"I Think I'd Get More Dick/Pussy On Lit If Only ___ " 🔍

I flirt fairly easily and often. I like it and its fun but I rarely think it means anything more than just being flirty. I don't usually see it as a precursor to more. I guess I mean that if I could notice when folks want to take it further I might have more luck. 😂
This explains a lot 🫶
If only I understood the fact that there are few ladies here who are actually looking.
It's still early to really have scientific proof, but I think I was getting more dick attention when my eyes were in my AV. So, I think I'd get more dick on Lit if I didn't remove my eyes. Perverts.
I don't know, there's some strange folks around these parts. :D
If I had this as my avatar
I feel like this is a challenge in disguise.
Look Zeus came down as a swan and that dude was DROWNING in lovers, I hop the genus and suddenly it's:

"ew why is there a bird in my dms catfishing as a mythic sea beast?"

and not:

"that's a bird I could make a nest with tonight"


*corrected so as not to further damage my good relationship/rivalry with @Tallulah82, you deserve better*
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Look Zeus came down as a swan and that dude was DROWNING in lovers, I hop the genus and suddenly it's "ew why is there a bird in my dms catfishing as a mythic sea beast?" And not "that's a bird I could make a nest with tonight"

I feel like you started strong but then the meds kicked in and your typing slurred.