Interracial story idea

My dear foreigner we are not interested in the Negro in India, go and create some new history and science and bury them under the earth and then teach this manufactured black history to your children. In India it will not work. Firstly it is tough to brainwash Indians, secondly we have our own history and epics. The first Negro I saw was naked in the Gir forest when I went hunting. I was told the Arabs moved these nice people and sold them.
Yes indeed the Negro is a fine creature and you foreigners as usual are exploiting him by creating a manufactured history for him in order to exploit the Negro. We in Bharat know it all after all we are Aryans.
Clearly an attempt to exploit the Negro and make him also a missing link between man and beast. Who cares in Bharat about these fake Western theories to exploit the Negro. We will stand and protect the African, we as Aryans have to do it.
Dear Man From A Foreign country,

There is no racial theory about India. India is the original home of the Aryans and is Aryavarta this can not be removed no matter how much effort you put into it. This has nothing to do with superiority or inferiority. This is a racial fact.
No person or power can change or modify the history ofd our great land Aryavarta the land of the Aryans. Create the history for the Blacks and teach it in your schools it will not not work in Aryavarta. You foreigners must be frustrated by the Aryan brains. We know it all.
Bhahar key Parush hum Bharati Arya Manush ke Sanskriti ko smapt karaney ke Coosish kar rahey hey. Lekin yey boodhu hey yeh kayey janey Bharatey sansriti co.
Me Bharati whoy too videshi hey joy habshey ko Murakh bana raha hey. Hume sub khus pata hey.
Almost all Indians in North, South, East, West India are pure Aryans. No Aryan invasion of India took place and no one can change or infiltrate our culture.
Go away foreigner from the site of Aryavarta and sell the Negro elsewhere it might work.
Dear Foreigner, Dress your Negro and manufacture history for the Negro and teach your children. Indians have a solid history we know who we are. No one will be allowed to remove the Aryan past of Bharat.
We have always been people who respect freeedom of thought, but do not think you can brainwash us to push your interests dear foreigner. There is cohesion even between a bacteria and a man, but the fact is that Aryans originated in India.
Dear Foreigner,

I have gone through this forum. Clearly you want to manufacture history and fake data for the Negro to use him. You do not even know where a crow came from let alone a man. If the oldest skeleton of a man like creature has been found in Australia this in noway means that man came out of Australia. So do your subtle brainwashing elsewhere and not in India. This will never work.
No one in Aryavarta is inferior or superior, it all depends on their actions. The Negro has been made a beast by you Western people, now you want to manufacture a history for him to enrich yourselves by raping Africa. We real Aryans can not allow the Negro to be exploited.
If you want to manufacture history for the Negro it is fine with us Indians. Now do not exploit the Negro by flattering him and then take his riches. while we have nothing to do with the Negro in India (we have them in forests and Islands they were brought by the Arabs and sold to the local people0 we as humamn being have sypathy for the Negro
By creating a fake controversy you foreigners hope to change history in order to push your interests. You guys still do not know from where a cell came let alone a H. sapiens. Your fake and manufactured data may fool the "Blackman" but not the Indians. We know your motivation. Me sub chus janta hyy Bharati Buddhi upper koti ke hey.
I can link the DNA of any organism with any other. The only tight fit is between close relatives. Therefore, it seems likely that the first man suddenly appeared in India and not elsewhere as all Indians are tightly related. Apne vigyan kahi aur padooe. All these false Western theories will never permeate India.
We are not interested in the Western version of an Indian term Aryan. The only true Aryan and pure race is found in India. The Indian Aryan has nothing to do with the beast-like behaviour of other people using this term. The true Aryavarta is kind, compassionate, human and brave.
Who cares about the foreign tutored views of Indians. The Rigveda, Patanjali and Cyrus's views can not be changed. In the ancient period people living in India, Iran and Central Asia wre referred to as belonging to the Aryan race. So there can be no confusion on this and no one can create a confusion on this. We in no way identify ourselves with people who have used this term to describe themselves as a superior race. Aryavarta is ancient and pure, kind yet tough.
It is the fault of the Negro who allows the rape of Africa due to flattery.
Mobutu was told by his Belgiun masters that he was very smart and that the first man suddenly appeared in Zaire! The result all of Zaire was raped. So please place this planted data in your textbooks and then you can use the Negro. India which is a time rested civilization is least prone to getting confused and
pushed in any direction. Aryavarta is too solid.
There is hardly any land in this world which has not been colonized. India was never taken over by the British in the manner they took control of Africa. Most of Africa had never used metals and had no weapons and therefore no resistance whatsoever was offered by the African. India was taken over gradually not by arms but by trade by the East India Company. In fact many parts of India were never under the British. The Sikhs had an empire in the North and North Western India and the British were terified of them. I think the history of the Negro is closer to you Europeans and totally different from the people of Aryavarta. So take the Negro to your forum. We do not use people.
To Bhahar Ka Manush hai our Aryvarta ko no samajtha.

the fact remains it is better for you to push the interests of the Negro in your forum. No one is going to take you too seriously in Aryvarta. We know our history and culture and clearly you have no place in India. you can not change our history.
The word pushing does not exist in India. We believe in reality and truth. Aryavarta is the ancient name of India.