Help me find a word

Where are you? Terms will be regional. Brits have never said 'buzzed' - it's a dead giveaway that a fanfic purporting to be British isn't.

Londoners would likely say tipsy, or a bit wasted, fucked, out of it, off their tits, pissed, shitfaced, faced, smashed, plastered. Apart from tipsy, pissed and plastered, all those could describe the effects of any drug.
Buzzed is still widely used as far as I know.

Ive picked up on a few newer slang terms recently like "faded", "sloshed", "lost in the sauce", "borked", etc.

It seems younger people (gen Z?) enjoys the use of post-irony silly language. Like stuff that sounds un-cool but they actually appreciate it because it's earnest or absurd.
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Unfortunately I'm looking for current slang, which is by nature too new and probably ephemeral to appear in any online resource except Urban Dictionary -- UD is a good resource but it hasn't been helpful in this instance.
I have adult kids in the 20-25 range. The word is still buzzed. You can also use tipsy. But all of my kids use "buzzed" or "a good buzz" to describe the feeling of mildly intoxicated, the point where you're feeling good but still in control, relaxed but not sloppy. My opinion on your disgusted 20yo critic is that they're entirely cooler in their own mind than they are in reality.
When I was young, back in the mid-1600s, the term for having imbibed enough alcohol to be loose and having fun but not enough to be drunk was "buzzed." I was recently informed by a disgusted 20 year old that nobody says buzzed anymore, but i was not told what the current slang for that state is. Can anyone help?
Just checked with my two college age sons. Buzzed is still the word.
Thanks for the input everyone! I'm glad to find out I am marginally less out of touch than I assumed. šŸ˜
When I was young, back in the mid-1600s, the term for having imbibed enough alcohol to be loose and having fun but not enough to be drunk was "buzzed." I was recently informed by a disgusted 20 year old that nobody says buzzed anymore, but i was not told what the current slang for that state is. Can anyone help?
The kids are saying, in order:
  1. Schwangled.
  2. Fribbledygibbed.
  3. Tabled.
  5. Whanged.
  6. Schtupped.
  7. Shwifty.
  8. Gurbledy-gurbled.
  9. Blued.
  10. Huzzah'd.
  11. Mowed.
  12. Scha-WING'D.
  13. Fizzzzzz-POPP'D!
  14. Ikki-ikki-ikki-ikki-F'TANG-f'tang'ed!
Hope that helps.

Did I do my research? Oh yes. Seconds and seconds of research went into this.
Someone pour me up a double shot of whiskey
They know me and Jack Daniels got a history
There's a party downtown near Fifth Street
Everybody at the bar gettin' tipsy
If you're hanging out with the British aristocracy, then you are "inebriated", "tight" or - if really drunk - completely "blotto". Possibly even "mullered", and I've heard "squiffy" at least once from a guy that also called people "old sport". šŸ˜…