Help! Secret Erotica Writer's Dilemma

This is extraordinarily difficult for me, but the time has come to reveal all....

I am actually John Ashcroft, Attorney General of the United States of America.

Whew. I feel much better now.
Coolville, with your position and influence, can you do something about lowering the minimum age in literotica from 18?
boy, we sure get asked some personal questions on eh ;)

i too am a closet erotic writer. maybe time will change things, we'll see.
My wife has been typing(and proof reading) my jerk-off stories since the mid 1950s. I suspect that our daughter and the youngest son may have figured it out( he is now a grandfather).

Others have not been told of my writing, but a few may have suspitions.

My wife just recently posted a story of her own, and is working on part 2.
coming out

I just wrote my first erotic story. I hope to see it posted soon (I had to send it in by e-mail.) Like any proud mom, I wanted to show it off. As it was my boyfriend's idea that I write "porn" (I prefer to call it erotic literature), it made sense to share it with him. Though he did admit (over the phone) to having certain physical responses upon reading my work, the only other thing he said about it was that it was "cute". CUTE??

I also, with some trepidation, shared my story with my sister, who read the manuscript silently as we sat in a resteraunt at lunch. Part way through she looked up and said,"You're sick!" But she finished entirely, praised my writing skills, and proceeded to give me advice on the main character and certain scenes in the story, "Maybe you should have him come on her breasts!" (advice I followed). She also commented that she could not understand why my ex ever divorced me. Unbalanced priorities, I suspect.

Now I'm planning to send it to my daughter at college (she's a very talented writer). We have a very good mother/daughter/friend relationship.

Other friends and family? I doubt seriously: I am a church-going school teacher, after all! But I do wish there was a way for my ex to see it, without my giving it to him. ;)
How Do I Start?

Hi Guys and Gurlz,
I've written a couple of short erotic stories. A silly questiono n this thread, but how does one go about publishing on Lit? :)
Re: How Do I Start?

Don K Dyck said:
Hi Guys and Gurlz,
I've written a couple of short erotic stories. A silly questiono n this thread, but how does one go about publishing on Lit? :)

Start here:

That's the login link from the story index page (at the bottom of each BB page) and it uses the same name and password as the BB if you're not cookied to automatically login.

On the left side of the page tthat takes you to is a section titled "sumissions" where you can submit stories and check their stats once the're posted.
This is interesting! I've been becoming more and more comfortable with writing porn, but I'm still not all the way "there", yet. Most people I know and meet I let them in on it. The reaction I get mostly is interest, followed by a "knowing" look. That's fine with me! Also, if anyone looks at my web page, my "secret" is out! There are a certain few I simply cannot tell. My mother being one. I honest don't have a clue as to how I was possibly conceived - she thinks anything pertaining to S - E - X is B - A - D! So, no, she doesn't know - and hopefully never will. I have a few friends who are very religious and would not see this type of writing as recreational or creative. So, I don't share it with them.

As far as "using" people, yes I have. But it depends. If it is some one I don't think I could ask, I will take bits of their personality that inspires me, or some of the way they look and use that. But unless they were super sensitive, they would never know. In other situations, I tell people they have inspired me, and ask if they might be upset. The only "negative" reaction was the guy I modeled my Gay Male story on. He didn't mind me "using" him, just didn't care for the other guy! But he liked the final outcome, so it was cool. (And he is completely straight, so I really admired him for being a "sport" about it!)

I've found most people are flattered if I use them in a story. Normally, they ask that I write the character so that no one else could possibly know it is them, but they are flattered. And I always share the story with them before I submit it. That way, if they find something objectionable, I can edit or rewrite it.
It seems to me that even if you base a character on an actual person, once you start writing stories around him/her and running him, i.e., placing him in a situation where he does this or that, with this or that person, he immediately stops being the person upon whom you based him, and starts to metamorphose into someone else.

Gosh, Chele, our circumstances are so similar!
Slick, I agree.

I may just be kidding myself, but I think that even when there's a lot of myslef in a character, it doen't actually mean that the charcter IS me. I think we've all got enough imagination to create brand new charcacters. But I guess we all base them on people we know. But try telling your other half that the fiction you just wrote about a man cheating on his wife is neither wish-fulfillment nor fact. I mean, come ON... I just tell her: It's based on two COMPLETELY different people.. I mean the charcter is called Jay, and I'm called Joe, she's 37, you're 39... ;)
Sub Joe said:
Slick, I agree.

I may just be kidding myself, but I think that even when there's a lot of myslef in a character, it doen't actually mean that the charcter IS me. I think we've all got enough imagination to create brand new charcacters. But I guess we all base them on people we know. But try telling your other half that the fiction you just wrote about a man cheating on his wife is neither wish-fulfillment nor fact. I mean, come ON... I just tell her: It's based on two COMPLETELY different people.. I mean the charcter is called Jay, and I'm called Joe, she's 37, you're 39... ;)

Actually, I can see your point here. A few years ago, if my SO were to write an erotic story about a man cheating on his SO, I would have been very hurt and upset. Even if the details weren't like us! Now, I'd be willing to look at it and proof it for him!

I do put quite a bit of me into my stories. Have to, it's the only person I know inside and out. But just because I write a story about a gang bang doesn't necessarily mean that's what I want. Part it might be my own fantasy, part is just the curiousity of living out a scenario, and part of it is stretching myself. I could view an SO doing the same thing - now.

Some people just aren't ready for this sort of thing. That can be a shame, because normally, I only use people who I like or who I find intriguing to gain inspiration from. Too bad others don't always see it that way. But then, neither did I a few years back.

BTW, Joe, is that you in your AV? If so, I must say that you are one fine looking guy!
As you can see by the lack of Nom-de-Plume I am OUT. I also belong to an arts group - poets, writers, painters, potters even a tapestry worker and some actors. When they wanted to elect me Treasurer I thought I would disbar myself by telling them about my erotic writing - I also write plays and am working on a novel.

Anyway when I told them they all began to look down their noses, then someone asked if I knew how large my readership was - when I said approaching a quarter of a million the attitude changed as eyes went green with envy. I have also been asked to do a workshop on erotic writing for the group.

From my own life experience I know that secrets and lies have a way of getting out - being OUT is preferable to being paranoid about being found out.

jon :devil: :devil:
jon.hayworth said:
...then someone asked if I knew how large my readership was - when I said approaching a quarter of a million the attitude changed as eyes went green with envy. I have also been asked to do a workshop on erotic writing for the group....


I guess readership is very important to authors, isn't it?
we write in the hope of being read.
seeing the number of views is always a kick for me - even when you subtract the number of back clicks and all that.

I make a living as a writer so I enjoy keeping myself anonymous and not telling a soul. I know that everything else I publish is read by X number of people and they know who I am.

Writing for Lit. is liberating. I wouldn't have a problem 'outing' myself if need be, but for now I enjoy my secret life. Especially when I know that I have a readership and get feedback all the time.

a nice feeling.
Literotica is Opportunity . . .

jon.hayworth said:
As you can see by the lack of Nom-de-Plume I am OUT. I also belong to an arts group - poets, writers, painters, potters even a tapestry worker and some actors. When they wanted to elect me Treasurer I thought I would disbar myself by telling them about my erotic writing - I also write plays and am working on a novel.

Anyway when I told them they all began to look down their noses, then someone asked if I knew how large my readership was - when I said approaching a quarter of a million the attitude changed as eyes went green with envy. I have also been asked to do a workshop on erotic writing for the group.

From my own life experience I know that secrets and lies have a way of getting out - being OUT is preferable to being paranoid about being found out.

jon :devil: :devil:

That's a great story, Jon. The market determines the value of every commodity, and if you have a large readership, then the next thing that is required is a large paycheck for your efforts. The erotica market is huge, what we need to know now is how to crack it. :)
It's a difficult decision to make, isn't it?

My wife is quite happy to proof read my stories, and is very supportive. But that is the limit of her interest in erotica.
I enjoy all the feedback on my stories, but I confess that it's slightly frustrating that only two people know what I do for a hobby.

Thankfully my marriage is sound! I can just imagine the tabloid headlines following the divorce. Senior manager writes dirty stories etc etc.....

The authors and readers on this site are very kind and supportive though, and to some degree offset any lack of direct feedback.

If any of my children found out, I think I'd go and live in a cave.
jon.hayworth said:
Anyway when I told them they all began to look down their noses, then someone asked if I knew how large my readership was - when I said approaching a quarter of a million the attitude changed as eyes went green with envy.

...i wondered where they all went. fancy sharing some jon? ;)
*making note to go take a deep breath and count her readership*