Ho Ho Ho! It's the Literotica Holiday Season Contest!!

Re: Merry Christmas

Bad Miss Emma said:
Hi there! Well, does a 'winter' holiday compeition exclude those of us in places like Australia where it is Fuck*n hot and steamy during Christmas? :confused:
This is way off the original topic, but I just had to
comment on this weirdness in the English language.
I wrote an e-friend who lives in S. Africa: "Do you people
in the Southern hemisphere call the cold season 'winter' or
the season which includes Christmas 'winter.'"
The answer seems to be that the convention doesn't hold
across the entire Southern Hemisphere. The South Africans
seem to call the season which includes Christmas 'winter.'
Aussies seem to call the cold season 'winter.'
England, where the language started, of course has
Christmas during the cold season.
Hi Laurel.

There really is a very simple answer. There's no such thing as a winter holiday world wide but there is a Christmas season.

The majority of the world's population enjoys the crispness of snow, frosts, fogs and temperatures so cold your nostrils stick together when you breathe. Well, you can have my share of that, been there and done it.

Those of us South of the equator put up with , high heat, flys, dust storms, drought, dying stock, bunyips, hoopsnakes, white pointers, killer kangaroos and the very deadly New Zealand whinger.

So next year stop being politically correct. Advertise the competition as a Christmas Story and less of the Winter Holiday crap. We've got to the stage here where shopping centres and schools fear to display Santa because it might offend the ethnic minority.

Regardless of background, ethnic or religious, Santa is for children
and they love him (not her). The bloody femanists are trying to take that one over as well.

For God's sake, (Who ever your God may be) let the magic of Christmas come into the lives of our children with the very simple message, "Peace on earth, goodwill to all men, (Kiwi's as well.)

Santa is mythical and magic, he trancends religion even though
he was born of the Christian community. I'm willing to share him with the children and adults of this world in the hope of a happier and safer place to live in.

May your God bless you and LONG LIVE SANTA.

Luv you all.

Forgot to mention it before.

I love being described as a virgin. Any offers girls?

Seriously, we all celebrate Christmas in different ways - up here, we start 4 weeks before Christmas, by litting candles and counting down the weeks and days that are left before the big night. We have the Queen of Light-festival on the 13th, and we rejoice at the 20th when time changes and the days slowly start to get brighter again. (Hey, when you live in a place where winter lasts 9 months, you develop a certain worship for everything that envolves light and sunshine!:cool: )

I understand that the stories for this contest shouldn't just be set in winter time, but in Christmas-time. Now, my questions is:

Am I allowed to write a story taking place 2 weeks before Christmas itself, like, say, a couple preparing for Christmas, wrapping up presents, etc, and then they end up unwrapping each other..?
Or does the story have to take place on Christmas?
I'm trying to write something taken directly from the title of Laurel's post.

"Kandi Kane, the Sticky Ho!" :eek:

She spends the holiday with two other Ho's ... and that's where I run into trouble.

Like Chico, I don't believe in no Sanity Clause. :(
Zorroscamp said:
So next year stop being politically correct. Advertise the competition as a Christmas Story and less of the Winter Holiday crap. We've got to the stage here where shopping centres and schools fear to display Santa because it might offend the ethnic minority.

I appreciate your post, and great to see you on the board! However, I don't call it a Holiday Contest our of fear of offending an "ethnic minority". I do it out of a respect for others, and an acknowledgement that not everyone has to think like me.

The plain fact is that the vast majority of people on earth do NOT celebrate Christmas. Literotica is worldwide. We get letters & story submissions from people in Asia, Australia, South America, etc.

I don't think acknowledging the celebrations of cultures other than ours does anything to diminish Christmas. I do think that insisting on ignoring the fact that the majority of the planet is NOT Christmas and insisting on marginalizing or ignoring their beliefs is not a very "Christian" way to be.

Just my two cents. You have a Merry Christmas, and everyone else have a wonderful Holiday Season - however you celebrate it. :)
Quick note: The Holiday Contest page is updated by hand, not by script. Therefore, it may take up to 24 hours for your story to be shown there. If your story is approved but doesn't show up on the contest page after 24 hours, please PM me. I'll try to get them up as quickly as possible. I'm having a blast reading the submissions!!

Svenskaflicka - I doesn't have to take place on any day. It can include any winter-ish holiday theme, all the way up to New Years. Hope this helps!
Laurel: I don't suppose you can tell me what other holiday contests there are in a year. I've not been on here for a year, so I don't know. I missed the Halloween through sheer ignorance of it until it'd passed and I'm probably going to miss the Christmas one, simply because I won't finish my story in time (despite starting it before you made the announcement). I'm a very inconsistent writer and stories can take a day or 5 months. So could you say what hte next one will be, so I can prepare. :D

The Earl

What about a Xmas poem? Can it be submitted for the contest? I noticed there isn't an option in any of the holiday contests for poems so I just felt the need to ask.
The plain fact is that the vast majority of people on earth do NOT celebrate Christmas. Literotica is worldwide. We get letters & story submissions from people in Asia, Australia, South America, etc.

I think the international character of Literotica is cool. It's interesting to see the influence people's cultures have on the stuff that they write.
Laurel said:

The plain fact is that the vast majority of people on earth do NOT celebrate Christmas. Literotica is worldwide. We get letters & story submissions from people in Asia, Australia, South America, etc.

I couldn't agree more. Thanks for including everyone.

PS - Mary wasn't a virgin, just too scared to tell her parents, some old guy knocked her up!! hehehe :heart: :) :devil:
Re: Question.

Master_Vassago said:
What about a Xmas poem? Can it be submitted for the contest? I noticed there isn't an option in any of the holiday contests for poems so I just felt the need to ask.

Poetry contests would be very cool. However, at this point in time, poems on Literotica simply don't get enough views & votes to make for a fair contest. If this changes, we'll definitely consider having poetry contests in the future.

I do know that many poets would stage contests of their own, in which they'd submit the poems to Lit then make a poll in the Poetry Hangout and have the other poets pick the winners.

TheEarl said:
Laurel: I don't suppose you can tell me what other holiday contests there are in a year. I've not been on here for a year, so I don't know. I missed the Halloween through sheer ignorance of it until it'd passed and I'm probably going to miss the Christmas one, simply because I won't finish my story in time (despite starting it before you made the announcement). I'm a very inconsistent writer and stories can take a day or 5 months. So could you say what hte next one will be, so I can prepare. :D

Good question! So far, we've only ever had Winter Holiday, Valentine's Day, and Halloween contests. I'd like to have a few more contests spread out over the year, but it's tough finding holidays that the whole world celebrates. I'm going to go through the calendar and make a list of holiday contests for this year. Once that's done, I'll post it here so everyone knows when the contests are coming. Thanks for the heads up. :)
Ramadan and Eid-e-Fetr, anyone? We've got a guy from Pakistan who sends in pretty hot stuff. 'Course, none of the characters in his stories ever stop doing each other to notice what time of the year it is... ;)

However, at this point in time, poems on Literotica simply don't get enough views & votes to make for a fair contest.

Poetry anywhere doesn't get enough views and votes. Don Marquis once said that publishing a book of poetry was like dropping a feather into the Grand Canyon and waiting to hear the echo.
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SlickTony said:
Ramadan and Eid-e-Fetr, anyone? We've got a guy from Pakistan who sends in pretty hot stuff. 'Course, none of the characters in his stories ever stop doing each other to notice what time of the year it is... ;)

Actually, you're not supposed to have sex during Ramadan.
But I guess it all depends on just how religious you are. I've been with all grades of religious muslim guys. One didn't even know how to spell Ramadan, another wouldn't even let me kiss him while he was fasting.
Inspiration for Laurel

These are the Swedish holidays:

January - New Year's Eve, 20th Day(20 days after Christmas, we through out the Christmas tree and have parties for the kids)

February - Valentine's Day, Fat Tuesday(when we eat cream-filled buns called Semlor)


April - Easter

May - 1st of May (Workers' Day - this IS a socialistic country, ya know...), Ascension Day

June - 6/6(national holiday - usually only celebrated by the royal family, schools, and nazis), Whitsuntide, Midsummer (24/6, when we dress a cross in leaves and flowers, dance around it and celebrate the summer. Used to be a fertility holiday in the ancient days.)




October - Halloween

November - All Saint's Day, Advent 1 (first of 4-week long count-down for Christmas.)

December - Advent 2-4, Lucia, Christmas.

Since the summer is pretty holiday-less, and Easter is NO fun to write about, how about a Midsummer Contest???:rose:
Inspiration for Laurel

Originally posted by Svenskaflicka
... Since the summer is pretty holiday-less, and Easter is NO fun to write about, how about a Midsummer Contest???:rose:

A Midsummer Night's Contest where mistaken identities and various kinds of confusion lead to strange pairings. :eek: :cool: :D
In the time of the Vikings, Midsummer was a time for sacrifices and extreme fertility rituals. Orgies were a must.
I thought that the no-sex-during-Ramadan was like the eating and drinking, once it was sundown you could do it.

Of all the Muslims I was with, the one I loved most dearly was also the most devout: he would not kiss me if I had recently eaten a ham sandwich.
SlickTony said:
...Of all the Muslims I was with, the one I loved most dearly was also the most devout: he would not kiss me if I had recently eaten a ham sandwich.
A girl I used to go out with wouldn't sleep with me if I had eaten pork and beans, but I don't know what religion she was. :(

We'll be closing submissions to the Holiday contest tomorrow night at midnight.

That is, any story submitted before 12 midnight tomorrow will be eligible for the contest. It will take us a couple of days after that to get all the holiday stories posted, but even if they aren't posted on Sunday, they're still eligible so long as they are submitted before midnight on the 15th.

To be clear: If your story is submitted before midnight tomorrow (the 15th), don't worry. Your story is eligible. It may take a couple of days to get it online, but it will still count toward the contest so long as you have submitted it before midnight on the 15th.

Hope this makes sense. :)
Just when I thought I had time to think about my story... OK, now I know what I'll be doing tonight...
Svenskaflicka said:
Just when I thought I had time to think about my story... OK, now I know what I'll be doing tonight...

The same thing I will be doing, only better?


Damn, I need to narrow down the field of story ideas and get cracking!
Great contest- I love reading others works- it helps me w/ mine! But I have a big question. I've had several stories kicked back- 1 came back 3 times. I've checked the length, all the spelling is correct, and all rules of punctuation observed. So I don't know what's wrong. Yet I have read several contest stories where the spelling is bad, and there isn't a comma to be found. Nor paragraph breaks. What do I do to fix this? I'm gonna keep writing... I love having my work critiqued! It makes me a stronger writer. But I'd sure like to get my stuff up there to be critiqued! If anyone has any ideas, please let me know!! Thanks, and a VERY happy Holiday to everyone!:confused:
MissTaken said:
The same thing I will be doing, only better?


Damn, I need to narrow down the field of story ideas and get cracking!

I can only hope and prey... aw, shit, I'm an atheist! :(