Heartbeat Institute for the Evolutionally Advanced || OOC

:D Of course I'm kidding, I know despite all the hassles, a woman would rather have her right arm cut off than not be allowed to have a wedding. Must be something to do with the cake that comes at the end ;)
Okay so countess is good. Now I'm letting you know that at one point or another. Despite how she's taking the mystique figure and getting away unharmed. Hell is going to brand her to remind her never to mess with Pulse.

Oh just to make sure Hell doesn't seem like a compulsive evil lady here's the point. Hell despite her harsh punishment on students. She's a very loving person. Because she never had parents, besides her surrogate father Avalanche, she thinks of Heartbeat and Pulse as her own children. That's why she gets all protective when the countess or Victoir decide to attack.

Two The only time Brenden Cross, the Warden, ever becomes Crosswind the second remaining member of Pulse is when Hell can't handle the battle alone. (Victoir && Veleera) Or when he thinks Hell is going to unleesh an Apocalypse on the freaking world.

Finally There is Anukara, always known as Annihilation. A creature that was born in a world that in unknown to us. She only ever leaves the confines of Stroke when the Trio of Ancients is formed. That's the last few members joining together. So she basically doesn't come out for anything. She lets Brenden and Helen do everything.

Okay so about their powers. I'll throw out the secrets and stuff here (YOUR CHARACTERS DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THIS)

Helen Ting
What we Know: Hell is an original member of the pulse team, most noted as the founder. She is a pyrokinetic that can consume and control power at her will. Her true form is consumed by flames. She is also an Empath who can control and understand other's feelings. She is the only one of her kind.

What we Don't Know: Hell is the daughter of a fallen angel{just a human woman with wings on her back. I doubt she came from heaven} and a shadow shifter{both parents are evolutionally advanced}. Hell as a mortal was supposed to die on the twentieth second, of the twentieth minute, of the twentieth day, of the twentieth year of her life. [Weirdo prophecy told by a witch who was drinking the water that caligula pissed in (just kidding)] Okay well anyways her father the shadow shifter didn't really care, but her mother couldn't bear to watch her daughter die. So instead she struck a deal with the devil. In return for both her father's and mother's souls, Hell would live on, but be marked as the Underworld's property. Her parents souls were taken they died and Hell received the dark mark so to speak {No not the bullshit voldemort does with his wand} Not only is she an empath and a pyro, but she has the power to rip the souls from another persons body. When taken her true form hell is surrounded by flames with skelletal wings on her back. Her soul eating power cannot be manipulated or changed in any way considering it is not a genetic mutation (pretty creepy)

Brenden Cross
What we Do Know: Brenden Cross is the warden of Stroke Penitentiary. He has powers similar to those of superman and Hancock. There is only one weakness that two people in the world know. He is the last of his kind. He is known better as the superhero Crosswind

What we Don't Know Brenden's weakness is an authentic and original statue of Bastet. An Egyptian goddess. If this statue were to fall into anyone's possession Brenden would lose his immortality and powers. Thus making him vulnerable. The location of this statue is buried right underneath the Maximum Security cells. The statue is only harmful in the possession of another evolutionally advanced or born human. Brenden and Hell have a daughter. (we'll talk more about here later. She's about four years old. She isn't considered their kind because one her soul is safe and two she's a hybrid of her parents. Plus her powers haven't matured or she hasn't shown any signs of having them)

Anakura Minua [I think I spelled her name wrong when I first posted about her]
What we Know: Anakura was found when a comet crash landed somewhere in the pacific ocean. At the time Avalanche was working with the U.S. Navy and was sent to inspect the crash landing. When he did some kind of metallic material began to gather on his body. He noticed it was moving and alive. So he brought the material back to Heartbeat for his adopted daughter hell to check out. It was later that the material began to take shapes of different animals and insects. All were female. Finally the material took in the form of Helen. They put the female in the simulation room and and found she could control elements. The only words that ever came out of the creatures mouth was Anakura Minua. Therefore we called her that. Annihilation is the name of

What we don't know Annihilation was born on a planet far from our galaxy. She was sent to our planet to ask for our help in a war between planets. Though by the time annihilation reached Earth, Anakura Minua, the planet Annihilation lived on, was destroyed. Annihilation is really Katera Sorai the princess of Anakura. For some reason she cannot communicate with us.

Illeriya Aurel Cross
What we don't know at all Illeriya is the four year old daughter of Brenden Cross and Helen Ting. The location of the child is unknown. Little Illeriya has shown no signs of genetic mutation, but like most children won't show until puberty. Though she has shown signs of intelligence beyond her age. The child was sent to live with an unknown evolutional, but is said to be quite close to Helen and Cross. Though some speculation is that Illeriya lives with her mother in the manor right outside of heartbeat and is the reason for the strict visitation to her home. (At some point or another I'm going to bring a very sick and twisted pull to the plot...not really sick, but it's a shocker lol)
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Name: Alex Dordon
Aka: Bloodstream.
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Institution Role: Infirmary Trainee (Hope thats ok)
Powers: She can manipulate blood. Cause Clots ect ect.
History: Matt's childhood friend, also from england, he recently broke up with her.

Does Matt need to go to Stroke and help? If so, how will he know he has to?
So far no issue of attack has been set out. If Stroke is being attacked then there's a certain procedure. Hell, Crosswind and annihilation will hold down Stroke. Arctic and the other pulse members will hold down Heartbeat. NPC is approved by the way :)

John Meyers
Just a normal human. We all know John from Hellboy. Well anyhow. John works with Hell as her assisstant, but is also vital to the pulse team. He operates with the communication and the decoys. There are simulations that can be cast outside the school parameters and that's what John does. He uses the simulations to create live obstacles for anyone trying to infiltrate Heartbeat. He also is known for having a thing for Hell.

Lloyd Berowitz - Arctic
Lloyd is Hell's technically step brother. Avalanche is her adoptive father so to speak. Knowing hell all his life has given him quite a lot of training. Not to mention a very distinct scar on his back. Lloyd is one of the few people that know about his niece Illeriya. His powers consist of freezing things at will and also creating gusts of wind to simulate a blizzard. He the highest ranked pulse student and is serving his Senior year at heartbeat.
Ok, I don't mind you marking Countess, depending on where her character goes... you might want to burn her face

(there seems to be a scarring issue following me around, since yesterday, all my characters except for the nightcrawler in the srp have a scar... one even gave one)
I was thinking of branding her face. That was my initial plan from the very beginning.

Perfect punishment for a beautiful villain. The beautiful ones usually get the worst. It's ironic because Elizabeth Bathory according to the movie Stay Alive. Couldn't bear to get old. Now I'm sure branding her face will make her really pissed
I was wondering...at the beginning you said people could either be a hero or a villain...is there any in betweens? 'cause i would enjoy playing as a sort of character who is yet to decide whether he is clear cut good or evil.
That's fine with me. Though if he is attending heartbeat choosing evil could get him into a lot of trouble. So perhaps fleeing the premises to join Victoir? If you decide to turn evil then PM me I have something for you to do. But besides that, it's fine.

Name: Jack Versatile

Alter Ego: None

Alias: Sabotage

Age: 30

Institute Rank: NAFL*

Description: Jack is always dressed in black ninja styled clothes covering his body, and a black mask covering his face, up close the mask makes him resemble a rat. He never takes off the mask, there is a widespread theory claiming that his face has completely burned, and that is why he hides it

Powers & Abilities:

1.Bomb summoning: he can create bomb materials from thin air, the complexity of the device is directly related to the time it takes for him to summon, something simple like a grenade about to explode he can make appear instantly.

2. Immunity to his own bombs, the ones he summons, not other explosives, even if so he has burned himself so many times training that he is quite resistant to fire.

3. Somewhat of a security expert, his knowledge is limited in comparison to someone that knows everything about the devices, but he has a keen talent to determine which part he needs to blow up to get in, which part to get out, and which to make the security system goes down. He also knows how to weaken building structures to make them fall.

History: As a kid he loved to use fireworks, as he grew older he moved on to bigger explosives. Having a terrible life and beated up as a kid he grew angry, and he sought to make a name for himself. He claims he can get inside anywhere even if that means blowing up half of the place he is trying to get in. He is completely insane and loves nothing more than everything involving a bomb explode, specially if there are people in the area of explosion.

His rivalry with Mack, comes not only from the completely opposite methods they use to get inside a heavily secured place, but as well for each others need to prove they are the best at it, this rivalry made them get into fights in the past, nearing more than once lethal results.
The two met while working in a team arranged by Countess, even if in theory it was led by a criminal that later ended up dead. It is said that what was a professional rivalry turned into utter hate thanks to Countess’ manipulations, but there is no verifiable information on that.

*NAFL: Not Alive For Long
I was thinking of him being neutral, but maybe edging towards good eventually
Alright then, i'll post my character sheet in a bit then, ok?
Okay no rush. I'll be away most of today. Due to my... parent in-laws and parents. So it'll be a while before I post back on everything :)
Name : Raiden Winters

Alias : The Avatar

Age : 19

Institute Rank : Other, random evolutionary advanced person with no tendencies towards good or evil.

Description : Raiden is 5’10” medium long black hair and bright blue eyes, he is of quite a light build and isn’t very strong.

Powers & Abilities : Raiden is able to manipulate the light around him and bend it to his will, meaning he can make himself invisible to the naked eye.
He is also able to control the air around him, making small hurricanes and such, he can also use this ability to fly.

History : He was born into a family of “advanced humans” as some liked to call his kind, his father was a super villain who delighted in making people suffer, he made Raiden’s life a living hell and constantly beat him to try to make him stronger. His mother was a super hero who had been killed by his father after she had given birth to him. His uncle on his father’s side rescued Raiden when he was fifteen and taught him about his powers and how to control them, he too was killed by his father and Raiden barely escaped with his life.
Raiden is now looking for his long-lost half sister from his mother’s side and thinks she is staying at some center for “evolutionally advanced humans.”

Well, there ya go, pretty long, i know =P
Okay good to go.

I suggest you read over the first few posts in the IC just so you don't get lost. Right now you along with all the rest of the students [And Armel] are inside the auditorium because of a Basilisk alert.

Try and escape and your character might get killed. Lol so please follow the plotline. Anyways you can use this as a means to try and find your sister in the auditorium.
Yeh, i've read up until around halfway through page 2, armel had his finger cut off, pulse team meeting, etc.

Do i have to be inside the school during the alert?
There is one small complaint towards what you posted in the IC Infalk. One any attacks within the auditorium had to be cleared with me. Two your not following the post. There is no occurence of any villains busting in anywhere. You haven't cleared any villains by me. CountV, nickeldelight and NiteCrowe have all cleared other NPC's by my book. CountV has been working especially hard to make sure that all his villains are acceptible.

The only villain I remember saying busting into the audit. was Veleera and no walls were damaged. She's not a damaging villain like sabotage. She's a mental type of bitch. Anyways I don't mind it completely, but I decided to bring it up because using your powers inside that auditorium endangers all the Students and Hell has a team to do this kind of thing.

Oh and speaking of which it wasn't exactly a smart move. Considering Hell or somebody else would identify him as no one belonging to Heartbeat. He'll be marked as an endangerment to the students and placed in Stroke or he'll deal with having to talk with the Trio. That was just a heads up. Couldn't Pm you so I couldn't be more discreet.
Ah, sorry, i got a bit confused as in a few posts it said that there were students running around everywhere and the countess said that she had brought a few people with her, i thought that they had gotten into the auditorium.
should i edit my post to say something about him looking around and taking note of people?

(The second post i made was a mistake, my browser said that the page couldn't load, so i tried refreshing and it brought up two copies of my text, so i changed it to him sitting on a bench as i have no idea how to delete posts as of yet, unfortunately)

Sorry once again
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The double posting thing i can understand. It's a common error and glitch. As for deleting posts you can't.

That's fine by me. Just edit it so that it follows through with whatever was planned. Thank you
Right, it's changed now, I'll try to pay more attention from now on =/
Yo Infalk....I just had an idea...What if your sister was Dorden, my only current NPC. it would be fun, as it would get your character more involved, and also create tension, between our 2 chars...