How do we shift power from the White House back to Congress?

When Trump tells people that they won't have to vote again, when he tells the world that he wants to overturn the Constitution (and has already made moves to do that), when he is telling everyone that he is disregarding Federal Judges, it's going to be tough.

Especially when President Musk has gleefully told the world that he interfered with the 2024 election.
Especially when:
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency has frozen all of its election security work and is reviewing everything it has done to help state and local officials secure their elections for the past eight years, WIRED has learned. The move represents the first major example of the country’s cyber defense agency accommodating President Donald Trump’s false claims of election fraud and online censorship.
In a memo sent Friday to all CISA employees and obtained by WIRED, CISA’s acting director, Bridget Bean, said she was ordering “a review and assessment” of every position at the agency related to election security and countering mis- and disinformation, “as well as every election security and [mis-, dis-, and malinformation] product, activity, service, and program that has been carried out” since the federal government designated election systems as critical infrastructure in 2017.
“CISA will pause all elections security activities until the completion of this review,” Bean added. The agency is also cutting off funding for these activities at the Elections Infrastructure Information Sharing & Analysis Center, a group funded by the Department of Homeland Security that has served as a coordinating body for the elections community.
The Law of Unintended Consequences strikes yet again.

The Leftist Deep State wanted left wing Presidents to be able to wield power with the stroke of a pen. They worked to achieve this. Now that Trump is President, suddenly its time to change this. Funny how that works. LOL
trump's napoleonic dreamings:

The president — whose efforts to gut federal funding, fire thousands of aid workers and unilaterally redefine the 14th Amendment were blocked in federal courts across the country in recent days — invoked a quote often attributed to Napoleon, who justified his despotic regime as the will of the people of France.

The quote from a president with his own imperial ambitions appeared to come from the 1970 film Waterloo, in which Steiger’s Napoleon states that he “did not ‘usurp’ the crown.”

“I found it in the gutter, and I picked it up with my sword, and it was the people … who put it on my head,” he says. “He who saves a nation violates no law.”

his naked ambitions wear an invisible emperor's cloak
not that we didn't know this already
When Trump tells people that they won't have to vote again, when he tells the world that he wants to overturn the Constitution (and has already made moves to do that), when he is telling everyone that he is disregarding Federal Judges, it's going to be tough.

Especially when President Musk has gleefully told the world that he interfered with the 2024 election.
Especially when:
This from the people who like to pretend 1A, 2A, 4A and 10A aren't really things they have to give any fucks about and think losing an election is fascism......LOL
To the extent America has a Deep State, it is anything but leftist.
Then why do they push leftist ideals and values?

Why do they spew leftist rhetoric and react apoplectically to the mere suggestion that the USA be anything other than an open borders globo-commie radfem utopia that's purged whiteness and masculinity from the planet??
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Then why do they not only push leftist ideals and values?
That sentence makes no sense grammatically. And the apparently intended meaning makes no sense politically. The Deep State, to the extent it exists, exists only to exclude from serious consideration anything leftist, any options outside the Washington Consensus: Neoconservatism in foreign policy, neoliberalism in economic policy. See The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government, by Mike Lofgren. The Deep State has no reasons at all to oppose Trump. (Though that might change, now that he's talking about defense cuts.)
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That sentence makes no sense grammatically.

Already fixed it.

And the apparently intended meaning makes no sense politically.

It does if you're using general terms not Politruks PERSONAL FEE FEES redefined terms.

The Deep State, to the extent it exists, exists only to exclude from serious consideration anything leftist,

Then why is it doing the exact opposite??

The Deep State has no reasons at all to oppose Trump.

It's freaking the fuck out all over the news for weeks now in opposition to trump.
This from the people who like to pretend 1A, 2A, 4A and 10A aren't really things they have to give any fucks about and think losing an election is fascism......LOL
Actually, the 10A is not really a thing -- nobody is sure what it means, and there has been no important case law interpreting it.
Why do they spew leftist rhetoric and react apoplectically to the mere suggestion that the USA be anything other than an open borders globo-commie radfem utopia that's purged whiteness and masculinity from the planet??
:rolleyes: The Deep State does nothing at all like that!

And neither does the Democratic Party, not even its progressive wing.
It is, and it is...writing and screaming the whole way.

Those aren't part of the Deep State. Some private corporations are part of it.

Read Lofgren's book, it's a real eye-opener.
That ain't the Deep State.

And that has nothing whatsoever to do with this discussion.

Yes it is. Yup....that's why you're so defensive about it.

Those aren't part of the Deep State.

Yes they are.

Some private corporations are part of it.

Corporations =/= state.

No, they aren't.

Read Lofgren's book, it's a real eye-opener.

Pull you head out of your commie echo chamber ass.....that will be far more of an eye opener.
Nowhere in the Constitution is the federal bureaucracy defined as a branch of government, it isn't and they ALL work for the executive branch and that means they ALL work for the president. Now, the bureaucracy (aka "Deep State) has become so bloated that they seem to think they are a separate branch of government and it appears that there are plenty of democrat legislators that think the bureaucrats are separate as well.

Now all those petty little bureaucrats are learning exactly who is in charge and they don't like it....................fuck'em. They are now going to find out what their true value in the employment market is and I suspect that a very large majority of them are going to find out they aren't worth much at all.