Is Literotica a 'Male Centric' site?

There's plenty of women here on LE.

When the guys who pretend to champion women yet berate and abuse them both publicly and privately aren't driving them off the forums in droves.
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Not to derail the thread, but how many of you have been attacked verbally by a female reader for something in your stories? "Hey misogynist asshole!" Or something like that? And what was the reason for it? I know we can't please everyone and by the nature of what we write we're bound to piss someone of eventually. Just curious.
Not to derail the thread, but how many of you have been attacked verbally by a female reader for something in your stories? "Hey misogynist asshole!" Or something like that? And what was the reason for it? I know we can't please everyone and by the nature of what we write we're bound to piss someone of eventually. Just curious.
Not to derail the thread, but how many of you have been attacked verbally by a female reader for something in your stories? "Hey misogynist asshole!" Or something like that? And what was the reason for it? I know we can't please everyone and by the nature of what we write we're bound to piss someone of eventually. Just curious.

Not to derail the thread, but how many of you have been attacked verbally by a female reader for something in your stories? "Hey misogynist asshole!" Or something like that? And what was the reason for it? I know we can't please everyone and by the nature of what we write we're bound to piss someone of eventually. Just curious.
The responses I've gotten from women - or at least readers who list themselves as female - have all been very positive.

Though I've been lucky enough not to be attacked or derided by anybody, really. I always assume the people who don't like my stories just move on when they realize as much.

Short answer, to jump into the chorus: Never.
Not to derail the thread, but how many of you have been attacked verbally by a female reader for something in your stories? "Hey misogynist asshole!" Or something like that? And what was the reason for it? I know we can't please everyone and by the nature of what we write we're bound to piss someone of eventually. Just curious.

I've never been attacked by a reader, male or female.
There are a few Karens around here though...
Not to derail the thread, but how many of you have been attacked verbally by a female reader for something in your stories? "Hey misogynist asshole!" Or something like that? And what was the reason for it? I know we can't please everyone and by the nature of what we write we're bound to piss someone of eventually. Just curious.
Fourteen stories and I have never received a negative comment from a female reader. Of course I may not have any female readers!
Not to derail the thread, but how many of you have been attacked verbally by a female reader for something in your stories? "Hey misogynist asshole!" Or something like that? And what was the reason for it? I know we can't please everyone and by the nature of what we write we're bound to piss someone of eventually. Just curious.

Of course, to get any meaningful data you'd have to define "attacked". Some people take just about any criticism as an "attack".
More basic than that. How can you be sure who really is a female reader and who isn't? You can't.
If a writer has been 'attacked' by anonymous (the most common attacker in these parts) at least three or four times, odds are that one of them was from a female.
Sure. 90%, just like I said. My point is you'd have a similar experience with 100 random anything. Out of 100 random works that bill themselves as high-minded literary fiction 90 or so will be derivative, pretentious, overwritten. You can find some good and even great ones if you dig, if you follow some trends, certain writers, recommendations from people whose tastes you trust, etc.

We don't disagree on the crap. But you're using the reasons why the 90% is crap to cast generalizations on the whole. And that isn't instructive, because 90% of everything is crap. Though you're at pains to say there's nothing wrong with crap, even while you describe it as crappy.

I've used the word 'crap' too many times, and it's lost all meaning.

How else shall we describe crap? : P

The thread is asking whether lit is male-centric or not. The vast majority of stories posted on lit are strokers. Most of those stroke sheets contain unicorn females with motives never varying from pure horniness seducing faceless gameless boring males. This is purely male fantasy, which is fine, but it proves that yes, from a literary standpoint literotica is male-centric. Which is also fine. Sure, it may be disappointing and boring to someone like me, but I also understand that this is a free site where anyone of any skill level can put their stuff out there (and that's a good thing) so I'm not about to toss my toys out of the pram over it. I just accept the reality.

The fact that plot centered stories are usually just as poorly written does not make literotica on the whole any less male-centric.
Wonder who reads enough new stories here of the nearly 200 stories posted daily to justify calling the stories here 90 percent crap.
I knew that.

I wanted you to say it so I could prove myself right about the forums being male centric.

That showed out big time in the Man/Bear thread that was shut down.

Is it her opinions that bother you, or the fact she doesn't kowtow to the AH boy's club?

Rhetorical question by the way.
Why are you supporting her? It’s her opinions and the fact that she’s attacking men in general plus me specifically a lot with accusations I don’t think I have necessarily earned. You have done the same thing yourself. I’m not going to argue specifics, I’m really not interested in another argument on these boards. I just wish we could all answer people’s questions, enjoy people’s stories, and not inject personal agendas into it. Especially ones that inhibit the sex positive atmosphere Lit is supposed to enjoy. Hope you can get that, thx.

Next time please don’t ask questions when you already know the answer. It proves you’re just being argumentative.
Wonder who reads enough new stories here of the nearly 200 stories posted daily to justify calling the stories here 90 percent crap.
Not me. I only read a few authors to whom I’m subscribed and none of them are like what is being condemned here.
Not to derail the thread, but how many of you have been attacked verbally by a female reader for something in your stories? "Hey misogynist asshole!" Or something like that? And what was the reason for it? I know we can't please everyone and by the nature of what we write we're bound to piss someone of eventually. Just curious.
I don’t know for sure if any of my attackers are male or female. I don’t keep track of their words or try to interpret them. I just delete them and keep writing more stories for my fans.
Wonder who reads enough new stories here of the nearly 200 stories posted daily to justify calling the stories here 90 percent crap.
Every couple months I will open about 50 stories, and at least 40 of them will then get closed within half a page. That's say an hour of my time? Followed by another hour or so of reading enjoyment, ideally.

I imagine many people are the same. Views (how many people click on a story) certainly don't represent reads - actual reads probably are closer to the numbers of votes, sadly.

Given the stories I don't even click on because the descriptions are so banal, vs some stories that are adequate but just not my thing, I'd certainly hypothesize that 90% of Lit stories are, indeed, crap. Some are fun crap, most are just tedious if you aren't the author visualising certain things as you read.
If a writer has been 'attacked' by anonymous (the most common attacker in these parts) at least three or four times, odds are that one of them was from a female.
Depends on the distribution of people who attack, surely?

I see random abusive comments as similar to cat-calls from drivers in real life - similar short words and pure insults, not meant to be engaged with. And to date at least 99% of such cat-callers I've met have been male.

It's possible that some people who type stuff like "typical Brit simp shit" are female, but I'm pretty sure 'simp' and 'cuck' are almost exclusively used by men when used as insults.

"Stupid gay stuff, couldn't understand the stupid dialog" - I'd give that a chance of being female, especially if the story has no homosexual content.
This is a somewhat silly topic, no offense.
We can't even be certain about the gender of people who post regularly on AH. We can trust their words, we can form an opinion based on the way they speak and act, but it's still just a guess. Yet trying to figure out the gender of the anonymous readers, based on the two or three sentences they write in their comments, and then extrapolating from those percentages( because only a small percentage of readers comments) to the general readership of Lit is plain foolish.

We could observe how popular certain tropes are based on the number of views, and then form an opinion based on our idea of what men and women like to read, but those are also just untested preconceptions. Due to the fact that every erotica reader prefers anonymity, I am not certain we can ever get accurate numbers about who truly reads what. Also, the view counter on Lit stories is not a good source of data. We can't really know how many of those views are views of actual different readers. Some people read and reread stories many times, and some read them only once or twice. I guess that stroke stories data would be especially inaccurate in this sense.
As fun as these attempts at discerning Lit population are, they don't really lead anywhere.
Depends on the distribution of people who attack, surely?

I see random abusive comments as similar to cat-calls from drivers in real life - similar short words and pure insults, not meant to be engaged with. And to date at least 99% of such cat-callers I've met have been male.

It's possible that some people who type stuff like "typical Brit simp shit" are female, but I'm pretty sure 'simp' and 'cuck' are almost exclusively used by men when used as insults.

"Stupid gay stuff, couldn't understand the stupid dialog" - I'd give that a chance of being female, especially if the story has no homosexual content.
First, I don't bother to do this kind of analysis. I devote that time to writing new stories.

Beyond that, gotta say that, despite your post, my view of anyone saying 90 percent of the stories at Literotica do anything makes me believe they are pulling random numbers out of their yourknowwhat.
Not to derail the thread, but how many of you have been attacked verbally by a female reader for something in your stories? "Hey misogynist asshole!"

I'd have to check my comments again to be sure, but my recollection is that I have received comments to the effect that the content of the story was misogynistic, and I have received comments to the effect that the content was "man-hating."
I would say yes to the original question. I am new here and have been reading a lot of the threads up to now and what I have noticed is that men here are way too gullible and lazy it seems, a reverse image search is one of the easiest things to do. Also I would guess that the women here are way less than what the stats would indicate as there seem to be men pretending to be women for whatever reason everywhere!!
Government policy claims that many 'elderly' struggle to use the internet because they've never had to, especially women. I suspect we're now getting past that,
We're getting past that in two ways. One, the generations that grew up without it are leaving us, and two, older people are finally catching on.

I grew up in a world that didn't have home computers at all. Computers were just the things banks used to foul up your account, and later, to foul up your "charge card". I practically live on the internet now, and have been since it started, (I made my internet argument bones on Usenet, not WWW) but I also switched careers to programming in my 30s. There is some chance you have used a website I've written at least part of.

The internet itself has long been male-centric, but that has changed, a lot. The sense I get on Lit is that there's a lot of male-centricness here, but a lot of male writers are at least trying to look at women as real people, not just props in their fantasies. Though I know from my own writing that it is difficult. I've wrttten 3 of my 16 stories female-centric, from a female point of view, one where the only guy in the story was literally a faceless prop, but I'm sure women in the audience can see the male hand at work. It can't really be helped.
Not to derail the thread, but how many of you have been attacked verbally by a female reader for something in your stories? "Hey misogynist asshole!" Or something like that? And what was the reason for it? I know we can't please everyone and by the nature of what we write we're bound to piss someone of eventually. Just curious.
We're getting past that in two ways. One, the generations that grew up without it are leaving us, and two, older people are finally catching on.

I grew up in a world that didn't have home computers at all. Computers were just the things banks used to foul up your account, and later, to foul up your "charge card". I practically live on the internet now, and have been since it started, (I made my internet argument bones on Usenet, not WWW) but I also switched careers to programming in my 30s. There is some chance you have used a website I've written at least part of.

The internet itself has long been male-centric, but that has changed, a lot. The sense I get on Lit is that there's a lot of male-centricness here, but a lot of male writers are at least trying to look at women as real people, not just props in their fantasies. Though I know from my own writing that it is difficult. I've wrttten 3 of my 16 stories female-centric, from a female point of view, one where the only guy in the story was literally a faceless prop, but I'm sure women in the audience can see the male hand at work. It can't really be helped.
I try to write my women realistically too. Or at least that and people I’d like to know. Not a lot of female nymphomaniacs willing to admit what they are and enjoy it in real life. At least not that I’ve met. But I have a very good imagination. I don’t think I’ve ever written a character as a faceless prop, though opinions may vary as to what that is.