I.C. Night Terrors

"Sounds good to me, you want to get some coffee while we wait, maybe something to eat? im starving." he said to her. "This all very puzzling, but I can at least tell sure that its the same thing, same presence and all the symbols match up."
"That's great. All we are missing is how this is happening, who or what is doing this and who's next? We have less than three days to figure it out." Katherine growled before her cell phone rang.

When she got off the phone Katherine said, "She thinks she has found something. We'll get coffee at her place.", before walking back towards the front door.
"What do you mean there is nothing wrong?!" Racheal yelled at the landlord.

"I mean that there is nothing wrong with the wiring or the pipes. Have you been smoking in here?" the landlord replied as he got his boots on.

"No, I haven't. No one smokes in here. And that doesn't explain the damage."

"Well, it will have to come out of your deposit." He answered before the doorbell rang.
Katherine pulled up to the store Antique Books and waited for Daniel to catch up with her. When he arrived, they walked into the store. The store looked more like it was geared towards regular customers who were collectors. Hundreds of books lined the shelves that circled the store and Katherine started browsing through the nearest ones. Shortly after Lilly walked in to greet them.

Lilly eyed Daniel before turning to Katherine and saying, "Have you ever heard of a theory that demons could be the cause of psychological disorders? Anyway, from what you have described to me about the crime scene leads me to believe that the demon, Nox Noctis, is involved. He can't survive in our realm and is usually harmless, unless he has been summoned. What he does is attack people while they are sleeping. Specifically when they are in deep sleep and hardest to wake up. The victims stay asleep through the whole attack and he attacks the same victim several times. He gain strength the more he is summoned which would be why the attacks have been happening closer together."
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Daniel looked perplexed "Never heard of that one before, What do you mean attacks them several times? these girls all seemed dead immediately."
Lilly pushed her glasses back up her nose and looked at Daniel. "Well," she studdered, "The attacks happen several times and he drains their energy until he can drain their souls. They don't die until the end."
Lilly turned back to Katherine and said, "It fits with collecting souls for a ritual. He doesn't devour them he will put them into an effigy for who ever is summoning him."
Daniel listened to the book-lady's theory. It made sense to him. "Great, but how do we kill it?"
"That's the problem" Lilly told him, "He isn't anywhere that we can be consciously aware of him. You would have to be where he has been summoned and you would have to be in a deep sleep."

Lilly put down the book and walked towards the back of the store. Katherine motioned Daniel to follow her. Katherine walked through the office and into the back of the store where Lilly was flipping through another book. With out looking up she said, "We could increase your chances by drugging you and increasing your serotonin levels and then the only thing you would have to worry about, after a psychotic episode, would be finding where he is going to be."
"Sounds like a party." Daniel said lighting a cigarette. "Why me? and where would we want to do this?"
"I thought about that", said Lilly "and it would probably tip the odds in our favor if both of you fought him. But then there is a problem of the side effects and dealing with both of you then. But it's not my decision who does and doesn't go through with it. We either have to find out who is summoning this demon or where he is going to be."
Racheal heard the doorbell ring and glanced at the clock on the stove. It was a little early but she was sure that it would probably be Robert. She quickly buzzed in whoever was at the door and turned back to the landlord.
"How about a spirit well? that would give me power to draw on to banish the creature myself. My magic is still powerful." Daniel said taking a drag of his cigarette.
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Racheal heard the doorbell ring and glanced at the clock on the stove. It was a little early but she was sure that it would probably be Robert. She quickly buzzed in whoever was at the door and turned back to the landlord.

The door buzzed and I pushed it open and walked into the building. I checked myself in the reflection of a glass panel and nodded at what I saw. I wakled up to her door and knocked twice...........

I hope this wasn't a mistake, going out to dinner with the press, but I had a feeling about Rachel and I needed a break from frozen dinners or take-out. A regular sit down elogant dinner with good (Beautiful too) companion seemed alright. I checked my clothes as I heard the door knob turn..............
Lilly shrugged and said, "I don't know enough about spirit wells to be able to answer that but feel free to give it a try. The demon is tied to who ever is calling him so I'm not sure if you would be able to break that. But that depends upon what the deal between them is.


The landlord opened the door and, as he was quickly making his escape, he almost ran into the detective. Racheal called out, "What the hell I'm I suppose to do now. My appartment burns down and I'll hold you responsible." but he had already walked out. She rolled her eyes and then noticed the detective. "Um...hi. Come on in."
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The landlord opened the door and, as he was quickly making his escape, he almost ran into the detective. Racheal called out, "What the hell I'm I suppose to do now. My appartment burns down and I'll hold you responsible." but he had already walked out. She rolled her eyes and then noticed the detective. "Um...hi. Come on in."[/QUOTE]

"What's that all about", looking at the retreating super. "Sorry, am I too early? I didn't want to be late! ........Pause ....... Really tho, I was afraid if I waited I might have chicken out at the last minute. So her I am...."

I stepped in and closed the door and gave Rachel a sheepish grin, that turned into a large bright smile.

"I know I am early, but are you ready or do you want me to leave and return. I can do what ever you want."
Rachael laughed at his nervous babble and decided to save him. "You are fine. I'm just about ready to go...wait a minute...anything I want?" She said and grinned. "Go to my bedroom."

She laughed at the look on his face and led him to the back bedroom. She walked to the corner of the room where there was a burn mark in the carpet and the wall looked like it had been bubbling. "I thought it was the pipes or wires or something but the landlord says that there is nothing wrong. Weird, huh."
"Weird, Huh...........Your ready now, let's go", as I almost push you out of the room. I see your wrap on the back of the chair and i pick it up as you grab your purse and we are out the door. "Don't bother to double lock it!" as I ushered you quickly out of the building.

I held open the car door and closed it and slowly walked to the drivers side, the entire time scanning the area. I go in behind the wheel and started the car.

"Rachel, MY cell phone, in the glove compartment', I asked as we drove away from her apartment. "Dial dispatch, should be the first number up. and when they answer give them my name and hand me the phone." It only took a minute or so and we had a operator'

"Hello, Detective Robert Andrews, please put out a call for Detective Daniel O'Daugherty to meet me at the Riverview Resturant. Ask for me. Keep trying till he call's in. This is inportant.. Out"

I let out a big sigh and put a smile on my face and looked over at a little frightened and a little scared, but largly upset lady.

"I think you need a drink and an explaination!" I said as I turned the car into the parking lot and drove up to the valet. He held open Rachel,s door and another came around and handed me a stub.

"It's a police car, and you keep it real close and real handy, UNDERSTAND", as I placed the keys into his hand. "Take good care and you get paid with a tip" I growled at the young attendent and I took Rachel's hand and we walked into the resturant.
Rachael was shocked at his odd behavior and at being rushed away from her home. She went along with it with only a "These shoes aren't made for running!".

When Robert took her hand and led her to the resturant she said, "Can't say I've ever had anyone run out of my bedroom that fast. I hope there is an interesting reason behind the rush."
"I think a spirit well would be good, my father is currently the most powerful druid alive and can tell me where the most powerful ones are" Daniels cellphone rang "One moment." he said flipping it open "O'Daugherty," he listened to the message from dispatch. "Ladies i need to get out of here, my partner needs me to meet him at the Riverview Restaurant." Daniel bowed his head slightly and walked out the door and into his car.
"Rachel, Please be patient with me right now, everything will be explained when Danny Boy gets here. I don't want to saay more untill I talk with Danny. He is closer on this and the trace elements and evidence."

I tried my best smile and it didn't seem to work.

The Hostess asked if we had a reservation and I gave my name, but asked for a table for four, away from others if possible. we were led to a table set out in a Baywindo with a table for four.

We ordered drinks and we set back, did a little small talk.

"To answer your observation of leaving your bedroom in such a hurry was very important and when this is over, I would like a rematch. I usually don't run away from the ladies."
Katherine glared after Daniel as he walked out. "Good thing this isn't important." Katherine said sarcastically and looked over at Lilly. "We should probably look away to get a hold of the right drugs and go see the coven and see if they can scry for us." Lilly said and went to grab her coat.


Rachael was getting tired of being out of the loop and was glad when her cell phone rang. When she found out it was her assistant she excused herself from the table and stepped towards the bathrooms. Her assistant had gone to talk to the friends of two of the victims and was happy that she now had a little information to bargain with. She walked back to the table and ordered some wine.
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I stood when rachel returned to thr tabe and lso held her chair while she sat. I took out my noteote pad and pen and set them on the table. Rachel look at me and I saw the look.

"Listen Rachel, this was supposed to be between you and me. Well beleive me, It's even more than that now. But for now just answer the questions one at a time, anddon't overthink the answer. Go with your gut or first instinct for now. we will refine it later.

#1 Do you know any of the victems.(friends, work)?

#2 What Bars or loungres do you go two? Note add The Mariner to you list

#3 What are you scareed of?

#4 What are you frightened of ?

#5 Have you noticed anyone following you?

#6 Any strangers hanging around your appartment?

#6 Anybody ever stalk you? Who?

Are you ready, and give me anything that pops into your head now matter how far removed it might be. Rachel are you ready to start........

Rachel had her page out and wrote #1 and I asked the first question

"Did you know any of the three victims? (, Home ,office/co-worker,ect.)

Rachael tried to look as sweet as she could and gave him a grin. "Of course. I'll just answer any of your questions and allow you to keep me in the dark." She wrote down and said, "No, I didn't know any of the three victims. Now it's my turn. Why did you run me out of my apartment, like a bat out of hell, after you saw the mess in my room?" She glared at him and waited.
"Let's see #1/ Doesn't know any of the victims. Rachel are you sure? This is very important. So we are going to work on this on a one to one." I paused at this because what she wanted to know was only police information and had not be released to the press yet.

"OK Rachel, you win this round", I took a drink of my scotch and toyed with my glass before I answered her question. "You know that I have be centured for my belief that some crimes are commited not by regular every day joes. Well I have felt a presence all day, espically at "The Mariner" that we were being watched and followed.' I paused to let that sink in for a moment.

"When you dropped me off and you drove away and turned at the next corner, Alight grey sedan left the curb down the block and followed you and when he turned he turned also. I was not in position to get the tag number and the make, model and year of the car was too popular to just run that way." Another pause, I could see that I now held her attention.

"When I arrived at your appartment, Your super or landlord gave me a creepy feeling and then when we were in you bedroom the hair on the back of my neck stood up and I had that weird feeling again as if whoever it was was in the room with us. So I just got us out of there without letting whoever or whatever was there know we had a lead" I told her a lot of info with out telling her anything. I hope she accepted the explaination on till Danny Boy arrived.

I took another long pull at my scotch and looked Rachel right in the eye. I didn't smile, flintch or look away.

"Now it's your turn again. Question # 2..................What bars, lounges and resturantes do you go to on a regular basis?