Interracial story idea

Here in Aryavarta we do not care for any person we help all including the Negro.
The first Negro I saw was in Nicobars. I never could imagine that these people were so nice and the Arabs were responsible for uprooting them. The Aryan civilization of Bharat will protect any weakling from Western exploitation.
I havent read this whole thread- and so don't know why all these indians thinking black people need their protection come from, but back to the thread title-

I would like to see more interracial black-on-white stories, the more the better.

Each and every guest post, for almost 4 pages, is all by the same troll known as yayati. :rolleyes: He's beggin' for attention that none of us will give him, so he tried to sabotage one of the story ideas.

Story Idea

I replied once before and still say the original story idea was a great one. Please write the story and the peanut gallery be damned.

Write it from your heart and ignore the ramblings of a few malcontents.