the poems that really speak to me, that give me shivers, rhyme.

Here are words that burnt there way into my mind through my eyes:

Not understood, we move along asunder;
Our paths grow wider as the seasons creep
Along the years; we marvel and we wonder
Why life is life, and then we fall asleep
Not understood.

Not understood, we gather false impressions
And hug them closer as the years go by;
Till virtues often seem to us transgressions;
And thus men rise and fall, and live and die
Not understood.

Not understood! Poor souls with stunted vision
Oft measure giants with their narrow gauge;
The poisoned shafts of falsehood and derision
Are oft impelled 'gainst those who mould the age,
Not understood.

Not understood! The secret springs of action
Which lie beneath the surface and the show,
Are disregarded; with self-satisfaction
We judge our neighbours, and they often go
Not understood.

Not understood! How trifles often change us!
The thoughtless sentence and the fancied slight
Destroy long years of friendship, and estrange us,
And on our souls there falls a freezing blight;
Not understood.

Not understood! How many breasts are aching
For lack of sympathy! Ah! day by day
How many cheerless, lonely hearts are breaking!
How many noble spirits pass away,
Not understood.

O God! that men would see a little clearer,
Or judge less harshly where they cannot see!
O God! that men would draw a little nearer
To one another, -- they'd be nearer Thee,
And understood.

-Thomas Braken

Each to their own but for me-
I :heart: rhyming words.

Last edited:
Oh, personal development, growth as an artist, creative expression? Sounds like work;) lol. Me- I'm just up for some fun. Maybe I'm staying in my comfort zone but that's ok I'm comfortable with that :D.

Not all of my poems rhyme ('Summer tree' didn't.) but there is something I like about rhyming words- all the poems that really speak to me, that give me shivers rhyme.

Here are words that burnt there way into my mind through my eyes:

Not understood, we move along asunder;
Our paths grow wider as the seasons creep
Along the years; we marvel and we wonder
Why life is life, and then we fall asleep
Not understood.

Not understood, we gather false impressions
And hug them closer as the years go by;
Till virtues often seem to us transgressions;
And thus men rise and fall, and live and die
Not understood.

Not understood! Poor souls with stunted vision
Oft measure giants with their narrow gauge;
The poisoned shafts of falsehood and derision
Are oft impelled 'gainst those who mould the age,
Not understood.

Not understood! The secret springs of action
Which lie beneath the surface and the show,
Are disregarded; with self-satisfaction
We judge our neighbours, and they often go
Not understood.

Not understood! How trifles often change us!
The thoughtless sentence and the fancied slight
Destroy long years of friendship, and estrange us,
And on our souls there falls a freezing blight;
Not understood.

Not understood! How many breasts are aching
For lack of sympathy! Ah! day by day
How many cheerless, lonely hearts are breaking!
How many noble spirits pass away,
Not understood.

O God! that men would see a little clearer,
Or judge less harshly where they cannot see!
O God! that men would draw a little nearer
To one another, -- they'd be nearer Thee,
And understood.

-Thomas Braken

Each to there own but for me-
I :heart: rhyming words.


Beautiful Poem!! Love the flow of it and the message as well.