Illusion Vale: A Spirit's Cry

Largos and Len

"I am sorry Len. I am just so frustrated about not knowing anything about this place. I have been dragged from a place I have come to know and love to be brought to a place where the fate of the entire place has been placed on my shoulders and to top it all off I am part of a race that was banished from this place because we almost destroyed it."

Len shifted from one foot to the other, dipping her beak slightly, "It is alright, Largos. I understand thing can be a little confusing for you for a while,"

"I know what we are all capable of, I see it every day. I was one of those people who did bad things just to survive so I have to ask myself why I was chosen to be a guardian, a saviour of you all. You say that I have an inner strength but what it I am too much of a coward to use it, what if I cannot do what you ask of me? I know that you love this land and do not want to see it destroyed as much as I do but I am only one person.... elf; what can I do?"

Len didnt have an answer for him. For now, he would have to find his own on that score. All she could do was give him as much confidence and be his friend until he figured it out. She gave a disturbed chirp, but kept her thoughts to herself, instead flying up the lead him towards Haven Tavern.

Len too heard the noises and quietly flew back over Largos's head to try to find the source of the noises. Her eyes were sharp, even in the evening light, but she could not find their stalker. Either way, she sent a message out via her mind to those that would listen, "This elf is under the protection of both the Spirit and Raster, leave him be,"

She felt curious minds withdraw from her presence and was satisfied that she had at least bought them enough time to get to Haven. She flew overhead again and resumed leading Largos towards the tri-river junction. Hopefully he hadn't noticed the others stalking them. She did not want him to be ill at ease this soon after being told he was fated to save the Vale.

Len almost flew into a glass paned window because she had been too worried about Largos keeping up a few moments later. She gave a strangled squawk and managed to stop herself from slamming into the window, arching up to perch precariously on the doorsill of Haven.

Largos looked up and said with a sigh,"Thank you. At least I don't have sleep in the forest tonight."

Then he moved forward and opened the door, allowing Len to flight through before him. She noted the lack of visitors, pointed out by the waiting innman, and gave a bird's shrug. It was not too unusual for Raster to be out of business, then again, he was a precious commodity in these woods so he was at least guaranteed some patronage.

She watched the exchange between Raster and Largos and smiled to herself. Largos seemed to be fitting in rather well, despite this being only the second being he had come across in a relatively different land. She flew up the stairs with him and chirped with approval at the room he chose.

Flying in, she watched as Largos flopped onto the bed. Len sat on the bedside table and began to preen herself. Dinner was served an hour later, with plenty of fresh worms for Len to feast on, and Largos was soon sound asleep.

Ravens didn't necessarily need to sleep at night, but after the preceeding day, she felt tired enough and safe enough in Haven, that she too was soon in dreamland along side Largos. Tomorrow would be a hectic day, and she would rather be prepared then caught off guard.
Becca and Kail

Becca walked along the unused road with Kail at her shoulder as he spoke of the vibrancy of Vakare. She remembered New York’s vibrancy then, its dangers, and its many kinds of people from all over mingling together.

“Vakare sounds kinda like where I’m from….” Becca smiled wryly.

She paused for a moment as she took note of the common flowers and plants that Kail pointed out, particularly a small purple flower called artisia that was useful for staunching bleeding, and a pale, orange bud of a tree call talasis which was a wound-healer. She memorized what they looked like and looked up at Kail.

“What does a dryad do then?” Becca said. “What does it mean to be one?”

The rest of her questions were hushed as they passed other travelers on the road. Self-conscious that she didn’t have any clothes, she looked away at the ground as she passed. She didn’t know if anyone stared at her and didn’t want to know. As much as Becca thought she might want clothing, the thought of it made her new skin crawl.

When they stopped on a hill that over looked Vakare, Becca was in awe. The city had a beautiful skyline, beautiful and spectacular enough to rival New York’s. For all its beauty, like any other city, it was underscored by poverty, and the grittiness of the slums as Becca and Kail approached the first outer ring.

“I guess we should find a place that sells supplies…” Becca murmured as she looked up at the great wall and saw the guards pace warily back and forth on the parapets.

Kail gave a sigh, "This is my home, Becca. Here I can guide you like no other," then he got a serious tone in his voice, bringing her back to the fact that she was a newcomer here, "But there is one thing. You must not tell anyone who or what you are. Many peoples still hold ancient grudges against the Guardians and they would not be pleased that you were one of them," he spun for a moment, thinking, "We will say you are from Abark. It is far enough away that anything strange you do will be attributed to the different customs in the north.

Becca looked at Kail, a bit irritated.

“Then why send out a call for Guardians and ask their help even if they aren’t going to be welcomed? How am I supposed to help if people won’t accept it? Doesn’t make sense.”

Becca shook her head.

“Sorry…” she sighed. “I’m sorry… I just don’t get it. You want me to say I’m from Abark? Okay—you’re the guide. Let’s go get some supplies.”

And on the heals of that:

“What are we supposed to get supplies with anyways, Kail?”

Becca walked through the city gates of Vakare with Kail floating just in front of her, as he led her on to the merchant’s circle
"Change? How do ya expect me to do a thing like that?" Michael asked smoking his pipe. "Ive not been here a day yet." he added. He thought about it for a minute, "Maybe if i focus do ya think?" he asked. "You lads wouldnt have a spot o' whiskey would ya? I could surely use some." he added again.
Asterion Follows Fell

Asterion followed the dark presence into the woods, processing what it had said as he walked.

We isses in Illusion Vale, on Grolak Isle. A new worlds thats happy and brights. We needs to fixes it

Illusion Vale sounded more like an old paperback book left in a bus station than a new world to Asterion, but it hardly made a difference. He was alive, away from the police and that god-forsaken prison, and walking free once again. And even in a new body, one that seemed to promise more strength than he had ever felt.

We needs each other to makes more power, to makes more hell, it had said. It needed Asterion for something, but what? Simply the fact that he was needed, that he was not simply a disposable commodity, made this place seem almost better than the earth he had left behind.

Where once Asterion felt little control over his life before he came here and even since his arrival, he now felt as if some form of control was within his reach. Perhaps this floating shadow could prove useful.

Asterion felt that these “others” could be made into allies. And allies can be powerful forces indeed.

“Yes Shadow,” he said to the darkness ahead, “Tell me of these others, and this place, this Illusion Vale…”

They walked deeper into the woods, feeding on each others dark thoughts with each step.
Raster and Talon

Raster whistled low to himself as he finished polishing some glasses behind the bar that didn't really need to be polished. He sighed and flipped the rag over his shoulder, whistling as he wiped his bar clean once again. There had been too few visitors this last month and he was getting low on funds again. What made matters worse was that his latest guest, by the look of him, probably didnt have a means to pay Raster.

His normally compassionate heart had fought with his merchant's sense and he had let the man stay, pulling up a tab for the elf and hoping that he would come back and fill it.

Raster heard the creak of his door and looked up, placing the tray in his hand down calmly onto the counter. "Talon," he said quietly, "Nice to see you,"

The easily 6' vampire sneered at the innkeeper, "You can avoid the pleasantries, Raster. I've come here for my payment," he licked his bleached lips and looked around, scenting the air for the sweet smell of fresh blood.

Normally, having only a few visitors, Raster would have drained some of his own blood into a cup and given it to Talon but his mean merchant's streak kicked in. "I have something special for you," he said quietly and led Talon up the stairs to Largo's room.

Talon raised an eyebrow, "This is highly unusual,"
Raster shrugged, "He wasn't going to pay me,"
Talon sneered, "Unusual and mean spirited. I just may come to like you, Raster,"
Raster shrugged again and then nervously drywashed his hands, "This is enough? I'm still under your protection?"
Talon gave him a another tooth grin, "No need to worry my dear innkeeper, your Haven is safe for another moon," then he turned, opened the door quietly and slipped into the darknees beyond.
Raster breathed a sigh of relief and hurried downstairs.

Inside the room, Largos's even breathing attested to his unconscious state and Len's head was tucked beneath a wing so they did not see the stranger enter there sanctuary.

Talon savoured the moment in darkness and smiled to himself, it was fortuitous that Raster had given him this rare pleasure for he was quite sick of Raster's sour blood. He would drain this elf dry and take the body with him, and he may have a delicious after dinner treat with the raven. He sneered in the dark, tonight was going to be a good night indeed.

Largos stirred slightly, but Talon's calming grip on his neck soothed him. Leaning down intimately, he peeled back his lips and his fangs extended. He chose to deliver pleasure rather than pain with his bite and entered the elf's unprotected mind, fogging up his thoughts.

Sinking his teeth into the elf's tender neck, Talon stifled a groan as he drank the precious, sweet lifeblood. His fingers flexed on Largos's neck and he struggled to take it slowly, savouring the sweetness of elven blood.

Suddenly, he couldn't take it anymore and growled viciously, jerking the elf up to better meet his lips. One of Largos's arms swung from under the sheets and knocked into the lamp on the bedside table. It wobbled precariously and then leaned sideways, slamming into the sleeping Len.

She awoke with a screech. Flapping her wings, she took in her surroundings with a quick glance and saw the vampire feeding on her charge. Screeching loudly in an attempt to wake Largos, screaming into his mind and trying to penetrate the vampire's encompassing mind fog, she flapped her wings, flying up and trying to drive her beak into any and all tender spots on the vampire.

She watched as Talon let go and hissed at her, running to the window, "No matter," he hissed, "I had enough," he sneered, "Regards to your delicious master, raven." Then he was gone, disappearing into the black night.

Raster, having heard the commotion came stumbling into the room, a rusty old sword in his hand. "What's the matter?" then he saw the blood stains on the bed next to Largos's head, the elf groaning in pain. His eyes went wide and an innocent look crossed his face, "I had no idea, oh the Spirit forgive me, I thought I had driven them off for the night,"

He looked to be panicking and Len was still ruffled as she looked at the innkeeper. He stammered, "You may have the room free this night, and I will personally guard your door, all night if I have to!" he brandished his sword and disappeared out the door before she could say anything more.

She puffed her feathers up and shook her head to clear it of sleep induced fog. She looked over to Largos, her large red eyes holding pity within their depths. She perched on his pillow next to his head and pecked gently at his ear.

The Raven stood guard next to him for the rest of the night. Her big red eyes unblinking, her feathers stiff with alertness. When Largos woke, she would have a hard time breaking the news to him. Because the vampire had not drained him dry and killed him, Largos was now a vampire.

She sighed and shook her beak with sorrow. How had she let this happen?
Than and Varic

“Alright let’s see if I can’t paraphrase this a bit. This place is, Illusion Vale, and it is in some kind of trouble. Your mom, who happens to be a spirit, put out a call, to I don’t know, all the known and unknown dimensions, and I got sucked here and dropped out of the sky like some meteor.”

Varic nodded and gave Than the thumbs up signal, "That's right. Except for the different dimensions part. My mother is not just a spirit, she's The Spirit. Kind of like the caretaker to this land. And she knew where the lost Guardians had been sent, afterall, she did send them there in the first place. She sent the call and you answered," he shrugged, "The mystics of it are beyond my comprehension, but I guess it worked,"

“Now I’m a giant, because that’s what I would’ve been had I been born here. Are there any more giants around? What’s this trouble your world seems to be in?”

Varic grinned, "Yep, that pretty much sums it up. There are other giants, I've met a few. Bright bunch, actually," he stood and began to pace, to better order his thoughts, "Illusion Vale has enjoyed a long standing peace. There is an ancient history involving the Guardians and the Dark Kin," he shook his head, "But I'll make it a little easier for you to understand first, "The Dark kin were evil and attempted to overthrow the Guardians from their ruling position in this land, but they didnt' succeed," he grinned and took a swig of water, "That only served to give the Guardians big heads, so they went evil and the Dark kin rose again. This time, my mother made them make a truce and she sent away the Guardians to rule over their own world and the Dark Kin disbanded,"

Varic frowned, "But the Dark Kin seem to be rearing their heads again and mother is afraid of the breaking peace, thats where you come in, she believes that you will be the balancing of the scales and help tip them towards peace once more,"

He fell silent and heard Than compliment him on his weapons. He grinned once more and gave another dramatic bow, "They're my own creation," then he laughed, "I don't think a giant has much use of a weapon but I'm sure the dwarves in Guardan Hall could fix something up for you,"

“Alright, Varic, where, do we go from here? What is expected of me?”

Varic gave a delicate elven shrug. "That's all up to you, but I can point you in the general direction. Perhaps it would be best to travel to Vale City and meet mother, she'll have further instructions for you. But first we need to travel to South Haven, a 5 mile walk towards the south. There we can pick up supplies and make our way home,"

“Ya got any food and maybe some coffee there little buddy?”

He chuckled, "I haven't anything no, but if you can wait four hours or so, I'm sure we can rustle something up in one of South Haven's inns. Its famous for their fantastic food there,"
Danae and Sishota

Sishota was waiting patiently by the water's edge. Her airy womanly form shifted constantly, a breeze blowing through her, making her form dissapate, but she soon came back to solidity. She floated just above a rock, simulating sitting on it, though her 'skin' did not touch the hard surface.

She watched, her lips curving in a slight smile as the water began to swirl. The colour darkened and the wind rushed towards the whirlpool. There was a moment of wet chaos and then the lake was still once more. Her smile grew even wider as a woman emerged from within the deep blue water.

The woman called out a few times, but Sishota took her time to reply, watching rather than speaking as the woman seemed to discover herself. She watched with interest as the woman slid along the mud and attempted to rise several times.

"Ok, I died, and this is my heaven."

The Air Elemental finally spoke, her form shifting over the pebbles and mud to brush intimately across Danae's healed legs, "This could be considered heaven, but you are not dead by any means," her voice, though airy, was soft, silky and smooth.

"Welcome to Illusion Vale,"
Eeth and Van

Van watch in disappointment as Eeth managed to duck away from all the fish and as the water splashed harmlessly on the ground where Eeth had just been. He mewed despondently, "Van get you next time," he vowed, but there was a grin in his voice despite his trick going horribly wrong.

Sitting down once again, he pulled his pack closer and fished out the required implements for Eeth to cook the fish. "Van like fish," he happily stated as he pulled several herb trees out of his pack and handed them over to Eeth. "Van like fried fish," he stated cheerfully, his momentary despondency forgotten.

"Van like Eeth," he repeated, more to himself than to anyone else, "Eeth not eat Van," he began to hum cheerfully, watching Eeth cook their morning meal, cleaning himself repeatedly, his pink tongue darting in and out against his soft brown fur.

Once eaten, they would begin making their way once more towards Neferin. They would need to make camp for one more night and would reach Neferin a half day after that.
Eeth and Van

Breakfeast was decent, at least so it seemed to Eeth, who was working with some unfamiliar herbs and whatnot. After cleaning up, putting out the fire and hiding it, and packing the gear away, Eeth had Van continue guiding the way.

"There's one thing I would like to know, Van, before we meet other people here. What's the general opinion towards the Guardians and the Spirit? I'd like to know so I can decide on whether or not to keep my mouth shut about me being a Guardian," asked Eeth. The morning was a little on the chilly side, but Eeth didn't mind seeing as how most of his life before coming to the Vale had been spent in the wilderness. He was at home in the outdoors, despite the fact he owned property in one of the cities on the reservation. He spent several months each year out in the wilderness, living like his ancestors used to, so he was no stranger to the hazards of the wild.

He began to silently chant the normal morning prayer in Navajo, as he was accostomed to do in the wilderness, while waiting for Van to reply. He had an odd feeling that Van wouldn't know the answer, so he decided to keep the fact of him being a Guardian a secret, at least until Van said that the Guardians were respected.
Fay and Faelin

There was a hint of compassion in Faelin's large yellow eyes as she listened to Fay's story about being used and abused. "I hope that as well," she said softly, hopefully too softly for Fay to hear, but she wasn't sure.

Then she was back to being cynical. "I thought you all powerful Guardians were supposed to know everything," she sighed, "The Spirit lives in Vale City, but it'll take you at least three weeks to get there, its better off going to Abark. That'll only take four days."

She began to turn to the west when Fay suddenly got distracted by something shiny. She shook her head, slightly annoyed at the distraction and trotted over to join the raven woman as she bent over the shiny object.

She tsked as she noticed the rusty chain of a necklace. "You find the oddest things in the plains around Abark," she turned away, "Pay no heed to it," then something twinged in her mind. She quickly turned her head towards the chain and curiously stepped forwards, using one of her paws to scratch out the dirt around the chain.

Unbelievably, a large red ruby sat at the end of the chain. It looked authentic enough and seemed to pulse to Faelin. Sensing some sort of magical charm, she picked it up in her mouth, pointing her snout towards Fay. "On second thought, take it. You may need it," she cocked her head to the side, "Besides, it would look sort of pretty on you,"

Red on black. Nice.

Then she turned and trotted off in the general direction of Abark, leaving Fay to follow at her leisure.
Largos's eyes flew open and his right hand went to the side of his throat with a loud shout which echoed along the room. He sat up in the bed, his hand still at his throat as he turned to Len. He felt different, but it was not the same as when had first came to this place, there was something very wrong by the way that he felt. He moved his hand away from his throat, shocked by seeing the blood there and wondering just what the hell had happened.

He tried to talk but his voice came out as nothing more than a rasp, "Len, what has happened to me?"

He heard Len's sorrowful voice in his head offering her apologizes and Largos knew that something was dreadfully wrong.

He tried to get to his feet but he felt his strength ebbing and reached out to the bedside table to try and help himself. It failed miserably and he fell to the floor with a thud then looked up to see the door open and Raster walk in, a rusty sword in his hand and a very worried look on his face. He looked down to see Largos on the floor and moved quickly to help him get to his feet. Largos looked at Raster's face as he was helped up, feeling something flowing from him.

"What happened to me? Who attacked me?"

Raster's sorrowful expression was worse and he gripped the hilt of his rusty sword tighter.

"A vampire came in and attacked you. I am hoping that he was chased away before you were turned...."

Len's sorrow grew worse and Largos turned to look at her before he turned to look at Raster.

"How could a vampire have gotten in here to attack me? Did he attack you first? Did you even know that he was here?"

Raster dropped his gaze to the floor and Largos knew that something was wrong, there was something that he wasn't telling him.... his instincts were screaming at him. He looked straight at Raster and wanted to make him tell him what he was hiding but Largos knew that he couldn't, he was one of the guardians of this place and had to protect everyone.

Raster slowly lifted his head and as soon as Largos looked into his eyes he knew that something was very wrong, he was most definitely hiding something. He knew more than he was letting on and felt his rage building within him. One of his hands balled into a fist and he stared straight at Raster. It was then that he realized one thing; Raster was holding a rusty sword in his hand... he had tried to fight a vampire with a rusty sword!

He looked over at Len, his rage building quickly and then he turned back to Raster, grabbing the front of his shirt. It was then that he felt something building within him and looked to Raster again, wanting nothing more than to tear him apart but he knew that he couldn't. He moved faster than he thought possible and grabbed Raster's shirt, pulling him towards him.

"What do you know. Tell me now before I kill you and trust me when I say this. I will kill you."

"I do not know what you are talking about. I did not know there was a vampire in here until I heard your raven crying out."

Largos felt something come from Len, "You lie. You let it come into this tavern so it could attack me."

"I did not let him in, he must have come in another way. I didn't know he was here until......"

Largos grabbed him and slammed him up against the wall behind him, "How did you know the vampire was a he unless you saw him earlier! You let him into this place so he could do this to me; that is why you are so successful! You let the creatures of this forest feed on the people that come into this place and if you do so they let you live. How can you do that to the people of this land? Why should I try to save this land with people like you in it?!"

Raster's eyes went wide but before he could open his mouth Largos picked him up off his feet and turned, throwing him across the floor to crash into the bed. He moved slowly towards Raster who was cowering near the bed and said, "Because of you I am a vampire. I have been turned into an evil creature because you wanted to live! Should I let you live or should I feed on you and turn you into what you turned into me because of your cowardice!"

Raster's eyes went even wider as Largos picked him up to his feet and opened his mouth as if to bite him.

"You are not worth it. I will let you live your miserable existence but with one exception. I will take from you what you love the most; I will not take your tavern if that is what you are afraid of but I will take what you have started this tavern for.... I will leave you destitute and pitiful."

"You cannot do that. That is wrong!"

"Wrong! You do this to me and tell me this is wrong!"

Largos grabbed Raster and slid him across the ground again to slam into the wall before moving towards him and picking him up off his feet. He pulled him up, pushed him up against the wall and said, "I want what you treasure the most. Take me to it or I will destroy you."

Raster moved towards the door quickly and Largos followed him quickly, knowing that Raster would try to run if he was given the chance.

They went to the ground floor and Largos watched as Raster moved slowly through a wall. Largos's eyes widened when he saw that then followed, wondering what was on the other side. As soon as he did he let out a sound when he saw all the weapons there but it was then that he felt the movement to his right and turned just in time to see Raster with a sword in his hand. He swung it with a practicised cut through the air and Largos had just enough time to jump out of the way as the sword cut into the ground in front of him.

"You threaten me. You are unarmed and you threaten me in my own tavern! You will die for that!"

Largos moved quickly, watching Raster as he brought the bluish bladed sword up again. He watched as if Raster was in slow motion then moved into the cut and smacked his fist into Raster's jaw. Raster backed away, shock on his face but then a smile came onto it and he cut through the air again.

Largos had barely enough time to jump out of the way as the sword cut through the air, barely missing his abdomen. He looked at Raster with wide eyes before grabbing a weapon from behind him. The sword glowed black in his hands and Largos wondered just what type of weapon it was but he didn't even have a time to wonder as Raster's sword came down. He brought his borrowed sword up and cut the sword off in mid air then parried it away.

Raster looked at him, a look of death on his face as he cut with his sword to the left then right. Largos barely had time to bring the sword up to block each blow and wondered if he would even survive this but it was then that he smiled and moved forward, punching forward with the sword in his hand. Raster was clearly surprised with the move as it connected with his face and sent him falling to the ground. Largos was on him before he even had a chance to recover and started to punch him again and again, watching as small cuts appeared all over his face.

It was then that he felt Len's presence in his head and dropped the sword to the ground in disgust, "What have I done. I have almost killed him."

He stood and looked around the room, trying to calm himself as he looked for things that he would take.
Than and Valic

Than watched Varic pace to and fro while listening to explanation of the situation at hand. Slapping his hands on the top of his knees, slightly pushing and with a grunt Than got to his feet. He stretched his arms out to the side, arching his back he let out a low deep growl as he felt and heard the bones in his chest pop, he then arch forward and bringing his bent arms a crossed his chest popping the bones in his back. When he had finished stretching he looked down at Varic.

“Well, as quoted from Johnny Appleseed ’don’t stand there gawk’n, let’s get to walk’n ’, lead the way” Than said as he swung his arm in a downward arch until it extend straight out, slightly bowing to the elf.

As they began walking Than began thinking, not only has my appearance changed, but so has my attitude it seems. The empty feeling, the hurt he had been caring, wasn’t there. Maybe it was “the quest” giving him purpose again. He fell in next to Varic, he said just above a whisper, “Do not walk in front of me for I may not follow. Do not walk behind me, for I my not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend.” He gave Varic a quick glance out of the corner of his eye and thought; yes this could be a good thing.

“I have more questions to ask, I figure we might as well melt the miles away with some conversation. There is one thing tugging at my brain, it’s what you said about the Guardians. If they had to be exiled from this land because they turned bad, what’s the guarantee that the ones called back are gonna be good? How did you know that when I came to that I wasn’t going to smash you like a bug, not that I would mind you, just seems to me an unsure thing.”
Fay and Faelin

"I am far from all powerful..." Fay said raising an eyebrow at the wolf. She couldn't imagine being that... all powerful was just a scary thought really. "So... if the spirit isn't in Abark... Would we travel there first... get supplies and then travel to... where did you say the spirit was?" She asked as she rubbed her temples.

She watched Faelin tell her not to bother but the raven, liking such things, was going to grab it anyway but the wolf beat her to it. She found herself drawn to the large ruby-esque gem in the middle of the chain. She gladly took it and slipped it over her head to rest just below her collar bone. She smiled and touched it with her finger for a moment before looking back at the canine.

"Well, I like it," she said with a laugh. "I know it seems silly... but I feel drawn to such shiny things now... I mean... I wasn't before..." She admitted with a blush. "I wonder if it's because of this change..." She said softly.

"Thanks Faelin..." She said as she started to follow after the canine. She looked down at her actual body. "I wonder why I'm not freaking out that I'm naked...." She said with a chuckle. "Are many people naked like this?" She asked.
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Becca and Kail

“Then why send out a call for Guardians and ask their help even if they aren’t going to be welcomed? How am I supposed to help if people won’t accept it? Doesn’t make sense.”

Kail sensed the irritation coming from Becca and he spun on the spot for a moment, thinking, "I do not know to be completely honest," his pale blue light sparkled in the late evening sun, "But it is just another hurdle to be crossed in so many that you will have undertaking this quest," he seemed to dim somewhat, "I'm sorry Becca, but know that I am here to help in any way that I can to pass those hurdles,"

“Sorry… I’m sorry… I just don’t get it. You want me to say I’m from Abark? Okay—you’re the guide. Let’s go get some supplies.”

Kail bobbed in agreement, his light returning to normal as they passed within the gates of the first ring. The Poor quarters had delapidated, worn down husks that tried to look like houses and the children played with inferior toys with little more than rags for clothes. Kail's light dimmed in sadness as he passed those that he could not help, although he tried often enough.

He led her quickly through the slums and into the more colourful and vibrant merchant's circle.

“What are we supposed to get supplies with anyways, Kail?”

Kail spun slightly, twinkling, "I have many funds. I am fortunate to be relatively wealthy, my parents having been successful merchants," his voice held a trace of humour as he continued, "But my sister own a shop nearby, traveling equipment as it so happens," he hummed happily as he led her lazily through the thick foot traffic.

Only a few people gave her odd looks but mainly they ignored her. Just another magical being in the crowd, they were so used to each other that seeing a dryad away from her forest home, though slightly unusual, wasn't too far fetched for their minds to comprehend.

They reached a small, brightly coloured shop. Inside were various trinkets, gadgetry and also food goods. A bright pink wisp floated along a bench top, humming to herself. Kail turned to Becca, "Becca, this is my sister, Tenesa," he turned to Tenesa, "Tenesa, this is Becca, my charge,"

He floated closer to Becca, "You may tell Tenesa where you are really from, she knows of our quest,"

Then he hummed happily, strung up between them. The pink wisp sighed and spun lightly, casting a soft rosy glow, "You'll have to excuse Kail, he sometimes forgets the little things," she hovered closer to Becca, "It is supplies that you need? What food do you eat? We'll start from there, shall we?"
Michael and Sila

Sila shrugged and flew up into air, dislodging from his shoulders. "I don't know," she frowned, "Actually, I really don't know much about werewolves, you're the first that I've met," she shrugged again, leading him past the great earthen doors.

Durbin heard Michael's request for whiskey and grinned, deciding that he would like to tag along with Sila and her new friend. He found himself curious and hopped up from the ground. Pulling a small waterskin from his waist, he handed it up to Michael, "Tis not whiskey, but o' spot o' brandy wuld nit hert ya any afore we found some, eh?"

He grew thoughful, "I've met yer kind afore and nows I think aboot it, only talkin ones can change at will," he shrugged, "So's I'm thinking concentratin' wuld be a' right things ta do,"

He paused at the opposite side of the door, puffing contentedly on his pipe. Sila made an 'oh' of approval and clapped her hands in delight, "Sila always loves coming here, Durbin. Its sooo pretty! Just the place for cute dwarves like you!" Durbin rolled his eyes to the comment. He wasn't cute, but he also wasn't about to make the wee lass cry again either.

"Women," he muttered under his breath.

Guarden Hall was immense. A great city hewn right out of the rock with houses, shops, long halls and other amenities such as large statues and shrines. The entire city was lit with burning torches, casting a yellow-orange light over everything. Many Dwarves walked to and fro, minding their own business and the ring of hammer and anvil were constants in this city. Great long buildings dominated the 'skyline' and it was soon evident from the noise eminating from them, that they were smithies.

"Aye," agreed Durbin, "She's a beauty..."
Asterion and Fell

Fell's eyes brightened significantly in delight as it knew that this horned beast would make a perfect ally in what the others had planned. It did not bother looking at Asterion as it floated beside him but he was pleased. The shadow wraith moved without a sound, enjoying the emptiness of the place around it but was restless. The others, the ones who had asked for its help wanted it to help in the destruction of this place and Fell wanted nothing more than to do so; it existed for destruction, nothing more.

"Illussssion Vale issss where we are. We ssssaved you from deaths so we can helps ussss. Thissss place issss pretty and beautifuls. We wants it to be turned into sssssomething we likes more. We knowss that we's will makes it better, we's will makes it hell."

It moved slowly along the ground, never once turning to look at Asterion.

"We's wasss brought here by the others becaussse they know we's was the best to destroy the peace and prettinessss of thisss places. We wish to talks to the others now? We's will go thisss way sssso we can," he slowly turned to looked at Asterion, its eyes dimming with malicious intent.

They moved along the forest, the occasional agonising scream of a dying animal puncturing an otherwise silent trip inland. Soon were standing in front of a small structure that looked strangely like a mirror.

"We's will wait here. We will call to the otherssss and if they wish to hear us we's will talk to them. Thisss isss the only way that we can talk to them in ssssafety for now."

Fell moved to the mirror, standing before it and waited.

At once it felt the presence that flowed from the mirror and the edges brightened, the surface dimming. Fell moved back just as a shadowed figure appeared.

"So, you have brought him to us. Very good Fell, you will be rewarded for this."

Fell's eyes brightened, it knew what its payment was to be.... more lives to destroy.

The shadowed figure turned to Asterion and spoke in a soft, menacing tone, "You are wondering just what you are here and why you have been changed? Fortunately the guardians can no longer live in their true form in Illusion Vale, they would be too powerful and The Spirit knows this." The figure seemed to pause, choosing his words with care, "We have been watching you for a while, Todd. When the Spirit brought the guardians back, hoping that they will keep the peace in this place we also brought you here. We want you to find the guardians and destroy them. You will know them when you see them. Without her precious guardians The Spirit will be weakened significantly and we can take full control over this land. Do you have any questions on the matter?"

Fell was silent.
Eeth and Van

"There's one thing I would like to know, Van, before we meet other people here. What's the general opinion towards the Guardians and the Spirit? I'd like to know so I can decide on whether or not to keep my mouth shut about me being a Guardian,"

Van walked easily by Eeth's side, occasionally mewing softly to himself and purring contently. Though he was still watching Eeth warily from the corner of one eye, he was starting to relax with the elf. Perhaps Eeth wasn't as evil as he seemed? Van mewed and shook his head, no. All elves were evil and Eeth was no exception.

But then again... Eeth could also be called an exception. He was a Guardian afterall. But then again, the Guardians had turned evil... But they were good in the first place! Van mewed in confusion and swatted at his own nose. He yeowled when his claws accidently raked across his pink button nose. He shook his head, "Van not know! Van confused!" he mewed in despair and then looked at Eeth.

"Oh," was all he said and looked away quickly, "Sorry, Van thinking about," he paused, "... things,"

He rubbed his sore nose surreptiously and his voice was slightly muffled when he got on track and answered Eeth's last question, "Van not sure. Some peoples might not like Eeth, because Guardians evil before being lost, but some remember how good guardians were before. Van think elves might like guardians, but elves live for long time and may have been around when guardians evil too," Van shrugged and kept walking, "Sorry, Van not know,"

Then he brightened considerably, "Everybody loves Spirit, even Van loves Spirit," then he frowned, "But some not like, Van think, otherwise peace still here. But," he shrugged, his current train of thought only serving to confuse him all the more, "But Van love her! Van think Eeth love her too!"
Largos and Len

Len gave as soft chirp as Largos came awake. She could feel the pain and confusion in his mind mirrored in his eyes. She ruffled her feathers and pecked his ear gently, "I'm so sorry-"
Raster came flying through the door, cutting the rest of Len's words off. She screeched in irritation and was about to continue when Largos surged to his feet and began to attack Raster. Largos's words made a sick sense to Len and she stood back, perched on the open door frame and watched as Largos threw Raster around the room in an attempt to find answers.

She didn't necessarily approve of his use of violence, but she wasn't going to stop it either. It was clear that Raster had been double dealing all this time and it finally made sense about how one old man could possibly set up a tavern in the middle of the notorius Dark Woods and live there permantly with not a scratch to show for it.

She followed the two men as Raster led Largos down the stairs and into a false wall. Len shook her head, not even her magical senses had told her that this had been here. It must have been a powerful charm indeed to fool the Raven.

She watched the fight, not sure what she could do and for the first time she felt helpless to help the one person she had pledged her life to. She was supposed to be his guide, his protector in this strange new land and she only now realised just how inadequate she really was in that task.

All of a sudden Largos as beating the life from Raster and Len knew that she could not continue to let this happen. She was his guide and damn it, she would guide him.

Screeching into his mind to stop, she flapped around above his head, perching on his shoulder, his elven sweat thick on her senses. A calm voice entered his head and Len spoke, "Do you really want to throw yourself away like this? Do you want to go back to what you were before? Or do you want to prove to everybody how valuable and virtuous you can be to this Vale, how you can save it? If you do," she paused, "This is not the way to start on your journey,"

Largos calmed, Raster out cold and Len continued, "Don't let this beat you. You were only able to answer the call because you were strong of spirit, your soul was one made for compassion and peace. What you are does not make you, what you do, does. Don't let it all be in vain."

She chirped in his ear and fell silent, letting the words sink into him.
Than and Varic

“Do not walk in front of me for I may not follow. Do not walk behind me, for I my not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend.”

Varic's excellent elvish hearing picked up Than's soft words and he smiled to himself, equally softly answering, "I'll always walk beside you, friend,"

“I have more questions to ask, I figure we might as well melt the miles away with some conversation. There is one thing tugging at my brain, it’s what you said about the Guardians. If they had to be exiled from this land because they turned bad, what’s the guarantee that the ones called back are gonna be good? How did you know that when I came to that I wasn’t going to smash you like a bug, not that I would mind you, just seems to me an unsure thing.”

Varic shrugged, "Like I said before, how Mother called is beyond me, perhaps she only called to those of strong spirit and compassionate souls," again he shrugged, then he grinned, "But I was ready for you," he reached up and tapped the pommels of his two scimitars, "I am rather skilled with these, you know," he laughed and shook his head, "Relax my friend, I find that taking what comes is much better than worrying about it,"

He nodded thoughtfully, "You know I have a few questions of my own," Varic was naturally a very curious elf. His mind was constantly working to solve problems, to create puzzles and unravel mysteries. He was a scholar, a fighter and a comedian. Quite a rare gift, or so he thought!

"What is it like where you came from?"
Fay and Faelin

Faelin threw an exasperated look over her shoulder, "of course its not normal. You just fell from the sky, do you think that's normal?" she kept trotting in a straight line towards Abark, "We can find you some clothes in Abark, but for now, you should be able to fold your wings around to cover up your," she paused, stopped and turned to look Fay up and down, "... nakedness,"

Faelin had no problem with it, naturally because she was a wolf and didn't have a need for such silly things as clothes so she hadn't really thought about it before. It was soon out of her mind though as she kept going.

While walking, one thing stuck in her mind, "Thanks Faelin...".
Nobody had ever said this to her before, in fact she had never ever heard that sentence in her life and it gave her a strange feeling. Something close to happiness. She had an insane urge to wag her tail and let Fay pet her behind the ears again. But instead, she stifled that urge and settled for slowing down some, letting Fay catch up with her and being just a little less icy. Just a little.
Asterion Speaks to the Shadowy Form

The walk through the woods was something new to Asterion. Even on earth, living so close to the Rockies, he had never ventured into them. He had always stayed in the city. It had been easier to survive. However, the eerie silence seemed out of place. Something in these woods was evil, perhaps more so than Asterion.

The wraith had led Asterion to a mirror-like structure and waited. A dark figure stepped from the reflective surface and spoke.

So, you have brought him to us. Very good Fell, you will be rewarded for this. You are wondering just what you are here and why you have been changed? Fortunately the guardians can no longer live in their true form in Illusion Vale, they would be too powerful and The Spirit knows this. We have been watching you for a while, Todd. When the Spirit brought the guardians back, hoping that they will keep the peace in this place we also brought you here. We want you to find the guardians and destroy them. You will know them when you see them. Without her precious guardians The Spirit will be weakened significantly and we can take full control over this land. Do you have any questions on the matter?”

Asterion’s mind raced to try and put some form of logic on what had just happened. Shadowy figures do not step out of mirrors and speak to minotaurs that they already seem to know. There were a few things that were certain.

They knew Todd’s name. Not the name that was floating around in his head, this Asterion, but the name he had called himself before he had been summoned here. And this shadow’s name, Fell, a fallen spirit perhaps? Whatever it was, this shadowy figure knew what Todd Jones had done before, and perhaps what he was capable of in this new world.

Asterion stepped around the Fell and stood close to the shadowy figure, squaring his shoulders and standing tall. A cheap intimidation trick he had used on earth, but it may still work here. He looked deep into the darkness of the figure and spoke.

“Who are you?” He did not wait for an answer, but prodded deeper with more questions. “And who are these other ‘Guardians’ you speak of and why should I kill them for you? I am no ones puppet, let alone a shadow. And if I was summoned here as well, how am I to know if I am not a guardian as well and you are simply trying to use me in whatever plot you have concocted? I am no ones pawn, no ones puppet.”

Asterion snorted, blowing his noxious breath at the shadowy form.

“I understand the need to create chaos where there is order, to put darkness where there is light, a balance must be reached. I can understand and appreciate that. You wish to destroy this land, but I want to know why. I want to know what is in it for me.”
Eeth and Van

Well, Van just confirmed what I suspected: the Guardians are not the most popular of beings in these lands, thought Eeth. "Well, Van, until we know for sure what people's opinions are about the Guardians, I suggest we keep the fact that I am one a secret. I trust that you will do that," said Eeth. Eeth paused for a moment, and looked around the forest. He had the odd feeling of being watched, but he could see no one. He turned his gaze to the trees above him, but still saw no one.

"I think I'll climb one of these trees and see what's around us," said Eeth, as he moved towards one. It was a massive tree, with the lowest branch being ten feet above Eeth's six foot frame. It appeared to be a type of pine tree, but what exactly, Eeth didn't know. He dug his fingers into the bark of the tree, and pulled up, bringing his feet off the ground. He then placed his leather booted feet into the bark as well and started to climb. It was slow going at first, but as Eeth got the hang of it, he had reached the branch in no time.

Pulling himself up to sit on the branch, the feeling of being watched intensified, but Eeth could still see no one. He continued to climb swiftly, feeling oddly at home in the tree, until he couldn't go any higher. By then, his head was above the roof of the forest. He could see for miles, literally. To the west, the tops of trees marched on out of sight. To the north, again the forest marched on out of sight. To the east, the forest marched for a few miles, then was replaced by a shimmering expanse of blue. Beyond that, Eeth could just barely make out the peaks of massive mountains. To the south, Eeth saw more forest, that again gave way to a shimmering expanse of blue.

Taking a look around again, Eeth noted his improved eyesight allowed him to see great distances. He estimated that he could see a distance equal to at least a day's journey on foot. After looking around, he started back down the tree, that feeling of being watched never leaving him.
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He stood there for a moment or two and looked down at Raster, once again wanting nothing more than to kill him but Len's words sunk into him and he turned to look at her.

"I am better than him. I thought that I would always be the same but The Spirit called me here for a reason and I plan to find out what that was." He slowly moved around the room, looking for things to take, "I will not kill him and go down the same road that I left although I will not lie to you and say that it is not tempting. With the power that this body has given me I could easily do what I did before and never get caught."

He stopped and looked once again at the prone form of Raster, knowing what that path would lead to, what it had almost led him to before the Spirit had saved him. He walked over to Raster, instantly overcome by the smell of his blood in the air and the need to taste it. He almost threw himself across the room just to get away from Raster but kept his eyes on him as if he could see the blood that flowed through him.

"What have you done to me! Have I been turned into a vampire because you were too weak. Why should I save people like you."

He lifted the sword that he had fought with and angled it at Raster's throat, knowing that it would be so easy to kill him.

"No!" Largos shouted as he threw the sword across the room to land in the wall over Raster's head. He looked as it wobbled in the wall.

"Now what do I do for a weapon?"

It was then that he spied the sword Raster had fought him with and picked it up with a smile. As he looked at the blade he was surprised that it was not steel but it was a crystal blade and completely see through. He stood, looking down the length of the sword and wondered how it was possible that this sword was made but realized that he was in a different world, these things were possible. He continued to admire the slightly curved length of it and the one thought that came to him was that it was now his. He smiled as he grabbed the scabbard and belt from the wall, strapped in on then slid the sword into its sheath.

He then heard Len's voice in his head and turned to her, knowing that he could not stay here any longer than he had to as Raster would come to and he did not want to have to fight him again. He moved around the room with a speed that shocked him, grabbing several things at once.

As he walked back through the wall he hoped that he wasn't being too greedy. He knew that there was so much more that he could of taken but when he glanced down at his side to see the sword in its sheath he smiled, he didn't need anything else.

"Well there is one thing. I need a way of getting to where ever I am going as I don't like the thought of walking all the way."

He slowly turned to Len, "Is there any way that you get the two of us to see The Spirit any faster?"
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Michael gratefully accepted the brandy, "Aye, 't wont hurt at all" he said."Concentrate eh? Well I'll try" he said focusing hard on transforming. Focusing on losing the wolven form. Come on, come on. Lets hope this works. He thought to himself he felt strange, a brief flash of pain, and he opened his eyes, obviously shorter then he had been. "What am I now?"
Dinnie and Goreab?

Wolfsister said:
"Woah! steady on pal, what the hell are you."

Goreab calmed down slightly and there was an audiable change as his teeth stopped chattering, he was about to answer when suddenly the man got really scary and began to shout at him.

"YOU! Who or what are you? ANd where am I?"

Goreab's teeth began to click together even louder. "Gor.. goreab... be imp!" he managed to squeak, "You in Illusion Vale! In Ethari Plains!" his answers suddenly came tumbling out of his mouth, the stammering gone, replaced by rapid fear, "You smell like a vampire, you were transformed 'cos you wanted to come to Illusion Vale. I'm Goreab, just a little imp come to help and serve you. I'm here to help!" he suddenly yelled and then began to cower behind his spindly arms, "Please don't eat me!"

"Eat you? Illsion WHo?", Dinnie rubbed his face and he laughed, it was manic, and a release to all the hurt that burnt in his heart. "Smell like a vampire, ha are you out of your mind," Dinnie paused, he was talking to a purple imp, he felt his canine teeth, they were sharp. He looked out to the woods with his night vision. . .Night vision? Dinnie shook his head trying to clear the thoughts.

Dinnie sat down in a heap, his mind swam, "I`m naked arn`t I," he said, almost to no-one. He felt the Imp come closer he made no move he was too confused. For all he knew it would kill him, but he should be dead. . . Shouldn`t he?

Dinnie waited , strangely he felt he knew the imp, almost like he was a part of him. "What is this place. . .Illusion Vale?," Dinnie Waited for the answer, his mind tumbling like a grain of sand on the wind.