I.C. Night Terrors

Daniel pulled up out front of the Riverview, got out of the car, and walked into the restaurant. He looked at the maitre'd "Im looking for Robert Burns." The maitre'd pointed to the table and Daniel walked over "Whats the problem Bobby?"
"Yes, I'm sure I didn't know any of them. So, you think that someone is stalking me?" Rachael said and stopped to think about the implications of the next question. Her source said that a link between two of the victims was that they had both gone to the same bar. Before she could answer Daniel walked up.
"Danny Boy, Nice to see you too. Have a seat, you're going to need that and a drink too!" I signaled the waiter and he took Daniels order. I took another drink of my scotch when the waiter returned with drinks for us all. I waited untill he left before speaking.

"You know Rachel, Danial" and he acknowledged her presence. "I had made a date for dinner tonight and when I picked up Rachel, her Super nearly bowled me over getting out of her apartment. Well I asked about that and she said she had a fire in the bedroom and would I mind taking a look. That's when I called you. I wouldn't bore you with details, but I have be accused of being prudish, to say the least." At the last statment, Rachel gave me one of those "IF you want to see me again" looks that would have stopped a elphant in his tracks. I'm sure Daniel didn'y catch it

"So now you know why the big hurry and why I didn't put it across the airwaves."
Rachael was beginning to think that Robert was insane and that she wasn't going to get anymore information out of him, especially with Daniel here. Rachael glared at both of them for wasting her time and felt like she should run over to that club her assistant found. "Well, I can't say this was fun so I'll leave you two alone." Rachael said and started to leave.
Ithica said:
Rachael was beginning to think that Robert was insane and that she wasn't going to get anymore information out of him, especially with Daniel here. Rachael glared at both of them for wasting her time and felt like she should run over to that club her assistant found. "Well, I can't say this was fun so I'll leave you two alone." Rachael said and started to leave.

"I really would not advise that Rachel" I said standing at the same time and walked around to her side and held her chair. "Please sit,Now please" I asked trying to control my raising temper of which I am noted. Rachel looked into my eyes and sat back down.

"Rachel, this is more than a star reporter and noted police detective playing the " NEWS GAME, this is about your life!!!!!" Daniel please explaine it to this woman why she should remain in our company. If you don't I will.

I pick up my scotch and down the remaing amber fluid and signal for another round. " Daniel, I am your partner, I went through two wives and alcohol detox. Yes, Yea, I 'm drinking hard now. But I tell you something and this is going to surprise one and shock the other." We pause when the drinks arive.

"Daniel, I like Rachel, I like her a lot and I din't want anything yp happen to her." I did it , I both surprise and shocked both of them. the sat there with their drinks halfway to their mouths.....

"Yea, the police detective, a major hater of Male/Female newspaper and tv reporters, was saying he now likes one of the top , high profile newswoman."

"There are no flies in here, you can close your mouths now. Sorry Rachel, was using you investagation to ask you for a date. I'm lost in this new scene and so I used something I felt comfortable with. BUT Now THE KICKER
WE just placed you Rachel in protective custody based on our information that you are the next to die!!!!!!!!!!!". Silent, no communications of any sort.
As of right now you are out of it all. no work at all Sorry Rachel..That's about all.
She was shocked at his confession of being an alcoholic and that he liked her but Rachael's jaw flew open again when Robert admitted that he had been just trying to get a date. "Of all the...", she said before Robert kept going and explained that she was going to die next. "You can't just do that. You can't order me around. You are going to explain yourself and what is going on or I walk right on...", she tried to threaten but she was scared and decided to stop talking. The waitress arrived and she downed her drink and ordered another one.
"Rachel, calm down and listen..........(pause).........I may be premature in what I just said, But Daniel here knows more of what's going on then any two of us on the force. Sit still, be quiet and listen........Learn........."

"Look Rachel.......yea I used tonight to get you to go out and if it had worked out, I would have asked you on the up and up. No strings, just to people having a night or day together...........But listen, we aren't fooling around, this is serious, deadly serious.

It looked like Daniel had heard enough and had put things together and now he was going to join in the conversation.
Daniel listened to all that was said swallowed his glass of whiskey swiftly when Robert confessed to getting a date with Rachel. "Another glass, bushmills black on the rocks." he said "I know whats going on, but i dont think any of you will believe me if i say it, but here goes." the waitress returned with his whiskey "There are forces in this world, terrible forces. The sort of things nightmares are made of." he started. "Certain young ladies, for whatever reason are being targeted by said forces. If what Robert says is true, your next." he paused to sip his whiskey "Some gifted people stand against these powers, while others join with them. I, along with my colleagues stand against them." he said taking another sip. "Your being hunted by a daemon, Nox Noctis, his purpose is to harvest your soul, along with the others, for a greater crafting."
"You know that it's not my birthday, right." Rachael said to Daniel and then looked over at Robert and said, "I don't know what you are playing at but I'm not really into the comic book thing." Rachael took a look around the resturant and said, "Well, it's been fun, so seeing how you can't 'protect' me without my permission and, unless you have something to arrest me for, I'm leaving. This date is over, have a good evening officers." Rachael stood up and started walking towards the door.
Daniel and I followed you out of the resturant and once out side I Walked up to you while you waited for a cab to be hailed.

"Rachel, You are under Arrest as I slipped one end of the handcuff around your wrist. Now please don't make a scene", as I pulled your arms behind you and secured your other wrist.

Daniel pulled up in his car and I placed you in the back seat and drove away.
Rachael laughed as Andrews arrested her and when everyone was in the car she said, "Seeing how that last story you tried to sell me was so creative I'm sure you won't have a problem coming up with why you are arresting me. Care to share?"
"Yes we will share. For starters, how about interferance with an on going investigation! Or maybe with holding evidence! Shall I continue? These are all chargers we could lay at your feet and your lawyer would take several days to get you out. Buttttttt.........(pause).......... Lean forward and I will remove the handcuffs!"

You lean forward and I remove the cuffs and you sit back and just glare at me.

"I know this wasn't what you had in mind when we made this date. I really wanted to go with you to dinner and talk and then you showed me those marks on the wall! Well that changed everything. Rachel, do you have a pair of dark slacks and blouse? we will swing by your apartment so you can change and then we are going to show you something that's going to upset you greatly."
"Don't threaten me. I actually know what my rights are. I don't want to do your job for you, but you have to read me my rights and me not answering questions during what your sick little mind calls a date, does not constitute with holding evidence or interference with an investigation. I'm also guessing that if we went down to the police station and explained what happened, I would be let go with an apology from both of you. Andrews, you would be castrated for abusing your authority and harassing the press. Your sidekick, tact boy, would be in for a psyc evaluation. Not that you don't need one but I'm sure there are funding issues about getting someone in qualified enough to explain what your problem is." Rachel took a deep breath and continued,

"You could have just told me the truth and everything would have been fine but no, you have to be jerks about everything. Ever hear of unlawful confinement? How about harassment? Conflict of interests? How about scathing articles on the actions of my two favorte officers? Questionable tactics displayed by police officers? Morally ambiguious actions, how about that one?" After Rachel finished berating the two officers, she sighed and looked out the window.

"Dark blouse and slacks, uh? Going to go violate someone elses rights or just go rob a bank. Nope, I know. It's for when we go see the fortune teller and do a seance. Otherworldly types don't like colorful clothes. Good thinking. Good thing I have you two here to decide where I'm going and what I'm wearing." Rachel continued to mutter to herself and glare at the officers in the front seat.
I sat and listened as Rachel sounded off against us and the police dept. I let her finish her speech and was quiet before I spoke to Daniel.

"Danny-Boy, Do you need to see her apartment or shoud we just go directly to the others?" I could see my question caught her attention and interest. I was waiting for Daniel to reply.
"First off lass, I resent being lumped in with andrews, this was all his idea, and i didnt know about it till he started doing it. Secondly, If i wasnt a cop id be more then happy to let you die, never liked stuck up press women with father issues. Thirdly, because i am a cop, i am bound by oath to try to protect you, much as at the moment i'd rather not. Her clothes will be fine, let us proceed to the other crime scenes, and ill show you things that will make your skin crawl."
"Don't you think that you guys are taking a pretty liberal look at those "oaths" you swore. Father issues, ha. Everything doesn't have to do with that, though obviously you have problems with your daddy, but please don't feel the need to elaborate." Rachael didn't feel the need to keep insulting them and was interested to know that they were going to take her to the other crime scenes. Maybe she would be a story after all. Well, one that wouldn't involve cops behaving badly.
Daniel laughed at her attempt at insulting him. "To protect and serve, protect comes first." he said still chuckling. He lit a cigarette, and offered one to Rachel. "Alright Bobby, lets roll."